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July 10, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-07-10

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Vol IV.


No. 6

Winds, Rain, and Lightning Combine
To Make Early Days Full of
Interest for All.
Lightning which split the surround-
ing trees to a kindling, a terrific rain,
and a wind storm which amounted to
a young cyclone, have made the week
an eventful one for the engineers at
Camp Bogardus, but have not sufficed
to keep the work of the summer camp-
ers from going on in full swing. Re-
pairs have been made necessary on
several tents, and a large pine which
has stood by the shore of the lake
was torn up by the roots and thrown
across "State" street, but no serious
damage was done, and a great deal of

"The Blanket Indian of the North-
west" was the subject of an illustrated
lecture by Colonel G. O. Shields, of
New York City, in the west physics
lecture room Tuesday afternoon. By
the aid of the stereopticon, the life
and customs of the red-skinned race
were realistically depicted.
"The cowboy and the Indian are
doomed to oblivion," said the speaker.
Having lived among them for many
years he regretted their passing as one
of America's most distinctive factors.
Above all Col. Shields attributed to
the Indian the ability to adapt himself
to any circumstances in which he is
In speaking of some of his many
interesting experiences, he said,
"Many is the time that I have eaten
dog and pony with the Indian.".

Discusses Agencies Which Retard
Eugenics Movement and Fore-
sees Success.
"The great system of ethics from a
biological standpoint is to make the
most of thebody,-to bring into the
world progeny better than you are,"
said Dr. A. S. Warthin in a lecture in
the west amphitheater of the medical
building Tuesday night. The subject
was "Care of the Germ Cells as the
Basis for a System of Ethics."
The speaker made a broad plea for
eugenics and the betterment of the
race, showing by stereopticon many.
specific ways in Which the germ cells
are destroyed and deprived of pro-
creative qualities. Among these de-
structive agencies he mentioned pois-
oning by lead, mercury, phosphorus,
and nicotine. Alcohol and venereal
diseases were shown to be the princi-

Students from 40 colleges and uni-
versities, representing sections of the Colonel G. 0. Shields Refutes Belief
country as far south as Georgia and as Supported by Natur.
far north as Wisconsin, pitched their alists.
tents yesterday in the United States
military training camp at Gettysburg, TO GIVE LAST LECTUEE TODAY.
Pa. There -will be .no students at the With University Hall crowded to its
camp from the University of Michi- full capacity, the interesting lecture
gan. on "The Beaver, the Most Wonderful
The men will be under the command Wild Animar in the World" was given
last evening by Colonel G. O. Shields,
of Major McRae, of the fifth infantry of New York City, who has intimately
Detachments from every branch of the studied the creature for more than
regular service have been detailed for 40 years.
duty with the students. "The beaver yields more money to
The students are in that section of the United States than any other fur-
the big veterans' camp of last week producing animal with perhaps the
which was occupied by the newspaper, exception of the seal," said the lectur-
men, while the detachments of regu- er, "although statistics show that the
lars have been moved from the more 'latter yields not as much. Immense
distant parts of the camp to a place wealth has been, accumulated for util-
in the rear of the headquarters. l izing the fur of the beaver, which is
Full military discipline will be used for making hats for men, and
maintained, reveille being sounded at trimming garments for men and wom-
5:30. Drills and maneuvers will fur- en. For the last 60 years, the beaver
nish a stiff morning's work, beginning industry in the United States and Can-
with setting up exercises, at 5:45 and ada has realized $100,000,000 per year."
ending with a lecture period on the In connection with the characteris-
war game at 11:00. The afternoons tic features. of the beaver, Colonel
will-be free until the call sounds for Shields said, "The most wonderful
battalion drills at 4:30. Taps will be feature of the animal is the teeth,
sounded at 10:00 p. m. The students which are set in motion by a wonder-
are- full of spirit and have entered ful set of jaw muscles more power*
into the first day's work with a great ful than that of the horse or the
deal of enthusiasm. grizzly bear and the force of the
muscle is enough to drive the teeth
UNIVERSITY OBSERVATORY i any kind of wood.
1In swimming," added the speaker,

Camp Bogardus.
labor was saved in collecting firewood.
Men have been arriving at the camp
all week, and there are now all told
33 tents in use, includifig the mess
tent and the office tent. Previous 'to
this year the biological students have.
had their mess in Camp Bogardus in
conjunction with the engineering stu-
dents, but this year it was thought ad-
visable to separate the two camps, and
the "Bugs"' mess tent has been torn
down, and rebuilt- in their own camp.
Independence day was officially
opened when Mr. -Brodie marched
through the rain and raised Old Glory
to the top of the Camp flag pole. The
day was celebrated by trips to neigh-
boring towns-Topinabee, Cheyboy-
gan, and Petoskey being among the
places visited. Those who did not go
away spent the day playing baseball,
swimming, and lounging around the
"Doc" Stouffer, '13H, and his hos-
pital have been playing a very import-
ant role in camp, for his successful
treatment of sprained ankles, dislo-
cated fingers and minor bruises, have
made him a much sought man. "Doc"
also runs the camp store and post-
office, and this has contributed not a
little to his popularity.
Former Wolverine and Michigan
Daily editors and reporters are find-
ing their experience in college jour-
nalism of practical value in the met-
ropolitan newspaper world this sum-
Frank Pennell and Emerson Smith,
managing editor and accountant res-
pectively of The Michigan Daily, will
begin work shortly as managing edi-
tor and business manager of the Suf-
folk, Va., Herald.
James D'evlin, formerly of the Wol-
verine staff is working for the Detroit
News-Tribune. Bruce Miles in the
same city on the News; and Loren
Robinson is reporting for the Free
Russell Nielson is on the staff of
the Bay City Tribune.
F. M. Church who will be assistant
sporting editor of The Michigan Daily
next year, and who served two years
ago as sporting editor of the Wol-
verine, is city editor of the Bradford,
Pa., Era, of which Morris Milligan,
another member of the Daily staff, is

Vereii May Hold Summer Meeting. pal obstacles in the path of the eugen-
If sufficient interest is shown by is movement. "As long as there are
such of its members as are attending saloons," he said, "eugenics can make
suchof is mmber as re tteninglittle progress."
the summer session, the Deutscher "The most inspiring view of life,".
Verein will hold a number of .meet-
ings, and carry on its usual program declared Dr. Warthin, "is that which
during and cat on tss T o gram advocates the health of the germ cells,
durigsthe hot months. To this end and the unpardonable sins are those
a register has been placed in the Ver- against these cells." In spite of the
in rooms on the third floor of Uni- retarding factors the speaker said that
versity hail, and all summer school the success of the movement is highly
students who have been Vereinmem- probable. As evidence he stated that
hr addresses. "Ten years ago it would have been
impossible for a mixed audience to
discuss these questions. The interest
JANITOR DRINKS SOLUTION of people in these matters and their
increasing broad mindedness is most
After drinking half a cupful of a TOIL AT ARABIAN EISSION.
solution of bichloride of mercury, A
which had been placed by mistake in $2,,00 Are Raised for the Necessary
a water container, M. H. Mills, a jani- $4,000, Covering Partial Expense
for in the medical building, still lives Of Blisrahr Station.
to describe his experience. B -
While making his rounds Mills no- Miss Minnie Holzhauser, a graduate
ticed that the water cooler in the bac- nurse of the Homeopathic hospital
teriological laboratory was empty, and this year sailed May 31 for Londol,
promptly proceeded to fill it from a where she is now taking a- three
nearby earthenware jar which he sup- munths' course in prepakation for the
posed to contain distilled water. Thework at the Busrah Mission. She will
jar, however, was filled with a diluted reach Busrah Oct.1. The intensity of
solution of bichloride used for steril- the climate would make it unsafe to
izing apmatrawuuldnmakeastwunsain the
icing apparatus and glassware in the go into the field earlier. This will
laboratory. Upon drinking from the make a staff of eight Michigan people
cooler Mills noticed a queer- taste, , who are supported by the University
and after an examination discovered of Michigan faculty and students.
his mistake. -Others of the staff are Chas. F.
He went at once to Dr. Carl V. Wel- Shaw, '11E, Mrs. Adel Bagley Shaw,
ler, whose heroic treatment counter- '11, Dr. and Mrs. H. G. VanVlack, both
acted - the evil effects of the poison '10M, Dr. Arthur Bennett, '04M, and
and with the exception of a temporary Mrs. Arthur Bennett, '07.
illness there have been no serious ef- Nearly $2700'has been raised- thus
fects. The jar of bichloride is now far- $1300 more must be raised, as it
labelled so that he who runs may takes about $4000 to manage the miss
read. sion. The engineers there are so busy
they have not been able to take their
Brother-in.Law of Dr. Angell Dies. vacations. On account of the intense
Rear Admiral Thomas Thompson heat there, one month is to be spent
Caswell, U. S. N., retired, a brother-in- each year in India, recognized as the
law of President-emeritus James B. coolest place in those parts. This is
Angell, died yesterday at Weekapaugh, about one week's trip from the station
R. I., which he had made his summer of the mission. , The three-fold mis-
home for the last eight years. sion of this work is to relieve great
He was born in Providence in 1840. physical need; to set a standard for
After 38 years' continuous service in medical and industrial education; and
the navy he was retired June 5,, 1899. to educate this university, along prac-
tical missionary lines.
Prof. Sadler to go Abroad for Summer. .r_ .

All summer session students and
their friends will be-given-an oppor-
tunity to inspect the University ob-
servatory on one of three evenings
commencing with tonight at - 7:30
o'clock. Observations will continue
until 9:30 and on Saturday until 10:30,
while the hours on Monday, will be
from 8:00 to 10:30 o'cldck. Admission
will be by ticket only, which may be
secured at the summer session office
by presenting the treasurer's receipt.
Only two tickets will be given to each
person as the number has been lim-
ited to 350 for the three evenings.

University Observatory.
The moon may be observed by each
visitor and the, new 12-inch refractor
will be used for that purpose. The
37-inch refractor will be focused on
the star Zega, the brightest star in the
northern hemisphere at - the present
time. There will be instructors in
charge of the instruments to inform
the star gazers in regard tq the dif-
ferent stars.
Many took advantage of the visitors
nights at the observatory last summer
and it is epected that a capacity crowd
will fill it this year.

"all the four limbs are used; and the
tail. acts as a propeller. To shorten
their travel, beavers have built ink
umerable canals in this country. In
many cases, the work might have done
credit to any trained engineer. This
together with many other instances
shows what wonderful thinking power
the beavers possess; yet some natur-
alists are apt to say that animals have
no reasoning ability."
Fifty stereopticon views were
thrown on the screen, illustrating the
habitats and food materials, and other
features of the animal. The nest of
the beaver is built of the branches of
all kinds of trees, though birch and
willow are commonly used. The ani-
mal lives on the barks of trees.
The last of Colonel Shields' series
of lectures will be given this evening
at 8:00 o'clock in University hall. His
subject will be "Snow Slides in the
Canadian Rockies."
"Popular Discontent with the Law
and Some Remedies Therefor" is the
Itopic of a lecture to be delivered by
Dean H. M. Bates of the law depart9
ment before the Michigan state bar
association when that body meets in
Lansing next week. The meeting will
open Wednesday morning with an ad-
dress by the president of the associa-
tion and will continue until Thursday
evening. Among the prominent speak-
ers are to be Governor Woodbridge N.
Ferris and United States Senators
Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas, and
Porter J. McComber of North Dakota.
The Ingham county bar* association
will entertain the guests Thursday af-
Alumni Memorial hall, erected es-
pecially in honor of the university's
soldier and sailor dead, is to have a
bronze tablet commemorating the stu-
dents who fought and fell in the coun-
try's wars. The campaign to raise the
$5000 necessary to obtain the mem-
orial has been started by the Alumni
committee, who were instrumental in
getting the building for the univer-

Professor Sadler of the marine en-
gineering department expects to leave
very soon for a European trip. He
will spend the remainder of the sum-
mer in England and Germany.
The second of a series of parties to
be given by the Michigan Union dur-
ing July and August will be given
tomorrow evening. Tickets will go on
sale at noon today and can be secured
at the office in the clubhouse. Danc-
ing will commence at nine o'clpck.

Unknown Man Tries Suicide.
An unknown man attempted to com- 13MAY USE REPAIRED SOUTH
mit suicide near- the Michigan Central WING AS A STORE ROOM.
station at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon.
He has been- rushed, to -the university Inasmuch as the biological laborato-
hospital, and hopes are entertained for ries which were formerly located on
his recovery, the upper floors of the south wing of
University hall will find places in the
new science building, the board of re-
THEWEATHER MAN gents at its last - meeting authorized
the university architects to dispose of
the space .there after the building is
Forecast for Ann Arbor. repaired as they see fit. At present
Fair today. Moderate north winds it is not known to what use these up-
becoming variable per floors will be put, Class rooms
Yesterday's Temperatures. 'ay be partitioned, or the space may
Maximum 85.; inimum 0,o rin. be q.eds5a , era hsto e room.

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