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June 01, 1998 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-06-01

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P dHHrmam, for all the laughs.
H-artman died tragically last Thursday. His work includ-
ed outstanding roles such as Bill McNeill on
"NewsRadio," voices on "The Simpsons," and his
many years on "Saturday Night Live."


By Matthew Barrett
Daily Arts Writer
No need for ID, the man is legit.
Previously known for his elastic face
and crazy on-screen antics. Jim Carrey
shines in his first real attempt at a seri-
ous role.
"The Truman Show" is not the typi-
cal, plotless stream of slapstick humor
that has grown to
be the norm in
Carrey's movies.
Instead, the film
The Truman slowly brings the
Show audience into an
intriguing story.
Carrey plays
OpenngJune 5 T r u m a n
Burbank, a char-
acter whose
every move in
life is the basis of
the wildly popu-
lar and always
live television
program, "The Truman Show."
Since birth, Truman has lived in a
self-contained dome called Seahaven
Island. As 5,000 cameras capture his
every move, Truman is surrounded by
actors who play different characters in
his life. Truman constantly dreams
about leaving the island but is prevent-

Weir dire
new Carr
By Matthew Barrett
Dai.\Arts Wr r
Whcthier i_ l truxh a po li tlmtin
trl ingtk) prk)[ctt lanmidhib)y
teacher trit to make his students"
lies extrao rdinar\ or the newl
released I he ITruman Shows.
Australian director Peter Weir has
iade lis mark ottm ittie-gsin(g audi-
ences around the world.
Ilast"i earned Oscar nominations
'or his work t -I)ead Poet's Society.
"Wittiess and iGreen Card,~ Weir has
established himself as one of to(Lay's
mostr espected directors.
Weir s latest effort The Truman
Shos," stars Jim Carrey as Trutatan
Burbank, the unknowing star of a tele-
vision show. Truman's life is broadcast
live. 24 hours a lay to the world, and
the TV sho is a smash ut everywhere
For Carrey, the role is his most ambi-
tious on-screen effort to date. Weir vas
a little ssorried about having Carrey
play the part after the public's cold
reception to "The Cable Guy,
I was ver nervous after I'd seen
the movie that he would be inhibited
about taking risks, because that's what
I think you have to do, same as I've
done in the movies, you got to t
things, some tork and some don't, but
that's the true freedom." Weir said.
"And I thought he might be nervous
about sThe Truman Show' because I
was still wasting for him to do it. but I

Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) doesn't know he is the center of attention in one of
the summer's most innovative movies, "The Truman Show."
ed from doing so. When she asks Trunman if he wants
Carrey gives a career-altering perfor- coffee, she gives him the whole lowdown
mance, proving that he is more than on the particular brand. Because "The
capable of handling big-time dramatic Truman Show'" is live aid doesn't have
roles. He is still extreiely funny at commercials, product placement is one
times, but instead of constantly hitting of the show's main sources of funding.
the audience over the head with his Pulling the strings behind the opera-
humor, he uses it carefully. tion is Hollywood director Christof (Ed
After Carrey, the film's main source Harris) s who runs both the show and
of humor comes from the little oddities Truman's world.
about the television show and the Harris gives a ferocious and intense
attempts by pcople on the island to performance as director Christof. The
keep Truman there. Laura Linney plays character is a parody of Hollyvwood
Meryl, Truman's eclectic, sweet wife, directors, complete with an enormous
who dresses in ridiculously perky ego and some unusual quirks.
clothes. Aside from playing Truman's Christof sees Truman as his creation
wife, Meryl is also supposed to keep and feels that he is justified in doing
Truman in check and slip product whatever he wants for the good of the
placements into the show. See TRUMAN, Page 10

June 1, 199808
cts risky
ey role
li iis deli siItld that he esas complet
urnrepentat (about .TEhe C&]C 0My)
I Ic wvasn't antgr' abot it or anthing,
Carrey 's role in -I lie Truman
has been receiving a great deal of com-
pa ison to Robin Williassetterious ull
inI Dead Poet's Society Werir sieted
both filis and hopes -T'he TrumsIl
Shutos- sill help change the public
perception of C'arrcy as a strictll
comedic ator, just as "eId Poct's
Society- did for Williams. -Ie
(Carresy) likes to think so and so do iL
Weir said.
Althouhli "Th Truman Shoe " is
about the life and struggles if Truman
Burbank, it also deals with the tenden-
cy of Americans to spend their lives
glued to television.
"I don't think there is a message
because I don't think there can be a
message, except individual choice
Weir said. 'The film is about if it both-
ers you, get out or switch off, but
there's actually nothing YOU cat do
Ever bedy is going to swatch it. It's like
the murder trials in the United States.'
In making the film. Weir faced the
difficult task of trying to let the stors
progress slowly rather than letting
Carrey cut loose with his humor at the
end of each scene.
I didn't want to inhibit him at any
time, so iii the early stages he Nould trs
something bigger, and that was fine
because ,e'd shoot it and use it or not
Ile was used to rounding a scene o,
nailing a scene, so that each scene was
a wintier. It's worked when the plot is
not as important, but it doesn't make
for a rhythm of the film that this
Weir's hard work id off with -The
Intuss nShots.- oe f ii nlle syciii's msts
complex and iteresing moniecslisnce
againt Weir has done a tremendous job
and he continues to make great films.
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