The -MichiganDal ANN ARBOR, lMICHIG XX ,TX I S1 1Y, JACXM",11"1' ir to VOL. XVI. No. 77. BASEBALI L CANDIDATES WILL MEET TONIGHT L ITS, MEDICS, ENGINEERS ',\ { c 1ff Cl I 'll' LOS RATIFY JOINT MEMORIAL KI 1 ,1' Captain Wendell Issues Call For Candidates -- Three- Vacant Places on Team. Tolg t ini te toitN- r,'()1II of th \-ilitl W] hl d osftiitst ithanfHit hiave- bal titic tit ( fiarthe f}eiar. Troitai' f"Moli-.. Wendll asCrquetedtt alvtutuwIo hasal fiitetlntiio f iiiiii titfo th fietl re ai rd ''aineri Keene work to e folowe du ingtheft asIf nwwe u ti ate te eii ifi fti lt, seold e eser b t iisitt eemediI a-i tohv r t il t1n eainessi ife out ofifitilt if ndlen tsflit new nlei l p to t1'it for pl . tere are tilte ittisitioso wich erni i ifitcliti- law ch i onhi p. iiii Ti hei gu-c lst- Sof t. CptainftfCampbflla nditi the t ti n t oirli tug huiirs leave th pos. -ition s f thrsi horftsNtp anI right tAtu theriu inducement tif ist t h ar it tat clitito giest atf Vanderhitil1 Kenttfi lit IfM ICfI ICC-C'S FiASfffisAI. SAO 17.. 20i. 21S. 12. Jittits 2. Clilti--it itCliiao finiissee t 'it ovitllrfe. TeIl tuutoei a t oxiifft CNasliltle. Vateilt t Nasvillef. Vadr itNa i lithilte fflinistAitnntiArbor. Obliftat Anti Arbor. ChicagoiaiiAnntArbotr. Illinois at Climign.~ CWist tiiitii it C tfisitti Cf itt~ i ti tChicai-it CC'sciuisfii at Annti Arbtor. Illintot's at Ann ACrborti. f11nI tiiChamnpaignt. Chtiagoi iatIv-Arbotr. Against Plan-Senior Classes Held Meetings Yesterday to Decide Question. oiitif ti all ifthe senitr tcfasse ic tilt forI se-t-ttle et-it -istrifts ii11 ifte idifferet-i decpartmenuts. A tHi tns h stetior fits;uandumdicft fi ittilt nos hut otbject ttto 1 Tfpaf' iciftritihil thelasitte agint it. Ct thel Seiorii'lit.i-fisst itet-ifit- -iste-' if ll ttues oft lsss t ecls isru t edf its ttomittetto confteriit ithtilt iofiititthe eoialIcommtttii itteesiandts far- Te liii ft fiats mi t in te lii & e t cmis li ft cain C hi rm n lam i t - s te et Pt-ll i o tii ihdi h lit ilit itit-ll. l mi th lt' i f ii irt ciii TheIboardIf drtf rs f theffich-f tgtn CUtitn fhfd'tmeting ye rsterday srirytvic-ipretusit.flitetiarifis tie- gitt-wittltSar'it,-i-tthierfortrirt Amt Angeillitand it is hotpedthaI t 'in tearftureiiaii lii iililt treptyiwill fhe tecittedti fTelarisi alit ottissuing-iathfiir titw pag boketwhchiftot be it lustrateif w itttfithspus itws itid fitures ishowintg clu ou es inittthrifoleitsfiThet fbook-i itoo almi andi iift ftit ti fullrepted PfRfff )FSflff-WHITIfSGAVE, C. NI sRUI''IV IF',fCTUfRf At theli iibi-weelycoluium iiitihi-lf'in th hmclbutidinig yesterday-, - Prof. :1. 1. \ ht spoke on "The hNficro- III ,iitiiuilpte prodit-. Proufessoir "Prtln cemenii iit is-mtadeicby cot-n and clay Iitifith i iroillrttistand iem- studfsttiitnt tpt fs oniitte attempit tettsearch worktat has beettdonitn ft C iii t ofi Cichtiganilabohut iory fitnch ft iii ifititi indiifiusry ITO NIIRI I T'IPf L1I1HT FANTASTIC fTeenineettrs hfdthe foutrthiiffit-eit dancng prtie atGranigers last eveti- ing. Inispftetiof tte iclemetirtiweatherr, it-e ga~fthring-'it--sti represeintaive one andi itiformat lls pltisantTOfltetngineerts have'''uaddeved'u such at charmting suiccss ifthru--h tif dances this seasonthflit ftrad i tlt uu ofitherotherr detparltents -regiet-ti'rflicI'of in itiatfietlting the litt of soialifactivities. Judge-it llCufiamNI,'i.Brotwn, '70.,nmembfer of t-e tetoorial committee, is in the city soicfiitig funids for thie nmenorial as possible supfpori suci tt i dea. tu WCC't i vestiil fitm thfits memrititiifwas ii to ite/w s nti sitctrib ters-oi. didedtIbut nwis lfttot the f i scrtiontutu e of han1di cart ifthe ficommttt itte.Tefquest in ofit prri ac fits etinif ito ctut i nauu if lt t iItion w eey ttese for lt fti's- Ltniicu houtfitfittsueitas ititetec iteecuse souvershould i ttiifi t t e utuf-irtt he young-it- aIieis. >ity °ii itill 1 filit latterfihotwevert'si-gtnlfifi tit wllu sot -Ve Stud fTh isenttir mics hld a itin tt o ise yeisterday fit t nli forill e Itt retilt if -iMifburn of flit-it didtingirwatitac tittionthyiold posd aIcass tall inthetit tter fe et dds oe cutson t hey tttsf ifly- ifeciedtoi throw ii Itufle clst ii it ofll thef utniorct lar ssies.i teetasires-tptnded'ii T hetu ,i ii fut-ngifeefs tuuls dci dedty pt. ~l t iii ii ,s butt ifstr t-uosly-iobjicte -to uafpictue o ft en is fIt- Tut-ig n.fTuir ettu nineersoo.viewhu h efitha ifns'r e plan of pi c tufteiaslinit f ailet onti utu - utIe icasstiti s tlure if it si denfft-ttt ftctttt iftTp a o l o t in orderi ei ngif fit lith n ighb rhodiff $xno w ile ttheIsile l atts tpite t-co eum'mit-t -hIs onlyi$85osor it~oo t it Jollyf i u cl tc te do nt- apps ovet- fit pf resentt tt ior- i left C filtheg fltrt.ting t -ut eif i fu hf- 'o6 Taws Iit lii 5 ili' as nguto totstutu itheu'uefst'ontutuitefitfiinhthe ifiut' rrua thecleaingtututiltfthe clasit.avored tuf I -the im memorial t rtjtu- . putwti n flit. age three roue 1 its hed ttlitiportutu ii d thejtu memis a rus f t he i nvsitt ion I- Ic(1 ultta t the fseior t hlaepit. Th 11 i tutbo sdu uto tncr titisu will apa fithe tut pasI(lo fitlcl Tu pites t he he Iwe tice ts ieach. ctl f ifSo s f ile lit te th clas ado td ii he clats n merls 11 [h se1 i uif d nCfumeral 1 1 uthufd(sir t ss 1 sig at oce. fAtampl he iuf suuuuiuatiToulp- luut sht)" oni liaf .k f lits are no tutuin tte heuf ts itciaco lift tuf ro ii tal ii tutuhe eld in Bar-ft irst of ilet-I l~tr 'Irs th -Cf pi lrr ut i i ipe nd stintolt-t in itnepl ic'tf , utuguai lttu-u' cgc. u Mr.u' lrk 'ithe irt clas ppeco ttfrt .ded to R. I+. follyti-il JI~ llA tru t [ t ti. JACOB A. RIIS SPEAKS TONIGHT tutuiig fit- li tiorttlt- ils f Cf it-ftilui's "The Most Useful Citizen in New York" to Appear Under Auspices of Students' Lecture Assn. denuts utiis'uuidfi-ttircs futiu'il ftOlbe suuic-u'ilinedu. If iti thatwfessoriilnoftii- ice'th afudienceflu whictlif;tens ttosIJatuft C. R~t~iiin i tutu itu ht tthis cvening;,- Its itill sieetiitsttude t itrsisted et t i and rousd ttiu 'ta fu-iziti tut f iii ofte--rieattesttprubufmtut n AericCatuuut ii dfuy-tft i iiftue conittuiono hepo i the gret-' c-itties. Ile, wtill se-e- themt u'utcu't tuusuf it is ttruetuthe ill it-u I st-e tuetu insitruci ted andtu fititttu ITfl tintghfitle tpotitstotfttheifspeaker'usitu- drt-sstututu otuhaluni itafit--till ha itttititiithe u tu Iis qjuid: I mmothis i ttutguuiut i ti futunlsiasinfis tutu'1 tutuliii' humaniuty, anduuilthueiswttuderfulfpessnat - lity wit ch iltetifliesthel i aii . 'T'flu tif ro- fessort till ~ sesitluaudfetceu whotilt ize ta moretu fromiut hut uus-t iMthifanitmerk,'~ fTe itul s suict uessoiitfont has sctitedsfotut is ecutitutu tumt i ii ftt Role O elltht I'stilet-itRoosievelt stuf f imtutuItutu-- tot Jaclob Riis I,-;ithe motitisftigiiJtuizenhills titustork." Iu utrmed a utrampu~. Ile slet-il itolice - itittuns -tutu Ivtnliitts-rtuevrifs Ihis hutst cuat: inicoldfsufus'wtittrvs a fluitinfdustesr: het wtashtutugri- forrufuys uttld uts glaud toi estia - 'ttof breaduha'ntdiusures shioveud to - hi fttrtugh ths- 'llsy indowutiu sofa hl th kit.Itt.ii ;h ssuffseitt1ths tisery ifo i uf povrtya tutoelssne5tss Iiity auth Buhfallthetis e ttuhu. s lookuuiig fort sutirfiutuil i sth chicecai-tit hi to ihs tituspei reprter, c antdtufaisli ht ihu «"'t;sdhut sotwe11 thut lily Iut111,1h is