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June 01, 1998 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-06-01

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*'The fact that my biggest class has 30 people helps a lot."
-LSA sophomnotve Utharul Jtel, explaining tlie adlvantages
Wf'aking classes during Spring andi Snuner terms.
3 3 SbITO


*iot me(
s eas read.in.
artcles' coinz the
("Student to beI
naiseondue~lt") at
Sexuall aIssault.V
%atIS tot Sit 1t1Lt
L alleed incid
L in whlich it
in the legal systt
Nadel's lawyers
because the won
explicitty say "n
did itt do anyth
Wshat the ]a"
othier peopale do
k that silence is
oceed. In othe
because a warna
"no0. tihat doesi
saying "yes."
Ian a j
next tir
The Ku KuI
conic ad gonae
returni shows ev
becomng1 a yea
has declared thi

Kawill stay away?1Theycre
an probably atready making plans
it 'lihe Klan calls its Anin
Arbor operation a success
because it gave lie tate scoup
iin archtived alltheulastic exposure ot a
55edition Klan riot while hsaving sonic-
nred lot Scxuait one etse dth le rioting. Klan
bout 'an 'itleec memrs, becauseotprotest-
What strtick tile er'vonctk a rilgh1teouS
lh the nature it stantce. Sotae people protatly
dentt but tlesevein believethat pose.
ibeinag tieaitedl As lonag as the Ku Klux
tem. teve Klana gets to pick its own
stats tat vent, it wcilt comae out ott top.
statesi ithat Conflict wxill serve its purpose
nota de l ot ke ,utter sutits a fish. So lien.
ainef gagaitast sey. wa o oaotthln gaoring the Kl~a probably
wonttwsork. But whale the
sycr and ia ny Klansaeeds sinicere attention,
Snot uiaderstadthtat thsey want nmost of tilt is
snot , sign to to be takeia seriously. 'Ihey wilt
er wors' just lake alty serious treatmaent as
an doesi' ay t> neourageet
it min shte's Remaeitber that being sin-
cere is nsot the name thing as
ANNIE TOMLIN being serious. A good belly
LSA JUNIOR iaugh is sincere, but not at aill
serioaus. 'T'lat's how to target
the Klana without givintgthema
the distiiiction of being treated
nbe as it they aire impoirtant. When
yiau stait witlh a bunch saf
joke grown mni who wear bed
stiesets, it's not harsh
T1e Mock tthe Kltin toetatke
away the inmportatace its maema-
hers rallyy is receive. 'Treating
AKltini lais them like a bad ,joke shosi
agaiin. It's tttenmtess respect thian~ treatitig
tery sign ot' themis ain enemy Riocks atnd
irly event, tind it counttcr-thtreats give ta rutiait
is year's rally a thse still, luisatic frintge group

isare inportanice than it cotuId
ever ut1atittie ott its owna.
TretItiti Klantsmsenitike a lbad
teske shos stheisthIto> aren't
wo crth taikinig Seriously.
lkenicttschose tire peoaple
whto jutctge themtselvs bly tie
etteiies theyitaike liey' ws.int
ta ittack. Showss'them they're
suchlo sers lie>y're nttwsorthi
it, sitice liey dostiatseenmlie
kintistatke atinht.
Now 'isttie tacoisttirt
pttti tinaitsetectise hnliait-
ion project. Mike slemndcs
that KKK rtallies be acid onthle
first of April, whlichs is the oitfi-
cial dtty tsar fools. Statctitakitag
Wh'lite poititedt sunceettas, to
ctirry ota poles. The Klxan citi-
bers shltdstfinthtteir pith
strewna witla whloopee cshiotns
anad platstic slog vomait. If you
ctanst mttnatge to ltaugli at lie
Klana, hook foir chieaptla
tracks -novelty itents whtich
cats ridicule theistfor yost.
ook a iame, if you canxfinst
one bold enosigh.
Sia if yoau knowe somnase
plataning itotrow ttte KKK ti
riot iaext year, think absout thae
resuilts. IDo we really wart just
one more riot, whein we ctan be
set nmuch amore cruel, ruiin te
Kluin's ctttnce fur dignaity tands
crusthe air spirit? Mtake tie
eventt such a circus thaat it the
Klana qutit comaing, we'll ssatt
tea stage it withtout thxena. (ise
theiswt tittleysdont't swttl.
Maike theaatijoke.

Monday,June 11998 -- The Mchigan Daily -5
To parent or not to parent, should that be the question?
T xc memabers tof the class of I1998 tt Birntardi Buct le wtay she got te maessage ticrsss psited
College its Ness'Yrk City receised tnittter- thtt they wousls neer get itysslire ifthiey cose
estitag maessage dutrintg thaeir ciommtencemtent. ci act befire taeir bioogical clock was up.
Jotyce lisrnick, the metroedcitor ot1 lie Nesw'Yirk I grewc up ini a tiotme xwitt two workitig pirents.
(itates, give the keyntcte speech ilthle college, I 'ts a mtembehar oft generationioltchtIttt-key kist
icc tltiat tater. She ssarnted te etties ofl'the who cttie homte to sit emipty thitise at te edstoh
all-femalte artlutii' tclss tlatithle>yiii ixsisna te scihsoli cay. Oletisies I wxoutlntsee' sy
sit> hitaeitlito ssChooseb teeni hitav tii terutuite it le nigtt.
chitllren uinideellinin their eu ercThIitis ixxxhere itittllks aiarentitloses
"'It Itiatslest dteI"itles tti xaec cliiitsced Siesays ihti sie hltett 6
slceis she saitc, "I xxoutln't be wheire I oclock rtlher thnt)oschtck cxvry
out.11 iuiptestrigthtrad tith le poit - ailitesci xxwould its e made itt
C'hoto, ts a mtly o hosI acrerile Itines.Se asserts tha ct krg ipear'
Chlostse Soceci gamtestintlpicritiexxkilht s tutuespenduslt oi iiii isstif 1tie
lie kitds sit choose bisintss mcii i's 't their cilentinii oterto be site-
and aftter-xwoik tips lt h ar ssl'il. Quli>t sis quatityt. W\'I's ii
Whyt>li thi itthbtitmeiim cittseem i .it mtuher iadtecuatue iecutse sme dsytI>
tdd. I wxxitever lice this sitlts "sionwo l stat>see ter iranhors r stlsst twocs?
laeitigtatle itch altI citthcrifitputt i J ACK Ihell taut leriaps liii istewhatitbiased,
hse suite siuatiit s PI sick St ILLACt bit the tie Ixxwoul setattlkitg withs
dlescribses, I xxouldt problably tise doue 'my m''o.. ii>uttther ater se gt hck frota a 12-
thse staefilig shae sid --scrificedl l' .., hioiur sdt> at work xvw at>y tfvorite prt cf
parethodtosl get tiheadcite xx'ork- the cdy She ahsxst isiade timae for tae, to
place. lisenutoItmy tprcblemts, itoaer bouti sy' cy. Smne
Thse resothaIltt Putt ick's sttemetes lbtier tae cf tay Iicuiss hitc essentil> 24-htetsr tccess to
is lhath it csts a laid shtadsoswciiixx'orkig mthier- thic- pretts buil they seteed to entd up reseutitg
hoodstlhit smsacks ohisl stereotypes that httive it tmsire limit cherisitug it'Ie hfact that I coudnta
plagutedhcour society sr years. 4isuteut Ittue tos get at ty atprentshxeueer I wa'nited made thc
miake a chotice: '(lacy cut be goodumtushers tr they timea I dis hahtve wiht thumtatll tlktaore valuable.
cana have tigood job. Not bot. One or thec ster. Yes, Purtick, wo'srking mtshers face aix uphill
Granted, this is a better mtessage thutnt w'ts sent battle. But cotpsrtuins, itcluditg 'he 'ines,
to getneratiostocf womtent precesdig. Ileu le shusuldl e tryitg tus tutke the ill flttten out. The
choice sas ti little wirse: Men wsorkced, woenau busitess world should relize thatt what working
stayesh at homta with the children. Onaly ld spit- nmoters mxaty lack ii xwiligess to work con-
sters worked bectucse they sidn't hae a httncily toustantlty they greatlty tatke tp for its other areas.
tike care of. After tll, hopping froix busitess trips in
VWhat Purnick w'ts tryitg to get tcross sws thatiCEaiforniaitoti batd parents' meetings back Iomea
these womnh ad to face their cbhoices. She talked ctant be that esy. Just tisk icy' moter.
about the "biolougictal click" Slhe admaitted thttt -Jusa'k Silianc'/ti e recedIi'/ouci'e-muail
wusmen base tot make their secisiontatbiut hiving at jscci'/n m i uich.edultor yst all -m 'ail
children before their "weindsow" closes hs.ugoauat iuuinMsks'8671Q? lxos.
A job after college may be the beginning of the end
I tddess le followinagsuestin to all retiders mit draggniua'll the squawking birds tlotg with them.
theae whou, like nmyself,'tre taxilcing te atirabtitle ippity-stnkin'-chiam-dathi
autempt to be fuactioiing menthers oh' the so-called Some could Stty I spetnt my sty itt an oice, but in
"real world."itt>mmmd, I wastedh eight hos of life n the bowels
Not the "Real World" as its the MTsEV show that of busness hell.
outlived its usefulness years tgo -aher I moved There were to widsows in this place. Perhaps sun-
beyond tidolescetice, to be specific -- but the real light would htve remided workers how' happy they
real world. Yoiu kinow, the xword atler col- woulde on the "ouutside"
lege, the word cf work and careers and Flurescent lighting beat down out my
ptaychecks mn usisitess reponts. My sin- p syche. he atuutuoyiug squeks and chirps
gt e cruicitl, vittal questiounbeintg simxply: oflis auta itacs, phtoaues suit llM-contapat-
Is this i! ie cuimputers putcturet iy>etrrumns
I xwas thurihledt acoupe weeks amossocintchrcldiosti mix>brin.
fiutally lutist whatt ltistbeentso elusive for si Ofice tpecpe u e gient up tautlie.
sucdsogtitsugmac-nmy first post-gradua- Gienuip isi being cretive.O0ficc peple
test joblaWhat a relief, I thought I fiafly , xclivety lu wekendss atdlgiing haute
havse somtae kitndt of guartunaicetlii I wonittie"ach cdy
he homaeuless 'usc tie restuii'nuy te. I intul-,Atndi whs wosrs'isthtmlouffice peple
ly knowissthatlgetinugtat>' ugishi degee CttRIS citutiyhavite ' scsesoI lumutaout usmtheir
wsnu'uti complete wsteo tine FARAH ltes 'hegouchof tie usisness ofifice isa
I finually have mitoficjob.hcartoioniciurcternametdtlbiiert Iilbert
I knowss, I kunowx.Noit exatly toe shill 5 hitsiimoth.Il e his tau pupils lie i stu-
creasusare madse fItutit xxix a jobh A py aslie us tie sysem
tubsh la rge u'urpurmius .Andchxxiied-brothhdtted IEet>office wo rket patitclyuith o xulfai tlhas
Autici ciiwouldniu'tup ta tstuua punpituuuy? stu nts utit iIerlpacrperup liauci thei ie 'ue's
After tll, hoiuht, Iis is tie realsword, asitihe rel (sllice tutngocr cuicle"ur pusout ccii"}) Altmosst
wo'urd mtu is . .office joh. kigiui . s it tousasy, Ilit-hu, tskkatis' We hiue bhintgt
Anth so Iihededtoitsmat>firs city, whitinlug maarrily upetitve jos! hsve nuse amcicusaxorihopes We
as I sxeuikeci tip isthecdo, excitecdly tuticipattuuafhe sqiuuoirt eni xxsee stuigti ol tushcc
uew Idilgs 1 wsuldiiletarnusnmy tal cu-worldistoiice is.Is 'vx ecnut tlths i'iss iss rtie smmtter
I xxsoush slimtu he corporate siser I woauldmakeai rght' fr lxiiweks msiw. Auth ytsuuktw, state'
lofuston howi te>imssmlistquitie 'us;stiad its>ytmore SmiehoswI'vIe
It didni'th'cll> mtletx'whtiid sshcisuupauy I xxw's gotiteniusediiht theiuuiesceuuu lihitig tushthefx
xxtrkttt o, or e'5'tiihotlI wam si' I wswsrxx msu itlnies I sw atDilhbertctoo hot herac- iy mitc
ittg. Ilush x"as alol tutteres. Ihis'futuure 555s liiighd
bright.l"he sky wsusbright. The arisercechipintg I Ioki he mlirror, 'rituiy pupils atdshotasuh are
I wasthle sI carof'uay-xry sisum I isuuy muoasic. ishit iiiar situiyhsrst
Imtut i Iretuhy sre whati lie wether xwas ike shuens AmI asp 'tsamytiiyhsh setils cii'cretivity?AmiaI
I e-tithits'tillice tliaeufutcli>a. lt for 'aii I cared, he cuaoriuruauu Is ths mlt?
skies mu> s xwelhavmue ecticudusy tush ileak Scews youu IDliet I ltae my>suusiuue tutu> ciy.
fosatitis coiii u se hebeum xx uriig Ilsuugl hueky f./tutu 1/ 'tutu/i ith l rutre/ t li j/ittte/i ths/.cs/uu



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