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July 10, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…11 AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFCIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 No. 6 STORMS RAGE AT CAMPBOGARDUS Winds, Rain, and Lightning Combine To Make Early Days Full of Interest for All. CAMP HOSPITAL IS POPULAR. Lightning which split the surround- ing trees to a kindling, a terrific rain, and a wind storm which amounted to a young cyclone, have made the week an eventful one for ...…

July 10, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…T H E W OL VERINt TRY T R U BE Y'S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 1 16 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Special Summer Session June 30-August 22 All Branches of Music For Catalogue or Information, call at office, or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capita, $ seven oo Surplus, $ Uodivided Profits,$20,00 $0.00 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Bankin...…

July 10, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE I The Three Creat Attributes of our shoes are style, comfort and durability. They are shoes you will be proud to wear, that will in- sure foot comfort and that will wear surprisingly long. See our display and note the prices. For footwear of such class the prices are decidedly "low down." Headquarters tr PINGREE MADE SHOES GILMORE SHOE COMPANY 119 South Main Street LAWS DEFEAT ENGINEERS IN FIRST GAME OF SEASON. Arnold, for Law...…

July 10, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE WE PRESS BY HAND estic EALTH OFFICER REPORTS stic CASE OF StIALLPOX IN CITY. C. I. K1DD--- Phone 1530 J CYAD .E C.AN G 1112 s. Univ. Ave. After a short interval of freedom AT LAST! from the disease, Ann Arbor now has THIS WAY you Summer Students-Come around for a LUNCH a single case of smallpox, Fred Sorg that Is a LUNCH having been quarantined in his home s Corner of Monroe on East Huron street by the city and Thayer Sos. healt...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…TIMES A WEEK, 75c SUMMER NEWSPAPER AT YOR OO TREii:WOVIII NII H NYOFCA Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915 No. 8 UB1 PLAYS FIBSI CAME its Victors Over Laws In Pitchers Battle ini Wbiils but Six hlits Figure PLAY TWO MORtE GAWPS TODJAY By Halp Church Surprisingly goosd ball featured the opening game of the Vacation leagoe Friday afterooon, is which the Lits u, pset the legal lights hy a 4 to 2 count. Both teams fieldeds w...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THlE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The ose o f Fsams lays by Fasss Players. July io, Sat,-"A Child of God." July 2-13-14, Maa.-T"e.-Wcii.-. Mary P'ickford as "Fie iesalae CricketC" Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Sat. July as-MARY' PICK ORD in THE EAGLEV'S MATE+. Sun. July CI - THE, BLUR MOUSE, MADGE LEI"SSI:NG. Sundayontosshow z pim.tio aIn ALL SEATS 10 CENTS THE WOLVERIINE IisT.evofficial studet 1espaper for t1 UlIih el ...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE F We charge you nothing for devel- oping roll films if you can find a single defect Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing in Ann Arbor is at L Y N D 0 N'S, 719 North University Avenue (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) Established 1905, and growing bigger every day J h PRINTS ON VELOX (the best paper mnade) Ai 1a yl Made to your measure Palm Beach The Summer Comfort Cloth In a variety of shad...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE IYASII iON BARJBI OUTIlNEIS PRESENT DAY IE 1I SH ('UI,''I'RfE Asserts Our Public Sclhools Faill o 'leieh C (haracter Iluildiung Rtabbi Abram Sheon, tier Jewish Chatauqua society lecturer, comepleted Iis history of Jewish education. Thurs- day by outlining the modern era in the culture of hie race. The mod- emn era, in reality begins with the latter part of thec eighteenth century, according 1o Dr. Simon. Fur it wcasn't until Mos...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR 3 IMSA WEKI Imoo ooe SEUMMERLNEWSPAPER. VOL. XIII. No. 6 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY JULY 10, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS RELATES MEXICOS CHIEF HANDICAP Professor Allen in Lecture on "Un- known Mexico" Blames Unrest to Lack of Education ILLUSTRATES TALK WITH SLIDES "The chief factor in the political and social unrest of Mexico today is the great lack of education and the extreme unpreparedness of the mass of Mexico's population for...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Theatre Matnees 2, 3:3. Nighs 6:30, 8, 9:0 Snaturdys-S doy-Contiuoso Tu- oW de ood Noellino Toe Pulsc of Lie."Al so ay So. Wed .-11-Franklyn Farnm in "The M Who Took a Chance." Aoo ftaby Show 'hur-Pr-s-3-Og Ptova i: "Teo Undyig Mane. Sa t-14-G dys Hulette o "Pots an Orpheum Theatre Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Toes-ro-Douglas Fairbanks in "Flirting With Fate." Rebooked. ve. 5c. Wed-l...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE EXPLAINS COMPANY FOND AND 11USE IN WAD War Preparedness Board Urges That People Contribute for Soldiers', Benefit Lansing, Mich., July 9.-"If you are asked to give to the company fund of any organization of the Michigan national guard, give. Be as generous as you can afford to be and then a little more. For the company fund is as necessary and important to the soldier in the field as is the Red Cross" This is the message of th...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE SECOND CONCERT COMES TOMORROW School of Music Faculty Members Will Appear in Program in 11111 Auditorium The second complimentary concert of the season will be given by the members of the School of Music fac- ulty at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in Hill auditorium. The program will be offered by Miss Ada Grace Johnson and Mr. Albert Lockwood. The gen- eral public is invited to attend The program is as follows: Chaconne .............…

July 10, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…Wl THER CONTINUED FAIR TODAY Lolurrinr AT YOUR DOC THREE TIES A WEEK Fa OL. X. No. 6. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1919. PRICE THREE AUTHORS PAINT JEW .IN FALSE "r CLEVELAND RABBI POINTS OUT MISREPRESENTATIONS IN LITERATURE AUTHOR'S IGNORANCE CAUSES MISCONCEPTION Barrabas and Shylock Not Typical of Race; Marlowe Never Acquaint- ed With Jews That the Jew has been misrepre- sented in literature, and for the simple reason...…

July 10, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE O L THE OL e '~~ovrin e OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class matter Subscription by carrier or mail, $i.oo Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street Phones: Business-96o; Editorial-2414 lice Hours: Managing Editor- :oo to 2:oo o 'clockdaily except Saturday; Business Ma...…

July 10, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…v zi SI. H AJESTIC ESTIC ORCHESTRA ightly-All Shows Sunday us Calls I A rhitects For Fri-Sat-11-12-Billie Burke in "Good GraciousdAnnabelle." "Flirts," Select- ed Comedy. Sun-Mon-ues- 13-14-15 - "Yankee Doodle in Berlin." A six reel Sennett Comedy, featuring Ben Turpin, Marie Prevost, Ford Sterling, and Six of the Original Sennett Bathing Girls in per- son. A RC A D E Shows at 3:oo; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Rea., 2316-M Thu...…

July 10, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE PPROPRIATIONS INT TO $36,000;000 ized highway department has been giv- en two million, two hundred fifteen thousand dollars, to be used, in state awards on road work, and various state institutions required larger sums than ever before because of lack of funds has compelled them to fall be- hind financially and to deteriorate in O P ACT WITH GERMANY 'Y GETS $2,000,000 DORD-BREAKING BUDGET OF ing, Mich., July 9.-Appropria-...…

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