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January 16, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-16

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The -MichiganDal
ANN ARBOR, lMICHIG XX ,TX I S1 1Y, JACXM",11"1' ir to


No. 77.



L ITS, MEDICS, ENGINEERS ',\ { c 1ff Cl I 'll' LOS

Captain Wendell Issues Call For
Candidates -- Three- Vacant
Places on Team.
Tolg t ini te toitN- r,'()1II of th
\-ilitl W] hl d osftiitst ithanfHit hiave-
bal titic tit ( fiarthe f}eiar. Troitai' f"Moli-..
Wendll asCrquetedtt alvtutuwIo
hasal fiitetlntiio f iiiiii titfo th
fietl re ai rd ''aineri Keene
work to e folowe du ingtheft asIf
nwwe u ti ate te eii ifi fti lt,
seold e eser b t iisitt eemediI a-i
tohv r t il t1n eainessi
ife out ofifitilt if
ndlen tsflit new nlei l p to t1'it for
pl . tere are tilte ittisitioso wich
erni i ifitcliti- law ch i onhi p. iiii Ti hei
gu-c lst- Sof t. CptainftfCampbflla nditi
the t ti n t oirli tug huiirs leave th
pos. -ition s f thrsi horftsNtp anI right
tAtu theriu inducement tif ist t h ar it tat
clitito giest atf Vanderhitil1 Kenttfi lit


Jittits 2.

Clilti--it itCliiao
finiissee t 'it ovitllrfe.
TeIl tuutoei a t oxiifft
CVattferibilt.it CNasliltle.
Vateilt t Nasvillef.
Vadr itNa i lithilte
Obliftat Anti Arbor.
Illinois at Climign.~
CWist tiiitii it C tfisitti
Cf itt~ i ti tChicai-it
CC'sciuisfii at Annti Arbtor.
Illintot's at Ann ACrborti.
f11nI tiiChamnpaignt.
Chtiagoi iatIv-Arbotr.

L.aws Against Plan-Senior Classes
Held Meetings Yesterday to
Decide Question.
oiitif ti all ifthe senitr tcfasse ic tilt
forI se-t-ttle et-it -istrifts ii11 ifte idifferet-i
decpartmenuts. A tHi tns h
stetior fits;uandumdicft fi ittilt nos
hut otbject ttto 1 Tfpaf' iciftritihil
thelasitte agint it.
Ct thel Seiorii'lit.i-fisst itet-ifit- -iste-'
if ll ttues oft lsss t ecls isru t
edf its ttomittetto confteriit ithtilt
iofiititthe eoialIcommtttii itteesiandts far-

Te liii ft
fiats mi t in
te lii & e t
cmis li ft cain
C hi rm n lam i t - s te et Pt-ll
i o tii ihdi h
lit ilit itit-ll.
l mi th lt'
i f ii irt ciii

TheIboardIf drtf rs f theffich-f
tgtn CUtitn fhfd'tmeting ye rsterday
srirytvic-ipretusit.flitetiarifis tie-
Amt Angeillitand it is hotpedthaI t 'in
tearftureiiaii lii iililt treptyiwill fhe
fTelarisi alit ottissuing-iathfiir titw
pag boketwhchiftot be it lustrateif
w itttfithspus itws itid fitures ishowintg
clu ou es inittthrifoleitsfiThet fbook-i
itoo almi andi iift ftit ti fullrepted
At theli iibi-weelycoluium iiitihi-lf'in
th hmclbutidinig yesterday-, - Prof.
:1. 1. \ ht spoke on "The hNficro-
III ,iitiiuilpte prodit-. Proufessoir
"Prtln cemenii iit is-mtadeicby cot-n
and clay Iitifith i iroillrttistand iem-
studfsttiitnt tpt fs oniitte attempit
tettsearch worktat has beettdonitn
ft C iii t ofi Cichtiganilabohut iory
fitnch ft iii ifititi indiifiusry
fTeenineettrs hfdthe foutrthiiffit-eit
dancng prtie atGranigers last eveti-
ing. Inispftetiof tte iclemetirtiweatherr,
it-e ga~fthring-'it--sti represeintaive one
andi itiformat lls pltisantTOfltetngineerts
have'''uaddeved'u such at charmting suiccss
ifthru--h tif dances this seasonthflit
ftrad i tlt uu ofitherotherr detparltents
-regiet-ti'rflicI'of in itiatfietlting the
litt of soialifactivities.
Judge-it llCufiamNI,'i.Brotwn, '70.,nmembfer
of t-e tetoorial committee, is in the
city soicfiitig funids for thie nmenorial

as possible supfpori suci tt i dea. tu WCC't i vestiil
fitm thfits memrititiifwas ii to ite/w s nti sitctrib ters-oi.
didedtIbut nwis lfttot the f i scrtiontutu e of han1di cart
ifthe ficommttt itte.Tefquest in ofit prri ac
fits etinif ito ctut i nauu if lt t iItion w eey ttese for lt fti's-
Ltniicu houtfitfittsueitas ititetec iteecuse souvershould
i ttiifi t t e utuf-irtt he young-it- aIieis. >ity °ii itill 1
filit latterfihotwevert'si-gtnlfifi tit wllu sot -Ve Stud
fTh isenttir mics hld a itin tt o ise
yeisterday fit t nli forill e Itt retilt if -iMifburn of
flit-it didtingirwatitac tittionthyiold posd aIcass
tall inthetit tter fe et dds oe
cutson t hey tttsf ifly- ifeciedtoi throw ii Itufle clst ii it
ofll thef utniorct lar ssies.i teetasires-tptnded'ii
T hetu ,i ii fut-ngifeefs tuuls dci dedty pt. ~l t iii ii ,s
butt ifstr t-uosly-iobjicte -to uafpictue o ft en is
fIt- Tut-ig n.fTuir ettu nineersoo.viewhu h efitha ifns'r e
plan of pi c tufteiaslinit f ailet onti utu - utIe icasstiti s
tlure if it si denfft-ttt ftctttt iftTp a o l o t in orderi ei ngif fit
lith n ighb rhodiff $xno w ile ttheIsile l atts tpite
t-co eum'mit-t -hIs onlyi$85osor it~oo t it Jollyf i u cl tc
te do nt- apps ovet- fit pf resentt tt ior- i left C filtheg
fltrt.ting t -ut eif i fu hf- 'o6 Taws Iit lii 5 ili' as
nguto totstutu itheu'uefst'ontutuitefitfiinhthe ifiut' rrua
thecleaingtututiltfthe clasit.avored tuf I -the im
ft.ntt memorial t rtjtu- . putwti n flit. age three roue 1

its hed ttlitiportutu
ii d thejtu memis a
rus f t he i nvsitt ion
I- Ic(1 ultta t the fseior
t hlaepit. Th
11 i tutbo sdu uto
tncr titisu will apa
fithe tut pasI(lo
fitlcl Tu pites t he
he Iwe tice ts ieach.
ctl f ifSo s f ile
lit te th clas ado td
ii he clats n merls 11
[h se1 i uif d nCfumeral
1 1 uthufd(sir t ss
1 sig at oce. fAtampl
he iuf suuuuiuatiToulp-
luut sht)" oni liaf
.k f lits are no tutuin tte
heuf ts itciaco lift tuf ro
ii tal ii tutuhe eld in Bar-ft
irst of ilet-I l~tr
'Irs th -Cf pi lrr ut i i
ipe nd stintolt-t
in itnepl ic'tf , utuguai
lttu-u' cgc. u Mr.u' lrk
'ithe irt clas ppeco ttfrt
.ded to R. I+. follyti-il

JI~ llA tru t [ t ti.

tutuiig fit- li

tiorttlt- ils
f Cf it-ftilui's

"The Most Useful Citizen in New
York" to Appear Under Auspices
of Students' Lecture Assn.
denuts utiis'uuidfi-ttircs futiu'il ftOlbe
suuic-u'ilinedu. If iti thatwfessoriilnoftii-
ice'th afudienceflu whictlif;tens ttosIJatuft
C. R~t~iiin i tutu itu ht tthis cvening;,-
Its itill sieetiitsttude t itrsisted et t i
and rousd ttiu 'ta fu-iziti tut f iii
ofte--rieattesttprubufmtut n AericCatuuut ii
dfuy-tft i iiftue conittuiono hepo
i the gret-' c-itties. Ile, wtill se-e- themt
u'utcu't tuusuf it is ttruetuthe ill it-u I
st-e tuetu insitruci ted andtu fititttu ITfl
tintghfitle tpotitstotfttheifspeaker'usitu-
drt-sstututu otuhaluni itafit--till ha
itttititiithe u tu Iis qjuid: I mmothis i
ttutguuiut i ti futunlsiasinfis tutu'1 tutuliii'
humaniuty, anduuilthueiswttuderfulfpessnat -
lity wit ch iltetifliesthel i aii . 'T'flu tif ro-
fessort till ~ sesitluaudfetceu whotilt ize
ta moretu fromiut hut uus-t iMthifanitmerk,'~
fTe itul s suict uessoiitfont has
sctitedsfotut is ecutitutu tumt i ii ftt
Role O elltht I'stilet-itRoosievelt
stuf f imtutuItutu-- tot Jaclob Riis
I,-;ithe motitisftigiiJtuizenhills titustork."
Iu utrmed a utrampu~. Ile slet-il itolice
- itittuns -tutu Ivtnliitts-rtuevrifs Ihis hutst
cuat: inicoldfsufus'wtittrvs a fluitinfdustesr:
het wtashtutugri- forrufuys uttld uts glaud
toi estia - 'ttof breaduha'ntdiusures shioveud
to - hi fttrtugh ths- 'llsy indowutiu sofa
hl th kit.Itt.ii ;h ssuffseitt1ths tisery
ifo i uf povrtya tutoelssne5tss Iiity auth
Buhfallthetis e ttuhu. s lookuuiig fort
sutirfiutuil i sth chicecai-tit hi to ihs
tituspei reprter, c antdtufaisli ht ihu
«"'t;sdhut sotwe11 thut lily Iut111,1h
is <i utuitt rut r li ttis list ill if uit
The tin=htusuiJai-tltIsis;sutrtedfii
oi dotwny-ie iers tgouwrrsth-
ictar thit ht.crowdeIdifus teutut it htuutses
i Ciiie C Forktandftt intirtptlace
sml utrks iudIfltutuet' garulcens; htoit-c
thatusenible tene nts'fhotus. huts swieri
paseu<idf rfuuusu :Itothdoittwavyusth
pce s'-stat ttu huhltutunghouses ; to -si-c luat
therei' i'su's'ienoutgh tuicschooutils for
till theil'dreufn--tof NteutYNutk;f ht i sitat-
(Continued on page si.)

CThes-meetin tg till1 tchehhdinithis-ftfrophy
ro at 7 t0ch)til<sentdfeveryi manti ho
has'any iitiuushm un this l11eus' Ae
Ye'sterdauy- te tracsstaid'uafutics wr
ont lti'-iti f dathutgh ntthling- sfpe'ed
ifstuto'e, this' usiualf rtut uuine tot= i-
ous tttaceda 'agesumberu iiitf endwuts-
iasts. Coautchi-tzpautricki eywl
pleauisedhwithu te showuinguuuanttuis in hpe
thaut more o ii f u-eunewt'mtutuill cotuou tut
as thusri' tutu-stiffl iis-uerifevents twhesrt
itswt'tut-tishottud fits lt o ' akeit good.i
C numttbitruoft hetsouhf tuu liiienttuas
yei appeared uuIlifortratice, tutu it is prouhi
aitha tt hitwrtiutlsIuhutdhut'w-cforitt-
lizdfo-fic-theuentf ifthis wecil
J._C. IRttawlis, 's ift httio8lawhis has
hutset nominaluted-f fu iftoecati nsotiffit

titws favort at conihiluus-I uusuuoufifut-tak
ths ftarmiof ai picture- if JudtigcCooley.

hut abhsoutelys-Iure-fuset'oiciiinsideufra'ut
othuetrtitutusitiiitu fT

Off thIN -I fOI fPSI I
D1 fififi\ 18Sft O II CIII

Y(fSf 1S8ST 11ffINT E 1111 11CC1,.
in attrecen t itriw iwillt1Filing,
If1 'osii thou aIruuuuouuu(W. ICC)Culilne'-
qutes~' Cri ottuas ,,lying:
ueitiply tufuc uuld t hp it Out'
defeft byChiy ucag-ot will m itt-tleitchuantge-
itn thefoufttiall stats if thi st.si fMift-
ittnhutshier 'staiufung establhedfus.-tuud
it ttill tkei' motre thanittgtuecdfeaut ii
chuatuge the ubltichuttuifd. Of i 'cr i-tutu
kntist'outu'teft-ittiwas flitught--lu u-
tisualifocctivotuis tut it s todfjutt e
samets. Yiiu sill se itCi htiialist'vefth-
grettst tttemini]lut-hitoriuy usext -year.
-C stenuus effoirt il hfehsmadetito ipelti
out ftfe mtotirufthif d-fs-hi--it aI
]Iit thet.samit.tiartiule thu ft'imets speak,
itt 'tosi tas ai tutcflIboy uwht outas ush
arrivsesd initowtnt on buusness. ts'usill
spetodfthis- witter utand uuusummrin atut
about Fairott

- Icd 117ei f t'u -'ul11s 011 u s o fuo heo
Mafetnic ustututaIhile inusuuAim ;Arbort
ft-ith h l fciut firt-usf colles ill
TI e 1S 1(?Sen 11 tilt th tu'tle h
Teo1io i1 111 Semstohe ha
111) 1titt hutii f ttu tut . ii tt- t.'t eS in
hiefi itt-N-ig tt fcS Should he 1'uuuuihu Still
more Is fiit i e m tter oif icttsi-
huiftin r tufcthth wi ufllipretut, oir hull
ht trei'stt het sfpetcie. Iof sei-u ttufit-
siuuuuuuisuuu thut i ssts ututuut ()fiictl-
leg'-S. just is it doeis ecii iiihut .Someu
Sy'sitem itiit Iheis eisidthafu t itill furi sh
ri-teatthusoa Suir utussthatiieverytmuttoitl
ife vrio u'u s ts is a botutufide studt.lu
IIS tut Isonsuitfotbai ll a h ot
baull thay-eS'

thiuc's- tfhctic ittuas foriterstucts'hlasic ___
Ifs te. e ill. tiuiss iintutopposithin. Waliter'Rheoinschiild is cottftneid tolilt
Rainsiutuis at member of tiihue IDs-ht Clii toteits-ttWiest Virgittia liy itOattlack of
fratesritys. -ttisiflii s


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