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March 22, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-22

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. s - o(% 1.'1 htElection Board shalt r-13
rid te htlixuse ii it5tili.tixt The ''00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe
pii littlat Dailty coatailieacist of altitheto wear when the weather is ucer-
Cilec cra, as an. A little rain doesnt hrt it /"""K
to terio lfetetiVe detatmients or tr-
THIE UNIVERSITY -OF MICH'IGA.N ties tiwhich the e aiieixlxiteblong.j while it aords plenty of comfort os
MasOoie itACac cco AtTCtItE A-VtNOItNATIO\. the warmest of days..
ArasBiiaxa S. 33 SS Clt Sti'Ot. S'.1Ac eileiaye(Oex But of course we have light shoes
liattioacs 13. Ne saso 'Pi~oe 2e 50. illxt lo any oa'' lby eceiica' for lbright days and heavy shoes for
MANAGINO EDITOR, the' 11 iii ionforc it from the eaca to rainy days if you prefer.
0. H. HoAx '05 Av lxxthatIlixi elS elon ilxulc r uiponli S HE TR
BUSINESS MANAGER, a hosigetIby t leas omm- GASSSHESOE
l.ie! cci,'ot. c1.l9So. Main Street.
EDITORS: 5"'.S 2. All uoiatixus cor ioiiiat- enevening ni N ROMC
EDITORS: .ie itioni. mutlbe reortexd or Ibe Pen uti NNM.B MC
ATHL>ric Erru~ - Cuas. Ivor x reietxtotheechairimanxuorSerexiy-
of the' l'letioi Barditatestotthree
AH.AMc~OccG51,ciE. G. ID. Huosca, ' lx:daystore the eeteio.
MSS I~ K. Satci.'3 Sw.-AKIHTc'01L Slxx-One ofat1ulie mbiers cftIlhs
S~. AA Bo~ew'4 CA>rmLfxcidtxr lailt at cia i rau f the ninw T
W.Ntsci, '3 E. I.HotsNo 3 'l'l'VI SP OllATllt('ALM OUKILI T A IKS }
And we yotIa right here()LG~r
Sex. 1. Alyx'oniltst xi'hoShuslxltbe ndx e wish to say to yurgthr
lcxxialtexl xr silt r exexe ivx'Iriy aist- yoti can obtaina MORE VALUE for
To Change Methods of Oratorical Elec- 811;11irii he - tineoflilaery Tixxi your InoOy at otr store tan anywhere
tin Ip (Itso hl~l belxxlrIead xdl o 4111 xcotxstelse. If yotu have never ti ed it, ow 'r'
aixs 1and1 lckes. is a good tinae to beg.Y
A ripxeeixl re ilE of thex'Oraorial
oat((r is x xllell forlita~irxlxy. Sotsa Will be Here Temrrow Night Wnter Overcoats 20 per cent. OFF from /
;1xarh ,, axti1:8(10ip. xI., Ito xcxnsier _____
toeuxleaIsto thr.e coxcstitxtio el-Mauctr'sPie
live to election. I lareeof imeeig' xxll Soxxs: , aIcererrStiurdxvyiit:1'aucturerPrce.L.
hie xalioiwlat~ l~er.AMemibersa but rei and xitl hat vo "'eli at ilallilI: All Furnishings at Equally Low Prices
showx'their ic lkiets. inderithe "ahlxrxKxIig''diecion in i.
1 I f sctio 11\ (i r re. Erapelsxt xiaimer. xoi ith x:traxd STAE L R A D W E
5omacli of ssiuri2 ii xtile l It li x'kSisiai marh:.'Ha~xil txi tieSpirit
elexctioiishtxll bhiaxiiiidiiilrit5100ox read d nii(lo o xf teLiilafayette Mxuiueit
a followso: litiPrlIi, it Fourthi of July. This uwill
Aec LEI'11 el et'T BOIIARD.ptomiielyo one('offthe' novlties that Sxuoi
sic.I l'iheanuxl aleleeioiciill le tiloxiafor liahixcrt wtisxcity.AlIP I T-i AT I
couctid hyiii eetionInteixid caiucixt-Soxxtly thii' xay. i toiiiake iiother .IE r1~
tng f tao iieiiiers of the faculty ap faus.;i atiiir next fll, ha~vig eeii sn- FRI DAY, 1MARCH 22
toiltul by Itixit boiy.thse ei'txry (f ggdd to111a' for' four weeks t Wa~s PLAY 11tAT HAS BEEN APPLAUDED BY MORE THAN A MILLION PEOPLE
thle xas ocixtia llxiiilfxiir xasisaiiis. 11 an lxl lx l In ternautionaxl Exhii
mioieUatoiaof xx'liiiiishall tic'froiiitioii iliriiig thueoth of Otoer. rafter 'THIE BIG EVENTI
ay soie dsprtui'l. utipoinlted 1b' this'a'Icliirieiwill umaxle aextiiiied trip
Orxtorlx-xl Boaxrd at lexst fou ati iS e- tirolil Greatil Briain:wid relxuio. iehe ' Cc.'s SupebOrienal Production ot HALL CANE'S GratPla'
torae xeslextii. Ills A150 ei'xx txmu-this Wiviter isill iii- !
Att'1't('1RI+;I -'lIMI E 1"EETIO:. lbrxi el'ip 1ifferen cat itti'sto e visiexd
Sec.a S. lilh . slecx'iiishall Ixki' tlxce i mtiir es t lr week-ils of liii' ass
e uidxieyiti h ouua iliii Hixi.le ivll also lxy xt the lxii- 5o PEOPLE ON TlE STAGE
iuuediit~lyaftr he nnul x~e IAmeii'ainxiiExposixiton at Blufalo uring
sitl-li shaxll Nho'leN t xit liiiast I the iionlthi of slly. 6Prices - - 50, 75, x$1.00, $1.50
e'clox'k p. i. -iirlthe bxit Sxturxdxy iii__________ Seas Tree Days is Avansce. Carrinies at 0:0
March. xiid ils Iols shaxll rinxiiopeii SOt'SAt Mt'SIC._._ _.
for' 1iaVol a oe-h lxxfhlouso.Al i'(ian(ers Iemituxirdx igiht f) SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 8 p
A lII E.ItI-I'lA('l ANDI MAN- Io 12 illocl. Prlmuo: f Siusau xand
N1:l o(IEt LR"'O\. IyrIuriiil' 'l'l.21-h'' POPULAR 2C CONCERT
e. 1.1TitI~etts-lioa rdaxnlslixll lxo-'coxleh. 3 f
vid a ortblepolinpu_,_avig he Alabama Warbiers
Sac.'. wo f te asisaaltd 11x1 'HER AR OTERS BL'1. NO'l9A Colored orgarization of merit intrducing
peset hit ees i'ih'i tickt htIhe Royal Tiges, 10e; Tigerettes,5. .2 M C IIA N L ASS
doorkeeper''ll'is, xiinllorof h irslill cxo
irt' l ti:tat xxitx:Ilt lca'nxtxeix .t::lrdrlx' Rosonin "'11t'e1R1yal Tie world's greatest negro violinist, warbel- and sweet siger
ueattset lti Bx:TurdynihC 5(ents to any seat in theatre
511.e. r 'l trshxxll 111s. hI inti Mnuhattani asd Wilsn tros. Shirts OICA^ p1a©n~.
tfxxe pllxig llt xlixd tuxxiioxiI:'I his for ;ale at Wadaluaas, Ryan &ele.
I:ial' I to'es':''re'try who Isl i'l cord ____EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME
it on it xlisikextforI I ll: xi 1i os . The AT______ - _____________
53111 sitl ll i':x hand::the 1 aI' ntxi o illed tChef d'oeuvre de -"AT
cane to he- 1101e xxballit ler Iwho Iin lExpesition Universele
lii:: 'x~hlla itto lxxe scond xIt~xlltl IY
chit r llluinder tl'x' ra i'csi i oft xie uiii Walton, agiloand Champir 1
he the 11 fx-tiltythe iecon'ball llo ADiDRESS, 31M1SOII lISTATE STIEFTP
clerk sall dro tineb llt ito 1(1he al. Te pblisers cf this wok rcc it tte
ltg ((Iiox eIll' xe ota'irlx rexds 11:1e Grandsizte aidGold Mdal at te t'ri C-0E'
of e r s li ulw iOsitlaux fot its texl e icec. Al: sros scd occ
ofaof nrer''''111s' xof ixi the fcltBAKERS
Votrs hut titn liniii'tixtmtel'hr xtrr 1Wl teeNwYrHIGHtGRADE CIGARS, TOIACCO AND CIGARETTES
Re Bt AI)T[s. 'nd i nterest cioted anud remitted. AcisII JI
Sx'x. 1. AtIIt:i'closx'of t 11h11 i: Fist-l Agents for and negotiate the issue of ANT OEA.E TATE
1o~ili:lxot hxl iut:herairoad',street ralilsny, gas companies, etc. S ENTREET
naluitlli of votesot theii i: list Sipt ''Iy. Members Neiw York Enchane.
tlii screultxuy.fi rt:a they htl eountl)EAL IN I Ol IU SANITARY PLUMBING.
rtheblts flu'. lisltuiof teurson IstHGoREulINVESTENTnSEccCURTIEtS. nLFECTABIC ])ONSRCIONWAND SPL IEaSe,
tedl tor.xdeslxii isnt t111 lltu xi IGGRD IVETEN SCRIIE.J1 F1 LSCHUH ito cret1 ELa 1 pnicoSETRICNCoOT AtT ASTIG,
vhftl'l'l15re lelved ':1:-rli cxudlhlah:lit' e- PHILtADEPHIA CORREPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. ARTISTIC GAS AND EECTRC FIXTURES
tity thr list andx trxasmit thueOxie ti- GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES.
0itt i de xith e lu'srect ru'ys list. to liii
Pre'sidetu'otlf the Asox'iatiii.
Si--.IfalThexrtsdxeut si:ll tti ica ll You Can Buyte..
a e'tin o utfilu' Otatxxor il adadIh am dtsrrlah tg xxit t till
muak~e ktowvntitx- rult iithhitoi
of t heaeatl.Monarc P ItntLeather S \ hoeR .$3.50 1 rA R
'lecildtere' ise ~i echteeTHlE JHlOEMAN
irub f i-aes for thu respetie That Won't Break Through 218 S. MAIN ST
offies fxr si-ttu-hitheiy si-te snoa itsi i

shall tbe declared eecteid.

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