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June 01, 1999 - Image 22

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-06-01

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~ news, stdents and stuff


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Pennsylvania senior except for one small detail:
from jellybeans to VCRs, everything she needs
she buys online.
Jones - along with Alanna Blanco at California State U., Chico, and
Scott Raymond at the U. of Kansas - is one of three daring college stu-
dents participating in Levi's e-commerce experiment. Armed with a
$500 per week allowance (yep, that's right, 500 smackeroos per
week!), these three Web-celebs are discovering if it's possible to browse,
budget and buy everything they need for an entire semester online.
This virtual reality isn't half bad, says Tomiko. After only two weeks,
she had bought some CDs, flowers for her mom, groceries, a VCR and
plenty of Levi's. And even though she shelled out $300 her first week,
she's still looking for a cell phone and a spring break trip.
"I'm having a blast," Jones says. "You click on something on the
Internet and it's delivered in two days. I'm getting used to that."
But what about those fast-food cravings during all-night study ses-
sions? "At the beginning I thought I was going to be able to log on to a
fast-food site and have food
delivered," she says. "I'm still Want to see what the students are buy-
waiting for 'FeedTomiko.com"' ine' Go to www.lew.crn. Stay tuned for

By Jessica Lyons, Assistant Editor

their un-n snow at 9 pAm. c,5i on Sundays
for suwprse drop-in celebrity guests.

U. of owog~- 'poon~o hhn born n -~ iot on tns motif
1,4743 poonds, to ho o~oo4. Thot's bin if~trt of 43mm t~obbo~ band
bob io4o4lt tim worlO '~ fgn~t, i~o ~ woThag to 1/nt ~t
2,4301) oornd~ by Apid tim L~t~o7t tot' tim ynoi 21300 nOon of tOo
bumoss boch ot WoOd ~ovotoim
lt'b boom onout n yom nmon 11mm 23. todoif tOo boO ~o lviii Ii
of ht~ job in tOo oimb'oorn of o tV, n 1/"n. fbi low dun. thou it
Oopt golfing 4341/got And tdggon "Whom it I to On ohoot 4(1 pounds
I thougut '~ might as woO go oh tOo nay tin mty'~ - TOo oun-ont
toootd is 2,022 poontia., 0 dO by SIwo PottnQy ot S~ey~ Eu/ion>L
Ion lmops los bad now 4 3/2 t'-ot ~h nod 12 toot in ono
toronto - itt rho trogo at tOn Wihoro glon hot to 0 - toed to at>' lv
on 0 about 10 hoots ~t rtos oot ottly toO hon 1/ron 0 0 0
big for the tubber boils supplied by bin ~nvna t ho A jolco dohttor
ritoti> at hot Springs ArO.
Winie b>an s shopping tot n now 50mm-tn-. ho's Onoping bomto>'P
nosy --- ho a siorto-if onothr-r mibbor bond boIl o OttO Ohoot On-
tinihsinoil 'hl'his one o fot foti, aim no~~o'. (ho I ~O no n g. I no
hard to ploy with.
Whoa. tOoth; a little tote intl aotton that, wo .. md. Q~tt~
83' Lltbg 1/too U~ of L3o/atrars//totfo Ip bun Ch~1/taTho, ii. of Peiorvom

That 20-page paper on the complete works of Chaucer Is
due tomorrow, you haven't read a word, and osmosis just
isn't working. But oven if your conscience can't keep you
from buying an "A" paper from iast semester, a new web site
might. Integriguard (www.intogriguard.com) is an Internet
service professors can subscribe to for $4.95 a month
that checks students' papers against a database of existi*
works for suspicious matches. Sounds great for profs,
but this Internet-plagiarism policing has students worried
about false accusations. "My main concern would
L ~be if it pulls your name up, is it 100 percent sure
you cheated or 75 percent?" asks North Carolina
State U. junior Jenny C.J. Chang. Whether it works
or not, cheaters had
better beware-
there's a new
S cop cruising the
By ll Carroll,
UI. of Massa-
Illustration by
Rick Mahr,
S Illinois U., __

6 ww0lgzn.Gn April/May 1999

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