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March 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…'y THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..~..... t ............. . VA TEA ROOM, WILL BENEFIT LEAGUE "Checkerboard Inn" W117 be Conduct- ed April 4 at Betsy Daurbour Dorndtory LUJNCHTEON, DINNER WILL BE SERVED; BRASS ARTICLES SOLD) IHeads. Music Clubs "Checkerboard Inan," serving lunch-. eon and 'dinner, conducting a sale of brass articles in the afternoon, and sponsoring a dance in the evening will be opened by the Women's League for one day, April 4, ...…

March 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAfLY THURSDA s MARCH 27, 1924 x ___. - ... -o. ...o .w. EWSPAPER of THE {ITY OF MICIGAN y morning except M1ondlay ersity year by th1e Board in ltPublications. Xestern Conference Editorial 'd Press is exclusively en- for republication of all news :ed to it or not othertwise aper and the local new,.s Pub e postoflice at Ann Arbor. and class matter. Specil rate ed by Third Assistaint Pos-I by carrier, $3.$0o; by mail.I Arbor Tres...…

March 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…i! THE MICHIGAN DAILY I, PAGE F1 _.. . - l1Cdtnds 'nannll?,On ofClee C~ol"' headE SINCLAIR AND HIS LEGAL AIDES 1 1k1 1r LAU~i F IN'lEiREST f; BLAMESTRIN( Washington, D. C., Marsh 26.--Dr. Nicholas Murray Butle, presiden t of Columbia unliver.,ty, has issued al statement corlnie-ding the nation- wide organization of college Repub- lican clubs under thie College Bureau of the Republican national committee. Dr. Butler, notad educator a...…

March 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

…___THE MICHIGAN DAILY .:j ro- 11 Li, --- ---- olimall WIN" + .ri.. .. .. 11 I morn""mmirmnint'n'. Auuumumui X , .*x i --' -- A ,,. ; , ._ I CLASS A TEAMS TO MEET HERE IN STATE TOURNAMENT TONIGHT Eight Teams Will Play in First Roundj In Waterman (Gymniasium Tonight DRAWINGS WILL BE MADE AT 8 O'CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON Eight teams, champions of the var- ious districts of the state, will start play tonight in the class A int...…

March 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…THE rv evil DA tLY lr. ' I THItl COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 PI M. I ADVERTISING DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES Charged at the rate of 12c per reading tine for one or two insertions, Ilec pe: reading line for three G~ more insertione. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about c'ntracts for classified advertising. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or mor...…

March 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 132) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAI ... - - -- __________________________________________________ ge n ii mu *t*r~ru mL I1 IL IY PH IAL UULLHII tion in~ the Blulletin la constructive notico to aill members of iveralty. Copy reeeived by tb AF.iptan tc the ?"'-*adept 'until m. (11:30 a. in. Satu r~au- j 4 THURSDAY, MTARCH 27, 1924 Number 132 I .Directing Aide Of Pan-America n Union Is Named I WHAT'S GOING ONPWOWo EIn;IIOI,1 Ur FOANCE11 All persons or so...…

February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 1


February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBR Ical position, and that the United States or any other power should make no undue effort to deprive her 4-f tis natural privilege. Coring to the subject of Mexico, where he recently served on a com- mittee to arrange diplomatichrelations betwen that nation and the United States, Mr. Warren emphatically backed up his belief in a policy of non- interference. Sketching the constitu- tional changes effected in ...…

February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ " .J- - NO l' Members of the Matinee Mnsical ' 1; at 4 o'clock, chorus 4; at student league are urgently requested lok. chorus 9; from 7 to 9 o'- to attend the meeting of the comie clk the cast- for the first groups at 4 o'clock tomorrow I the act. Saturday, at 10 o'clock, chor- auditorium of the School of Mu:sic. us 11; at 11 o'cleck,. chorus 2; at 2 -'clock, all choruses; from 7 to 8:30 A business meeting of the ...…

February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY b,. FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNVES'&Y OF MICUIGAN out)irhed evety morning except Monday ig the University year by the Board in trol of Stident Publication:., [embers of Western Conference Editorial ociation. 'he Associated Press is exciusi- ely en- h to toetiae for republication of all news atchies credited to it or not otherwise lited in this paper and the local ne s ub- ed therein, nteretl at the postoffice at Ann Arbo, h...…

February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,._... IVANT LlURIUK CRITICIZE SYSTEMl Pr'esent Illewds Give No Specal At tentlon to Gifted In.- tellects P1JOFES() ' WHIF'itCE lltU11A LARGE PART IN DISCUSSION Chicago, Feb. 26-(By A.P.) -Fail-, ure of the American educational sys- tem to give special attention to the gifted intellects was characterized to- night by speakers before the \,ationa' :society for the Study of Education a,, the vitiating weakness of the pub...…

February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ wow ° : Jomftft fe- i ........ OHISAN WILL SEND SEVENTEEN ATHLETES TO ILLINOIS CgARNIVA -- ; y ____, WRESTLERS WILL KTr HOERS a9f11 . .. iJ 1 t A'? I FRESHMIN TRCSTERS CONTINUEIMPRIMINT COACH HOYT AT'TEMPTING TO ARRANGE TELEGRAPH.- -ell Decides To Enter Four Mile Relay Team After Holding New Trials EN COMPETITION EXPECIED TO FEATURE ANNUAL AFFA1R eventeen picked members of Michi- sideration of the fa...…

February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -,.. M Iv- s -- _ ._ r I THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES Charged at the rate of 12c per reading tine for one or two insertions, 11c pe reading line for three tr more insertton,. White space charged for at sam rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about cntract for classified .advertising. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line fo th...…

February 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 107) • Page Image 8

…THE IMICHIGAN DAILY V--- - -- -- ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IPublication in the Bulletin Is cch1sructive notW(' to all members of the University. Copy received ba tb,, Asw~istznt t( tbt ~x ", t uritil 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. i. Satutrslo.s Volume 4 WIEP'NY'SDA , FEBiRVANI '!.,27,i OI~t er 107 I I n'. the Dleans: There will be a conference of the Deans on YWednesdvy, Ftebr iary 27, at o'clock in the President's office. 1V. 1L. Bir"on...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…I pt sit IaiI Secti( No, 92 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE, FIV . .... . _.._ .;.., I, 4OMENi The Week's News In Brief The following column is a sum- mary of the news of the world during the past week. An attempt has been made to present the most important happenings as briefly and concisely as possible. NATIONAL CNOiFER ENCE SAID TO BE ONE OF MOST SUCCESSFUL IN HISTORY College...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 The World- Looking Into Our Bierne Artist E u iVoiffuls ROBERT BARTRON HENDERSONE ucational NEWELL BEBOUT Translator's Preface: Gifted with mistaken for subtle literature and a precognition of impending events prosey novelty regarded as great act-; and cursed with a propensity toward ing; in this day, I say, when all forms "soft-buzzing slander," Hoffman von of art iron novels to th...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RETURNS 14 DRY TOIIR MUSIC AND MUSICIANS I 11UII I RI 1 U U 11l Feodor Cia1apin The Phblharmnonic-Central concert renisulraniainof En ireipper s epo rt o e e series will be concluded by Feodor Peninsula Complete; To Lee Chaliapin, the great Russian basso, For East Monday who appears in recital at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night in Arcadia auditorium RTON TO ADh1EMSS SIXTH assisted by Rudolph Polk, violinist DISTRICT MEETING...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 2

…PANE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1921 And for the evening I was lucky canrh to Net asngle for filter Hamoden's yrano (e Bergerac. CONCERNING11ow To G(TdTHERE Those who, a cople of weeks ago, read my first itnere oaso'Trinity Clhurch and the Woolworth Building will know that I had cheked my~ bag and was making mny headuarers t te Commtodare: Htel. Fromis there it is noft. at to the National Theater, so I took the say'potiynt ...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. Co-Authors Of Junior Play II.. IW LL- I L-1. 1 11ss1sU fOR FEBRUAR-NAC Rifle classes conducted for the wo- en of the Ubiversity have been hold- g semi-weekly sessions since the be- nning of this semester. Plans are now being made for the 1e1 meet which will take place Feb. to March 25. The women who have e highest scores up to date will be lected within the next few weeks d these women will compete for the le teams to...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 1924 "rUr AATI"%IATn w wr r-. , ~ % , 1tiE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE EDUCATIONAL real self so deep that no one can pen- MIRRORS etrate to it. As long as men continue (Continued froio Page One) to suhscribe, whether sincerely or cept theories such as those of Meikle- hypocritically, to the usual idealistic john, we let ourselves be the prey of line about education, the young Amer- any student with the least degree of ican wi...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY S-UND)AY, JANUARY - --- 1 - '- -l I 1)ebce affllated with the requestj ~t~afl s Ut ie that more than ninety of these - - ... -- las-t named organizations have lately CAL NEWSPAPER OF THE added their names to the record of LYER8ITY OF MICHIA W those ardently demanding an inquiry. The secondary petition was signed hed every morning except Monda ybymrthn ieypan-eces :h University y.~ar by the Board inbymrthn iey anttchr o...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAiLa SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 i -- I BIERNE VOIFFULS E C o1 (Continued from Page One) sommes si nuls quand nous ne vivons ORLANDO BEEDE pas!" (My friend! I shall linger yet a few hours in the world. We are The Comedy Club recently present- poor, foolish creatures when we live; ed two one-act plays: "The Key" by but we are such ciphers if we do not Ferenc Molnar and "At the Hawk's live!"-L.XXVIII). Well" by William B...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 5

…I AY, JANUARY 27, 1024 TI L M LiANDAILY .t _ The Week's News In ,Brief (Conttinued from 'Page One) glum, to be added to their territory of f Roanga. Great Britain gave over the. Sterritory at the express wish of thel native population. This is said to be ! the first time a native population has been considered in African colonielI dealings. Robert Ciives, investigating the Separatist movement in Bavaria for the British said: "First, the l...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 5

…SUINDAY, JANUARY 27, 19241 THE MICHI1GAN DAILY PAGE F11' names wanders through every high- describes such minor academic souis class mclodrama, go back to the desert" as Jean Huguenot's husband wit. S to die, with many remarks anent the delicacy and sympathy. But Jean her- 13 G O K SThe cover of the volume forms a makes raer a fizzle of her. He knows ______________________pleasing contrast tn the sober, de- we ese pain ta it is honbu situat...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 6

…; HE MCHIGAN DAILY SL \ LA , J_1 , ,, '' ,, ,,,r . ._._.. . . .:_ ICK CARNI AL BRINGS OUT GOOD PROSPECTS FOR 1814 TRAC SQUAD Brothers A Boon To Sox r W'inth Fnr Men Fin sidno' i i . i FI A ru, - - -JLF Under 4:39 Show To Advantage EARLINGS ARE VICTORIOUS OVER RESERVES IN RELAY Michigan's hopes for a winning ack team in the 1924 Conference] ason were bolstered up yesterday ternoon following the steady per- rances of the Wolver...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU' ) DAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 PAGE SIX THE MICHiGAN DAILY SU NDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 Jean Huguenot. It is a hopeless feat. Yes, my Marguerite is a very who, becoming gardener-desired to a a lofty and steep rock, and I see the woman, finally a third time come into isky affair, even at the piano. convent so physically declined in moist cloud which envelopes the head a haven. Twice is enough-this is health that he wa...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DATL~Y ,....:. ...,. .r -, - - ----. . . _ r .._ - I .. .:_. L SS. IE COLUMN~ GLOME IAT 3 P, M. 44hc~b latern shop 1 ADVERTISING LO1ST PAIR GLASSES in case, on Church or Prospect, between Oakland and Wells, Tuesday night. 1207 Pros-} pect, phone 2388-'J. Re~ward. BLACK RIMIMED glasses between "U" Hall and Martha Cook. Phone 627. ?Miss Sheldoni. Reward. GOLD FOUNTAIN pen between Washtenaw and Economics bldg. Finde...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 7

…SL \ DAY, JANUARY 27, 192 t THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SE VEN eli t x nextd o suiit to pressed thlen WHITE SWAN will call for it. Clean or press it perfectly promptly. We'l L - 11 bring a cash crd wie nt $5.00cforn$4.50 $.50 for $2.25 You pay us for the cash card then just call us when you have work. It's very onvenient.* You save 10Cco WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY CO. Please Clean and Pras attached clothing and re- Press i tan d to n l . . Bring ca...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ................ ;on in the B~ulletin Is constructive notico to all members of 'erscity. C'opy zreceived b4 tl A saistantf ti'the "7p(dert un~til m . 111 :30)a.i. Sa3t. crsiGV" 4 5U~iA~qJAN4UARY a7, 1921 Nuntiher 921 IDelin .: ere'will be no conerence of the Deans ol Wedn'lsday, January 30. ft conference will beC held on Wednesday, ebru.ry 6. Council: regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 8

… PAL.4 EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 PALSEI~h TH MIC-HGN DALY SNDA, JAUAR 27.192 \/'G j 1 --~ Frocks That Will Grace the Fairest at the 1924 J-Hop The novel setting chosen for the 1924 J-Hop, picturing the glittering arctic land, the scintillating music, and the bold black and white of the masculine attire, will form a decidedly picturesque background for the alluring gowns of the feminine dancers. Pastel shades of geo...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 9

… Arl 414tr tAgan :43L titt Section Two LIWo PRICE. Fr ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2., 1924 PRICE, FF G. XXXIV. No. 92 w lUS-HES ADVISES AID FOR MEXICO ommends Sale of V. S. Ammunition; Asserts Revolution Is Not By Oppressed People ECLARES HELP WITH ARMS NO DHANCE FROM HARDING POLICY New Ybrk, Jan. 26-Speaking on Recent Questions and Negotiations," ecretary Charles E. Hughes of the tate Department this week com- fended the...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ior rnumi In Germany's Ninth Chancellor Since Turning Republic Associated with Miss Moore in thisj unusual production are such screen celebrities as Myrtle Stedman, Milton Sills, Elliott Dexter and Walter Mc- Grail. "One Night it Rained," a Tuxedo comedy, and a new Aesop Fable Car-E GERMANS SEE NINE CHANCELLORS IN POWER OVER FIVE YEAR PERIOD UbLR 1 V 1 UITRIm Melbourne, Jan. 26-Progress is be- ing made toward the estab...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 11

…. PAL L IGIIT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 .... ..,... , v .. 1= .... * a )) &. ~~!I I - y Frocks That Will Grace the Fairest at tPe -Hop The novel setting chosen for the 1924 J-Hop, picturing the glittering arctic land, the scintillating music, and the bId black and white of the masculine attire, will form a decidedly picturesque background for the alluring gowns of the feminine dancers-. Pastel shades of georgette sp...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 12

…a 1a1L l TI LILY i ~ --%............,.. T,, L. VA.LA ; IL , __ 7 EGO Scogan And for the evening I was lucky enough to get a single for Walter Hampden's Cyrano de Bergerac.1 CONCERNING HOW TO GET THERE Those who, a couple of weeks ago, read my first impressions of Trinity Church and the Woolworth Building will know that I had checked myr bag and was making my headquarters at the Commodore Hotel. From 1 there it is not far to the Nationa...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 13

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 Jean Huguenot. It is a hopeless j feat. Yes, my Marguerite is a very who, becoming gardener-desired to a a lofty and steep rock, and I see the woman, finally a third time come inte risky affair, even at the piano. convent so physically declined in moist cloud which envelopes the head- a haven. Twice is enough-this is health that he was for...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 14

… Foux THE MICHIGAN DAiL i SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 SUNDAYS JANUARY 27, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY BIERNE VOIFFULS E ChO (Continued from Page One) sommes si nuls quand nous ne vivons, ORLANDO BEEDE pas!" (My friend! I shall linger yet; a few hours in the world. We are The Comedy Club recently present- poor, foolish creatures when we live; ed two one-act plays " "The Key" by but we are such ciphers if we do not Fereuc Molnar and "At the Haw...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MPIC SCHEDULE DERSOE GHANS hfXTra I1U n~ - Din.. 7.f:sr Reporter Bows To Co-ed's Intellect "Gosh, it must be just simply won- dahful to be a reporter," gushed theI sweet young co-ed looking at us with sparkling eyes. "Just think, you can 4.vzpetitions W111 V TakeYi PflK ace DI u ring et into all the shows, you can sway the Months of liay, June, gtinoalteswyucasay anthJulypublic opinion,"-she learned this lat- ter express...…

January 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 92) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t OLD CURRENCY BAN( 'May Be Leading Figure In New PLANNED FOR GERMANY soviet Regim 1 than ever before; and the record es- tablisaed for individual solicitations in the financial drive was $475. #. .k..r ---- -- Read the Want Ads Read The Daily "Classified" Colu CITIES IN THEMSELVES! SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT Berlin, Jan. 26.-(A.P.)--The pros- pective gold currency bank suggested by the experts committee in Paris, already...…

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