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June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…Y e k a? xa xavr Ijz £ibitgan ailg Tuesday, June 1, 1999 Or imdeig/iyears Ofc6/tor7d/fredomhl ,A anoC:v.r < ° , :. . ...>:: . f h ": "Y k\6 i By Seva Guitk By Seia Gnnitskiy -- -_ Daily Stall tleporter A new school budget MC N bill is headed for the State House after being passed by the Senate last I tursday. The original version of FUNDING the bill, proposed by Gov. John Lngler, was rejected by a Senate pan...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…2 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday June 1, 199 Look izto reforms continues COMMITTEE Continued from Page 1. * vehicle registration require- ments distribution of complimentary tickets access to the Crisler Arena team dressing rooms education of student-athletes about NCAA rules. Cantor said the inquiry does not imply an assumption of guilt nor a lack of confidence in the policies or the team's integrity. "We view the policies as strong poli- ci...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 3


June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 1, 1999 Edited and managed by EmILy ACHENBAUNI NICK WOOMER students at the Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan W~p U 111 nless ofther-wise noted. unsigned editorials reflect the op>inion o~f . g 420 Maynard Street majority of the Daih's editorial board. A11 other articles. lettersrand Ann Arbor, M I48109 cartoonsdo not tecessarill reflect the opinion of Theic 1hogan Dail: I n the...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 5

…Yoga otters chance at peace To THE DAILY: Our political leaders have claimed that the international cmmunity did its best to find liploatic solution to the year of fighting in Kosovo. However, there is an alter- native which the United States and NATO nations have repeat- edly ignored, but which has been proven through rigorous scientific research to effective- ly bring about a peaceful reso- lution to conflict situations. gPresident Chissano ...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 1, 1999 CARS FROM $500. Police impow tax repo's. For listings call 1-800-3 ext. 4494._ f r a e FORD PROBE GT- a classic.1 * t sunroof, a/c, tape deck, elec. win locks. No rust. White. Top cond. priced or best. 662-9233. *************PARKING!************* On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. CUTE, 2 BDRM, 1 bath bungalow. Great staiier house or student rental. Close to downtown and UM stadium. Call...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, June 1, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 7 Spint not dampened by rainz Klynstra said she enjoyed relaxing during the Memorial Dav holiday. Continued from Page 1 "We spent some time at the pool," Klynstra the parade provided a formal recognition for said. "I also went sailing." the veterans. Of course, the parade not only consisted of "Our kids have grown up in a relatively participants, but audience members as well, peaceful time, so it's...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 1, 1999 STAMPING OUT POLIO 4 I Postage stamp honoring olio vaccibze developer unveiled 0 * Jonas Salk's colleagues speak about accomplishment of vaccine discovery By Phil Bansal Daily Staff Reporter Fourty-four years ago, Thomas Francis, chair of the Department of Epidemiology in the University's School of Public Health, announced to the world from Rackham Auditorium that University alumnus Jonas Sa...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 9

…Arthur Miller gives award Miller will be presenting the first *Arthur Miller Award For Dramatic Writing to Willy Holtzman. The award will be given on June 4 at the Trueblood Theater. ARTS Tuesday June 1, 1999' U Gooding, Jr. talks instincts aEd Sholinsky Jally Arts ditor" After starting out by joking that, "I'll never do this again," Cuba Gooding, Jr. warmed to a recent interview with the Michigan Daily. Joining "Instinct" director Jon Tu...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 10

…10 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 1, 1999 FIREBALLS Continued from Page 9 the music that the combined energy %%as apt tc -st out of the intimate confines of the ' Woodwrd Aenue club. The soulful intensity that was the band's trademark in their Parka Kings days was fe t by a crowd who couldn't keep fro moving. From a slow blues ballad to a cover of the Ray Charles dance anthem. "Shake a Tail Feathe'r the Porters ripped through every song ...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 11

…Tuesday, June 1, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 11 i Notting Hill *iiversal Pictures At Briarwood and Showca In 1994, director s teamed with writer Richa created one of the mo romantic comedies of al Weddings and a Funeral. mer of 1999 roles in, C rmed with "Four Weddin nean Kenworthy an Grant to create "Notting I Unlike "Four Weddin Hill" isn't an innovative r edy, but rather tries to sta vein of its predecessor w to the tenants of the tr meet...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 12

…Senior centerfielder Brian Bush breaks the Michigan single-season hits record. PagW STPORTS Tuesday 99 June 1, 19994 Cal State-Fullerton ends Series hopes for Blue i i 'M' eliminates Notre Dame, Creighton before playoff exit By Raphael Goodstein Daily Sports Writer NOTRE DAME - Former Michigan Athletic Director and football coach Bo Schembechler once said, "Those that stay, will be champions." Even though the Michigan baseball team (34-30...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 13

…Tuesday, June 1, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 13 'M' Athletic Department nears decision on men's tennis coach Will assistant Goldberg take reins of talented recruiting class? Ryan Herrington bumped into the late Adam Miller and his family at the Rose Bowl in 1998. "He had never been more excited about his alma mater," said Herrington. I ate sportis editor Miller O&sfred Michi an pnde here's an unwritten rule in one's sympathy. Not only was he ...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 14

…14- I he Iviehigan Uady - tues ay, June , Bush breaks season hits record AJ Centerfielder battles illness to slug two home runs in NCAA Regional By Jone ke 1aily Sports Writer NOTRE DAME - Brian Bush wasn't feeling quite right on Friday. In the Michigan baseball team's first appearance in the NCAA regional in 10 years the senior centerfielder was vomiting. But he played regardless of his physical condition. Because he was a senior, because hi...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 15

…owing close to title in short time -Tu-6 d6y, June 1, 1999 -The Michigan Da - 15 b r ... ,....yam . ,.... . . a _ .. a w .. w .5 ..... ... . r - .. .. 77 r + n1. f '. .a K' a b ca n v. f+fYb .y yr.: By Emily Achenbaum Daily Sports Writer To simply say the Michigan women's rowing team finished its season fifth in e nation for the second consecutive ar at last weekend's NCAA Rowing Championships in Sacramento, Calif., would trivialize its expe...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 16

…I hen 13-year-old Evan Fow ler logged onto the comput- er in the seventh floor playroom of the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital last fuesday, he was expecting to video conference with another child from any one of over thirty children's hospitals already connected to a computer network for hospitalized kids called Starbright World. But Evan, an experi- enced Starbright user who has alrcady talked with other hospital patients from California, Tex...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 19

…bJ, 01T MAI b IIMA L Kudos! Thank you for the article ["Can You e Gay & Greek?," Feb. '99] which was. 'ourageous and fairly done. I was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha at the U. of Arizona, Tucson, and I'm also active in the gay community here in San Diego. Gary L Vyne Thank you for including the informa- tion you did about being Greek and gay. I am the alumnae advisor to my chapter at the College of William and Mary and am ...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 20

…Y7we!r an wyout news from a campus near you O Study Hard, Party Harder Virginia Tech U. Hope next year they'll come up with a better solution to students' drinking problems. Or at least not follow the example of Virginia Tech president Paul Torgersen. When he discovered students were (gasp!) drinking alcohol, he immediately took action. Torgersen circulat- ed a memo to all faculty providing guidelines. The solu- tion? Assign homework over t...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 22

…~ news, stdents and stuff VIRTUL F I 6 ({ fs: syl < .t OMIKO JONES IS YOUR ORDINARY U. OF Pennsylvania senior except for one small detail: from jellybeans to VCRs, everything she needs she buys online. Jones - along with Alanna Blanco at California State U., Chico, and Scott Raymond at the U. of Kansas - is one of three daring college stu- dents participating in Levi's e-commerce experiment. Armed with a $500 per week allowance (yep, that...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 23

… THERE SE I DOING TO EUROPEP Buy This* ERE'S PROOF THAT BEAUTY AND BRAINS CAN coexist. Harvard U. junior Elizabeth Hancock shattered stereotypes last September by par- ticipating in the oft-maligned Miss America Pageant. And critics be damned - she says it was worth every poised step. "I've always wanted to pay my parents back for everything they've done for me," says the Kentucky native. "I love to go onstage and perform, too, and thought ...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 24

…MAGINE FINDING OUT THAT THE NICE GUY DOWN THE HALL FROM YOU IS facing charges of statutory rape. Or that your brainy class project partner spent time in a juvenile delinquency hall for arson. Or that your quiet new roomie has a rap sheet the size of your grocery list. Impossible? Hardly. Many universities unknowingly accept criminal when he got one of those fat envelopes from UM, admit- i I offenders or those charged with crimes because unde...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 25

…HE DEATH OF MATTHEW Shepard last October sank hearts and raised consciences nationwide. A series of hate crimes across America's campuses followed, and slowly, institutions known for higher thought and liberal- ism were becoming testing grounds for Ots of malevolence. In light of Shepard's death, hate crimes are being pub- licized more - but what are colleges and universities doing to stop them? Not much, say some students and officials. "They...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 26

…z jfl OLLYWOOD SAMPLES ARE JOKES LIKE MARTIN," raps Black Thought on the Roots' latest effort Things Fall Apart. The 17-track album is a wake-up call to a rap world made turgid by money-grabbin' playas. It's also the Philadelphia sextet's magnum opus, a pure-to-the-bone hip-hop record that's anything "but" a G-thang. Ripe with superb musicianship and thought-provoking lyrics, Things Fall Apart could go down as the most influential rap album ...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 27

…"You krowi' OWA STATE U. SENIOR CHAD CALEK IS A DREAMER. HE'S ALSO A MOTLEY CRUE FAN. So when his college band was asked to open for the Feel-Good Doctors of '80s hair metal last fall, it was a dream come true - one of many since Calek joined 35" Mudder two years ago. n C ' fyg01 35" Mudder, a hardcore/hip-hop outfit, has sold more than 3,000 copies of its independently a oru a R released sophomore CD, Stained. The group is also one of thousan...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 28

… trade in those pencils and books for some quality time by the pool and that dreaded summer job. But save those pennies, because you're gonna want to drop most of them at the movies. This summer is so chock full of blockbusters, you might not even get a tan. J Star Wars EpIsode1we've r -r all been waiting for has 118 rhafltom MO aCO_ finally arrived. Now, an 20th Century Fox even longer time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Jedi knights Qui-G...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 29

…F YOU SEE ONE MOVIE THIS SUMMER, SEE STAR WARS. If you see two movies this summer, see Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me." So goes the trailer for the sequel to Austin powers, proving that even Mike Myers' ad people have a sense of humor. \ F And while the cinematic resurrection of Yoda and Obi- Wan Kenobi is sure to attract more hype than that movie about that 87-year old boating accident, 've got to confess that we're secretly more e...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 30

…J 1 e Burning London: The Clash Triubte Epic BY JAMIE PIETRAS Rating System Lilith Fair H.0.R.D.E. Family Values Van's Warped Tour Lollapalooza he Clash were the sem- inal punk band of the late '70s/ early '80s, so the number of high-profile rockers that turn up on this tribute album should come as no surprise. The Urge and Rancid churn out a pair of straight-up punk covers of "This is Radio Clash" and b 7 Ey in do fro gr etter than you...…

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 31

…Why wait for a change in scenery when you can make your own ? ATTITUDE x 2. Ford ZX2 130-horsepowvr,16- volv e n o so optinalb-dsc C chnge." ar c 1-800-258-FORD or 'Dealer-installed accessory. …

June 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 126) • Page Image 32

…11 the'ti* e l C W 1*th th ," ,. rt paybac 3'K'7! ! '17 R M E r+'.x a . Aq r . .@ q ) S ~g. Now you can have the last laugh. Just get a Discc Every time you buy something, y611v earn a Cashback l It s like giving yourself a tip for a cha ipply, call 1-800 DISCOVER or visit AndyJLut_. ,:.Qm otitive intere - 't *Up to 1 % paid yearly based on your annual …

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…abz Mihidganki g One hundred sreven yen~ of ed turin! freedom News: 76-DAILY Display: 764-0554 Monday *MSA student regent quest moves to Secretary of State By Susan T. Port Daily News Editor After months of extensive plan- ning and meetings, the Michigan Student Assembly's fight for a stu- dent regent may have a few more *bstacles ahead. In this past semester's elections, University students approved a $4 increase for MSA to begin collecti...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…2 -- The Michigan Daily -- Monday, June 1, 1998 SYMPOSIM Continued from Page 1 tecchiologixesxwillgo hcvovd xmiie deliv- Cir' ofiifoiiiiationi. "The Internet weire tilking iboxut in the futcure ... ill support humixain collah- oraion '\aix liouxxeiing x aid. He gaxe the extimple of "coihxhboraioriex$' xxhicih w ould a0lxx eerch sex scentists xxho are thousx xidxof ml,, ipan to xxork togethx- er n cxpercieixixt. Spe2ak 's atithe s~iixunxsires ...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…Monday, June 1,;1998 - The Michigan Daily - 3 nnmy awars $. ilingant By Amit Pandya Da)ly Stil aff Rporter Theite S. Artiy has itiodcd the Uniiversity (ollette of Ettiineerin n 5aS 1, mtillioti grint to develop an attliii a~. The ;rant, which gointoeffctc tnlay, will land the nititidinciplin itt project lthat itivolves he cfloiri, o researclt centters acruis lie coutt.I 5lii priiet plats to focus onctt itL "lyh wire that wtill detect 'lit in ...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigar Daily - Monday; June 1,1998 Edited and managed by CHRIs FARAH DAVID WALLACE students at the 4 4 Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan i/i 0111'n noftd 1 n iliips d/iioia n'1.1 e s/ h ;i niii 420 M aynard Street iiioboi/iv 0//il1)11/il silo ol P0)1/. iii ut/i ori .1l !i /o ' Ann Arbor, MI 48109 """"llo i) "'"nrcus-li is //. '/ic (oiion of i/e t/ic/iian 1)a1/.. A nn Arbor's marijuana-possession law is u...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 5

…NOTABLE QUOTABLE *'The fact that my biggest class has 30 people helps a lot." -LSA sophomnotve Utharul Jtel, explaining tlie adlvantages Wf'aking classes during Spring andi Snuner terms. 3 3 SbITO --r- Silence *iot me( consenl TO THE DAILY: s eas artcles' coinz the ("Student to beI naiseondue~lt") at Sexuall aIssault.V %atIS tot Sit 1t1Lt L alleed incid L in whlich it in the legal systt Nadel's lawyers because the won explicitty say...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…computers F0 TI EXTENSA 515 with 6X external CD ROM. Pentium 100; 8MG RAM. Microsoft Word & Windows '95 plus more. $700 or best. 668-1142. for rent !!Grad Student Alert!!! Fall 98 2 Bdrm, Old West Side, Fumished. 668-6906. !!!TOP CAMPUS LOCATION!!! Washington Manor, Studio & 1 Bdrm. *1/2 block from MLB *1/2 block from Frieze *2 blks N. Campus bus. Varsity Mgt 668-1100. 1 BEDROOM APTS. for Fall 1998. Great selection, furnished, laundry, parking...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

… Monday, June 1, 1998 - The Michigan Daily - It's not just DPS who looks out for 'U' By Adam Cohen Daily Staff Reporte r While the University's Department of Public Safety is first to arrive at most on-campus crime scenes, the Ann Arbor Police Department still serves and protects. the I niversity comnunity. The AAPD's duties include enforcing local, state and federal laws fbr the city of Ann Arbor. Any 911 call made from an off-campus phone -...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 8

… P dHHrmam, for all the laughs. H-artman died tragically last Thursday. His work includ- ed outstanding roles such as Bill McNeill on "NewsRadio," voices on "The Simpsons," and his many years on "Saturday Night Live." ART S Carrey carries 'Truman' By Matthew Barrett Daily Arts Writer No need for ID, the man is legit. Previously known for his elastic face and crazy on-screen antics. Jim Carrey shines in his first real attempt at a seri- ous ...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 10

…_ 10 --- The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 1, 1998 10 T vMcignDiy-Mody.ue. ,19 " Russo to read from novel 'Straight Man' BY Elizabeth Lucas Daily Arts Writer "Inm not a great fan of academic nov- els," said Maine writer Rictsard Russo. "They're often very bitter, score-set- tling, t'lt-get-even-witth-yosu exercises thsat don't appeat to me msuch." Fair enougts. So Isow did Russo hap- pen to write oise of the best acadensic novels to come a...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 11

….No monkey business for 'M' track at .nationals By Rick Freeman tialy Sports Editor Even if they don't win any titles, they still might get to see some gorillas. It's happened before. Like at Big Tens, when a large chunk of the Michigan track team was sitting in a restaurant in Columbus. On the TV above them was a nature show - possibly. They couldn't tell without the sound on. All they could tell was that it was some show involving several go...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 12

…Michigan football recruit Drew Henson could be drafted in tomorrow's Major League Baseball Amateur Draft. Read The Daily next week for detail. SPORTS Monday :Y.? 39 " , .' ., y' 'S ? : fi'A.f./f+ '35>' 'id 'r r w . ..... .,cuti r «-. ,: r:r ..- ;,.. ;" . y, s. _. , ,:. :. t tis,',: r . >7.. 3.. ., «. ,: ... ;z ! ... : .. -..,, S ,.,.::.., ;,t.: ara r % n, hYhyvl.. , , .. Townsend final piece of puzzle By T.J. Berka Daily Sports Editor Mich...…

June 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…SUMMER WEEKLY I ~tjz Lirbigan &zilg One hundred three years of editorial freedom ol. CIV No. S Ann Abr Michigan Wednesday, June 1, 1994 1994 The Michigan -Daily U'names iin y Frank C. Lee AILY STAFF REPORTER Business Administration Prof. Thomas innear will become the University's interim ce president for development, if approved at the oard of Regents' June meeting. Kinnear's responsibilities will include over- eing the administration of the ...…

June 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, June 1, 1994 KINNEAR Continued from page 1 "Actually, I will still be teaching," Kinnear said. "There's no one around to assume my teaching responsibili- ties, soI'm going to do it as well. Itjust means more work." The post was vacated by Jon Cosovich, who is currently serving as deputy to President James J. Duder- stadt. Kinnear was recommended after a six-month national search by an in- formal advisory c...…

June 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, June 1, 1994 - The Michigan Daily --3 Faculty disagree on SACUA's role I By Cathy Boguslaski DAILY STAFF REPORTER The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) is de- signed to be the faculty's voice to the administration. - f Some faculty members feel this voice may have been too loud in its recent dealings with the executive of- ficers. X These doubts arose because of SACUA's response to Provost Gilbert R. Whitake...…

June 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…OPINION PageWd eda e 94 EDITOR IN CHIEF James M. Nash EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS Patrick Javid Jason S. Lichtstein 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Unsigned editorials present the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All otherrcartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Daily. The Michigan Union needs a thorough ove...…

June 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, June 1, 1994-- The Michigan Daily - 5 .Who is Ausclhwitz7' By Jennifer Lott I didn't know how to respond when I was asked, "Who is Auschwitz?" I looked at the person who asked me this question, a graduating senior at the University, and found myself at a loss for words. "First of all, it's a what not a Oho..." My shock must have been evident because he looked uncom- fortable - but only for a moment. He was quickly rescued by the o...…

June 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…6 --The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 1, 1994 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557. ............................ ............................ ......... _.._.._... ........... - ................... ............ .......... LAST '& lF6t D NbRO N'T FOR RENT LOST AT GANDYDANCER green heavily YO 2 BDRM. HOUSE + large study. Newly AVAIL SEPT.: Effs. avail. 9/94 to8/95 decorated evening purse. 313/787-4542 or SEE IT! YOU'LL RENT IT! remodeled for 1994. G...…

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