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March 27, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-27

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l1Cdtnds 'nannll?,On ofClee
C~ol"' headE


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Washington, D. C., Marsh 26.--Dr.
Nicholas Murray Butle, presiden t of
Columbia unliver.,ty, has issued al
statement corlnie-ding the nation-
wide organization of college Repub-
lican clubs under thie College Bureau
of the Republican national committee.
Dr. Butler, notad educator and pubh-
licist, is an earnest advocate of early
p:olitical training. Regarding the
movement to interest and instruct c;ol-
lege students i matters, of current
American politics, he says:.

White Swan be'ieves in S ER~VICE blivei
doing tha tthing wellf which we. are ivezn to do .
We believe that doing our work well consists in
.oti lest a de oi nt th id a ofg Tthe very best service in dry cleaningr, pressing
and laundering that it is possible for anyone to

"Many of us are greatly concerned'
at the idespread lack of interest ini
political 'principles and policies and
in the growing unwillingness to' as-
sume any share of political respon-
sibility. No political institutions witill
work them selves. Th~e best form of
government requires. good mnen an~d
women to operate it. ,
Minority 'RifleExists
"Just now we a~re faced by a situa-
tion in which th~e overwhelming maj-
c rity of our imnportnt public offices
are filled by the votes of but a m~ ere
fraction of the cualified eetorate.
Year after year candidaes for pu~blic
office who secure, at so-caled direct
primaries from five to ten percent of
the vote of 6he rualiffed electorate, re-
ceive party nomination~s, and are then
elected to high office by the votes cif
ten to thirty percent of the qualifiedl
electorate. The consequence is that
we are everyw:here faced by minority
,"Mtany of our young people have
grown up and are growing up 'under
condition;~ which confuse them as to.
the meaning of political issues Andi
which conceal from them the fact that
fundamental principles of government
are frequently at stake when least sus-
pected. A curetor this condition will
be found in arousing poltical inter-
est and in brngig accuirae political
in formation to th -,hosa ds of intel-
ligent and high-spiite yothwho are
to be found in our colleges and univer-
I'afly Colleges Participate
Both undergraduates ,and alumni are
joining in the movement, now under
way at over a hundred' colleges to en-
courage a. deeper interest in the na-
tion's political problems. At Ohio
State university the Republican club
announces a membership of 2,300.
ineteen hundred alumni are enroll-
ed in the club at Harvard. Purdue
has a Republican club with 600 Imemi-
bers, and clubs at other colleges re-
port similarly, large enrollments.





Left to righbt: llarr-y Sinclair, J. W. SIipson J . W. Zeverly, W Aw1nCus lIai'tin 'W.
counisel, anid, insert, G~. T. Stan ford.

L ittleton, chief

Contempt and continued refusal to testify in the senate investig,!Lions of the Tealpot Dome oil scandal
"will bring Harry F. Sinclair, oil magnate, before the grandl jury of the rmstrict of Columbia, according to District
Attorney Payton Gordon. Sinclair is shown above with the legal advisors who are representing him in the in-
Senator Dill, Democrat, of Washington, and Senator Norris, Republican, of Nebraska, have expressed the
hope that Sinclair will be kept in common jail so that his testimUony may not be ,-hilly lost. The latter propos-
ed to keen hiro in jail until he will testify."
No , tatemnent has been made as to what course his counsel will adopt to combat the attempts to force
testimoney, nor in regard to the charge of contempt brouht against him.

To serve you better we established a branch
offie in the Press' Building, across from the
"Maj." We are operating it on the " Cash. & Car-
ry"? system.. It enable you to have your dry
cleaning, pressing and laundering done at very
substantial savings to you, and, permits us to giye
you the maximum of service.

Audie'nces Swell As Organ
Recitals Gain Popular~ity

Europe, Orient, Etc.
To get the better roservatlons, It will be very
necessary that you aryan a your plans soon.
BOOK EARLYSall ng List Rates; 1st.
2nrle Cabin or 3rd Class
A small deposit secures spacek [1 lay nn !onvĀ«r
Incensed and Bonded Stcs'in kpanti Insuran'e Agent

...n, E




Th e twelfth recital of the 'Twiligh~t
forgan series was given in Trill aud"it..r-
ium yesterday afternoon by Palmer
Christian, University organist. The
ever-increasiwg size of the audiences
is certainly a tribute to the organist's
caliber as a musician, as well as thel
popularity of these recitals.
1The program presnted was skill-
fully arranged and contained pieces
by several well-known American or-
ganists besides compositions by Wag-
ner, Dvorak and Weber.
Mr. Christian's rendition of the Al-
legro from the massive "Sixth Sym-
phony" by Widor, couldn6t have been
more spectacular or more 'majectical-
ly assertive. The atacks wered eliber-
'ately taken, perfect tonal "balance w~as
maintaind,- and weight without clum-
siness was. given the climaxes. His
fluency and command of the pedals
was admirable.
A different type of music, which was
mest with the same artistic treatment
at the hands of the performer,f wasE
exhibited in the sombre and pathetic
"Largo" from the New World sym-
phony by Dvorak. The melancholy
and pensive airs of the composition
were invested with dreamy grace and1
played with warm sentiment and feel-
I!?ospone Tonighi's

"Le Ponhcur", 1Ly Iherb6rt Hyde, a
Chicago organ it, was dazzling in it, i
briilance, its brolwui ryt hns and son-
ou lgrotesque aspect. ?KS

W gv o 5prcn icuto l laundry work. That's a real saving, but not ;the
only advantage.. Your clothes are laundered
with. a minimum of wear and tear. White Swan's
modern machinery, makes th at, possible.: They'
are thoroughly cleaned, isterilized an grmless;
srtarchied just right; ironed perfectly


1 1

o'cl oc





If you have sent your; clothes ''home in the'
past, we invite you to learn the details of our new
pan, and how. reasonably it can, be, done here.
We 'l'l also save. you nearly 'a week.'s time.




Dry cleaning, $1.00.' We'll clean and, press
your suit for about the price you pay for pressing
in some cities. That's for the best cleaning in
ALnn Arbor, too. Absolutely guaranteed or no
pay. No, disagreeable odor. 'No sticky film.
Trimmings and linings fresh as new; and-no in-
jury ,o them either.






We are open fromt 7:00 A. M. until 8:00 P. M.
Bring your clothes along whenever you are ,con')-
ing.own town. Get them the next day "if you.
want them. That's our idea of''servic.







Regular "Call for and Deliver" Service', As" Usual




- - -3238

D~own town







ff: , 1-

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