2 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday June 1, 199
Look izto reforms continues
Continued from Page 1.
* vehicle registration require-
distribution of complimentary
access to the Crisler Arena team
dressing rooms
education of student-athletes
about NCAA rules.
Cantor said the inquiry does not
imply an assumption of guilt nor a lack
of confidence in the policies or the
team's integrity.
"We view the policies as strong poli-
cies and hold the program in great
regard," Cantor said.
Jerome Miller, director of the
Center for Child and Family and
faculty coordinator for Project
Outreach serves as chair of the com-
The other faculty that were
appointed to the committee include
Derrick Gragg, the University's
NCAA rules compliance coordina-
tor; Paul Edwards, attorney in thte
Office of Vice President and general
counsel; and Suellyn Scarnecchia,
Law School assistant dean for clini-
cal affairs.
Cantor said the members are fac-
ulty who are held in great confi-
She added that their diverse back-
grounds will allow "a variety of per-
The committee is anticipated to
report its finding and possible sugges-
tions to Cantor, Goss and University
General Counsel Marvin Krislov with-
in in a month.
Madej said the formation of the
committee does not merit widespread
"Everything we have been doing
since the investigation has been han-
dIed properly," Madej said.
"We just wanted to make sure every-
thing is in place - the way it should
be," he said.
April1999 - present
- Allegations of cash payments from
Martin to former athletes surface.
- University Provost Nancy Cantor
establshes a faculty committee to
review reforms made to the program in
1997, as well as allegations of imprope
activity since the reforms.
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McClain begins ne,
position at Cal State
By Jason Stoffer that hits people at the heart and she was
f Daily StaffiReporter very sensitive to that," he said.
Jackie McClain, former executive McClain said she believes her expe-
director of human resources and affir- rience leading and participating in
t. mative action at the University, will diversity and affirmative action initi
assume a new position today as the Vice tives at the University was an import
Chancellor of human Resources at reason behind her hiring.
California State University. "Cal State remains esry committed
The Cal State system selected to diversity and inclusiveness and these
McClain from a issues will be a part of m new respon-
group of five or sibilities," McClain said. "Because of
six finalists after Proposition 209, Cal State has to deal
conducting a with these issues differently" than
n a t i o n w i d e Michigan does.
search, said Cal Proposition 209, which wnas enacted
State spokesper- in California in 1996, banned public
son Ken Swisher universities in the state from grantig
In her new preferential treatment in admissions@
p o s i t i o n, hiring any itdividual or group on the
r McClain will McClain basis of race. sex or color.
direct labor While McClain's experience with
negotiations and oversee human diversity programs was a factor it her
resources policies for faculty, execu- hiring, it was not the primary reason
tives and staff at the 350,000 student, she was chosen, Swiser said.
23 campus Cal State system. "She has a very well-rounded back-
"This is a really exciting opportunity ground," Swisher said. "She has experi-
to be part of a change in the way under- ence it diversity, experience it collective
graduate education is delivered," bargaining and a national reputation
McClain said. "Cal State is doing very being a leader in human resources.
exciting things with undergraduate edu- Swisher said McClain has the poten-
cation using technology." tial to strengthen the Cal State system
During her five-and-a-half year and that university administrators are
tenure at the University, McClain very excited to work vvith her.
earned a reputation as a strong faculty "She's done well wherever she's been
advocate, said former Senate Affairs throughout her career," Swisher said.
Committee on University Affairs Chair At the May 21 University Board of
Louis D'Alecy. Regents Meeting, Regent Rebecca
"SACUA, in general, was very McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) praised
pleased with her actions" said D'Alecy, McClain for her years of service at the
W a Medical School professor. "She was University.
at the helm during some very tricky "She brought some state-of-the-
2. changes in benefits and she did her best approaches to human resources,"
to keep faculty advised of the impact. McGowan said. "She's tmade a spectac-
"If you start ressing with benefits, ular move."
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