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November 15, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-15

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Cloudy, rain likely;
High: 50, Low:42.
Partly sunny;
AmIHigh: 43, Low: 31.

Allw 4

What's in North
Campus buildings,
See FridayFOCUS,
Page 5.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. Cil, No. 35Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 15, 1991
ne M0'gan paly

Three dead in Royal



Police holding former postal worker

by Lynne Cohn
and JoAnne Viviano
Daily Staff Reporters
ROYAL OAK - A former
postal employee shot 11 co-work-
ers at the Royal Oak Post Office
yesterday, fatally wounding three,
before turning the gun on himself,
according to a Royal Oak police
Thomas McIlvane, 31, of Oak
Park, is in police custody at a sub-
urban hospital, where he is being
treated for a self-inflicted gunshot
wound to the head. Police traced
his semi-automatic weapon to a lo-
cal firearms dealer.
The three postal workers fa-
tally wounded in the shooting
spree were Christopher Carlisle of
Rochester, manager of branch oper-
ations; Mary Benincasa of Mount
Clemens, an injury compensation
specialist; and Keith Ciszewski of
Livonia, a labor relations
Letter carrier Rockie
McDonald, an acquaintance of
McIlvane, said he was shot at three
times from about 25 feet away
while confronting the assailant.

McDonald fell to the floor but
wasn't injured.
"I yelled, 'No, Tom! No!'"
McDonald said. "I don't know
how many times I yelled it. He
turned and went the other way."
McIlvane was fired last year
for timecard fraud and had appealed
his dismissal, Postal Service
spokesperson Lou Eberhardt said in
Washington. On Wednesday, an ar-
bitrator upheld the firing.
"Everybody said if he didn't get
his job back, he was going to come
in and shoot," postal worker Bob
Cibulka said. "Everyone was talk-
ing about it."
Other postal employees agreed
that they were not surprised by the
"He was crazy. He was a wait-
ing time bomb," said Mark
Mitchell, a fellow postal worker.
"He had made previous threats."
The mood was somber and
slow-moving outside the Royal
Oak post office after the 8:50 a.m.
shooting. Officers from at least
seven suburban police departments,
FBI officers, postal inspectors and

agents of the U.S. Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms pa-
trolled the site. Area residents at
the scene were shaken up, and many
questioned how this type of
tragedy could occur in their neigh-
Sgt. Pete Kelly of the Berkeley
Police Department said his agency
was called to assist with crowd
control, though the only crowd
yesterday afternoon consisted of
media personnel and quiet passers-
People agreed that the incident
was a tragedy that could have been
"It's awful. My first thought
is, this is Royal Oak and this is
supposed to be a safe city," said
Kathi McCoubrey, a long-time
Royal Oak resident.
"This is an isolated incident. It
could have happened anywhere,"
added Scott Brown, an area
landowner. "I wouldn't be sur-
prised to see more violent things
happening (due to) the welfare
See SHOOTING, Page 2

A relative of a worker at the Royal Oak Post Office sheds tears of relief that her relative was not
among the shooting victims.

Peer conduct can be discrimination, not harassment

by Lynne Cohn
Daily Staff Reporter
0 Sexual harassment is a tough
It is difficult to define.
It is difficult to prove.
The University policy's working
definition of sexual harassment says
the individuals involved must be in
a superior-subordinate work
But does discrimination between
students on the basis of gender
count as sexual harassment?
"How do you tell another indi-
vidual that what they're saying isn't
as sensitive as it should be?" said
one victory
away from
Rose Bowl
by Matt Rennie
Daily Football Writer
Michigan coach Gary Moeller
will have to think of a new speech
should his team win at Illinois to-
After every other victory this
season, Moeller has opened his post-
game comments by saying, "This
:" .
game doesn't mean a thing unless we
keep improving and go to the Rose
If the Wolverines do beat the
Illini, they will go to the Rose
Bowl, regardless of what they do in
their final game against Ohio State
next week. All season long,
Moeller has used the trip to
Pasadena as the focal point of his
team's motivation. However, never
before has the goal been so attain-
Champaign has been the site of
many conference championship
celebrations for Michigan. The
older plavers on the current team

Kay Dawson, assistant to the
provost and vice president for aca-
demic affairs. "We're not in a posi-
tion to regulate that kind of conduct
as a University. There's nobody else
to tell them that that kind of con-
duct is offensive. It's up to you."
The University drafted a harass-
ment policy in 1987 regarding dis-
crimination between students which
provided for instances of sexual ha-
rassment. The policy was declared
unconstitutional by U.S. District
Court Judge Avern Cohn on
grounds of being overbroad and
"The law in this country has

generally favored the speaker's
right to say very offensive things
and put the burden on the person lis-
tening to tolerate it," Dawson said.
Policies at the University
"Freedom of expression is not abso-
lute. One of the common ways to re-
strict it is through time, place and
In its place, the University has

issued an interim policy which di-
vides the campus into three forums:
a public forum - including
places like the Diag and the Fish-
an educational forum - in-
volving classrooms and class activ-
ity; and,
a student's private home.
Dawson said the government
protects people in their own homes
from offensive speech more than it
can in a public forum.
Where can students encounter
sticky situations involving other
They may encounter discrimina-

tion in classrooms, in extra-curricu-
lar activities or in residence halls.
But an up-and-coming medium of
communication - the computer -
has the potential to pose problems.
"Occasionally, we receive mes-
sages from users who receive objec-
tionable messages," said Steve Don-
nelly, a University user advocate for
the Information Technology Divi-
sion (ITD). "Some of these cer-
tainly could be classified as sexual
harassment. We usually warn the
offender with a degree of severity
that the offense deserves."
The University computer system
allows students to contact one an-

other through, among other'zpro-
grams, MTS - a computerized
communication program often used
for class conferences and electronic
"E-mail isn't as private as people
think," said Jim Knox, an ITD user
advocate. "Getting down to the per-
sonal level is difficult, but getting
the ID number is easy."
Knox said if a student or faculty
member forwards an objectionable
message to him, he would send a
warning informing the person that
the message was inappropriate. If it
continues, however, he would not

Faculty concerns
presented before
Board of Regents

Stepping in style
First-year LSA student Catherine Pozniah and LSA sophomore Dub Carpenter perform on the Grad Library
steps to advertise their upcoming show "The Fantasticks", Nov. 14-16 at the Mendelssohn Theater.
Conference on PC features
national scholars, journalists

Bethany Robertson
Daily Administration Reporter
The lack of faculty input into
administrative decisions was a main
concern addressed in a presentation
to the University Board of Regents
Natural Resources Prof. James
Diana, chair of the faculty senate's
executive board, said the growing
number of administrators in deci-
sion-making positions compared to
the number of faculty members is
"We carry out the main mission
of the University," Diana said. "We
are the ones who see the direct re-
sults of that policy making."
Diana also commented that fac-
ulty finds it difficult to make con-
tact with the regents. He mentioned
that students also encounter this
"It seems that you, the
University regents, don't talk to us.
Our opinions should be important in
setting the priorities of this
University," Diana said.
In responding to Diana's presen-
tation, several regents said it is of-
ten difficult to find a representative
voice for faculty and students.
"How you get the voice of the
people out is an ongoing problem in
any democratic process," said
Regent Shirley McFee (R-Battle
While Diana stressed the need
for more discussion between faculty
members and administrators, in a

faculty, Regent Neal Nielsen (R-
Brighton) brought up the point that
a 1987 discriminatory harassment
policy had supposedly been ap-
proved by law school faculty. The
policy was later struck down by a
U.S. District Court.
After learning of the discussion
at the meeting, Law School Dean Lee
Bolinger sent letters to the Ann
Arbor News and The Michigan
Daily clarifying the law school's
role in the code. At yesterday's
meeting, Brown mentioned that law
professors had never approved the
1987 policy.
"I think quite rightly it should
be stated that the law school did not
See REGENTS, Page 2
Regents officially
appoint Anderson
by Bethany Robertson
Daily Administration Reporter
The University Board of Regents
unanimously appointed Maureen
Anderson the new vice president of
student affairs at yesterday's
monthly meeting.
Anderson, currently the vice
provost for student affairs at Wash-
ington State University, accepted
the job after a Nov. 4 nomination by
University President James Duder-
stadt. Regental approval made the
position official.
Regent Shirely McFee (R-Battle
Creek) said she was pleased with the

by Tami Pollak
Daily Staff Reporter

Scholars and journalists from
across America will gather together
in the Modern Language Building
and Angell Hall auditoriums this
weekend to discuss PC as part of a
conference entitled "The 'P.C.'
Frame-Up - What's Behind the
PC - political correctness - is
a term that became popular last year
when the media used it as a catch
phrase referring to more progressive

mencement ceremony last May,
practitioners of a new form of
"The term PC is a horrible
clich6," said Richard Campbell, an
organizer of this weekend's confer-
ence and a communications
"The people bashing PC as an at-
tempt to limit free thought, are the
same people who want to shut down
democratic reforms on campus,"
Campbell said. "I think a lot of
neonle fear changes. and they want

closely on the issues that have come
under attack.
"I see the conference's goals as
tackling, a) Why this discussion has
emerged, and b) how the left has
painted itself into a corner," said
Todd Gitlin, a professor of sociol-
ogy at the University of California,
Gitlin will speak this evening in
MLB 3 along with Richard Bern-
stein from The New York Times,
Julie Hinds, a reporter for The De-
troit News, along with three other

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