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March 27, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-27

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THURSDA s MARCH 27, 1924

___. - ... -o. ...o .w.

y morning except M1ondlay
ersity year by th1e Board in
Xestern Conference Editorial
'd Press is exclusively en-
for republication of all news
:ed to it or not othertwise
aper and the local new,.s Pub
e postoflice at Ann Arbor.
and class matter. Specil rate
ed by Third Assistaint Pos-I
by carrier, $3.$0o; by mail.I
Arbor Tress Building, May-
rial, 2414 and i76-M; lBusi-

whose efforts in behalf of rigid ad-
herence to the biblical myth of crea-
tion has been no small factor in re-
assuring the promulgators of evolu-
tVonary research that their only op-
position comes from a res3tricted group
of bigoted n;innyhammners.
"It is treason to the God Almighty
and a libel against the human race."~
So sayeth the omnipotent Dr. Straton
of the evidence of proof colle~ted in
the corridors of the American Museum
of Natural History, where it is on
display for all those who come. Argu-
ing that the directors of the Museum
are "poisoning the minds of school
children by false and bestial theories
of evolution," Dr. Straton. has serious-
ly asked, "Ought not the Bible to b~e
exhibited at the Museum as well as a
lot of musty old bones?"

Wle have just finishled consulting the
old family. physician. He gives us
thes-e reassuring statistics:
Wecouldn't get life insurance it
we tried.
We are in a bad way.
We are a wreck.
And these comparisons, of Which WE
are rather proud than anything else:
COWLES' PULSE: 100and, lnore.

rr- - rrr.- ri -. --
S O C I A L L I N E S A IM ) C A L f fII ' I U h~k li P ia n o R e c ita l ] a l A T H L U I i O TrTeco 1 n =
College students are continually Ube '1
etarget of criticism from the outside MONDAY, M'ARCIA 31-8:30 P'. M.
world. In many cases the claims Of {;T ick . t :-40-,5- 0
bad morals and bad mai..,nec.rs are ."
f+justified. But a little coisideration ON S'I-ALE. AT
usually reveal-s the fa3ct t1-Atthe cosn S 4 of usic-a rte st. PBook ''ores1
demnation-s arise as the result of ,ci o Hiln inoUe
tions of a few individual,. The sad
easpect Is, that by the unforctunate dsly:~s f .chmsloI'Soe
Iings of a few, the majority are jde. .....
1 ?j~.,4 4~f.~ .,o* r~ +h4 ~T~fL.
Thi fA.D * Lte wv ref-14. ,4- t 141. AA-a b*1r t 1


ommnunications, not excceding 300
1be published in T1.he Daily at
in of the Editor. Upon request,
:y of communicant will be re-
,phones, 2414 and 176.11
or.. .. Rc.bt. T1. Tarr
;oard tChairmnan. .. .R. C. Mtorarity
r. ... ....J. C. Garlinghouse
S Night Editors
g A. B. Connable, Jr.
lackl T. E. Fiskce
~P. M. Wagner
to.... .....Ralph N.' liens
dior.... ..WnoaHibbard
~ity 1;io...Ienneth C. Xellar
ihgnNews 1Bureau. R. G. Ranmsay
Eitor...Robert 1. H-enderson
cmn E. C. Mack
:knell VereniA Moran
cixer Harold Moore
wn. Carl Ohlmacher
Co qte l11 yde Perce
visAndrew Pro pper
rlich Regina Reich mann
ry Edniarie Schraud.r
,ouseworth C. A. Stevens
e qt. 1H. Stoneman
amrin Marie Reed
Ball N. R. Thai
ger IV. J.Walth our
Liebermann Hlerman Wise
'telephone 960
F.. L. Dunne'
~~'. ,~:::.ferr'y A~ l.av!cn[
...... RIo'sser
..p... .. ..... .W. I\. Schcrcr
.. .. .....Lawrence l'iercr'
S Assistants
4m belI . . - Irelapd
[slat lHarolA. ?Marhe
Mln Pvron Paricer
in IL. E. Rose
ilter A. J. Seidnan
ql int ceo. A. Stracce
FOX ~Will 1W\eice
lght C. F. W?~hite
lantl l:.C. "\Vinter
LAY, MARCHM 27;1924
fore Sherwood Eddy, in his
i one of the University ser-
Visaid, "The trouble with
;, tar which we have just
hroiigh is that we have failed
its lesson. We are just as
w to swallow up propaganda
vere before the Conflict had
arted." And now Brooks
orator and editor,' in 'a re-
ress bears out Dr. Eddy's °as-
n. full. "The next war,"he
;being fed in. the "minds of
ron of the" world. Hate for
tions is being fed into the
eminds. of all countries."
atements which carry their
wer' have been realized by
have closely studied the en-

Further he accuses the evolution-
itof attempting to convince the un.-
opinionated that nian and other ani-!
mals are not the result of a supreme ]
Godly influence. Also he ridicules
the fact that in five small cases the{
evolution of man is supposedly sub-
stantiated. Indeed, Dr. Straton, your
laughs' are well deserved, for one
whose breadth of vision is so nar-
row must find his amusement within
the walls which banish so much from
his intellect.
Evolutiotlists do not contest the'
validity of the teleological argument,
which adequately" explains the Iinflu-
ence of God in the development of
man. They do' not maintain that he
"camne up. in .soxme mysterious. way,
out of the slime through a series of
reptiles,. etc." They do. however at-
tempt to prove that he developed from
reptile to beast, and finally to man.
The absence of proof is not often suf-
ficient grounds for ridiculing an argu-
ment in the process of substantiation,
and if Dr. Straton -will be a *bit more
patient he shall find five hundred
cases instead of five, displaying the
evidences of evolution.

Think that over, kiddoes! and to-
m orrow afternoon w'e are going to
put on a sort of a concession in our
office in the Press Building. We're go-
ing to let people feel cur pulse at one-1
twenty-five the feel. In addition, wet
shake hands with every cutstomer,
wish him a good afternoon, and tell
him we have sworn off smoking. J
Well, Cowlesie, now, that you have]
toasted and rolled me, all my little
friends are going to send in more1
I campus Opionions condoning the ex-
ceeding 'chivalry and polished rhetoric
of our friend, the Knight of the
Theater; you won't lack excellent ma-
terial 'to dress up in cap' and bells
rfor the morning coffee, as long as he
continues his comnplinients i to the
However, be'that as it may, it seems
that two such redoubtable intellects
as yours and mine cannot longer be
kept from the lists of journalistic
combat to the dirty finish. So get all I
your little friends together and light
the toaster.
--Thbe Kniskern.
A ,woodcutter's family was blessed
with a. son, who was their thirteenth
I"What shall we call him?" the wife:
asked of hers husband.
"It is in the nature of things," re-I
turned the husb~and,. "that 'while wek
think of naming a babe like this there
are thousands-nay, millions of other
babes being named at the same time.
It makes no diifference to them, for
what use have they fcr a mere wood-
cutter's son like ours?"

Is thought of, not in terms~ of majority
complacency, but in light of its il-
luminating Individuals.
Very often criticism from the out-
side are "laughed off"' with a "v ha t
do they know about it." But here i
an excerpt from afn editorial recentlyI
published in this state evidently basedI
upon the statement of some one who
does "know about it."
"A college student remarked re-
cently that there is considerable dif-
ference between the social attitude
of many students in the earlier por-
tion of their course, from that which l
prevails in their 'senior year,. a aj
freshman and a sophomnore, he said
the students all seem to feel the need
of a democratic spirit. They must
be good fellows with the crowdl, show
themselves generally affable, or they
will not form friendships.
"But when they become_ sensor,'
there is a tendency for social lines
to stiffen. Those who have acquired I
social prominence, or the position of
whose families gives them social posi-
tion, are often inclined to withdraw
from their former democratic atti--
I"'They feel they are about to come I
out into a world in which social l inec
are sharply drawn, and many of thern
show that they do not care for in-
timacies with those who lack social
We hope that the "college student." I
Is not of our number. We also wantj
to think that we are not trying to
"laugh it off." California does not
consciously cultivate those "social1
lies" to such a, degree that, they' be-,
come embarassing and merit critic-
ism. Social lines of demarcation are
inevitable in any society. Proper and
improper, they are a result of human
Inature. And human nature, if we ,are
ho ne st w ith ,;oumrsIdes, is the centerIiof n a k d ' u iv r e
But just as society, wihich is the'
cross section of human nature allows
certain distinctions, it does not per-{
mit excesses of the -same. When social
lines become too rigidly drawn, when
powerful classes become too' videlr
separated, then there is a crash-the{
Inevitable result of an unbalanccd_,re-{
tAs yet there has been no cr~a h ata
[ the University of California. We are
'not looking for one. Close observation'
of our many democratic trad tions is
our bulwark.

Limiteris:. 9 a. mu., t: a.iM. and
eveiry two hours to 9:10 D'. in.
Exlr-:ss 7a. in., 8 a mu. an:+ie' -T
(Vo.)hours to Sp.i8
I Locals: I74.ia. mu. ~5Si a.. and.
everty two laours to 8:56 yp. n
11p.m. To Ypsilatt' onay, 11:4u.
jp. mn., 12:26i a. mn. and 1,15 a. its.

(Will ou h a
'.tr Idll ~ ut


, r'.'_ If~i4ID~L, :' ' RI FY'+C fi$SFT~i'?Iv-g

Ciitral Time (Slow Time)
Lea ,e Cha bert of Commnerce,
Welk Days Siuncays
6:45 a. M.6;45 a. m.
r13:45 p. M. .«45 P. m.
H,. ELLIOTT. Paoprietrr
Adrian, Mich.

r---- --


Lisnitods: 8:47 a. In. andl every two
souTlrs .to 58:417jp. Ia.'II
jExpress tu'takin lhea ,;st 5 ): .9: j-
al. Ill. and ~e rry two tiQui-o to 9-fit
p. Imu.
[ Ciffbls: 7:60 a il~i1a n


Thae C'hicago Temple,
Chicago, Illinois
Drawn by Hugh r'erriss


1 2 4.) 7
14 '1 IS 1 1 19 f 14 12
23 24 25 N{) 2f 2192~
S R iU11ATS 6. FAl~y
S3av'e, a ~ror ou' cat Our
hItgh (Clss Vi rI-",ill Cleanl a
I617 Pitehard St. 'ole179)
(Where D. LT. %. Stop~sat St.Ale)
0 S


Once upon at time there was a well-
to-do gentleman whose wife went to
the country. When she returned she
fouind her home~ in a 'state of disre-
pair that would have dcone credit to i
a small, cyclone. The kitchen, es-
pecially, wa- far fromn being in order-
ly state and showed signs of neglect.
Whi~e she was, engaged in the pro-
cess, of clearing 111)'the remains, 1-ub-
by entered. He proceeded straight to{
a can of cocoa, opened it aind ex-
_ caimd,"Why, - iy dea_-, therer. is-
no cocoa-and I was sure there was a

a' Pilu re

hUea LdutIful iantiL
For Your Room
PI,0 7 e 115

:tab]~ espoonful y estorday!"'
unfortuinately for Hubby, his brave'
attempt to show he had boon a 'case-
ful houisewife while his wife was. away,.
'did not suwcceed.' In fact, it "f'el l fiat." J
Friend vwife was too old a hand at the
game to be fooled by a v aliently dis- 1
played knowledge of the scarcity of
And so it goes. Men talk lengthily
1 and knowingly of insignificant de-
tails and miss the main points alto-!
gether. Often the man who knowsJ
the most about cocoa, or who seems
to, will be utterly ignorant of the1
meat, bread, and potatoes of life. Hle.
will be' able to skim the subject suc-
cessfully, but he will never get-down
to the root of things. And the person
who really knows whereof he speaksf
can detect it.
Therefore, -when it is necessary to
work a bluff, it is advisable to delve
a little 'deeper into the kitchen than
the cocoa can!
Ao At Michig an
Taken fro ni th'e F;IlS of the F. of 'm
Daily;, ilaarchi 2, 1899.
The Phi Beta Kappa was founded at~
William and Mary college, Williams-
burg, Virginia, in 1776. Yale and
Harvard followed in 1780 and 1781.
It furnished the model for the pres-
ent system of Greek letter fraterni-

been asserted again and againC
s quite natural for one to
-erything he secs in; print.
'ng advantage of this human
, it seems that the world
i fed up on little incidents
e inicidents, true or false, that
elpr gain people's sympathy
'the policy that the nation
attempting to, carry into ef-
Dr. Eddy, so ably stated, "we
hard the various atrocities
nans had performed in Bel-
e also heard that the Allies
rying out a blockade on Ger-
nd that was perfectly all
t we did not know that this
was causing the death of
s of innocent mothers and
through starvation."
;anda continues with its
Je are now just as ready toI
anIy utterance, official or
.s we were before the year.
)uld only have demanded the
truth long. ago, the world
8Lv been in sincere peace to-!
'tawe hav e listened to ru-
Various natures about Russia,
Germany, Turkiey, England,
result that the truth is as

j e cast 'a .sharp glance at the child
wrapped in swathing cloths.
"Itt is °,for 'us,"= he continued angr-
ily, "to become bitter, when ignored.
And the ignored person is, always bit.
ter." With a vehemnent gesture he
struck a match and lighted his pipe.
"See that smoke," he said. "Does
it go straight up? No, it goes in at
winding spiral-"
"One moment," interrupted his wife,
I "geometricians have not denied that
it is a spiral. Nor have they denied
that astronomy is possible. Be hu-
Iman, my. husband, and realize that
even as you smoke, wars are being
fought, cities are being torn up,
throats are being cut, horror is walk-j
ing abroad, and-" she added with aI
I look of tenderness toward her child,
I "Babes are being born."
Tears came to the woodcutter's eyes.
His wife has pierced his heart with
those words. Resolutely, he drew a
long breath and spoke, all vestige of
egotism gone out of his voice, and his
eyes pale and watery.
"The child shall not be car~ed Abra-
hanm," he murmured.
"No," she said, "it shall not be
called Abraham."
"Nor shall it be called Iiezekiah."
"No,' it shall not be called I-ezekiah."
"It shall be called ;Satan."
"Yes, it shall be called Satan."
A wail burst from. the child. "I
hope," said the woodcutter fervently,
"that he will live up to his name."
=---. P. L.
I like to stroll throughi U hall
And see the hopeful faces of the
Who tend the little candy stand
That nestles 'tween the stairs,
For as I pass I jingle a coin
And their faces light up avidly
At the prospect of a sale. But
On I pass amid they sink back
Into their hopeless, eternal vir gil.
.-Wiihbley au,
0 little daisy, you're supreme!
IWhy don't you join a rifle team?
Your line to your librarian friend,
Wvon't then disturb our studious
No smoking today.
Mr. Jatson Cowles.

J-ERE' the architects env isined a ,picture, sa v the modern office'
builduing in tcrms of the g rei' art of the Middle Ags-and the,-
result is a detmonstration that the utilitari'an structure, the modern Office
beilding of culmiwrc may be as nicturesqte as it is practical. Vision,-
imagioatioll, courage an'l ra;ctical In'gunuity in, stylistc adaptation
ha>ve enabled thet archite-cts of this country to~ astonish the world with
their achievements of today aud thtcir pxozisc of tomorrow.
Cerrainly miodern iuvcnriui:--rtuod rn engineering skill and orgauiza-
tion, will prove monre thw' equal to) the demnandls Of the a rchitectu1re
of the fututr.





1 611 E. University have.
St ,. '~, ,w' ''p-'w,. -'

Offices in all Principal. Cities of tlw "World







"THE HOUR GLASS," William But-
ler -Yeats' impressive allegory, 'will
PPbn presented by the Presbyterian
Players this Sunday evening- in the
IPresbyterian Chits cli at 7 :13 o'clock.
SNo adrmissiou-a ad tii:, you will ad-
mnit, is the inptrtaeat part--no ad-
misslcn ill 1)I.b brged, an.,lthe t,en.
ral public is cordially iuvit cd.
William Isutier Yeats, as ycn know,
is the winner of this year's Nobel
Prize' for Literature, and_ in "The
Hour Glass.." unlike the usual run of
so-called' "religious drama," he has
composed a striking play that is truDly
moving and utterly devoid of any pro-
pagandist .tendencies.
The purpose of the present produc-I
tion is to bring back to the church
in a simple, but if possible, artistic
manner the best that the theater has
to offer. It is merely an attempt to
test the practicability of the axiom,
"The theater began in the church,
and should go back there." k
With this in mind, all the conven-
tional artifices or the stage will beI
eliminated: There will be no foot-'
lights, no curtain, and little more than
a bare platform flooded in a pool of
hard light. It is an effort, you can
see, to imitate in a "limited, very econ-
omical way a little of the technique
of "The Miracle.",
Iken tucky Jazz
Band To Play
Here Saturday

Presenting Her

Original. Character
ifV~~ond~ir, Apri/81 . s. i
Z.j cyZTeatre
Auspices American Assodcilion - Universi y Women

~' z
,,i ~'t

T1ickets $2.00, $1.50, $1.000'

2it orders are now being filled by Mrs. E. R. Sutherland, ,1510
Cambridge Rd. Send self addressed stamped envelope for the
- return 0o: tickets.

Another home game has been add-
ed to the baseball schedule. Indiana,
will play Michigan at Ann Arbor on
IMay 3
This evening. in the lower lecture
room of. the Medical Building, Dr.
Dock will give his third lecture on
The entire state legislature will
visit Ann Arbor and the Univ'ersity on
A i-i til 'ii LUf4 a1%14JE5 ji'Ojs~1i s1U --,ar

{ TS
t S
All -,W
rti {
f t "ik 7 r

+ ';cR' 7
= . l







-g n rainirr.hg fstrIbeing made to recoi ,t '_ItcIm.I
alize. If, it is to tape our Th ict Asiaongiliv
out a feeling of hatred 1 h tltcAscainwl i
ithin it for other n)ations, a dance in the gyznasiurn on April1
mut eefete o u ' . his is not for the benefit of the


No other intrurt m A c so easy to learn and afford
so much musical satisfaction in return for minimum



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