VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 22 1901 No. I ±..Ottr Special -Lne of..... STOREY WINS FIRST HONOR Need of a Detroit Settlement DIED OF HEART DISEASE Foreign' and Donmestic B. S. Cromer a Cloe Second - The AliIai e rgrtlke alt New- The Coroner's Jury so Decided in the FAB CSContest is Marked Throughout by soh . stten ato irketot. Case of Lyn D. Turner, the Stu- nExcellence in Delivery moll Irisaocoiltioili oithi flee leew dent Who Died Wednesday FOR SPRIN1S)o11 wroin i Cat ricyMr.lMel fegor FIOR tPRIrNOtl t ihc oratorbcal c ontest 0:10151 eially we11 ited to spea on Te iquesttoon the death of Lynn D. bre Ilhe ot a fair crowd1'an an nn ifhis oniet. tener, the student who ded so sud hase arrived and is ar- Inson1 iotoiiiof intere-4. 'lie'Cotet Ie ieeo)curedl apart of tie)'west side'( dely eaf seterdayr was held eterday r'anged for inspection. ioar0 1111'f111~o'nc fllf ) ) 01 tl' il)) Iorll )11' ternon stud much)11 mofre even thantllfor severl whtit setatolet i'fi)1')lt W bet p (le) l D M'esde ri el he on We have tile largest as- ye osi st') 1 Th'Iel'featuo f 1it was Ce' Itf r ie'-ueiliio s. .tidl iktewi'e'sev' r V yr dsrbdtecn sortmee~ft il it, t e city, unusuotal Ix)')' leeee (of it'edelivery of 1111ils'cahieii thi e eastern islt f ti ediii lot te young ienf1111 ifei e feeas0 e 1rlo ill tie) )c )onttants. 1H1stsoAabl i y.'ifn Oli e itol thfie omil. Te de- 1) (i, and1Eugeiii i'I. li hrllf, th fee' .51'. o glt hre el e')1ized Detot 1)' ioel Igas1'unceosio n etlld h eeee 6. H. W ILD Co. .1 1r from111the 'fi'ishrnleint 1))_'e_._Ii-10.itte* ofno shuiietitlistitt. Ie K ill ili ,leg lye )s)bheatingfhelily IOC E. Vashington St. 1.t liiver aobe lltl'tl liiO)(iipresion ad lwo t 'rnglll variif oustiltlheiiie. Accer-ltI 1)1 10 ))-re-eo tltlgeey iad lf ly- del) stli t ff1' rlithe judge trCli 11)11)set. t 'e ar1'. ,000tl l ilflo'5 iiiDe- o til le ea.ii witotit a fest filotei S.SlIl.'ll e'01 11 lll'hl 1-leti-l e'. 't'Iet g-1)1' X 11)11) leolet. ie sill ilet teeee was Briyant S. tro f'. '02 L.. seoni.. Mss s 9it daye 11for1(10 l.4Iholes t ottiabldtpreo. n h A 9 j5aMlelliol '01. 00115third, it h