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April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Till OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNDSDAY, APRIL 22, 1903 No. 145 WOODROW WILSON hasisgoneitmai. Not Kasls, bit til, settins Vvaryin teeittitenft title Piincton President Spoke to a De- is iihettui1- tt w o srm tktes slos- ii hted Adience in University :InitilforP115th is toughttillpirit Ha11 Last Evein-Subject ;y "Ted. It is te)oldi"pitot Was "Patriotism' A lt-i-v iftt-stiiistime tier tgainlhe ititt ttititi iitititi lii ifeeli...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…TILE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring r1tt .r; il I m s EL I W 0i 0 ii f N1 .tG1 . W asA.&- S Sp ais Ong 's O ffcil 1 av"l( 1t~i 105E ash.St rPa119 Guide 1903 now ready ISHEEHAN & CO.l University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. THE U. OF1. D AILY N ii hewih hittii~tt tti EntenA__ox_________________m__tterat__Aln_ Arbor____ 4i iitsit titied ii It iltitc It.. 44i tt f EA 'lE I. Il iT uN. (P ti( P ;t - t li ti'nt i()li' i()lII e o 1*.t b t...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…for 2-ic THE UNIVERiSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spri gTHE RIGHT THINGSAND ENOUGH OF THEN T Suits, 0vercoats, Hats, Cap- anridaal tih7 Exciusive Patterns in new~est Men's Furnisig ~ [ Madras, Cheviot, It-siu. xclxx- -ini x s 4Il d -' 111) of justi 211 11'. Linen and Percale. I i -IvoI-- t hwci'r W agbon er & Coot A M RYi RLE <r ~ P [0LEOFF101AL [or 1903 Conxtainxs xa (compilete listiof Aie-- pieeList iofixChaxmpins.. Over13 itn-ofpmlwtAe- canxixdxf...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…'IIHE I' I1 i'i;,iTry 01r' ii'1lIIA N ii ILY' ^ ° . f ,;f one (i the hes and-,. t pe." ' ° nr r ftc.. v £i t t .JCstrxn . '¢ / TRA M,.Y , , r lade lo;^ ; .s i ts tWe ha"^ a' 4. "..+ e a :°.sor tment lo _ 9. . .J. f . ., , J ^1, i ,-,., "r, R e ty iI ~' tS .'+fO d 131., Ch yt /', Aves from 'my , L a . ,J r "".d '!''. $. L OOy ' r . ,, ,. ft $ . 5 0 . r, r1 * ,-~V'' .'T _ 'ZIO .8/A AD CU \G ~I2J~W~& i~ anr'- J' e . 0 rL.. + Y" ! ,s k,6 ...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…: " ,_.. . .- : . - r; : . u w 'l r -+ .v t .. J i' .- ' f ~ { r r, j;. ..., .-s ' ..+ ,r+ " y H + M, "" i i f ' j ... " -jy .-. _ - _ 7E " ° , 1' " I 7 ." ,_, r... _ r 7: e 1 " - + f' 'f J +f i. .'! J i v ._. i l.. r: e _t rI cr % r JR f f. r, f, S "r: z f - Y J %. +..+ ,J ° ' w. k-1 ^, , i .+'/ Y..r i ..1 ^^a. M.i . f, , t' "'1' }n. r.! f; 1' t f. _. - M 1 . ., _.. _. j - _ _ :. t w ": '". " «.. % ;: .-. :" ;,, .-' '= W 1. Jrt ._. u _.. ;++ ...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…E.\Vsi'+ 2 g'('tot1tiit. r t Ci',tliouii igs Ai' over ctin 1gs rfor tis sleaeoo.ll 108 E. Wron ash. St lIt11s llav 'er In en 11 the Prie oof elir lt itIlttosertilitiI ove. N rWThe AN e rB oya t D p lcale: Lov y Mary; .Fith b 1',1 mor te I{ it igPitt ie. ShereH far&tCO bnvr~y Boksl lers 3S.xrestaeStet TIIE UIVEtRSiITY 01 hi" iC ItikN DAILY. ' T141lE.(U. OI'1M. DAILY Ii(1li ~d ':;'iI:l'11i!:'!(IElta; 111i1h(' .11111 I 11IllnII,'i5 11 ((t d t'lNi...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE PNLVI fSITY OF \Mt( lilt SNDAILY TE CIG ., &, b . i t~ y . I laras, CL- x jt,( RACKET ~BRAND - \age &CO-.WA B S ~r-1,. 4d 1.6J~ 6 s4_4The dyes lf1life cveet Isalt let 1 ii . ~ . 1W; . II lt Isre'it miii ts ri eothe god old 14 col ged Cy. MOGUL Cgar- BURCHFIELD S FINE TAILORING TRADE. / etes figure largely in rtro- spection. They leave aweet We I r ar l his "a-o le et ii ii rc ii( iii if. mem'ries of a smoke. Ah!astn h IV" lra el lu ii umbr...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…TIlE U NIVF 'ITY OF "MICHIGAN DAILY. W KI~NO W V I ~t(t ,n tul i u -t , t , 1 ,a ii .u rt 11 ])l=ti t t n lt I> ,t q ' 11 $ p [y n I 1 I - 2(i'1 . a : I i tlt Gi I 1 i\ ? ^' :i l C -,2l l l i?1.,8 r . }7 'iI ~ ''<lCl )701 II -,.1:7<141 -. G. J. B~USS, Ilgr. 109-111 1: ST WASHINGTON ST. Uiersity Tea Rooms Ild~scll 1:11 AI lScIl(AllING 0. M. Mer AosT N.. AT lPI1olii X jl1. AT iENT lyIILI I ~i FUNERAL LOVI3LL_'S CI r. 1 Nina ndl HlroniSi. I Phone...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…THlL Iis oi: N. DAILY. 22 1 1903 No. 104 VOL. XI II. ANN ARBOR, ]AIICB., SUN DAY, FEBRUJAIIY FRESHMEN WIN that he isdrifinguIt' i limemory CHORAL UNION PARTY mebrc ioarlv the iiiivilrsiof his N et was Exciting From Beginning last, fll if lthose tiniiis whichr atj A Fine Dancing and Musical Proram toEnd-Freshmen Also Capture first caised himIa o lushi with smiie Given-Occasion Greatly ~~ontro fothl) ei ueyRelay Race-Some Good irfii ii uei olii ...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MTIChIIGAN DAILY. I TH E: I T fly rtA n A I1 V ! ; ;It "e;r ;r;f fl > hall, ,1111; ; l Il c;tl ,, , 1 U% gp i ig_ _ __ _ _ ° ~i ~t ctsi(1 l1'tt ll' tlt A Cheapill _________ ______51 ii it .. :I1: i+ YI1 * I 1I 'I'h iii Is111,ioo d ; " 1 I PA I L ltlt'C ( 1.t i{i}'tt1. 11'ttlN .e P itr 'cA 5115 'i'.d {li ii ' ' iit\ Itt r [ 1i~ tt;II ii'ct'tt1I1 ;'' ~tl '1'1:11 I';,}chl 1Ix f r 5E l 1,cf11Ju it tit. lti. Icli 1,ti I i"l ic tli...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…THE T'-IVFI,-",TTY OF1' ICIII(x.N I I 01 YA lam ' tt I'ssF:-Niv. \'agner &oo RA MROE +r -. ( ~There is no better corpany when boning "hard o' nights r ' tha0n a good cigarette. MOGULS are the pleasantest kind of comrpanions. Open up your think valves, and at tan name timloeave mem'ries of a ohoioceasmoke. {( w/ Ten for t5c. Plain and Cork Tip. BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. + aswe1 lv( ' hIcrlla'sed d'l wtil' Illl1lblt'of 00111lkin1111. A,...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN rDA4ILY. .,rJCX "Y.V\IMiF pecial Sale in "Strictly all W ool Custom M ade Trousers $3.50, $4.00, $5.oo and $6.oo AT ONE-.QUARTER OFF. Look at Window Display. Cutt ing, Reyer & Co. WAISIS, G[OV[S, JIltS, fI(. 'ItENTSCHLDR, ARTIS Tic FRAMING 0 .MARTIN.. Claeda HOTOGRAPHER AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUNERAL Clae tCor. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR LOVELL'SI Ofice 209 S 4th Ave. 'Phone 98. Re- C NE STR. MICHIGAN...…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Siesoi ' i EA. ANN ARBOR, MICAI. Till TSDA\, JANUA'Xl'Y 2, 1903 No. 85 YOST HERE Glee Club Concet WISCONSIN'S TROUBLES dat-and it' - ii ns-htslit('ti lbs aniual -snser'Sof th 5' 1 sit r-st7«utel syt is- toi is i s in. v,' tifinisi- tament of His Plans- (f Si iils SluAishic:1 (tilt «-s n 1 iKit g is Comig Dow SWith His Dc- ittis ans w,0 r. it iii bus-- Ge-eri-ttiIS Coisedd That He Will i'yel il n 11iti ii11onIif l tilary...…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…F" NIIC all I(" 'a\ 'a I L N1 1 \ - trous ~r E ilcnrrq k DAIL EW Th U. of a 11, fha 'V l t a . T at Willi le Ia ri~ti.t i ' 1'lI ;Viii I P t*d i ~ t lll'1ti fPa a} ! ; t " la' It t~i 1 i 'S ' t 1 i-I i~" 1 ' I IN 1:; i 1« itt "li' 31. :llt j Text [ t WAH'S I~S~~ 10( ~ ~dll~l~t~lC~La ANN kIBJ - M~lI Naae' la laa- a. N N y y Ia;. t Dr. Newellt Dwgh [lll Ne sbs ribrs 52 50 I . i advance B O OKq"'ta ili yt nS t ila~ linaaa I'rr Na,' 4 J.i r 5 'aaa...…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…e 1ij, hI1t'1-IIGAN DAILY--NIrN ' i lip FA NC7c' J r.6 i ti xF r 4 If you ewant to know T c-is v ti VA T UT~ what smarttv dressedi OU in vitt 1 wear this s -, II' vl I : r7 1)- Il,-^ V ' _i " .' 0 NC OT IN ( s&IIAT 3 for $ i ( >r. i «A tlii t i :rwith1-a rusht PA 4 Y J,1 ,1U Z.,ewia .E A IL 2 A&I Base Bal!.I , I. a a vc Official 1 Athletic Iota; l ent, Lawno Ten i, (jolt. 0 1 IIIt;1.1 yt W ;i l .l l NIX t I a The School 1-4rDa:tciaa 1irv...…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…NI I ( 'f I i I (-, -A '--s D, \ 1 1, Y - . -N E \ - ari:.[. w- .... ..__ .. do~sIw I I &.wt _ w .'' a. f~sl ._W. a [ r 1 i :A_ J -W+.I~.Y~1 M~u~.Aw l J .:.A ~' ri~ LE~flEg FO L44NQ~H r Our tyle areExclsiv SeO ur WindowsaefoExcBuinge PURKiI fN StiO[ 6O 11II_& M IN IR[[J 1 ICll~'F t A"tTI l Ill 151 (X Estimates cheerfully giv- WVesell 11-( lt ' RI I :ot. AT i N i;t nlS.1;,: en for framing all kinds B ickenste«er.ILi~it al itilti*wl Iisof Pictur...…

November 22, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…TIIE NMICIIIGAN DAILYNEdWT I c 0A I l 0 0100 Comedy (lub Play MICHIGAN NOTES. t x l , . >I. K I)ii cli' I1 t ..1 $1.2i eat j b i taE ,, >ltn '1atl X .:5 X A J ix P x F ;tir . . . . fx ' t l 'i'(I ,,1 t + I C' i AT { w t i i Ay -ii { r cxIii l , ro I x tII1":I n i )1 t tt ll 0 1 1 h i I Ih 13 'l 11 . i)11 1I __ h "u l h ' I W 320 fS Stoitc, .......e Irv I)ud I]-t h 1' 1111 )ii"" intei ly xotxxx' o,' . N,).;0 o l:ii i t"'l' i''' "1'x .1. t it Pu...…

November 22, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC IIGAN DAILY--NEWZS " U ' L1J 'tai # VESTS sasac r t t i If you want to know what smartly dressed men wvill wear this sea- son ask to see Ste in SnartkClothes Lindeoshinit[ & ApfelI This is worth YOUR A TTENTION, 'B CFL ROLOGY. BIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY Intunclille,,-ts & Supies EBERB ACII & SON, IMORT R N Branch Store on State St. 6 PALACE AND PARISIAN -t ).l tVI It t-? - l - is 17 402 Aaynard St. "I Fdnootbali Supplies 1' e I l...…

November 22, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…TillE MICHIGAN DA~IY-*NEWS wed --nrnx_.1 .3 - . w s..n .ar~ " . :Y:_ o ._--. .a..... .au..'@A_- "'k d '' W . . ' ,___ ' "' sY trdp 4 - ..s '. '~.d .~u .:.'' r' a. ..,,u.... Y, , _' i" y .. Ki. : < _ 1 -Fa 1) I, I 40' r~T - ,y G} ii f' 7' ,l :i WM. I. W[UJ N13 E.IiL[{y M irect vest lo A-iis It '4 t-.. .. Law B6okellrs, PtdWshe rs lld Importers. 114 6oniroexSt. =- =- CHICAGO. ' it",______________________ 707 NUniversity Ave. ii a1 l t. _ i i ! ...…

October 22, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MICItIGNN DAILY- EWF have just receiv-I ed a new line of Woolens for fall!. and winter. The largest assort-' nent in te city Vth!ft'i~N , . : .L:.a "c'. _. _ .... , u ._ _. .. _ _ _ 1,1' _... . r , I, C ti MA NAGIING EDI)TOR%, BUISINEiSS 0 XNAUL 1, W).} C I, ]>. 1I I i DNN. lit. EDITOR)S, (ILNEIIL NI)) i x A i. A it' ;t ili' '1 Ill:: i 'lt'I ' Itiill t'i' r1\' ,ii ili it1,j "I, . 2 1 "{ iel 11 n iI $4.00, fi' 4ier.1i11 ,0 u3 . + ii' l00.l...…

October 22, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…- - - ~ ~~Extract from the 0 x a of the 711T 1AN F URNESSI A Erate of New York.;T ,RIH T IN S N Suits, Overcoa ts, Hats, Caps, and allI the C2 I. InWest MnI i's I ni nishin t~ f . ft I At ~l ' }il12;; A'' RA KET BRAN D Barker's Collars are Stamped Llien lt 11x t c} 1£ t l 1C( ° , rt " . 4~1t' ] aNEI ' '., Popuilari Price IHaberdI.ahe, i. A S!RYAN & REULE. t- x th fk ! ffic F ~ t J3 .' [ i IVfr' l'+r t f I hite 15'House.i11 J e L s itlai Stt''e...…

October 22, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THlE AICIIIGxANiDAILY-NEWS R ,P. ' 4 ' , .i MY \ ' \^ " he 'Gl)'a ,fst ; style. ~ We ha o'.- sye , ^ab larg 'e )r' .f . '. °a r;, > \ > ..,, .. Q,', , * >c aw s C o r t c t of A l ez enmin ,J,, ,. x" ;<"C :r: , ' ' ;' v ' i, . . tM ti y JOEC, atoiri " " iade, . most pe r ct 'iti i y c 9 r . ' $ q'z. ,4" o ®' _ 1r . , fj +v-" . . t \ is ye ar ° i' : " 5 . td.,V ' ~ ., vr~ r ,J~ 1t : .4 . size . v vr"~Duru!ing our'. r.'L./ u UElrn-ov.,a . . ': ....…

May 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…r-t_" _ - _ r , - _- A -. .-.- /. w r - . - , "' _ .,. .r . Y ;, _ T < i" ' 7: ' l r- _ Ijrl t y v r : 4 *..n3 I' i J ( H .. , '!. i I .... F-. r .a. ': . r _ Q m _ fy 77 I. J: ri. r. - ... Y by J "/, f-, ^ U N l.r .. - i t .h _ f . + .._. ._.. -. . ' ' _ _. J. i:. ._ __ .... . - ,.! i. _- - . _. !=. n ,{" . .'t ":' 'fl i.. ! "" y * t..+ Y; V r-' . i r 7 _. ,r! 7; '/- ^ _ _ f . 7, ' .. I it r . . '-'. ' = .J . ::. ' \"J , r " --a ... _ ! *.. N...…

May 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…'-E '112M IC'±IG- NDA1LI NEta", LiiA 4. 0r O "onn tuW fai *Mom VI vLi DAIL -EWS ML - TIhISfAl. DAILY'NEWS tPUB CO. Inc. (til 'na Secy0 N gi th', col'eMan- yas it ~i itHis oft i Ii, ;tr. 64' xPl x BUSINESS IANAOFR, n0T0RI.IN" N 1!4 ii l t lv I 1ii)1iitt'IIItti I I It tt* tiiit 1llii 3 1 ' i l i l ' i i. (+ l '-It ti ll Engra ved Visiting Cards } Our EnlIaink- i the product of one o0 the best netropolitan ei - ravers. 'Ae iasue yo0u tenewest st ...…

May 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THlE-MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS "1"4-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Most Gouviolna Thin~ that we could do that would tend to induce yo., to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would :be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to teil }ou how good these clothes are. The makers attach their j e- neath the coat collar ot their coats, and they are so promd of their reputation, that not the slightest d...…

May 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THEMIHIGAN I)AlIA ..N EW y '7['7"1 14447"4 "R"TT++++++ ++4-++7' ++++^ +4-+++ iT'i'T 7"++++++ °++'3!'4";'7"+++++4-++ i'T+°I +++++++++"i"7'++++4w++++ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f GINGER AL .... BETTER THAN THE I,71PORTE[) 5Gc. } CALKINS' PHABMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. F riGKWIGK iImard rarlors aMd owlinjj 707 NORTH UNIVERSITYX \ N"U17 THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!!I That mans the heat of everything: SERICE. Q ILMEVT and ROADBEDn. w~ argrtr ...…

March 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…r^.y- - ti AQ " .., ''tr_" 1 ^ t a . C£:00000000000000 C) 0 .rC0 - 0 0)00000000000000- r _ -- .- i. " - _ 't. '% _ -' r .1. ,= .P r> , '1 x "" ... _ r ^ (. -" fir. " _ - °" ... -+ _ 7 t w . s-- ,- _.. .JY _ 7 . -. . .. _: " ... J '. " ri . J. -" ,. 1 .... ,- r^ f. ,_. .". :-... O .r.. r .... ,..' rY, 1 +'i Y" ?.".l M' V'",; Y., ' q C N f"T. tt" 1- - - _ _ u - !. !.. .... f_ .°- f f -!. j /. ' f" - I. J. - "' - ^. ^i -. f " I. j 1: - "s, I ."'-...…

March 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…ok. 1 IJL r. tee.. rr. t Y..e A.r t W " q 1 1 fr: C'S'C !w" I t 4 t Irrs r t M-1 I 6 \j Y r saws mw zk DAIL -.EWS 1- y 1N IF.II ' ' jj it s V N-. . i . j . . _ It -15sdP N'i )AIL^:3^ --NEW Ii.iS '+lil i i . .i, .,. 1 ti! i .: t i 't l' } i1'::,t" y it 4 K i " t I ? r t t' 17: 1'i ii'' ', \Vol. II Prixvate Coprtol FR ESHs -Ftt1 1 ' tli= '11; ti i'I1V H.4 L STR A v .WB.. ...r*e *nRES 4 ..++..-+",." t '; ;I t' LIi1: .+ " ; Dealer E in 2 c I1 f'11...…

March 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…I R . NI~A 'I~.N -H- I v MO tGOD iDGIn I TWO 44 STEEN-BLOOH CLOTHES r xl SEIN-BLCK CLOTHES C, h '' ' MtT II'' F r There is None Better Thanr Our Waer Motor tlae ' .a 01 ;I' Ill l ' a'i l l a a bl~t' ly Old t:,(.t1 1t1e E~L<IAIIkJ\ mpt1ra .~anufacturer ; E beN~ ttter Turkish Cigarette~s can, be made." EGPTIANf FintA mQ :: , : 4 < ' s a n: 4 R x V Y x t Y r T .:Ott S Yr t 1.' a 5 I , T XL V ~ r",l I) ) Iat'l ." a $12 to $25. H'ATTERS, HAlJERI)AS...…

March 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…'rHE 7V( Ciii .N 'x11,1 . N W- ...x.....4!it~i.(Zi.i~ 1+ I**+ .'I0 -H+-r+.tIiI tI14 III I''iii i +.4 Fresh Stram.h-brio>sfgr Crushes and Sundavs. L CAKINS'P AR AY-2 S.ST T +++++++ ~ ~ :~1 :ii:ii~ t i;+044+Iuu 4' ri*GkwiGk Billiard FrrSrA dO ~W11u 707 NORTH ~11 lI THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.! II liiA mv o ji zi o f 40 4 y 4 og : ft I"R EI t1 1 ' 4. ( i C D 74. TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS. 44'4' OLEO4O4C LU BU Write J.AW LANDrIAN, Gleneral Traaveling Agent. D...…

February 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…j . ~YJv , ' lret ; ili11'. t t# };?:t 11 [ r" i N IIa a d 0 R I t NojlI]'X I liiil " * iy if ltt I', i' itf l t'' ai -" N I, r " ii- iJ ;i h 2I i "i I lx .I '" W i',li oils It r(I V i7 11 xxx xi xx II Xi Mibga=Iini eei==8 P.:M. To night …

February 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…[HlE -.NliCk iliEAN DAILY--NEWS - _. . - ti + i..r, , ? ' ' .. 1 -TV :11, s' } .Ip fir y th ;[]Its I17 1 I ' t FT TW _ ;; ,r r K bj <1 - t 0. . I{V \ . ,, ' - lf lI't ,:n c ' E . C -~ : I -e -4- v ~ t r I 3' i t " c. Y ,''l .. , ?r " r1 . h .(Z} i- : ,P L J __ r H , -I KI ;Q)>N.I 'i fi1 t iF ,C :0" G R ETNPE IA A uspices of Ann Arbor Commandery T " PINAFORE' r.'~C::_<- es Foh man's excellent prod0uCtO -cr" Carl Haswin's ALION'S HEART." "HLL CO...…

February 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

….' +>Ti * t t 41 I '. . t 'Y-NEWS r Be Ls' :NLitO Si'h 9 I t <: ___ 1 J i " 4 t . - 4 { _ V4111 willtiii i~ ie 1 IT il ~ y paired i E I." . .' i'. -.. t .. _. L: .. . .... .. } YOR:iC - I ~ U- Pe~r Ft . , .1 :5 , :. ' lr .i .: t - _ . . T ;11 HANAN SHOE OS 5BILLIARD 1PAUROSl T111j IIII O ILD I 312 S. STATE STREET STLI)L'NILE ALWAYS A1'RQZNIZ +P '!+ + 4-4 J 1 I I " ' t I? ';1 c YS]kit 15t I 7iTti I{ I1 + I I 1N I I~''itll III Iir 'I( -u' ii I 1...…

February 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…' r4 ' f 14 _4 '' ./r. .__, L ?:.._N" .i A ..G M A C... . ! SO . .STAR1/m '5'5~1+++'5' ~?'5''5+?+++4+''5'55+'++4.~..~+'5+++ a" .f'. A51)FIAN ii j~nral Traveling Agent, IETIROIT, 1' I 11, Nti 15 1,25 anld .30C a lb. 165SMAIN STREET A6.16-6 WV %ol1w V')ir WlIr I s I. IU~ Tie Rnl iho inus dan ~Oanied1Pt.! I.. 110 ,0 Sorpl l, 0101.000. , Rate. Draftr. 1.171 1 oper1+, tto.. i o ~x:(lir t rinr ;,tipalto of a trlW.1) Barrtae. Ikelo Ins l l 14J. 0Fr7i...…

January 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…,0 17 C' ,y a 70, " 4 yr y $ A4 7W k R i._.. fps, FiR5'a YEAR. NINTH MAY FESTIVAL. AUnfique Powrto of Coatratct ISe- lctol.A Renarkt'k'tialArrty of talist'tts Kay" Been Eatayed. ANN ARBOR, MIH., WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 22. 1902. Nfo. 84 DENTAL MUSEUM, 'VARSITY TIBACK( RECORDS. EXCELLENT ADDRESS, The Recent Classiliration Malke the Complete Summary of Varsity Records Collection a Us~a: aAdu ar to <ind tite Roidct'-laoproenatents That Departutaetti....…

January 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…'HE NICIlLi N DAILY-NEWS Ild N I., k , I I I s( -III -'I- 215-M-17- LEADING NMERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the hest xxe haye eve shown, containinig ALL THE Black and Blue St yle ,' and a very fine lineo Fancy Sitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. W I LD 60. to8 E. Washington St. ONE OF OUR HOT WATER would prove a icosiog sworthi its weight in gold duriag this COLDS& RPPE A t U P) PIPE ...…

January 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…THE MiCIIIGAN DAILY-'EWS 'I. +* 7vv4 The Mot 6oni that %vs )i (1doithat would STEIN-BLC W'onid hbe to introduce0 you to we cnno Cas omsrminndthe langua WC'o l ies--clothes are. IThe IM Heah te oatcollar of their co; thi rplitatioss, thatt not the sli fabric or r 511111 up, is pemitti liCoillc~iv'1 101 ou o'tknow ih STEIN-BLCi are, until younave worry them. ('a5,5' s ot do ftful uiakia,whl " -a-Z°+$c«j:' L °i e s eeot . *...*__. _e__e_.a. _ ......…

January 22, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…Tll.E M NfCIIGA.N DAILI-INEWS . omatrwiraa 's.Cl0 I5 TME ONLY VWAG~ IRiII) DER11Y WEI.,SFTlB BIE~l) IN TIlE LSTO)E NER & C. 121-123 SOUTH MIAIN ST'. THIS DAYs ONI-V .AkI&,& .di- A"nLA A6,,&A r. '+: . ri6RliKW! Ikiliard Trlo add hoii 707 NORIHI NIX I Rsi IX XX I NUt THE HOCKING VALLEY PY.!! 'i! I tt o . iw itt Pc teryYit, i,, f. I~lt 'i.i N9F I [:1' tot tO! y: q t:,i1I ' L'F2ttt, """"" .,.TOLEDO TO r.JCOa.JLU '' BUS' i Vrt 0J.'. LAND. IAN, (i'n...…

November 22, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…Fei8r YEAx. ANN ARBOR. MII., FRIDAY, NOVIW;MBER 22 1901. No . VERY SECRET Board of Control Meeting INTER-DEPARTMENT DEBATE Lit-Engineer Mass Meeting -- A long meeting if the Bord of Con- Lvry prparaion is ing mad by is PratIc 0it the 'Varsity Nowadays totlwoo hild lat tvening. It ws do It Will ccur at Eight O'clock tle snior lit and lawn for the late '-Few Rumors LeakOt the Well cided that Prof. -tatengill should al T EennisUivratal pios.h1i g...…

November 22, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS __.r. _. WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT IFI LORS OUR FALL LINE is the best w~e have ever showon, containing ALL THE Black and Blue styles. and a very fine line of Fancy SUitings and Trouse i non in the latest patterns and color- ings. '[he largest assortnment: in the state. WILD60. ioS U. Washington St PACKIBRS - 20C SPANISH ROOT w5c Grandpa's Wonder 5 and 10c QUARRY'S. Campus Drug Store 141C~f'(1r'01ltl0 the Il-ror 11p01a11...…

November 22, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THE MiCHIGAN DAILY-NEWS +4 ++ 1 1 !I 14NI+ q_"++4+14+44.NI ;++4 N -N1414 11111111NNNIN 4 +tht~ The Most GouvinGino Ihing jSamG You Moneu + ta wecould do that would tend to induce you to bus wuldbe to introduce you to a tssn who has worn them. .+~Frvu aoatr ~issi 'Ve cannot command the language with which to tell you how +loyurLbttoyCrsS good thtese cloth es are. The makers attach their label be- BB ' IOLOGY. 13101,06Y, nleath the coat collar o...…

November 22, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…TRlL MICHIGAN )AIIY.NWS l I F'A150)AISTI5IS FOl NOBB3Y HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN NECK DRESSINGS WAG N ER & Co. Sorg. AGENTS "() HAWES $3.00 HATS 12J South .Clain Street WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAY Our entire stock of LAW PUBLICATIONS GOES Save"Jmoney by pourchasing next Semester and Miscellaneous Books before our stock is exhausted. CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, (Law Publishers, Chicago.) ANN ARiI(Ri3RANCH3: 340 STATE ST., Opposite Law B...…

May 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…rK VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, N'ICII.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 1901 No. 174 .Our Special Line of....I TRACK MEN START TODAY Laws Win Out OUTLANDISH INLANDER Foreign and Doniestic Hayes, Nufer, Dvorak. and ith- The (entey (-1111l"Iltttee aitd the Blue Pencil of Its Editor Causes lARCS1eigh 1:11ll Leave at 4 58 For lllrhlltiiuiaeletiietei Lady Contributor to 'fake Of- Fti (~ Eastei Intercollegiate at tie gilissnintfoevr y['thir ejres tie el- fense-"Worse Tha...…

May 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.,DAIlLY. 1 __ . ~a tfl. Cooley Day Next Friday F. r the tarst week orf1two the IDaitty est Friato evetintg boith tthe tar- oa etitorially taketn a positiontilorthe IlIboth illattINatertttatt gytttttaottitt r te clors sweate rqutionitthat too18 tlireit schettuledto to ltturntertover t I the (oidierabtle(otitlitillthtie etosses a1. athee rolt oelly the ono1lotC oo- tffectedt91y it. Ittis (oltli1tuee totveey 11 y itt ,...…

May 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…IBE UN]VFFSI IY OF N](EIGAI' I DAILY. 3 F' Mars Chvos4'.Befr *Madras, CheviostsiandrBedford ' domesic mterias xvx x' AW 5cto $2504' Co dG no bl o ,h lo wn l e q * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OSE S'~A~I TF!IIU ~W4 ~ .~.. ~ -,. Plain 0white IpSTEErot. 4 *" r ? 3 E3 3 3: 3 ' E I E 3 a E1E33 : = E a yl 4'4:' ~ z ? :s s 3 ? 3 = : r : s , Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connection...…

May 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 174) • Page Image 4

…THEE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 IRE UNIVERSITY O1~ MICHIGAN DAILY Jerseys We have them on alt kinds of combination of colors. alsomake them to order for clAns teanis in any colors selectedt, with coiner- als, letters or monogram at club rates. Caps We also make elaes caps to order with any monogr am design soS- mitted. Sheehan,& Co. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELL- R, 3 320 South State Street You cao get a HO"'T LUNCH, NOTI CE We have our roost ex...…

March 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 22 1901 No. I ±..Ottr Special -Lne of..... STOREY WINS FIRST HONOR Need of a Detroit Settlement DIED OF HEART DISEASE Foreign' and Donmestic B. S. Cromer a Cloe Second - The AliIai e rgrtlke alt New- The Coroner's Jury so Decided in the FAB CSContest is Marked Throughout by soh . stten ato irketot. Case of Lyn D. Turner, the Stu- nExcellence in Delivery moll Irisaocoiltioili oithi flee leew dent Who Die...…

March 22, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THlE UNIVER~iTY OY -NMt(IHIAN DAILY. 2 it t'~ htt.1 ARTICLE V -BALLOTS. RAIN OR SHINE . s - o(% 1.'1 htElection Board shalt r-13 rid te htlixuse ii it5tili.tixt The ''00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe pii littlat Dailty coatailieacist of altitheto wear when the weather is ucer- Cilec cra, as an. A little rain doesnt hrt it /"""K to terio lfetetiVe detatmients or tr- THIE UNIVERSITY -OF MICH'IGA.N ties tiwhich the e aiieixlxiteblong.j while it aords...…

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