±..Ottr Special -Lne of..... STOREY WINS FIRST HONOR Need of a Detroit Settlement DIED OF HEART DISEASE
Foreign' and Donmestic B. S. Cromer a Cloe Second - The AliIai e rgrtlke alt New- The Coroner's Jury so Decided in the
FAB CSContest is Marked Throughout by soh . stten ato irketot. Case of Lyn D. Turner, the Stu-
nExcellence in Delivery moll Irisaocoiltioili oithi flee leew dent Who Died Wednesday
FOR SPRIN1S)o11 wroin i Cat ricyMr.lMel fegor
FIOR tPRIrNOtl t ihc oratorbcal c ontest 0:10151 eially we11 ited to spea on Te iquesttoon the death of Lynn D.
bre Ilhe ot a fair crowd1'an an nn ifhis oniet. tener, the student who ded so sud
hase arrived and is ar- Inson1 iotoiiiof intere-4. 'lie'Cotet Ie ieeo)curedl apart of tie)'west side'( dely eaf seterdayr was held eterday
r'anged for inspection. ioar0 1111'f111~o'nc fllf ) ) 01 tl' il)) Iorll )11' ternon
stud much)11 mofre even thantllfor severl whtit setatolet i'fi)1')lt W bet p (le) l D M'esde ri el he on
We have tile largest as- ye osi st') 1 Th'Iel'featuo f 1it was Ce' Itf r ie'-ueiliio s. .tidl iktewi'e'sev' r V yr dsrbdtecn
sortmee~ft il it, t e city, unusuotal Ix)')' leeee (of it'edelivery of 1111ils'cahieii thi e eastern islt f ti ediii lot te young ienf1111 ifei e feeas0
e 1rlo ill tie) )c )onttants. 1H1stsoAabl i y.'ifn Oli e itol thfie omil. Te de-
1) (i, and1Eugeiii i'I. li hrllf, th fee' .51'. o glt hre el e')1ized Detot 1)' ioel Igas1'unceosio n etlld h eeee
6. H. W ILD Co. .1 1r from111the 'fi'ishrnleint 1))_'e_._Ii-10.itte* ofno shuiietitlistitt. Ie K ill ili ,leg lye )s)bheatingfhelily
IOC E. Vashington St. 1.t liiver aobe lltl'tl liiO)(iipresion ad lwo t 'rnglll variif oustiltlheiiie. Accer-ltI 1)1 10 ))-re-eo tltlgeey iad
lf ly- del) stli t ff1' rlithe judge trCli 11)11)set. t 'e ar1'. ,000tl l ilflo'5 iiiDe- o til le ea.ii witotit a fest filotei
S.SlIl.'ll e'01 11 lll'hl 1-leti-l e'. 't'Iet g-1)1' X 11)11) leolet. ie sill ilet teeee was
Briyant S. tro f'. '02 L.. seoni.. Mss s 9it daye 11for1(10 l.4Iholes t ottiabldtpreo. n h
A 9 j5aMlelliol '01. 00115third, it h <tilI'to-cle l le'i'l thouisandieof01 lll'its 1)0'poor i iife liie-re'iiCt
SA T E 3c ee.'0 i pin bhid. Sto'ey hve olir e 1- in11tlilh i thl) tfe'ch-arittale'eeee tma a t t 10115 s lnearly enijty,
S i~~II"I~~li~ Culledfer it bthintouieegtai t (111' 1sf ifetils Iliieg tie'yeae. tn ~oiK Ilt.tl'lOl1lliOo
PANTlS poiionliiani leeliioe'ry tui slsoerig "Detrit.' sile-AILti' rliile'eflr.:"totilee iottinlilit 0 yoeg nmanexpaiied
fill'1'iu eitii sh orelgiWel'l laned)''l fe') Ilelly nhe eiietitha til) ((ler this 1)11te stlld tb 'syng Clat le hall
received fresh e'Jri'oi'lttil' i the league Co'estllo. liente fk lid tf 10thrersentdi ogtl'l-1 a i-eelfronithome 1last September
t'ce'edlfr sh'r . lhoee''r, 00110 a)elose s'conld. b ely il 1151 set tlene'it-ifii'clese, ad' eha iseltuedsltlall of teeedrug
every day' . . . ti og Stoey 'fee' iteoti delivteri' 111)1 rill)) ly. lovingeolllfil'. Iis ihi tchhdgnou o h ate
beling only : lpoints behiidlrtiethoulght.pi fle.))tfrolil' tiftitllon lW1114.11 i 1. ID. -Maildr. at hoeopalltitc tl-
R )Ar vie id o ietilhog t]IIIe e fiuslvfes 'clte'flee'tie 'oor and11 e_ d et I'll)) e n t h e flee 110hose.'tet
W 1L E S fell lee sixth in lefieery. ohi' e arofi-ll -liyce') 1n-eedy.fe'. 'thCe'siriCto te leaIthlat le eda h era sy bratineg
Pi #AI A (. 00sf it loe thirtdeo011dletery, hit lst, lwill'an lout.'' iiiT'rner's fl~oom11)nd eent inteee'eat
IIL] ti \on o entill 1tTeoy.1)wa00s5foiirith e_______________11:15 tied f oneiinltuncosif'osolisOi
U ldelier110and)1tie'dlfor fourthe i1 thought. "hI (hi)' i ttO ttlf -ihtt. Cii'heed. Iti' immeietately had a plo"
b__________________________- uhf'stod iti i te' seine otranktigo______________ teillsui 1111111.
YOU KNOW where to get..... tonloth. "'h ltfrttileee' foigltt'ftAyrlnIiv. scttfetiltedt ht he 11)ad
flird'llur'hner re itilrk onee Clat le
A Q GO D LUNCH -iihougtItslewou'fldilhave ltsfhert exam-
lotitti o lDl iIiivry.eidene o the Cu e' ct -Clit I)-yoing
SMOKE Is111e'ii) Xilstfllt eilleo0niwhomi Trner
R. E. Jolly, 308 S State Street. s ('ledfeequl-')lenlyiha1))11tld imfteithat hi'
ti v v a c _ _ j ieiocto('I'lleClil \Zllt1)1 lleeoilee1111111
l~~r~IauII~h~Scutti Y l~fr. 'i'nr'a lt tie' rafast
I~bLI~uII~.BOON ' tillurnito till'r1om11nilln oon. -
AHOT WATER BAG * Odl- - - -'~ m'w0t1o17 47 tthl i'.'. It'11spells' or
S Keeps 1 fa cold, O- i' - - - 00 1'2 -rS1-5 o ' 2 e ] 1wtll'o 00ie i ur5hidie(litlxfstilelle
(filr Il tg t fe e-fl tler. lH e ill lot
Driven neuralgia away, 0 MiNss.tl ................- -sol ISof1 511111 1 IS SS S oI l 121 3 o) ti iu iiI, -ff 1t 1 its af fe i. tH e
1 o l . . . .. . . . . . . . . I iisol(19 15 1SO I5I 10 11' s 1 k il t )' Ir l'')Il ) fi.I il is 01
. Releives any number of .I11ifi 31t, hetec1 it it till I IteatIls)soi
ntoiQ..... ....ll)..)......-- - 1S'1 -84 25slili 11 TI :112at 2 III f11; 4 lsi tr' i oa nt lt te il,; o tr . . . ... . . . . . . . a .1'l 1 ilt 19 1 1" Itt F d vit , 01)as oVryo
0. PRCSfrom 75c to $150 'I t - - - -52Ot511 t111 1 11 1 '5lii lii
Go, is tlegri~rtl at .ystrdy Makes Their Hair Curl is Rigleto 11110 101111II.'1reit-teahielet fis
Our Cold Cream is unexcel- ItieIfisCfgrffidilt'0sedl'
led,2. or 25e..11 n h o .1)' t 'rll'h'ot I)))di ei':e of te her ta "
of leo , '1 i set iredllIN(0pre 1 'I'l 110 1(11rs he c -d or y ' t rl i he l tor to
ca p s Store (Cic . r sol eitlitli las till', ffol ig ii Ihe j f 1he 1rent a i tsne M s 1'dl'yl yet n
Q C& ys bai us uug p eeiner 11(0atsi llil'. rfiiit fi thg heroti gSteys: ovll't11e' it A tbor' road F it Ifnroad
('(Ill)' whichte luls aII li(' aitly ftlp lle ig ''Prof.Sott fils gil-I'llhisstr gI Ie ten tii 0ll#ll i( olililg temiiC11a1.
e a nletnet ha tlt is higly e iOe'itie t'. -lss a l shee tu i111)siin ode1. I .IIKirby :end11\I. K. Stot,
i ti1a'. 0011114 011(11. y er oe sicn l a'cti hilstli e'ftCIlf-usC igh't itnlit Iittittlhand thety
leon thaee. 11(1tha 5 is ai t h te' ti'i - l ul ining-'tu 00lii s It as fi ll ns ao llt lt'e ft l f.
fi tst voliel' (f lilt rdlile si u h a d "3 i3 F'F2F~'l ut s i to. 'I 'Otl t heliteelot2Iee' aryvt trerse o
4r:p. r dfrsvr ly a isMus mntesil o iP rof. Sialiit'readiof ft ill
tare tll ted free 111id tilee' s'ufel- et.'toi-1p' o ie hg tl flhe
4. atoner coiteol 0ithhisbt emthg t (ist' uttiandt'1hulittltluuiollst.andiet1(011'veitoCI
+ all® )e 'y' reisr'.oitnsiniter 1(801111ordsiuhelfCier i- Prof. eisch Will Lecture Befoe the
IlsJo s seait' 'easqu tei isiu. T er esut gi ig ito ei' God GoverleltClub
4. 4. l. s e il & esl esl r
* _____heltdall__overthehalland__hervoice_-The (irit ll) tii they-c01)dne-il
t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'o illii uf s-e' illofliitheltirU0elte "etri'itiys 11'f
t 'htttng'o Frenchs Orgatdite a +.11ais tl t i ti l'wi er, wha'l~to-eherit' (1' owrite -z - essy it Cie it oul d i sc Pon.sin('ill(-tteftue t'egt ille' i-si' I
puper haing a urace somewhart p'uea ne' togauel tndhcoifideit. Ine-xli fo'anivi].-lepotol tei
resembling that of oigaidie co t, tlticalivl l-Ill ver an'd11111e ie cttoeies -ll- rlue'ei iei rsitt' 1111 t tatig for fis sillet t'
ids air to e the tuaoie paper site5w1as i orhri ltotelesilOt o l aIt l' em11111ber tutua s uit tt ut ikfet "Mehg ettl'1iC 1( t'ei." Ie
in use this seuason. hfil n e1d r. sal dep, 'nl ii ''tt'itti 0l5i Olit'l ttIi ello otsi derti t'tte' effeto f westrn1'i' v '-
- lins itin Clenoro usllttti'. Myiotlthh'ddedtohi.sheCie hadl itittu fionti Saulti lelikteilIteil'utin itIdia (1111 IChitua. Prof.
We0 hatieois.tOitnltrhilo eitAte. iiltihs It'nlsshoo sii y oi'idiiug 0511 andk utitil tl'its Otill'athorti'of li o'eli re-
4. floig lae aritoies, %ouoi lain it ig oodl maron lowu saes-je iitalitle' jaggeil rag-Ctime in etil liotod,."Worlidt tolttts.'undis t
t ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~delveirt. it(e ei'held thes attetonof tot'tTe otletiig 'iOIt''10ltstgut-iflridasCill'iut5
± RUSSET ± ~~hits aidiete euite hs woelI is atiyton. fetooeit a eeoin looe sotnutl, ffllaendi hes el thiltalet
CARDINAL His 0orattion yea;; espeiauilt iterestng luelcar f ieoefnini-r pnu o, iiliticslitthll f 'einad.i sut es i
an WIDORBU le, lea isr tlouse of fie'gnoand slu hng i auslittle of eerthtiig btisrel'litueiilldo itt' rof. ERh.o'IDSOooLUEo oo'o as
4. PEARL GRAY 4ti' I'. of 115. tell. The'efonre they ca'tu iii tie1 oue.
c.QAERA aichi his listeners, ohile luis voice, ti ori.________
WHITE oith its sot etirieohess wovo a synipa- The ohole cltss join iii thiking Free' Prss: The Lelan tiltifrd
{ta nF stlsof envelopes a ltheti c laos.ta rti hygti citi hyntriyhsofrdPo.A .ae
+ or syls ± lfinl I. tedtct A 11. lii- vil dsere hei isdom teeth ovili- auglin yof 'the University of . i.hi-
* priee 50c the quire paper who his just takenIlhs degiee of I. ctt any snore inititon." gi $4,000 - year togowsaidb
+4 n nelps D. at the University of td'ettingeu, s--
7now piuasning his studies at the Ecole Pres. J. G. Sehuirmait of Conell ovill cfribiune: P-ref. .McLaughlin s llould
4.Nornasle' Seperienre -in Paris. He hats lectuse 1l1 the (good (Sovernisiont Club rememsher that there are dtsadvantages
s ~ reently accepted los instructorship iii Course Tuiesday evening, Dlareh 26.n-otppreay"nhrsie'ht
~ W ~ i -'matllelnalcs in the SheffildScientifi c H"sustbject will be "Thle Philippines; fou ir times+$4,000_s year will not pY
,t -. ~ isot of Yale university. - A tRetrospect sod Forecast" for.