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June 01, 1998 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-06-01

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Monday, June 1,;1998 - The Michigan Daily - 3
nnmy awars $. ilingant

By Amit Pandya
Da)ly Stil aff Rporter
Theite S. Artiy has itiodcd the
Uniiversity (ollette of Ettiineerin n 5aS 1,
mtillioti grint to develop an attliii a~.
The ;rant, which gointoeffctc
tnlay, will land the nititidinciplin itt
project lthat itivolves he cfloiri, o
researclt centters acruis lie coutt.I 5lii
priiet plats to focus onctt itL "lyh
wire that wtill detect 'lit in alan nimore
detailed win than eve'r ' cii ned ossile
Electrical ELti'iecriti" wind f itnpl.ic
Sciettce Prof. Pill ti lltatcliii~l
director of ithc solid Siatic I ccii tics
ILaboratory, is leaingithle pirojcct.
Bliattacit iiya i tii eiic ran tt it i
atiaralci by tci Arii'slDcpairtmti ofci
D~efentse cfttr incintnsiv cclctoi
process stcmitntfrlomtiptropos akt-
cit by rcncarchtccttcts.
The Armty brotuiht ettngin ficitit

th Uivrityutogiethter it ith eciitiers
ad thne I t i nt iii SOlttilict i
C liori a Tlhe iUinirs it ildUT
iu ctiieninit ill 11iiiiticc ilctcii
aarificial eteliii lii ii swtie IUSC
enli'i1neersiwil beiii i l clinitalit ic
lic [)csi it~iticuu ifiie hadccie
itneerin" ad C iiiilitci Scicice.
s iklitheatuifi iiint collcct Iuolit
itifoitiitoin "likecamecriti:'ibittheliceyc
"iltl bc ible to Idtect)ncinitc i ottin
anda adap1 to diffcrcntt llihti''-,tittiutin.
"Unlikel tthumani ctc stwticht atnly
are tiinto atktithlis'attificiali cyc
setisetither tinsel 'iitii'litviond avisiblc
light, extnigtaintoiictheiltrarcd itnd

lilt ttacli ittsit ticeiicprojectsn rctcaich
itill aficcitctcveral icas in ntad
Thc ficldn witich ocittd Ibeiareatti
impan ctedl(linthiiiatificialIevctc scc h)et
and lie devclopnpt oflcaiI rsci n toi-
ceiir candtintticmitt ldea li\it i nptid
ieaadcal i t theictifiiciti tcettill
itt citvilian ietIild. - iicicliti'' apticali
-ahas tetan ii i ia to id thoeittith
thc inteuractintttithli unilctsn in othtcr
fields atndl iill bc ittretic o thci applicai-
tiotn to thteir ottit field of etpertine"
Iltittacli yaidc

MTonnDI Dila/ay
*Pallab Bhattacharya is leading a project that involves research to develop an artifi-
cal eye. The team was awarded a $1.6 million grant by the U.S. Army.
Bil to aid Washtenaw a1r

By Nikita Easley
Dliii, Stil't tici a
A\ iii ito alowi Waslttettav Coutnty ret-
itlti th Inopportncitity to smite ott a mnillage
I fot Cutil Ifutnding will he tip for vote in
the I-lomsc of Rcpresenttativesthlis week.
Thtc bll itiroduicecd hy
Rcpresetativiie Kirk Profit (D-
Ypsilatit atic passed hy [loutse rout-
itteeta lint ticcli, wroulal help fintancial-
Iys' uppot tcatltaral amnd recreationial
pro(tim s in Wa tshtetnaw county.
IPtofit nsticd lilt proposal wit hused ott
sitmila bi ills ena ctedl ins Cltici Sant
Ftrancisco tad Detroit.
* "it strted is n itfclort to taken cite of
niaJar it I t iticn Stic in thec Detroit
IPtofit nstid.
ntuppt fo liipi progransn lie titiline pro-
poa isnee ti acltto talp li tin inuchi
tJititc1 ps then ICit',~ e10- lue
utiniand ptaks Pit aid.ctltnitn u

shtowcthe importance of lie 'iris,''taiad
Barry LaRate. pretidaent of the
V aIslteitiit (ounac ilfor the Arts.
tading that tht" Ilocse twill tmttst likely
passthle hill.
LaRute said tit is fit-('tick ats
Govertior Milliken, fainditu" for ails hat
beent deereasing because of lick of snip-
port from tthe govrnetnt.
Profit said tt dci ii"lIst iteek's pre-
senitatiotn in I loiusei tamnmet:tthle
bill were adudedl eliinatiithe ieIl's ref-
ereitce to govrtnmnent scicettitta of
oibsceetity in thearits.
"Obnscentity is niometing"atrists deal
withi," Profit nstic1 "Whicn ithc nanern-
iteiniatcts tas a cetnortie haie Inrobl-
MUStIC stiplicitVI i.Slly I rcia sad
lie pnropnitedlbill still 1CIint the icounttty.
"ta si,10thith"W iui crititcwi ould
ciii back oitistic unit. a t oristi becausce it
is uhlnulitheats nii t omnitil
shapnes itself. hai tat iid
If Rep.Pri'isbill ihin Ivintact taters ini
\'ausitetat c ci1titiiwotttldi Ic ailne tat vote

ts programs
ona nillage ny itne year 20111).
Sonic of the faitding trocila(-go
ttiiards lie Washitentaw Council of rte
Arts and othier iris progratis such as
the Attn Arbor Art Association, the
Pairple Rose Theater anal lie I ichigait
Whletn asked if he thoutghit voters tiotild
apnpnroie the itillage, Garcia sail Antn
Armor residents v,'ere of liecmlit artistic
"Annt Arbor isatery arts-oriented
comnmuanit;" Garcia said.
y niiulCake
h s rnc tyle cnokies
*Foide atr od *Eurpean pastry

GE aloons Ly the 5SORG
Charge to your department


for issues including:

Earn up to $10 a session for either a one ($10) or five ($50) session corn-
puter-controlled dynamic decision making experiment. Each session lasts
one hour or less. Contact Bud Gibson by email only
ddm@whalesong.crew.umich .edu
including the letters "DDIVE" in your subject line. The experiment is being
held in the Business School. You will receive $6.25 base pay per session and
a $3.75 bonus per session for completing the experiment. The experiment
sessions are;
Sunday, June 7 through Thursday, June 11.
Available times are 4:45 PM, 6:15 PM, or 7:30 PM on the days listed.
Indicate your availability in the email.
If you are chosen for a 5 session experiment, you must come at the same time
all five days. Subjects in the one session experiment need only come once.
No further information is available about the experiment
until such time as you are chosen to participate.

Walking distance from campus
Sliding scale fee available
Call Donna Goodin, LLPC
(734) 913-9531

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