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March 27, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-27

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ge n ii mu *t*r~ru mL


tion in~ the Blulletin la constructive notico to aill members of
iveralty. Copy reeeived by tb AF.iptan tc the ?"'-*adept 'until
m. (11:30 a. in. Satu r~au-
j 4 THURSDAY, MTARCH 27, 1924 Number 132


.Directing Aide
Of Pan-America n
Union Is Named


All persons or societies using this!
columnn should Include in their noticesI Michael Pargment, of the Romance
day, hour, and place. All notices languages department~ lectured in4
without tis data -,ill1 be disregarded. French on "French Festivities and;
('u~toms,' before members of the Cerc- I
THURSDAY JoleFranca is and their friends ye-OtedayI
afternoon1 in the Physics west lecture!
7:00 A. N.-ll'oly commuunion, Harris room. Th';ese ctomsn~n differ from Am-
hall.! ei icafl holidfiys in thait they have1
1i2atiP--Dentin ft3 ully iiiiclien, HP nothing to do wvith religion or patriot-
ton. 'isin Many French festivities date
12:lci-1hetorlicu~iilty lunc'heoi' bacl; toth M biddle Ages for their or-
rom .1, nIn igin. This fact, the speaker declared,
1 :00--Noonday prayers, Harris hall.
w_ y ; indicates that tihe French aLre a mi-ore


SORRY! WYve're VERY sorry! That
new portable didn't come when it
should have. We're trying to trace it,
and will annouuce it as soon as we get
it. WATCH!t

Some families in Jackson, Michigan have indicated their willingness to
entertain foreign students during the comning Spring Recess, April -11-22.
Those desiring further information, please see mec AT ONCE any afternoon
scept Wednesdays, at 4 o'clock in 302 University Hall. Yiour dec iion in
his matter must he reported to me before the end of next week Or' April 4"
J. A. C1. Hihldur.
Pharmacy Faculty Mleeting:
A lbrief meetng of the Faculty of the College of Pha;$rmracy will be held
u Room 212 Chemistry Bldg., on Tuesday, April 1st, at 3: 30 P. M.
C. C. Gilover.
G'ubl~ic Lecture:
Professor William H. Hobbs of the Geology. Department of the _ niver ,ity
will give an illustrated lecture on "Earthquakes, Their Cause and Effect,
nd the Possibility of their prediction", under the joint auspices of the
society of the Sigma Xi and the Junior Resea;rch Club on Friday evening,
larch 28, at 8:00 o'clock, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
All members of these Societies, the faculty, student °body and enyone
nterested in the progress of science are cordially invited to be present.
A. S. Warthin, President, Sigma Xi.
ro the Board of Directors of the Michlgan Union :
The committee in charge of selection of the book for next year's Opera
egs leave to report that it has carefully exa~mined thirteen (13) books sub-
nitted. The book submitted by Mr. Donald E. L. Snyder, '25 has been un-
rimously chosen for presentation. L. A. Strau, s.
0. J. C'attpbell.
Ii, A. Kenyon.
D. [. Hlainie,.
Mr. F'. A. Debay, representing the Com mionwealth Edison Comapany and
rsociated com~panies of Chicago,, Illinois. will be in Room 274, WesIt Engin-
elng Building, Thursday, March 27, for the purpose of interviewing and
jnploylng men for the central station industry. Joseph H.. Cannion.
Lverising Lecture Po~'poned:
SThe're will be no lecture tonight on the Alpha Delta Sigma advertising
rnurse in Natural Science Auditorium. Mr. E. St: Elmno Lewis, Vice-Presi-
ent' of tlhe Campbell-E~wald Company of Detroit, who was scheduled for
his evening will be unable to speak. He will probably speak after spring
,aationi. Briggs Reurmaann, President.
thetorle and Journalism:
There will be a combined luncheon and staff meeting of the faculty ot
he department of R~hetoric and Journalism, in room 319 of the Michigan
Fulon at 12:15 today--Thursday. Waldo Abbot.
hamber of Commerce:
There wvill be a discussion group meeting in room 302 Union, Thursdav
ight at 7:30. Mr. Wolaver will lead the discussion.
It. J. Chick, Jr., Publicity Diree~for.
ae'restry flub:
There will be a special meeting_ of the Forestry Club on Thursday,
larch 27, at 7:30 p. m. in room F 214 N. S. Irwin 14. Booth, Pte:sid' nt.
eologlelrl Journal Club:
3There will be a, meeting of the Club in Room G 436, Natural Slince
3uilding at 7:30 P. AT. on Thursday March 27th.
"fTriassic Vertebrates Recently; Installed in the Muiesum o; Oeoiog'y"-~
'ofessor Case.
Wilder's '"Mau's "Pre-Historic Past" ,reviewed by Mr., liussey.
All interested are cordially invited to attend. L,.3T. Counld, S Ac'y.


"Ilpplivs Rlepaliring
:Wk8S . State st.

I. '

".. A..a.r~rrr. . ..r.r. _.....rr." .rrr" " .ri r r...ii..p.,.,.,



4:00-Chldren's services, St. Andrewv's cosratv eolpha .sgeeal
chrh !T-l~nybi omte et believed. John 11. iMuysk ens, of Othe
,7:. -lltity iltcomnit. nect 'Romance languages dIepartment, in-
in room 306, Union. t'trodcled the speaker.
17:20-Ro'nd-Up club- meets in) Union. _
7:30-Henry 'M. Bates Law chib uiieets ~
in room 304, Union. iiirmy yncopators
2 :30-Chanib-er of Comminerce mects in Come To M aje'stic
rc om 302, Union.l

Read The -Daly "Classified" Columns

The rew assisff tanat director of the
Pan-American Union, succeeding the
late Dr. Francisco J. Yanes, is minister
of foreign affairs of Venezu La. lHe has
represented Venezula in the United
States on a number of occasions. Dr.
IBorges has already taken up his duties
in the Pan-American temple in Wash-
Continuous music by Seymour Si-
mons' orchestra and Jordans' Ken-
tucky orchestra, which played at this
year's J-Hop, and unusulal silver
paper cutters as favors are two of the
i features of this year's Frosh Frolic, to
be held tomorrow night at the Union
which will mark it as different from
former freshmen dances.
Loth Simons' andi Jordans' orchies-
tras are known to University students.
Jordans' group is.faimous for its novel-
ty numb~ers, while Simnons is known
for hi's harmony. The orchestras will
alternate throughout the evening for
the dancing, which will begin at9
o'clock and end at 2 o'clock.
Favors andl programs will be given
out, from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon
in the lobby of the U~n ion upon the
presentation of the stubs attached to
the admission tickets.

12:40-Law faculty luncheon, Unpion.
6:1r--M4athematices uhtiul dinner, room
323, Union.
7 :15---W. R. Day club meets ini room
302, Union.
7 :30--Yconia Jliterary society meets
at Lane hall.
7:30-Chinese Students' Christian as-
sociation meets in Lane hall.
8 :00-Young lwoles' religious con-
cert, St. Paul's Lutheran church.
9 :00--Freshmnan Frolic, Uijuon,
"Triassic Vertebrates .Recently In-
stalled In the Mtuseu : of Geology"
and a review of Wilder's "Man's Pre-
historic Past" are the. topics to be dlis-
cussed at the meeting of the Geology
and Geography Journal club, which,
will be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in.
room G436, Natural Science building.
Prof. E. C. Case of the geology de-
partentwill speak on the first sub-
ject, while R. C. Hussey, also of the ]
'geology department, will give the re-.
view of. Wilder's work. All interestedI
are invited to attend.
Printers DelayI
March "Technic"I;
Due to a delay in the shipment ot 1:
the March issue of the Technic magaz-
ine of the colleges of Engineering and;
architecture, from the printers in De-
troit, th 'mnagazine will, not "be placed
on sale today as planned. This issue
will be devoted entirely to the general
subject of l"Transportation."
The meeting of the Oratorical board,
scheduled for 5 o'clock yesterday, has
been postponed -until next Wednes-
S"Jimmie~ the adtaker" sells anything
Patronize' Daily Advertisers.-A dv.

Tadt Tieman's Collegians, organized
for the purpose of furnishing enter-
tainment for the A. E. F. during the
war will play at the Majestic theater
for the remainder of the week.
Tad's boys first played for the Redl
Cross, and were later assigned. to i
SEvacuation hospital unit 26. After the I
Armistice they were selected to play
on the S. S. George Washington, the
ship on which President Wilson tray-
elled to and from Europe.
Org anixze tVisits
To Jewett Plant
Two. trips are being made by stu-,
denrts in Shop 4, tool room practice,"
to visit' the Jewett Motor Car com-,
pany in Detroit, under the direction,
of Prof. 0. W. Boston, acting director,
of the engineering shops, and D. L.
Perkins, of the same department.1
1One trip was made yesterday and,
another will be takeni tomorrow.
More than 30' men will visit the
plant at one or another, it was esti-
mated. Those going tomorrow will
leave Ann Arbor on the noon inter-

Palmolive, "Trilby or Kirks Hard
Water Castile Soap
3for 25c
5 Bars White Naptha Soap, 19c
3 Pkgs. National Biscuit Cookies, 25c



:-: College Grocery
516 E. Williams

, 0

I1111111111l 1l111111111111'1 11111lii! lt ll1 i 111 Ut III@11111111 11111111@i@111@@liiiIlll Jll 1 l111111111 11111ttt1 i 1ti flli
BY{ TICKETS: $2.00-$1.50-$1
On Sale at
-nd Nextning Mason & Harnilin Pia.no b~se
Pattenoill AuditoriumCoitsoAr'
R ead the Want Ad.'I

1 .00

Ball Tickets
On, Sale.


Trah'e ewill be'a imeeting this evening at 7:30 in our rooms on the fourth
rof University Hall. The subject for discussion will be gQvernmoilt
ership'and control of mineral resources. Ear) f'iV. Cory. Pres.
sic' 1 iand 1FE
Thte Problem classes of these coulrses will h~ave for their Fridayv and 9: t-
)v lessons the following topics of the text in place of problems. SM, 84,
86, 90, 10), 1.06, 107. 11. 31. Idand'.I


Military 1Ball officials announced
last night that for those who have
had their applicaitions accepted but
'have not. yet bought their tickets
an opportunity will bie given to do
this Tuesdlay from' 2 to 5 o'clock at
the desk in the Union. More than
600 tickets have been sold, it was
s tatd.
Free of
I 4 eCharge
- - -1W h ile
. ....It Lasts

(Cotfned romPag Si~I 1 All comittee members of the Y,.!
'V6. C. A. will meet at 4 o'clock today
r and two q'uarter milers. It will1 at the Y. W. C. A. parlors in Newberry
esent. one of the strongest squads hall each committee is to give aj
~Michigan can possibly put in the report of the year's wvork after which
against Coach Tioalkleys men and' a general discussion will be held con-3
vr man whio appeared to show ay cerning the work for the coming year.
dise of taking points, was given the Dorothy Jeffrey, '24, presidentt of the
i Y. W. C. A, will preside at the'meet-
0111. ,the results of the Cornell-! hug.
s ietlast Saturday tight ]Vichi--j
is conceded a. chance to w n the Ne prn
ig- affair,. However, because of Ne s From S rn
low~ marks made in the Cornell # raining Ca m p ,s
j, n

", ,
- .
, r/
lid G -.:
;r , '
i ,; i
'+ ,+, _ - r1 t' q 1
,' ,


A Generous Sample of
V4" Me cNs. Arc ade
'iie Type°a;wrifor land Stationery


#f- V

1~ 't ''r
r } Fk rj ,. '-\
Li j'
a1f r*


previous indoor' meets this season
iebigan will expect to perform on a
rick" track. Because of the change
oni a dirt to a board floor which they
ill' be forced to undergo when they
rforfl1 at Ithaca it is also expected
at the Wolverines will find it hard

(Continued from Page Six)
ties of which O'Connel, Young, Meusel,
Wilson, Terry'and Snyder made two
H-enry pitched well for the Robin,
Iwho mode it a ball game until Schrei-





equa.l their best performances in ber entered the box in the seventh
ie field houise. As a result Cornell's after which Boston scored nine runs
acksters will be likely to show the ill two innings on seven hits and five
ichigan team their heels unless the errors.
tter. fights for every possible point. Today's games find the Giants
Captain Tlattendorf, Reinke and clashing with Washington at Tampa,
reyberg will 'all run in the half rmle lMa., and Brooklyn meeting the Car-
hle F'reyberg and IHattendorf will dinals at Clearwater, Fla.
Aso be slated to run in the relay. ___________________
urdy and Roesser are the two othe r
Mebers of the mile-relay quartet i AT T HE TREATER S I
i cse any of these men are too tired Ii
tar thei~r individual races Steve N ilI
ave another pair of fairly good
iddle distance men present to fill In Screen-Today
eo gap: Purdy and Roesser wvill boshi
eentere i in the 440 yard dash.
'Wttnman and Higgins will be enter- Arcade -- "The Next 'Corner,"
i in the 75 yard dash while Iiytb- with Conway Tearle and Dor-
.rd axad Aubrey will take part in the, othmy Machaill.
ih hurdles. Hubbardl, tog-ether I
ithi 1-ulse will also, run in the lows. I# Majestic -- "Reno" with Helen
riffen and Hicks will run and Caln- Chadwick and George Walsh.
an, Davis, and Rearick 'will take ___
re of the two-mile. WurI-ratWsbr n
Brooker will be entered in his fay-Iet-ryvaNoa nTemashbunan
ite event, the pole vault, together EaNvki Tmtto.

rThe Avenue
One of the most
widely worn models
of the day-with its
semi- English effect.

Some unusually splendid Victor recordings for (lance lovers. Ask
to hear them played in our record parlors--you'll wvant some of them
for your dancs record library!


Thane in Pasadena-Fox Trot Paul Wite and
Ilona Vaanina--Waltz f His Qrcheytra

. ood.Niglit-Waltz The Troubadou rs
19276 JackChapman and
Love-1lays-Medley Waltz Drake Hotel Orch.
1927 (ounthig tlhle Days,,-Fox Trot International Novelty Or.
127' Ju1st On1-e More Kiss-Fox Trot Benson Oreb., Chicago
Four unusual Red Seal numbers by Miguel fleta and de Gogorza_
eight light vocal selections by Billy Mlurray, Frank Crumnit, Shannon,
American, and Peer-less Quartets. And the Raymond Overture (in two
parts) i5. played by the Victor Symphony Orchestra on a new record,,
C'one in Friday-hear is entire list of Victor. Records-
there are many of themi-you'll want for your library. No
oblig'alion to play theum for you. Victrolas, $25 up., Easy

For well dressed men:
Spring 'Suits'
These suits combine every feature
well-dressed man will demand this springa
You are invited in to inspect these
tractive suits.

that the
and sum-.
most at-

11 $25 to $45

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