22 1 1903 No. 104
FRESHMEN WIN that he isdrifinguIt' i limemory CHORAL UNION PARTY
mebrc ioarlv the iiiivilrsiof his
N et was Exciting From Beginning last, fll if lthose tiniiis whichr atj A Fine Dancing and Musical Proram
toEnd-Freshmen Also Capture first caised himIa o lushi with smiie Given-Occasion Greatly
~~ontro fothl) ei ueyRelay Race-Some Good irfii ii uei olii eoeEnjoyed
diingadteei thgbeoetRecords Made hmii in such a corse but dethl. Ini
order to gain the ieirv we must the pars which wais given by te
The annual Fresh-Sophi meet took Yield to a poeid geater than We (or al S. nin Iriday night inIBarbour
lace last night a nil resulted in a piossess then place ours~les in a r(- gyniiasinui Was One of the plesnltest
victory for the freshmiien, by a score of ceptive atitudte and be sue oiiell w ihias leeni given this winter and
-51to 30. Not since "!)3 has is fresh- u u estii ss"qieflildtn ihso h lclast op porunity iiir the Oeiii f moors by beig a mias of eitnlg the
spa clssFvo tis ee, s tat heMitilgani to hear Mir. illiamni s Will sovarious memibiirs f the chorus air
probability of tiefreshimen tiltyear betSis a fterniooiiat 1 oclock in th eiiiiiiiintd. Thie-recepioinicomimitee
sifetng the- sophioiiores assured ai Methodist chiurch. was irel-hsoiii its efforts to iiike
close contest and drew a large at- ______________ ervio- a nod iiiItiieaiiiit i
endane. ehl
Cloth iassi emini is-ei supliesh AST li-i-iih-till iiir~bly. fhroigh the
Bohcase am el upie ATVS. WEST piarlrs Wer-ie siaiieri-ed rtabihes fo
withi yells, niist, of xwhichssere vxil5____tho iisi: Whoiii not iiil a ii-.bht the cii-
tions onl the -'Varsity oi-imotlive yell.
The fri-ohuiii ialso haid several sotng. West Point and Columbia Wihe htereif traCi liii whonsIingymnbsnni
The lead lie smphomores hail at firt Play Michigan- Eastern Games ellightfii rgl mio oiilrnui
rmav-luisoise fof iloopularl-si, ut i
gave-ptoise Ori-ri-l e c-ntest, 11utfrsi- Improbable in the Future for tiedanicing.
evntaferevntWetohefrsh Tie loor was i excelhnt onitiion
mien itt oph yell iiediiout, iiii tiiiaid the l ancerus ii appyllt mioi. A
interest f theispeatotrs sas centreid West Point aiit (olummbiai haive sk jdeligflnmscal progrmii xwas into-
5fl the elly " races,iit 31ichihoami fin-footballii-gmmes net i iiiiiii lev-iifiiii at
Te r~sumts xx-eas follows: seasoniu it the requless hiae eheni ie
40-yrd ashpreIiunares-iI~s, ine, asrLI1:,r Birdsay tht aduwcer-dri-nglasatmhvariatiot. MIisssmde
-O5yi-l ah-Ail-hmiia-e-tisi ni-it'saige Rltsx hicleDIsrii oteniit tis tprogrim ty
Ve; OBarkey,'x; Wouiutdwari, '(; Wisi-iimsiu, alhmoetohaliiisitv--i-
Seuart, 'H;I Adtolih, i, 0; Wation'((; tie aii the big trotosiioiiiithat itMinih- iiia iitPh s tls phaesg y iii ' oiio.
o.SCI ~ ~g",'t:Dce,'kt g11cu adei n esn emm-i hmahInst--isiSeat-Aitotlirst, Last year Sicigan tried to secure iss t01"iiiMi.liileenr. d Wylie. b
Btarltey-seciindit:time -o-,. Seconid football ganes iithI~taliiasdi or-Si After tie trlirilodeliious efest-
teat-Sti-sart first, Wialtiiiisei-oid;t:helt butfailled. H arvaird' ecl itioin isxmuesir--tfiii aieU
tihe,4-1,. Thilvit hit-Rnugg Sht, wsaiolmiuiii ocitigi dencitre of te prlor whichtisartl-
asic L s si tit liithe oitt ip;temstshi could tr in iiy iecoated-il liried chrtiitos uit
I- itt is -ti-si-at firt, Adlpthisee- i im 1tg emsoiocoaint-iui-mlit-abrathoiding reel candle. The
n, ]Waitovitirit-l.Iluig fouirth;timett f orIeasi-soaon. AS she tl-y VWest ,sr-lunng throughout sias a omptlete
44 Pliint the coimtlient ciii te easily i ---cess a idhWillhe oke ac pnm
40-yl* Suittrdlis -IIghisuitloi.-iswvii Withi agoodh deal ofplea-hsure by those
- rostStewxart,; seond, Dicukey;-thirdl Ittis tot probau le thatSI ii-iiixwill xiixeetehlps uss
Oh t Iiiie fr tcs-luuriles, everI gui East to tlilF ot, l i
for high hurdles, tiip i a hard oie asuer y (exiensive
Th rie lap- it--nUstuck first Hayes Cel altly the trip would not be mai de 1904 Supper
ScioniiSalniiOn third. Time -4-% unless thee isx sit agieemuent on the rith--s .arcslling rpily tit hei
Six 1 las-Dlewvfirst Doddls second Part of the eastern uniersity to piy I1014 stipers-hr t til xiiliegixn tat
11.uwkmns third. Time, 2 min 33 sec,ari-tirnt game here te folowing ilet's Oystr ay ietstt-riday esel-
Nine lps-Stii-kney first, Minus sec seasonLug I eSb. 27 iatr 6i43ot rl. Au x-
oand Stone third. 'ime, 2:52,, Yae, c-arvaniland Pinceton hv Ii so elwllb eremoeo
ti'jmt-iik-mtdIodetidexpiesseds iehto play base b-ll i dinnemr t atI ai-s5utipmr hiii -rtm-r-m-U
' rotSanmon third. Seight s feet xith (Michigan ths 3eat-. tut the lmtmgiidontht wiitlitulasi'the eiuirs
-G inc-lies. ~~Michigan base bath schedule his been itSm-li iitithilitiise
Shot ptt-Mmddock fitst Dumlap mdeup withiost aii emsenti, sBe reae]i hc h i
ef-ond, iulototi third tDisce, 4 n insdm otf 1))4 Wxill hiamxe Ian0-
I .t tiches. Borrell isItOutlieuitiillSto exhibit itself.5Presidentt
Pole vmult-lemid, tHendry, Sims, "Count' Borreli, ,an nesian studentuTIhou-s t.Roterts xxwill st asotoast-
Dickey anid Packmrd; S feet 8 inches.-woinpitcedutfor the UPivesixiy Ist li-ster 'uit "anti o1 the prointiient
RELAY TEAM1S. tivo years ago, his joined the bse bsl timetthtr of the cl-mosita p-k t
Th I-roiteam contisting o qa i a douidmsofis eert-mta mitti t xxill le i itd
Ste wart, Norcross, Itull sand Dickey last sason by charges of professtn goodtime- imit ivery '04 istrgedt to be
-,hefeateel the All-soiphi eam consi.stin sutnae ySt o cgo pitset.illTikets cn e tupteocutirted fromu
-f Adolph, Waltoun, Itebstock and M- Breh lae isefo -i hrethe folowinuug meunber of teme c--
]Donald. The count' has a remrkable curve miitt--tRihaurItIcS.Pst, S, Emuery
1(3 it teatmi coutoistlig of Dilla- hatt for a college Ipiter. Ike is a T'otisuumonmu, IRaph Jenue -' lit-t C.
Way, llerruusceiu, Afetittyre tand Rat1- pNlo .Klog emleft-hander tle throws a siht out pt NIetiA eiog
nta defeated 1D44 Lit Suhcotsist- curvexvwhich has mittenomotnus drop.
atol of Adolphl, iDew, Deutututtler, Kid- Blorreli is soc-li a little felowvthat thSe Communication
atl mundte ('oigec. drop'. is amtot as bigtisimssef. -stchu'oItiyouiiiett5iX
T~t- 15)4thmirac.comootui o 'im yeic aoetoheld Wisconitov sight- anduidfinhtlit- mnue xwhich pet-
xlerdef'ated oit, tithe m oisteamudft:urs- t tee is iiu anine-inunig gitme Sad bapsulisustmtitumlltt-cnvmeyeilte ieat
-Ic iefeitil ~m lluume-iptehm f As-struiek out eighltt mo. IleismtteddIitSlttiu-it'Lvnc-Aseimiut
tinIBrooks, Sewarst td Ccu. aueiii liSt -xut o iHegadeid a -c il iit tm httu trcm
Thie 11(4 LSuteam -uconsisting of Iltmtlnupitching forceo is sOltimi. mu-t ('tmlcevuritilthelmGind mtuticu tu
' X7itn, Hty-ue 11111 (hlt defeated the mrtu 11)oertemirii. ileto
114(1(1Lit tiar" of Iluig , Dickey, tHull CasOaoia otss IonaumulChirterIli ilucsu, riumtm
MTt-e14)i> IL teaumi utefeat eththe hixlji 'Thm,-ntuft-est i thoue hss misrturinal -iont riesyu-ulsx-iht yer, a cuntroresy
ac-dics contsistinug f Hollandii, Ce, cinittsnomuseSiing ihlt xuh ii1 tu~ i'uis e orciui''sonmutuit i-i-fm-i's iu
11rhcteu-nk. 11,-r andulAifaimgu-i. ieud, thu soiimu reumarkbl tne or the lst istanc fin''ster-iituau-hs rivalry
'rho 110; 1Enginees conetisisthig of is hiito'doSeibly the coutustu'- lsim -i-u-csen here,"u-thaut se hastenm to
tess'eut, Noreross. SaoiiinitdGeiger ie cuomt' thetii night bfit- ist ii' u-i ttheim,-iihre sioum thatxswe haiei
stefehtuitthe 1N:0 te-imrms. Mlac- Sutxx'-uulie juior l' its suom ofthl -oum- to bhi-oniii --u-tsWiithany i-
D)onahlulHayes, I thalulimithhutstoik. uest Wrsi-il rinsi-u-uearlut e is ,I tot-xwit hi time'4'Good Iis-urum mi-m Clb
Mv. A. B. Williams Address - sifu-euui-u- Setweu-'nithu livien11 Viti e u iuth,'s-ilol-'i
M,. Iltihdiuhiwllulflust p tu ansspctiiamtniWoiumate i
Ni-hucy I-l) ull) illstened'uhto XI. RWi- ISK'mmnn} ' i-,iicond.lmrilOf ir ober sngiiirfg
hitis' address'55 hsh ight:.'h'ie I him iiionitehist thheld ii tni--hi et5'hahi -uiuhii ic-u-ise'.andilrulizi- tiiit
sakei'i-i-iiniih followuedu . i itititng lxi u-u-il he i r isi :1'1-sbtth m t i s ciii iuiihiiiiiiik itiolil e51' rlieon51-
5uiuii-.ii' hoaii isi,,,S Ii tiiii'uWiahs Wo-niby \i1 5 ()uuhu'ui-mui
lay eteiii andiisi-i focrihi-r ccu ihIsis ontlio- uow eic: 11 , a, L{ hr. hwiuiu-c, h'lli is hi rpiu-ou-lm tuihe
l h l iii'it o f ima~uixWho i ns. xx /ishii1piiu-in heii ih liisuchia odhi ns
No one eccr ldiftliidmhit",1as knowxi_________Of__________ ii hu-ii is 1 ac thiis i--il u frdi hy
15,1-5- 'of uill'iib n i ' i liics o i s iiihis 01i'ih liii, No erru-iiiiii- ( tubalshiioul're-
Ohlusosuiui,: o'cmiv uoiihii htti - I t President Angol Prdicts War cliiili-silitle aoage.
5ll 'tu-usch l tipioi' dii ht-co-mtus -s "It is sily a questionm o tu e ifI i'si-il-hiitsvitii sm-
Siteutlt oifalithfiul 'hhutt. IDoubtingii ss 'musiutvmt Anglli of the I m iii': grcu'ath ii,':, Ito) inii u- i i it i iii h
asi s o Ia i bu hi-i-Isx 11) .a I -hi-i timt Iii Ptu' slys ma XihviW ueai iispt i ,i s iih~iorsa h e artiii-h iiice ire mu-n s ion l ii-
So tttefmindtillhaSilan,1 uw'hoi-nn tle- tutu, s h ev1Et-uro illts til nlt i- d i esith . L.Atillillxxiiimail 7h ii
Stiul hile hrhyit- nei-il Sm: msi'-ttleufearicgalriht -xsitisforces tlreadhy'intshie lietl, .mtutuisir iintime tS. . : itorsi e re men
Oflosinsg the tumit ii. Themufellowx xwho antml te troisble iniXMcedontiatis only tuf grehat ntihonahl reptationm. 'hio
etrrtsSluouluour isc-situgo course, time c-tod of time greatest xwar sturm." visits of sichmueum to time instittutioni
Marrcoxws lhis life, w5eaikes his charmacter Prcesidenit Ang~ellmissie the prophsecy in iuighit lnt to pas10s unnuoticed, yet thme
and criplesi Iis imlne, whitete Iis addess on the 'Eastern Quostion" officers of the S. L. A. do nt feel
,man 'hun is antchored ha~s a stnong before time Collegiasto Alumuni. theomsseves eqilul to thse task of pro-
' cacter- and consrinucesmen that he penly enstertauinsing Otoe vhmole list.
4s8 geuune. Htoxv may a man knowv 'The Counterfeiters" Mtonday inighit. Souse of these men have already re-
i-'iu-lte ivitationsafrmimpu--icte. paties
limint I'll. im theisnmtsrtst of har-
an 11( eliniiwxihch xyu conre-
spondenlimt saysi's 1suie to oc, we
silguest thiStls the uknowns si oi'glmi-
hull. ihiuhiis it e onbielutiuy tis-
appoiiinml-ted 'becas' tf minalimty'to ot-
lu-claims'lCte Harsnugui' up thahtc
cheru'iishiie ideasandstuy adunysih-utn't
limu'smsu'sws ithl uenttaining tie Hsui
Champ 5 hClatk iv suomue otis-vositheuu
Sltuden-ut' Letrec Assoc-iatinisetak-
rsc. Siucihictioni wousul e-u'i'tlmy 5be
commenda utextnd uldrleveiis-'thie S.
L.. A. multi-crsf gresalt responsibilitiy
IPresiet S. L. A
Exercises in Unmiet ity Hall fr he
Evening-Names of the Men-
heru of the C~mmttee
'Ihis proigratm foir thus exrlcies to be
hhutd inS UivrityoIllltnmet Sonday
evensiniug is asi followsis:
(Irgalrtsolo........... rof. Stanly
hInvocastion.. .-........ ev. I Numb
'liii'Marc-l of lie Suac-i l. tee Club
Addrevissmof thes'evetnimg...
.........-- - - - - - - - - - -1ev. John Wesley tHill
Las Ciii it s lhjechs.-Matiduliui Cub
X~lii .... ..... ....- -...C ous
liiicotitusuutue wicih siill hauieothis
s-siru-ci is s lchrge is: Seiors 'T. A.
titbhut.IIIPX s-cia-, E-. I1. Whiitg,
J. tltisG(. XW. Crawsford~
1uirs J C.yters, C.tGernert, XW'.
1). Campbell, i F-. S. Ra~in tumd E. XW.
StttutF-reshuimiensE. 1R. Conduor, J.
G. Mlt,-hi SS. Litton, A. WX. Heavetn-
crish ndTuhI. .oues.
Alt1uof telaw tvstutdents will meet
ht thu lat usilinmg mt 7:30) anditmarcch
o Shehutatll liitss body. Tieatnd will
lettie lute of tma~rch.
D. U. S. Men Out
'The iimnott the Detroit University
Schoeol trackseSan, which is to meet
tie freshmencmsteam here next Saturday
night, are doing all in theic- power to
tmake- the victry their, std if the
freshtmenot wiiiomt they will have to do
things at hie ol "gym" onthaclit night.
P'resident tliss mmnd Physical Director
Mctmmbec- of thie Utnivesity School
sr-e out here yesterday afternoon
loonking -the ground ovenamd trying to
deter'cmine how loug it would tae the
boys to lelicit how to make the turns
propuerly'onuthelnme traScmck. Muoeover,
smi thtiis is tmnre to the point, most
of te D. U. S. teamtu xere withm tem,
situ hts inithisoafternuoons they got imto
thseir ouits smit "tried out" onuthte
tnrau-h'ThIey arcsastSitstookin'lg bunmci
f yotutng ftllowis andil Iooki o though
thety cn ull old ~hthis itputa tintshch
Ditrectoy Macoer ibihus for turinmig out
wiinig teams
Theisralust thS e S-uess eomxSchool
iso vecrysmsitmuttd lusist circuliar, 00
tsuS tiltummiii tramsfor siuinxor'wor isi-
te ifics'uhmltuiems 'itms f-mt'also ireinders
it dublysdifhicuiut to gt 'acceutmediii,
t hi. lti il iithim tracki1 here. Shouild
it heu thioughht niis'sary'i, thurefh'or, th
lilis siill probabi~liy- iii iii' it hihi-s
c:yealier' soi 115to heliomie'thorouigh-
Iy usid toioull'tSia:k. Shiihl t ir-t
ffr:hisnit'provie susi-eessfumh, it is
teotd'ha-t lihe'ti-mmisiill gui h->st
to miii' Ithe 'i'm,-shiimlueamm oh' u-ilo
1aaiir'1"ali. Thie, ihimeis of theii
luini xho1i s-l lu'r hie meei-nett(lie: :11
tiiihaiia-hi's-- i llyehucis: Cis i i , ;: 1 .1",ii
Wiliamisic , h':ii',hKens,'iihi, h i. F.
Kelle, Ith. Kluler, Nicol 11n1d u'emiih'h.
5-ihtt Ihundrhiu-ilaindtsixtx-evensi-usl-
hunts hve S -u-m i'uuhsiIdillthelawh~i
dpirtiiu'm t'f71i, U . of X. this sm-
iet'. humIn mdditionimto tesetiere arem :1(
twityIii-iie ''is-uhin Otui-ntossho
erecLu ini~g tie combtined lterhary-lawsi
c-ourse. 'This brinmgstim total aimoustito
time minue hundrileud mark, amid miuks it
time highest intshie isistory of time law
depuantmenomt, amid te hightest enroll-
usenS of any lsw school in thse countrty.
"T hue Contterfeiter-s" Miotday night.