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November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…1e M diiga ait Vol. C, No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 15, 1990 CGP~r'ght 990 Senate Assembly to discuss faculty, staff harassment policy by Nicole James Daily Staff Reporter Twelve additional revisions to a policy which would punish Univer- sity faculty and staff for discrimina- tory harassment will be discussed at the faculty's Senate Assembly meet- ing Monday. The Senate Assembly has been debating the policy for three year...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 15, 1990 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson CHALKER THIlS ~S lOE.ESS! NOAM A I WPOSED TO CREATE A. DESERT SCENEINITHIS Sl0E BOX WHENi' I. D*tT £'E Ktyck. W41r DESET ioolS 'Z- I kE NEVER BEEN f A. DESER!MOAoNDADN ~ FUN o ONAA.Q3ORS ! F INOV' TAK(EN W. TO A DSR SuMAm, I'D KNW IWS STUFNF! i- \A l vAlA'V c*T fiN Go Om A. ft) GET OU~T -MT WOW,8E N. BOK? ' Ew 5JV Ly, I'M A ABUS(I GVV TXkRGS TO DO tK...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, November 15,1990 - Page 3 Experts debate energy policies by Stefanie Vines Daily Research Reporter A forum concerning U.S. energy olicies featured speakers focusing n the energy problems forecasted for the 90s last night at East Quad. "It seemed like we needed a forum about nuclear power and other possi- ble energy sources. By talking about energy efficiency and renewable re- sPurces I think we can make our en...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…0 Page 4 -The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 15, 1990 G1be £i43can iBailj EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Administration defends campus cops Unsigned editorials represent a mnajority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion ...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Falstaff displays opera's excess Thursday, November 15, 1990 Page 5 by Mary Beth Barber L et's face it, opera is the most difficult genre of all stage art to per- form. It incorporates acting and singing (the vocal demands of opera are more strenuous than those for musical theater) with an elaborate set and a full orchestra. But because much of the beauty is in the music, opera has gained a reputation for simply fe...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 15, 1990 76405 ___ HAADAYCLASSIFIEDS' Line ads: S2.25/lineforfirst day, S.75/line for each additional. consecutive day DEADLINE is 11:30 am one business day prior to publication. ' Payment' Pre-Payment is required when placing an ad. Personal checks from Ann IArbor area banks, business checks, cashiers checks & money orders will be acepted. NO PERSONAL CHECKS will be accepted from out of town adve...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, November 15,1990-- Page 7 Theater Review Joe Turner exemplifies Wilson' s5 power by Forrest Green 111 Joe Turner's Come and Gone, but his victims live on and struggle for liberation from his malignant shadow. The University Players' production of this August Wilson play communicates the flight of newly freed African slaves to the North, or rather, the Pittsburgh of 1911. This production glows with the evocat...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 8

…Women's swimming at Eastern Michigan Tonight, 7:00 p.m. Ypsilanti, MI The Michigan Daily- F COURT 0LL PRESS Up and down, 'M' unveils a new image by Theodore Cox Daily Basketball Writer SPORTS Thursday, November 15, 1990 AUBURN HILLS - Whew! I got tired just watching them play. Maybe, the reason Michigan scored 121 points against Latvian National last night is because the NCAA tournament loss to Loyola Marymount is still fresh in Coach Steve ...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 15, 1990 Page 9 HOCKEY NOTEBOOK Blue spikers win State battle Wolverines beat MSU in four games for 2nd Big Ten victory by Albert Lin Daily Sports Writer TO liver s Twist: M' i icer breaks by Matt Rennie Daily Hockey Writer jaw The Michigan hockey team's top rookie scorer is suffering from some growing pains. First-year forward David Oliver broke his jaw in last Saturday's 3-3 tie with Michigan S...…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 15, 1990 - Roundball Roundtable Big Ten women's basketball coaches discuss the future 0 eMacintos by David Schechter Daily Basketball Writer INDIANAPOLIS - Eleven Big Ten coaches (Penn State included) debated the important issues about the present and future of their sport yesterday at the Big Ten Women's Basketball Conference in Indian- apolis. The conference welcomed Penn State's coach Rene P...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…TODAY Cloudy, rain likely; High: 50, Low:42. TOMORROW Partly sunny; AmIHigh: 43, Low: 31. Allw 4 INIDE... What's in North Campus buildings, anyway? See FridayFOCUS, Page 5. One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. Cil, No. 35Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 15, 1991 ne M0'gan paly Three dead in Royal Oak shooting Police holding former postal worker by Lynne Cohn and JoAnne Viviano Daily Staff Reporters ROYAL OAK - A f...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15, 1991 Midway Airlines workers face joblessness CHICAGO (AP) - Midway Airlines employees and others who depended on it for their livelihoods scrambled to find a new beginning yesterday after the surprise whirl- wind collapse of the carrier that once symbolized growth and success. Officials of the financially trou- bled airline promised legal action against their would-be suitor, Northwest Airlin...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15,1991 - Page 3 Federal judge talks on right t y Robin Litwin U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn enlightened a group of students about the right to privacy at Hutchins Hall last night. The speech, sponsored by the Michigan Student Assembly's Peace and Jus- tice Commission and the Under- graduate Law Club, related the topic to issues ranging from abor- ion to computer technology. "The right of privacy, howev...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…0 Page 4 -The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15,1991 G{b 3 C4janiUI 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW K. GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON Opinion Editor In the past two weeks, the Daily has received more letters per day than at any other time in recent history. Unfortunately, though, the sudden increase in the number of letters has made it near impo...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15, 1991 - Page 5 Conference will tackle real P.C. issues This weekend, the University will hold a conference to talk .What goes on inside the buildings ofNortb Campus? by Andrew Levy Daily Staff Reporter The Union. C.C. Little. The Bur- ton Tower. East Quad. The Diag. CCRB. Hill Auditorium. Crisler Arena. Just say these words, and anyone even remotely associated with the University - student, faculty, a...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…01 Page 6-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15, 1991 '91 CAPRI XR2 TURBO CONVERTIBLE Red with black top, 10 Cd player, A/C, 5- speed, power windows, 1.6L DOHC, 18000 miles, & recently detailed. $11900. Call 313/ 882-4084 after 6pm. HITACHI STEREO SYSTEM, AM/FM, dual cassette player, record player, 60 -wat speakers, $275. 677-3260, leave message. IBM PS/2 MODEL 70: 60 mb hard drive, Math Coprocessor, 2mb RAM VGA monitor, games and more. $...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15, 1991 - Page7 Administration stil by Bethany Robertson Daily Administration Reporter University adminstrators are 0 still receiving angry letters about one of the most controversial issues to hit the Fleming Administration Building this year. An advertisement promoting Holocaust revisionism, printed Oct. 24 in the Daily, has elicited more re- sponses than the federal audit re- leased in September charg...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…9 Page 8 -The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15,1991 Forum examinesM student experience by Lauren Dermer Daily Staff Reporter MSA committee split over police use of tear gas Extracurricular activities, vol- unteer experience, travel and study abroad have a greater influence on students' thoughts about future goals than does current academic work. This was one of the many con- clusions cited yesterday at an in- formal presentation and dis...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 9

…ARTS 'The Michigan Daily Friday, November 15, 1991 Page 9 Elitist theater robs true fans " A socialist critique of Mandy Patinkin, Broadway and Che Jansons carries on Norwegian tradition by Julie Komorn , by Philip Cohen M aybe Mandy Patinkin has fol- lowed a guerilla strategy to his en- tertainment career. He spreads him- self out, appears in unexpected ' places and launches surprise attacks on the rear guard. After his first appeara...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15,1991 Ja Jesus goes straight to heaven bO Nima Hodaei 'J do have maybe a different ap- proach, particularly lyrically, com- pared to a lot of people," says Mark Griffin (a.k.a. MC 900 Ft. Jesus). "I think maybe that helps sometimes to: give (journalists) something to write about. Even if you really like a4,and, a lot of times it's hard to think up something to say about them that couldn't apply ...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 15, 1991 - Page f who what where when Bruce Cockburn, a perennial fa- vorite of college leftists, appears at the Michigan Theater tonight. The Canadian folk-pop artist, at first in- fluenced by Bob Dylan, and later a Christian mystic (well, wait, didn't Bob have a "Christian mystic" phase), makes serious, socially con- scious music. Opening for Cockburn is similarly folky Sam Philips. Her friends that he...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 12

…9 Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15, 1991 AMAS Continued from page 9 cious. While Home Alone's Culkin soon got tiring slapping his face ev- ery five minutes, he wasn't shame- lessly overacting throughout the entire film. Relying on their pur- ported cuteness rather than on tal- ent and hard work, Birch and Randall add a new meaning to the word "obnoxious." Imagine. With a little cunning, a dash of luck, and a dose of Santa, Mom...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 13

…Football at Illinois Tomorrow, 3:30 p.m. (ABC) Champaign SPORTS Volleyball vs. Northwestern Tonight, 7:30 Cliff Keen Arena OThe Michigan Daily Friday, November 15, 1991 Page 13 Cuban cagers cruise, lose at Crisler Cuban defense suffocates Blue women, 976 by Ryan Herrington Daily Basketball Writer The Michigan woman's basketball team learned the hard way what international basketball is like. In an *xhibition game at Crisler Arena...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 14

…0 Page 14-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15,1991 ,; ,. Illinois can't matchup to rosy Blue . ¢ 1 Big Ten games pale to feud in Florida by Rich Mltvalsky Daily Sports Writer The 'Noles and the 'Canes mix it up this weekend, clearing the way for Michigan to move up. You know the scenario - Florida State beats Miami, then Florida beats Florida State and we're stylin' all the way to Pasadena! Iowa (5-1 in the Big Ten, 8-1 overall) at N...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 15, 1991 - Page 15 ,ko Spikers attempt to end losing streak by Ryan Herrington Daily Sports Writer As the Michigan volleyball team heads into this weekend's Big Ten contests against Northwestern and Wisconsin, it faces something #amiliar yet something which has not happened in a while - a three- match losing streak. "I was kidding the team earlier this week," Michigan coach Peggy Bradley-Doppes said. "Las...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 16

…0 Page 16-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15,1991 .. - ...: :: . . ,o . i : ! t 1, 't 'i t tt por ) SEAT fib rfr L1 Budget Travel Specialists For More than 35 Years For Students, youth, faculty I1 1'3 c,3 cK H ijKrn ~boof5 Tunks ARMY SURP~LUS 500 E. LIBERTY 994-3572 SVISA r F Hudson's TRAVEL SERVICE TOURS & CRUISES SPRING BREAK PACKAGES LOWEST AVAILABLE FARES ". I I' 0 0 9 DISCOUNTED AIRFARES Domestic and International...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 17

…0 0 0 i M1.. ..f. r , u x .k , k F ,1sbe siirpi'ised the th~sath ip* s1 e're 0 Lt_ U mis 9 g .... K ' 1 : -. i 'j . ..yn? p ti>:.: q .:."W u }pp d t I I ' g c x. a . Fabpn i.e 'c1 rt dY t t 4 When you're looking for a personal com- puter, make sure to look at all it comes with. The preloaded software. The mouse. The hard drive. The games. The discount airline tickets. The long distance service. If these aren't the kinds of co...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 18

…0 0 0 II l - 11 11 Dining and Drinking F R I D A Y The Natural A double dose of Robert Redford movies kicks off with this baseball myth. (Barry Levinson, 1984) Aud A 7.0 All the President's Men Redford and Hoffman as Woodward and Bernstein make a very great Watergate film. (Alan J. Pakula, 1976) Aud A 9:45 Tokkan A satire about samurai who want to pick up babes! (Kihachi Okamoto, 1975) Lorch 7:00 FREE , , , , " " From Here to Eternity...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 19

…0 0 #I~ Some high fives, some laughter, and a lot of smiles showed up at Crisler Arena last Saturday. Steve Fisher decided to throw a little postgame tailgate party for the football crowd, holding a team scrimmage after the Northwestern game. So a festive group of approximately 8,000 wandered out of the cold and into the usually somber Michigan basketball venue to see what all the fuss was about. Excitement on the heels of a 14-15 basketbal...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 20

…0 0' 1We're on a mission' -Juwan Howard The FUTURE of Michigan Basketball by Albert Lin Each year, a college team loses players, either seniors who graduate, or athletes who leave for other reasons. The lifeblood of a school's program is recruiting - the ability to replace those departed athletes with new, if not better, substitutes. The college basketball world has seen great incoming classes in past seasons. Indiana's class of 1976 - in...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 21

…0 0; NwcoerE kePAeur U ~IYT 11 ~ Newcomers key resurgence Michigan will no longer be a pushover in the rough and tumble Big Ten conference, thanks to a couple of teenagers. But newcomers Juwan loward and Chris Webber can hardly be called kids. "The talent level they have, you'll see it," Fisher said. "So often you see freshmen come in and you say,'In two years and 20 pounds, he'll be good.' Chris and Juwan, they're bringing that 20 pounds w...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 22

…0 Chris Webber: Michigan Legend From the Start by David Schechter ;:... ."}:{?ryr L :+ y "" " J .. ASSOCIATED PRESS F t; ,: r....{.:.. *. .. (F irst-place votes in vk2 ix :v ... .S r"v wr~rrfa o T a ..P SN Michael Talley orchestrates The basketball ball hovered 12 feet off the floor. Hips bumped, feet floated, and arms extended as players scrambled to bring it back to earth in their own hands. But at the instant this mess of tangled bodie...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 23

… I 0 0 P )V TN' PIZZ SY N Nov. 14 Nov 21 Dec.2 Dec. 7 Dec. 9 Dec. 12 - Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec, 21 Dec. 28 ,, s GO ]BLUE! 1991-92 WOLVERINE MEN'S BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Cuban National Team at Palace, Auburn Hills e 8 pm Athletes in Action at Palace, Auburn Hills - 8 pm at Univ. of Detroit * 7:30 pm at Cleveland State * 7:30 pm CHICAGO STATE " 7:30 pm EASTERN MICHIGAN " 7:30 pm DUKE " 3:45 pm. CENTRAL MICHIGAN " 7:30pm RICE - 7:30 pm -30 Citrus ...…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 24

…00 := x , j . ., ' i Lr2i~ ( ) I I II I I I 0 ARIMCADE BARBERS'S 09 * AVEDA * CREATIF II, W 4:, ALL KOSHER MEATS! N21 QrFC Itaiian !Rstaurant *CHINA CG) Specializing in -- Szechuan, Huna 206-208 soau t rm Street. AAA~ ArbOr. UIc*Ugut 46 13 11 It% mA a- 13131996-" Q * * K.M.S. NEXUS * PAUL MITCHELL * REDKEN * SEBASTIAN Mon. -Fri. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. #6 Nickels Arcade .665-7894 Enjoy Pooltabl...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

… 11-1 Blue clinches a bowl, but which Wolverines will MSA - .a'~ 2 TODA Nov. 16 and 17 show gyp? Ii ~~.J ;~W Ij'I rz A It f 41v rnig One hundred three years of editorial freedom 4Ag- y AWAR a { x Drake's shop shuts down after 65 years By JOE DURRANCE FOR THE DAILY The sign in the front window of the small shop with the red and white striped awning reads "Our 65th year." And 1993 is also the last year for Drake's Sandwich Sh...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 15, 1993 APPLICATION Continued frm page I security number are the reasons why a shxetwould notreceive afotm by mail. "If (students) don't receive a form (in the mail), they can come in (to OFA) and start over with a new appli- cation," said Nowak. "This is an important document people should carefully fill out. Do- ing a good job is critical," shie added. The federal financial aid form is especially cr...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 15, 1993 - 3 Bosnian editor hopes for peace in Sarajevo SCOT WOODS UAILY STAFF REPORTER Saying his city is "condemned to die," Kemal Kurspahic left his duties last week as editor in chief of Oslobodenje - Sarajevo's daily newspaper -- to visit the United States. He will return soon to the war in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Bosnian Serb forces have surrounded the city. Aut while he is here, Kurspahic will ake...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 15, 1993 A& 41V ixte art.c Y FUt + ttd 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH DUBOW Editor in Chief ANDREWLEVY Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. £,AR&QYL...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

… .,t, 's Quartet gets the spotlight By KEREN SCHWEITZER What can one say about a stupendous, knockout per- formance by the Uptown String Quartet this past Saturday at Rackham Auditorium? Once again, the University Musical Society has succeeded in diversifying its concerts S Uptown String Quartet Rackham Auditorium November 13, 1993 and in introducing Ann Arbor to a group most deserving of the spotlight. The concert opened with a spiritual e...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…in *I irr rrrr r riwwr w r rr fiX+.o{:;"ry{;: r,'. ti: '.' '-0. y"k,",.}y:ty":'r ti.;?:{ti?. ., yrd ri yr . ,vy:vr +{. 1.yti4,:{r{ ':"}:ti": j j .. r . GOLD BRACELET LOST Nov. 9, Son- timental value, rewwdtCall 998-1718. .S r ;a:l " . 386 IBM Desktop 80MB 33MHZ SVGA $599, 386SL Dell Notebook 60MB VGA 10" $1099, 486SL NOTEBOOK 33MHZ 80MB w/fax $1389, MACINTOSH Powerbook-140 4MB 7.1 $1490, 486DX DESKTOP 33MHZ 215MB 4RAM $1099, 286 IBM Desk...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 15, 1993 - 7 Puerto Ricans defeat statehood f fSAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) f r/ f; ..'' ? f.. Supporters of continued common- rr:$:::.. wealth status for Puerto Rico pre- :: fvailed at the polls yesterday over those who wated saeootring8ac >" ithe strongest movement this cenur /forfullithunion wthWashington. "'The people spoke and l will obey them," said::ov. Pedro Rosslo h :cq spearheaded the statehood c...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 15, 1993 Jubilee Singers display cohesiveness By MICHAEL COVARRUBIAS "It's much more than gospel." So said Albert McNeil, director and founder of the Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers. All those in the audience, Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers Rackham Auditorium November 11, 1993 Thursday night at Rackham Audito- rium, knew exactly what he meant. The group sang a selection of spiritu- als, contemporary Afr...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 9

… SPORTSMonday Tria When was the last time Minnesota won the Little Brown Jug? (Answer, page 2) '*1.4 Inside SPORTSMonday Men's Swimming 2 AP Top 25 2 WMEB Hockey Poll 2 The R.H. Factor 3 Q&A 3 Football 4-5 Hockey 6 Women's Volleyball 7 Women's and Men's Cross Country 7 TaeKwonDo feature 8 Just another Jug in the park for-'M' Great win, but why did It take so long ? INNEAPOLIS - Face it, you've waited all season for this. A rout. A laugher....…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 10

…2 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 15, 1993 Here is how the top 25 teams in college football fared this week- end. First-place votes are in parentheses. Others receving votes: Michigan State 82, Louisville 71, North Carolina State 34, Arizona State 32, Michigan 28, Wyoming 27, Cincinnati 12, Washington 7, Fresno State 6, Washington State 4, Ball State 1, California 1, Nevada 1 . .. .................. Here are the top...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 15, 1993 - 3 0' ' '' Bunch The former Wolverine fullback comments on the NFL, and reflects on his years in Ann Arbor From 1987 until 1990, the block- ing of fullback Jarrod Bunch was a big reason for the success of Michi- gan tailbacks Leroy Hoard, Tony Boles, and Jon Vaughn. In the 1990 NFL draft, Bunch was .the first pick of the New York Giants. In the two-and-one-half years since then,...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 12

…4 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 15,_1993 E2 M I C H I 0 A H 5 GAME STATISTICS PASSING Player Collins 7 Riemersma J. Carr Tot. 11 RUSHING Player . A Wheatley Davis R. Powers Biakabutuka Hayes Ritchie Riemersma C-A Yds 7-11164 3-7 37 1-2 29 .-20 230 TD Int 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 ktt 21 8 6 5 2 4 3 1 1 51 Yds Avg 72 3.4 51 6.4 32 5.3 27 5.4 2110.5 6 1.5 3 1.0 1 1.0 -3-3.0 210 4.1 Lg 14 26 9 9 14. 6 2 1 -3 26 FOO...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 15, 1993 - 5 M I H N E S 0 T A 7 Three TDs, 72 yards mark Wheatley's return GAME STATISTICS By ANDY DE KORTE DAILY FOOTBALL WRITER Anyone underestimating Tyrone Wheatley's importance to Michigan's football team can certainly stop now. While no one would give all the credit to Wheatley for Saturday's 58- 7 blowout against Minnesota, the dra- matic difference between Saturday, with...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 14

…6- The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 15, 1993 HOCKEY Continued from page 1 much refereeing by the score," Berenson said. "They letalotof things go, and the kids on the team that is ahead take an awful beating out there. I am not saying it is true, but I won't disagree." SMichigan managed to work through the aggressive play on Satur- day, attempting 44 shots on goal. If the Flames' net wasjusta little wider, the margin would...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 15, 1993 - 7 *NET RESULTS: Volleyball team savors streak- ending victory By J.L. ROSTAM-ABADI DAILY SPORTS WRITER This past summer, I tried out a new little eatery on campus. I ordered a fruit and walnut salad and was so delighted with my meal that I could hardly wait for the chance to relive the entire dining experience. I ranted and raved about how great this place was to all ofmy friends...…

November 15, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 34) • Page Image 16

…8- The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 15, 1993 OERRINGTON Continued from page 3 kickingthe hell out of Michigan to get to the Rose Bowl would make it X11l the more sweet. ;Of course, the two paths that the Buckeyes and the Wolverines have folloiwed this season have made many in my family smile. While the ribbing hasn't come on a weekly basis, it has been pretty steady. In the 1993 season, it is as if the entire state of Ohio...…

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