The Michigan Dail
Resolutions passed by the Dental
Large Crowd Assured by the Advance Class of 1907, upon the death of their
Sale of Seats-A Synopsis of the late classmate, Gustav A. Goette.
Play:Whereas, in the sadness at the
Play. death of Gustav Alfred Goette,awhnm
the Divine Providence has seen fit to
The advance sale of seats for the take from us, the Class of 1907 in the
initial performance of ' the Comedy Dental Department of the University
Club opened yesterday morning. The o f Michigan desire to express their
management is highly gratified at the deep sense of loss, therefore
results of the early sale which already Be it Resolved, That in the death
insures a well-filled house. of Mr. Goette the class has lost a
The play is by Augustin Daly, a
Thrce comey infyougacsn dayhemember whom it honored for his man-
farce comedy in four acts and the ly character and sterling worth, and
plot in brief is as follows: loved for his genial disposition and
Professor Babbit, professor of Lan- kindness.
guages at Anntown University, during Be it also Resolved, That we ex-
his wife's and youngest daughter's ab- tend to his bereaved parents and fam-
sence on a summer's vacation, amuses ily our heart-felt sympathy in this
himself by rummaging among his old hour of sadness
papers and books and unearths a tra- Bu of sadnes
gedy, written by him in his younger of these resolutions be sent to the
days, dealing with the Rape of theofteerslinsbsntoth
Sabin dains byth the Roman Sol family and also inserted in the college
Sabine Maidens by teRmnSl ae''
diery. iue reads this youthful ebuli- paper. C. P. HENDRICKS
tion to his maid of all work and so E. C. STANTON,
impresses her that she becomes im- J. S. HAWLEY,
bued with the idea that she herself Committee.
is partly responsible for it.C
Marcus Brutus Snap, a traveling
showman and head of "Snapp's Re- COffrUNICATION.
nowned Dramatic Combination" cal-
ling upon the Professor to seek his Reasons for the Service Given by As-
patronage learns from Susan, the sistants in the General Library.
maid, that the professor has written
a tragedy and with a keen eye on the
main chance offers to produce it. Af- There seems to be some dissatis-
ter a little hesitation, owing to his faction on the part of a great many
wife's extreme objection to the thea- students who frequent the library, as
tre, the professor is won over to con- to the service given there. This was
sent to its production. evinced by an article in The Argus of
Many difficulties beset the intrepid the 12th inst. in which the attendants
Snap, but are overcome by the won- were roasted for causing "a great
derful ingenuity of his wife and final- waste of time."
ly the play is billed; the leading char- The writer is one of the attendants
acter, Cassius, being played by Jack at the library and would like to make
Mulberry, the runaway son of an Eng- a brief statement of the real condition
lish nobleman, who is in hot pursuit
of his erring child.
Over fifty Junior Lits gathered
about the banquet- table Thursday-
Indoor Schedule Will Soon be Com- night athOyster ay.'An elaborate
pleted-Track Work Progressing menu, witty speeches and good mu
Satisfactorily - Class Relay sic served to fill a very pleasant ev
Races Begin Feb. 20. eriing. Mr. Sonnenschein acted as
toast master and found many amusing
Director Baird is now in Chicago stories to spring on the unsuspecting
and while there wil arrange for an speakers.
Mr. Holderman was not present, be-
indoor meet to be held in WatermanloonhewytMiealstorp
gymnasium some time in March. It resent Michay ton inneapolis to rep-
has been impossible to make satisfac-rnentchicaledeonM. ior.tore-
tory arrangements with the First Reg- sposdhtonthe toastnOur.AlmarMater,
iment and it is highly probable that he close the progr he ban
the University of Wisconsin track qutesaose adleedtan
team will come here for an indoor queters arose and listened standing,
dual meet. Wisconsip always has a to a set of resolutions of condolence
strong track -team and the meet, if t be sent to the class president, Mr.
arranged, will be an exciting and death of his f ralled home by the
nercely contested affair. eto at ere
The last dual track meet between The toasts were responded to as
Wisconsin and Michigan was held at leticsS
Madison in May, 1898 and on that o n-
casionthe Yellow and Blue triumphed, culy-L. Hull.
Track work is progressing very sat- The Press-Bill Baley.
isfactorily. The new men are show- The Bohner-Gundry.
ing a gratifying willingness to work Queens of the Campus-C. Sproat.
and there is no perceptible decrease The Dept.,C-Jayne.
in the number of candidates for the Tuttles-Ch. Campbell.
team. Next Saturday afternoon time
trials will be held in order to obtain EXCELLENT CONCERT.
some sort of a line on the new men.
The first class relay races will be Audience Displayed Excessive Enthusi-
held at the 'Varsity preliminary meet asm-All the Performers Especial
on February 20. Every relay team ly Good-A Lack of Encores.
will compete at this time and in view
of the fact that the date is only a
little more than a month away, Direc- The main feature of the concert last
for Fitzpatrick suggests that the night was the failure of the Quartet
teams begistraining at once. There to respond to encores. The audience
has already been a great deal of dis- was very enthusiastic; time and again
cussion as to she chances of the vai- the performers were forced to ack-
us classes to win the much coveted nowledge the applause, but not once
relay championship and there will be did the Quartet respond with a se-
some exciting races at the meets this lection. Mr. Schroeder rendered a
winter. The '06 Engineers, last year's violincello solo as an encore to a quar-
tet selection in which he sustained
the most prominent part; this was
_ jfar from gratifying the enthusiasm
Mrs. Babbit's sudden return with ++ + +++ +++++++++-+" ''++ +++++++++ ++-+-+ of the audience.
her youngest daughter Nisbe, threat- T H E The Quartet, consisting of first and
ens to frustrate the professor's plans UNIVERSITYsecond violins, a viola and violineel-
to witness the first performance but PR.OFESSOR'S lo, discoursed music of an exceptional-
by the subtle wit of Nisbe and the as- ly sweet kind. The blending of. the
sistance of his son-in-law, Dr. Damask,'TKAGEDY V tones wia likewise a great feature
he manages to get away. in the success of the concert. The se-
Jack Mulberry and Dr. Damask are * lections forming the program seemed
old college chums and Mulberry seeks #4especially adapted to the Quartet.
the doctor's aid to square him with D All the performers proved themsel-
his father and gives the doctor a his-v ATHENS THEATRE yes to be perfect masters of their re-
tory of the escapade which has * AT N H R spective instruments. Alwin Schroe-
brought him to such a plight as to be- t SATVRDAY, JAN. 16. der gained great favor with the aud-
come a member of a traveling show. ience, his encore was heartily receiv-
With the help of the tangible evi- ++__ ""+++++++++ ++ - ++_+_ ed. Of distinct prominence was the
dance left in his hands by Jack the work of the leader, Mr. Franz Kneis-
doctor seeks to assuage his wife's as- wr ftelaeM.FpzKes
siduous insistence that at some per- existing there, believing that it will champions, loose theservicesofGeiger el. All that has already appeared in
od of his life he must have had a lead to a better public understanding while the '04 Laws who ran in the fi- praise of his work was more than
iod ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nl haves thehirut teama intactt. ettr ub Iudtrtadins-verified.
romantic "affaire de coeur" which he of the attendants' side of the case. nsa have their team intact. It ise
hides from her, and by relating to There are twelve regular attendants notsat all improbable that oneaof the LOYALTY TELEGRAM.
her the story confided to him by who each put in fifteen hours a week freshman tes witl again carry off A number of students sent the fol-
Jack with himself as hero succeeds The schedule of hours is so arranged t lowing telegram yesterday to the de-
in not only satisfying her curiosity at the beginning of each semester:la.tyear. bating team at Minneapolis: "We
but in landing himself in an awkward two "regulars" to be on duty for e-ry are with you, win or lose. Fight
dilemma from which he is saved by hour the library is open. There are - BASKET BALL GAME. hard."
the ubiquituous Snap, also some few "extras," usually six At four-thirty Friday afternoon the A
After a good deal of play of cross or eight, who put on three hours per first basket ball game of the year was ATHLETIC ASS'N ELECTON.
purposes and deception, matters are week for the privilege of the stacks. played, between the Seniors and a The annual etection of the Athletic
finally straightened out and every receiving no compensation. From picked team of Juniors and Sopho- Association will be held at 1:30 this
thing ends to the satisfaction of all, these reserves, vacancies on the rep- mores. The game came out three to afternoon in University Hall.
ular staff are filled. one in favor of the Seniors. For the ANOTHER STUDENT DEAD.
CONCERT AT YPSILANTI. The regular receives a fraction ov- first game of the year the playing was Thomas MeDowell, Jr., a freshman
The Glee Club concert at Ypsilanti er 12 cents per hour as his pay. It pretty good. There was much good engineering student died at his home
on Wednesday night was a decided is skilled labor; each man must go team work in the courts, but there in Niagara Falls, N. Y. Thursday
sucess both from a musical and from through the "reserve" apprenticeship were also many wild play -. night. McDowell went home at the
a financial point of view. The opera before appointment as a regular. The line-up of the teams was as beginning of the Christmas vacation
house was well filled with an enthu- Now no man on the reserve list follows: and while there underwent an opera-
siastic audience which again and really appreciates the difficulties of an SENIORS. tion for appendicitis from the effects
again demanded encores so that the attendant's work until he has been Baskets-Kinan, Stratton, Enyart. of which he died.
program of eleven numbers was swell- promoted to the regular staff. Then Centers--Dibble, Yerkes, Freeman.
ed to twenty-seven. after a few months' work, or perhaps Guards--Whitmore, Aldrich, Kinan. ENGINEERING SOCIETY.
Among the encores given were a year or two, rarely lpnger, he rea- - The Engineering Society meets Sat-
"Dogs in the Alley," and "A Little lizes that he is too poorly paid, re- JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES. . urday evening, January 16th, at S p.
Peach in an Orchard Grew," by the signs and goes to other work. Thus Guards--Green, Dale, Stark. m. in the Museum Lecture Room. The
Glee Club; andante and waltz by the there is a continuous stream of new Centers-Winsor, Stark, Hayes, meeting this week promises to be of
Banjo Club; "Thy Musette" and men going on as regulars to take the Baskets-Shafer, Snover, Brodbridge, especial interest, as two papers on
"What's the Matter with the Moon places of those who resign. There The Seniors got the ball first in practical Forestry will be given. Mr.
Tonight?" by the Mandolin Club. are are at present'only two men on both halves, but the playing was Artiaga will speak on "Engineering of
The Glee Club numbers were all the staff (Juniors) who served prior quick and neither side kept the ball Forestry," and Mr. Bradfield will give
well received and a solo sung by the to '02-'03; only two others who served any length of time. Miss Enyort, on a talk, illustrated with lantern slides,
leader. E. F. Parker, made the hit of the first semester of last year. The the Senior, side, did the most spec- on the Government Survey of last
the evening. The Banjo and Mandolin majority are new men this year; tatular playing of anyone. She tried summer., Both of these men were, on
Club selections, being of a more live- three were appointed in December. her last year's trick of throwing the the survey, and had some very inter-
ly character than the songs were even From the data here given it will be ball and running and catching it with esting experiences. This is an open
more encored. The work of all the seen that most of the men have had much success several times. On the meeting and all members of the Uni-
clubs showed both musical talent and no extended experience and to be an Junior-Sophomore side, Miss Emily versity, as well as of the Engineering
careful training and the concert was efficine attendant, this is absolutely Stark did about the best work. Two Department are invited.
in every way a credit to the Univer- necessary. One must be acquainted baskets were made by Miss Kinan. The Engineering Society has been
sity, with the author, title, and approxi- and one by Miss Enyart on the Senior showing a very healthy growth, and
The annual "J" Hop concert will be mate place of many thousand books. side, and Miss Shafer, '05, made the much interest has been shown in its
given the night following the dance. Further, it will be seen that the other basket. meetings this year.
The upper floor will be reserved for real cause of inexperienced attend- After the game, a reception was The Society is fortunate in secur-
those who do not care to attend in ants is meager pay; some resign be- held in the parlors for all the girls in ing a larger room for this unusually
(Continued on page 2.) (Continued on page 2.) the gymnasium. interesting meeting.