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November 15, 1991 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-15

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Page 14-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 15,1991

,; ,.

Illinois can't matchup to rosy Blue

. ¢ 1

Big Ten games pale
to feud in Florida
by Rich Mltvalsky
Daily Sports Writer
The 'Noles and the 'Canes mix it up this weekend, clearing the way for
Michigan to move up. You know the scenario - Florida State beats Miami,
then Florida beats Florida State and we're stylin' all the way to Pasadena!
Iowa (5-1 in the Big Ten, 8-1 overall) at Northwestern (2-4, 3-6)
Thanks to the new bowl package signed by the Big Ten conference, the
ninth ranked Iowa Hawkeyes, as the Big Ten runner-up, will attend the
ever-important Holiday Bowl. Certainly Hayden Fry has wishes of playing
a decent team on New Year's Day - something the Holiday Bowl package
won't provide. See, the third place team in the conference will receive a bet-
ter bid. So, the Hawks will throw this one, handing the victory to the
'Cats, 13-12.
Indiana (4-2, 5-3-1) at Ohio State (4-2, 7-2)
Since the season doesn't come down to the Michigan-Ohio State game
anymore, I don't care about this one.
Michigan State (2-4, 2-7) at Purdue (2-4, 3-6)
Aggggggh! These matchups are so damn bad! Perhaps the grass field
will hamper the Spartan's rushing attack. Perhaps Purdue's passing attack
will finally find the airways. Perhaps this game is totally irrelevant and
shouldn't be played, because perhaps, just perhaps almost no one gives a
rat's rear about it. If the final score doesn't reflect it, I am sure the excite-
ment level will reflect a 0-0 tie.
Wisconsin (0-6, 3-6) at Minnesota (1-5, 2-7)
Simply put, to the winner go the spoils. Well, I'm sure I'll be huddled
over my short-wave radio, drooling at the very suspense of every single
play. After a typhoon of typos and a plethora of pauses, my fingers sense
can not take anymore of this mess of meaningless matchups. Oh yeah, I for-
got: Wisconsin 77, Minnesota 73.

by Jeff Sheran
Daily Football Writer
QUARTERBACKS: Michigan's Elvis
Grbac has amassed stellar numbers
this season, with a little help from his
superhuman splitend. However,Jason.
Verduzco'sgame average is more than
75 yards higher for Illinois. With sta-
tistics as the only criteria, either quar-
terback could prevail.
But we can assess each player on
their team's outcomes this season.
Grbac has had one certifiably off day,
a 51-31 defeat to No. 1 Florida State.
Verduzco, while having upstaged
Heisman disappointment David
Klingler against Houston in Septem-
ber, floundered so badly three weeks
ago that the Illini dropped a 17-11
embarassment to Northwestern.
Advantage: Michigan
RUNNING BACKS: The trio of Ricky
Powers, Jesse Johnson, and Tyrone
Wheatley is the most fearsome three-
some in the nation. Throw in a healthy
Burnie Legette, and we don't even
need to look at who Illinois lines up in
the backfield.
Incidentally, it's Kameno Bell and
Steve Feagin.
Advantage: Michigan
RECEIVERS: Desmond Howard
makes evaluating this category tire-
some. However, this week's perfor-
mance by Howard should be espe-
cially electrifying, given the game's
importance. Howard thrives on big
games (Notre Dame), and close ones
(Indiana), neither of which Michigan
has played for a while.
Illinois' receivers are a good corps,
though; Elbert Turner and John
Wright are dangerous targets for
Verduzco. Butthelllini's biggest threat
may be Bell out of the backfield.
Advantage: Michigan
OFFENSIVE LINE: Illinois features a
better line than the Wolverines have
faced since perhaps Florida State. Left
guard Tim Simpson, a strong, ag-
gressive senior, solidifies a unit that
gives Verduzco ample time to pass on

Illinois' run, if theIllinieven try to 4
run. The pass rush will be tricky,
given Verduzco's deep drop.
However, nobody on Illinois'
line should be able penetrate the
Wolverine offensive front-look
for Michigan to run, and thereby
pass - at will against this team.

Advantage: Michigan

}£ ?

LINEBACKERS: Steve Morrison '
returns at inside linebacker. If not
at full stength, Morrison can safely
defer to Marcus Walker, who has
led the team in tackles several times
since filling in. Erick Anderson,
an Illinois native, knows he has
only two games left to earn the
Butkus Award.
Rookie Dana Howard leads the
Illini linebackers in tackles. But
unlike Walker, Howard lacks a
player of Anderson's caliber head-
ing up the corps.

Advantage: Michigan


DEFENSIvE BACKS: Michigan is
young, but Illinois is younger.
Cornerback Filmel Johnson is the
older of the two corners, and he is
only a sophomore. While honor-
able mention all-America free
safety Marion Primous is a
standout in the secondary, Illinois
lacks anyone to complement his
Michigan's own secondary has
steadily improved this season, but
hasn't faced a potent offense for a o
long time. Illinois will no doubt try
to exploit the Wolverines' most
glaring vulnerability, the shortpass. **
If the defensive backs are success-
ful tomorrow, many of their critics
will quiet.

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Illinois QB Jason Verduzco drops back to pass in last year's game at
Michigan Stadium. Verduzco will lead the Illini in tomorrow's game at
Urbana-Champaign in hopes of thwarting Michigan's Rose Bowl drive.

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most occasions.
But Michigan's line, coming off a
368-yard rushing day last week, has
thrived of late. Steve Everitt will
actually play healthy this week, a rare
occurrence for the hard-luck center.
This means Matt Elliott can shift back
over to left guard, where he can excel
even more. Just to Elliott's left stands
Greg Skrepenak, whom Michigan
coach Gary Moeller said played his
best game ever against Purdue.
Skrepenak said he enjoyed the
compliment, and will be out to im-

press Moeller again this weekend. If
so, it will be a long day for the Illinois
Advantage: Michigan
DEFENSIVE LINE: Even without
defensive tackle Chris Hutchinson,
who sprained his knee against Purdue,
the Wolverines win this category.
Mike Evans (tackle), Buster Stanley
(tackle),and Tony Henderson/Ninef
Agakhan (middle guard) will stop

Advantage: Michigan


Special Teams: Illinois wins
by a little with its kicking game;
Michigan wins by a lot with its
return teams.

Advantage: Michigan


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Friday, Nov. 15
Modern Languages Building, Aud. 3
3-5 pm
"Why the P.C."
Controversy Now?"
Center for Black Literature and Culture,
U-Pennsylvania Author of Blues
kIeologyand Afro-American Literature
STEPHEN BALCH, Exec. Director,
National Association of Scholars (NAS)
member of United Coalition Against
Racism and The Ella Baker/Nelson
Mandela Center for Anti-racist Educa-
tion. PhD candidate, History,
ALAN WALD (moderator), English,
7:30-9:30 pm
"'P.C.' in the News"
The New YorkTines
TODD GITLIN, Sociology, U-California,
Berkeley. Author of The Whole World is
Watching andThe Sixties.
JULIE HINDS, The Detroit News
MARTIN LEE, Fairness and Accuracy
in Reporting (FAIR)
columnist, Visiting Faculty of Afro-Amen-
can Studies and Economics,
*U-Califoria. Berkeley
DANTON WILSON (moderator), Editor
of The Michigan Chronicle
Saturday, Nov. 16
Angell Hall Auditoriums

Women's Studies Program. U-Michigan
STEPHEN SUMIDA. English, Former
faculty of UC 299, Race, Racism, and
Ethnicity," U- Michigan



3:30-5:30 pm
"Perspectives on
Future Curriculum
Reforms at Michigan"
Director, Latina/o Studies Program,
BRUCE FRIER, Classics and Law,
Studies, Co-Founder Queer Theory
Reading Group, U-Michigan
ELLEN POTEET (moderator).Gradu-
ate Student, U-Michigan
ment of English Language and Literature.
Sunday, Nov.17
Angell Hall Auditoriums
10 am-12 pm
"What Happened at
Michigan: Critiquing
D'Souza's Illiberal
by JON WIENER, American History,
UC- Irvine and contributing editor of
Communications, U-Michigan
1-3 pm
'Excellence' in the
Scholarly Disciplines"
phy, U-Michigan
Director, Women's Studies Program.
Emory University

Continued from page 1
we want to get that feeling again,"
senior defensive end Mike Evans-
said. "The seniors want to be part of
another Michigan class to leave
with a trip to the Rose Bowl."
Standing in the way of that goal
will be an Illinois team led by ju-
nior quarterback Jason Verduzco, °
who has completed over 60 percent <
of his passes this season with 12f-
touchdowns and seven interceptions.
Illinois often plays the ball-control
passing game which has historically,,
given the Wolverines trouble. In
fact, fullback Kameno Bell, who
also anchors the Illini rushing at--0
tack, leads the team in receptions
with 47. But when Verduzco is
looking farther downfield, his fa-.'o
vorite targets include senior Elbert ,
Turner and junior John Wright.
The Wolverines hope to estab-
lish a pass rush against the 5-foot-9
Verduzco, who is known for taking W
a deep drop to compensate for his",
slight stature. Evans and company
will have to cope without defensive',
end Chris Hutchinson, who leads'
the team in tackles for losses but is"'
sidelined with an ankle injury. In.Zy
last week's game against North- T
western, Buster Stanley moved over
to replace Hutchinson, while Ninef,.
Aghakhan replaced Stanley at nose
"We definitely lost a lot withc
Hutchinson going out," Evans said,
"but Buster's a strong guy. We
don't have to worry about Buster." a
The game will mark Moeller's.
first trip to Illinois as a head coach--.
since being fired as the Illini's$
leader in 1979 after a three-year
tenure. While Moeller insists that.
his anger has dissipated, a victory in
the home stadium of his former em-
ployer would make the Big Ten title~
that much sweeter.
"(Being fired) was not a good
feeling, but it was a long time ago,"
Moeller said. "Those feelings are =
not burning as hot as they were a
few years ago. There's not going to 0
be 'Win one for Coach Moeller' or
anything like that.
"The thing that's driving me
now -is the Rose Bowl."

10 am-12 pm

Affirmative Action: Intent
and Effect"
MARY CORCORAN, Politcal Science
and Public Policy, U-Michigan
an Uran Studies, CUNY. Author of
The Ethnic Myth
Others to be arranged

A Public Discussion of Controversies in
University Life Today

The University of Michiaan

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