Foreign and Doniestic Hayes, Nufer, Dvorak. and ith- The (entey (-1111l"Iltttee aitd the Blue Pencil of Its Editor Causes
lARCS1eigh 1:11ll Leave at 4 58 For lllrhlltiiuiaeletiietei Lady Contributor to 'fake Of-
Fti (~ Eastei Intercollegiate at tie gilissnintfoevr y['thir ejres tie el- fense-"Worse Than High
to'New York trraitnuo'ts. oth of which wvere School Attempt"
FOR SPRING ---- booked for Friday e-ening net. The
Today fi 4:h tile four turn who are L1.10won0011 llot 11the lnterscola~lsti ('fuh )1a i olint 'ropes silehfor any
119a l rived and is a- to represent.Ii M1igali ti thliie. ioeri ninhiilg party lili e bellil (Iiwiltownt sentimencit l'X5)esed i oenniu-
Iltereoleoiilte Meet. ivelti u ill le i tie' rnoa ine adoe of \1 terniaii catios.)
ranged for inspection. fieldlay >t 4andii25 at Net Y )kvi titye o li hre woosno little bhustig yes- Ei'~c-Sliy
We have the largest a- boarid tit i-h fieii' stt'1:1li teily sileueahtil-ioii foud 'ale dirfte bDoighyiiriiliit10t: ~
wil 5'l'1101the tep lltil lstofthe ii ttorities iwere coferreit iiltitlll f l t theremiotiest oiiieetilst
I - ~Il tei, lst Ilaner. lntolicorret if
G " H I D C . lb ii.. i is to hetie -ois, ;itii tad iio i ll liiugtith tiif11:'to noon lt iii ara111
sil lii.. I cin.fii- t iion t ret susillsllls--noIll liii-r- oe he ote tilsit ni~iitr lll s t~o es('let that
11d filtitio ttawesisittinutttossitt ou-tslrPll-itienthetatehefowitil(ttieotf
______E._ W a______ gt______ St.__r___ ented___ in the easteLic Iutrrsvol'htit ' 11(1011 noe t i u tihttl''t tlio-I ftt'-o--ecl
- assocation nd t~anot thre-foresend flly, , ills iltheithi' hoI-ld e 11101'~ i ouit rthta
A ~ Material iii list iieittelilt iliiotiiiasti 111t'tlist ige 110editorli-ilaillfititdiio
.li l- i't t I iitt its1111aliter tti '
At ips' te terfi ia oft i lIlii'.oti'uti'i'tiiiiit p ti res-I The ditnt des 1111 ireto-i- i ii'
i t s it its by gthesi-i'll iiac tiiii's ill- toillsat ol eii ium -,o he} st I iio iiit ii 011' ill 11t. s iiti 5itiit i
cued tlt rtoy. whr tt -L a tellmi h t i n itef, titriost b
onnherlvi-' ills IIIas I :; le
AICmpetiLnefo o tiho evr. tt 1111ii'to t 'i ds l ____hl __ca __ ame_ o the_ oil l- t iiited tiitor itL isould i]lot ' itthti
W a ter I t i ,i't l t s ' lw lllfo th i ht t _i i t l v lai ng,111' t liii t'd ti-'i i biyi
ii ii 0 11s 1ot -1 1 iiiwiill-i' lr-it ii 111l' half Will Lie mldeI-lodeal inlryianti attit'teoute
itinisPainingichanc tio gel lttsfhor A l it oy2f Alteati 5 1ictile tik stht ilt is tt511
~ t~ hi lysoustt to ''I by anyone to tnoe. iedi lit I cs iis'
1 O L ' W i rani tut u t e nht to uill'h ofoil Wi' ll e tieit Hert ti -it a Sa l - st1o111 taltytlint! 1iseytd Iaidtitt i iu-
1 1111t ilt. lts'l' o ! tlikel tJ'tt 'lls ii' 111 -siu-t itlu-ttaTyi25i-i-thltetnd 65irt i, lito y nt li' i 1111Somei
Woflereo utowlth (Ii le.a d L' lt''i iii 5 11 to i ves toter i-tttn l ga lI'lttittil.an liht-
( OR T lE i t 51 ii liidusiuchii' ltlllulii_'ti sti -
P0 5 I I t i t i -I-s ehol l.sMa yi o tth tioll t a t ;t s lls Sc l t - i t t i l ls l i l t r iti ' ii ' t f o rt I i s -
to ch ioIr111-i.i tgh 11i ls il'thel' tlt't ug 11at -it 111PhItt islet li
CJO 4 a .Ysitte or 0 t~ 1 1tu11 sIlev u-u t -uyuvaidhi- tu rdaii' foi- t ltt ii t's i lts toritut i'ihti f h
usu'v'2bot 2h hh itt , gei ol uhts ' Iohit':el t' s'tiu alese 1 tt lull uttut t th a t ihui o, tii ist tilt .,i' t oi-
l-'n o i self No1)' lo, of t1lt easttai' I i Ytetuo e u iittase iT tute tilt it duii cei s' t tYolit. OH a1th fsit10
xv F ~ vTT A I N 1,n t u 11ruittt on Patiut flulI so 1fi'trIlut _-Is 0 yoiungth l'ts hssre. tit l ttu r Uc t ua c Ifutt 11111 --
s l o t h s a l o u l c t i s o l i itt lii 11tA 111 il \ ->0 1'o c itl w a e u ot ~ l i t l I St
10 C 2tcsltsthtt eF luint i-t'-lt veitg telo' ~tiItittidanis -ot __litthe__tatter.
in1coi;tis ear ah is1tn11111 il (b 'it-it ts.ie l rai' sltd fai fu ndIll 'iti t C o i t upou lipfitrontlaen t -O
-__ 1~~0n aw Dt ane a ig Sttcso le ht hi l t 1111 ti lle liocc u ll't e f obl l e ra ne rsutryttj sii bo
si nds ,1 tit goo ch nce itt the lot ld ~ t comeit ttuit Pre tilt" i ll Sat- 11 1111 l iithere 1111'be It t'r1dr11ss,
Q U A R P N S ..... i ls o i et an. P'r-td Molney te mu-- ln n il ot is-:: .mttil tltimi o nti l ft h eitlsPn eh 111'Ink
_________________________________________________a__ Htollyh iltei' tiri' _tusi-u-Iht-nIniltii-IiI 4Ihist
C r a sh____________________________ -Iihtht Iitt iia ttu i--for itt is roke 11111 1 tnituhis '1 iitt itthu~er Ras titI l t'hs Il no at io n ths g ev n e
F O Rm ut-u utuu l 1s ti hu-ittnputu t u l receivediii- l 1111ow -:t u'5111111 li m u etto t eedtmso h
pliuiuuu't- i h to tl'tis t i ttt-l ' ile ii a l t 'ps't'ilil l's SIiet l a e t lee:! 1n itc~t o n
glue 1s the i e ore oo er} g oo ju mp isr str, tearbornuhutul a l Urivl pott o [lloc
ituit 'i the sliitht b'ulr1111 Su ts tiuh' of Ra11pids e ol W y e rou-- liI I' 5 r, i ulutl S .IN L S
l>iic i sesItoi h'is i ii sutus'illmliisai-tuoItih,1111i ti tt-he
I. IB I~ A ~ Y i t hllI il- iiuult ssiti ot ll 'ii itii tutuo hi'. -lul li. ' GlfChmponhi TurahutisO
a ' ' 03 ~~ ~ ii ht llw Danceuatib Iii liii'T e l \,llh toeel tltt
A \TeaikeSetio alhok- th l lii ltul tiand'sgsti ' t tiu- l hi t sh utniilu uuavi u'nite. hii ui , t o otrue s vn
as epe ill s itd 'f'ti tliti" 1111'ui: uuuui 111 iitpaytihii' littPui si-ill (uiut onleuuuei l rhoie oti is; a a te
*rnnne sGas section rspeholdinglows '0 v ick htit46.itutyE
ook cmplte wit t'p The f lliiat iIttNtlitirlusry hlreideduandiisi In >Jool;aih 42;Hootr-hlts!t
iENh w cituo vill ite till ttu'vtu thet o re11 h e t il G l e . 1Phi olog i lt Soc iety rd- :If,1,i
rn i lium' 211 ti tisi-etetuisp tesed ig 0111112.llw tilti,,bod ct F ut
F ight Aid t ny pit fbiniedith iotiug 11111 luiiury ulutig 'hot tlist tethit, fr ti' yuv :ofarCh ic nger _________
as o It ck M sCii' lst ysit' I elulicee.o.it i eita iit oit'i i sa! tyrsvirunbe rsh lu s.wt t vi uHen t ls ig iih i teu
3 3 luetig tluanned. Orlsiils- ltt atttiws 'thy us-enriug iilItoeo 1". Uiversity lit Nvitiry 111111 this siurts to -uoider
Ofthe _Adeishi siw ibe tuunstitiuotu-r hl1. tDr.Ewrald Bucks-e siill tenad a tlt - uutuuuitugwisrt of Studhetnts'Chris-
W A H S IToatsowill tie reisoneleut toIbyAxeyphuler oil "Associaitise-e 11nd11 lhreri- tiui xsoi-iliiisunxt fallWeilesihay.
W A H R 'S UItley. McGee :and others pronitneit in atic Foritis of Stle" after svhiich will.6:045 1p c . . nl'hriieshay 1ai1 I-Frilay,-
Sdebating and oratory. occur the anniual election of officers. l01t71p.im.