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January 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Dal Vol. XVIII. Nt;. 78. I c i ions to follow in thte footsteps not of DaifI~l l)'ssls l r on to he particularly strong. CONFERENCE IHARSb the hest scholars hat of thse sest play- MICHIGAN1 DvBATErS. och- adlro Ciag- shoeu I tts)for t o ttining teants. Ie saidl last OF 'BOARD' ACTION Th esl of the conference Wasthe CHICAGO 'RIDM cwek : "The men are workig hard anti -- waythtrew the Conferencre colleges into one:, ss Ittt prhap...…

February 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily VOL. XVIII. A---NN-ARBOR, IlCI1fIbr.'\, SA \T ldl),V l,"EIIldVARd\ r5. IQOS BASKETBALL FALLS iSNIORIs 11 ANNUTIIT llS\iN )T IN THE LIMELIGHT, _________done11in1regard* to te sbingout. lTe Next 'Week Sees Interclass Con- c pyatolt la cci tests Begin - Fifteen Teams 011) tl ttt patt r1t111 inte 111)101a1 ftunction said thtey regartdedt it aschd Promise--Fast---League. lis, lintoadmittetd th...…

March 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…VOThe Michigan Daily VLi. ANN iARIBOR, 1MJCIUGA--\,SITNDAY, MARCH 15, 1908, No. z2,. COE. DEFEATS HASKINS IN SPLENDID CONTEST Easterner Couldn't Gain in Final Sprint-Benbrook Puts Shot 43 Feet-Myers Wins Quarter in Fast Time-Numerous Vet- erans Attend Meet-Notre Dame Not Scheduled. ;peaks of the possibility of a game as *X(-tic1)Dan1e 1wo01(1be migbty glad to play ;M1icbigan. but theyre io a tigbt 1p1ace. 11(1i110nalans NOs. 14 for a 0101...…

May 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -MIlCI IOCAN, FRIDAY, M~vAY isz, 1908. No0. 167. BUCKEYES BETTER TIIAN EVER BEFORE Ohio State Sure of Three Points in Each Event-Cross Country Race Postponed. Facing thscetitssot scring tthree points intvrye ( hoSlha t uniivesit trk i team ill Iarriest paetdto cinithaniit hIsisetr lieen. Undser it the rs 'sirritin ills 7ttts Director IFitpaticlsma enteransit i siitit t ii ii titttc et bi tso d...…

October 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, Al CH IG-k\ THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1908. No. 1 . vo'.. XIX. EDIMUNDS GONE; TEAM WEAKENED Fullback Forced to Quit School- Scrubs Beaten in Weird Game --cC.C C. Plans Practice Run. isI toastandstill b sthescrubs, h u ii ha on sieledifilt i lai iii l mning to avert 5501 aitic by scoring w o field1 goalis and ( singl ln-udoĀ«xxii:Allrice icked101- gosl fromi toncdow~, eotha thescor atthe csd Iii cxcii thatitisis s~o...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The M ichigan Dail y ANN ,ARBOR,\MICHIGAeN 31ND Y.NO7V llPF R r.iga[90 V01- XIX. No. 42. MICHIGAN SUFFERS THIRD CONSECUTIVE BEATIN'G Quakers Outplay Men of Yost in Greatest Struggle of the Year; Allerdice Plays on Nerve With Broken Collar Bone; Captain Schulz Injured, Forced to Retire. 'ic~higa nr at th i iridI lumiiliationi at the hIands(15of the F Iakeri yesterday, aithe gorieacte'stiaeioftheIyear lby a coreoft 9ptto o.\ tlot ttttere ta...…

December 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail V'N\ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T FSDAY Di Vi-Nil')I R r;,1)08 o. V VOL. XIX. No. 6 ,5, 0OITLOOK PROMISES fllteVnt ntis Mticianit 1t Wealth of Material Is at Hand alltiititis for iteitrtack ttamiiti Cc for Distance Runs; Candidates ii tisteditoottlit ti of Nt tttsat gt1lit Fleet at Gymnnasiunm Tonight tsimstiti itttot Fitpatricktiti Cp on the tcktierc sicus to Vsetairob-tmetintgt abiliity thtttNiic ii n i sniid ta ite Suib Agii Dow...…

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