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January 27, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-27

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I AY, JANUARY 27, 1024


.t _

The Week's News
In ,Brief
(Conttinued from 'Page One)
glum, to be added to their territory of f
Roanga. Great Britain gave over the.
Sterritory at the express wish of thel
native population. This is said to be !
the first time a native population has
been considered in African colonielI
Robert Ciives, investigating the
Separatist movement in Bavaria for
the British said: "First, the local pop-
e~ lation doesn't want autonomous gov-
Serment ; second, the French are sup-
porting the move; third,. 75 percent
of the Separatists are outsiders, ThisI
queestion is one of the sorest points
between Great Britain and France.

CIapnDramatic Artistl
Discusses Russia A nd Music


unsee conditions in Russia, hie re-, ple (10 not attend musical functions Organ Recitals
jJ"~,"Well, would conditions not be;, in any greater numbers than they do
the7 seinaycntyteszof your country."yu niestyhr o Be CoUnt iued
thr-,iaie n ay cuntr th sie o I hope to see yu nvriyhr
Russia, following such great cvents !tomuorrow, " he sad. "1 shall very,
of the world'?" Chaliap .n dues not much enjoy it I any sure." And thlen Organ recitals will be contiued re-j
keep himself narrowed down to the ; hc put on his great overcoat and hbid- glrydrn h wowI So ia
world of music; lie is an eager pat- ;d'ng us a cordial goodby, wvent outgurydrigtetowek 'fna
riot, and well posted on thet happen-( j to walk i heai that "is a~s cold as examzination. They will bie offeredl by
inns of the world. Sibera.''! Palmer Christian at 4:1 ! lokWd
Alsic in Russiar is undl~er the over- nesday, n.;- 20, and \Werlne'iday, eb)
sighit ol Ithe go eifnmont, there is the jAuI Enrglish .baronet, Sir Jaroerc] G1. rogram.ns for these re"itayls will
liE~l t f.pera. v~llih hascontiued ;beapulished lin FThe Daily hbefor~e it.
pe r wh iheascontued}Hartwell, invited participation in a dicotiueubictin
'Vry to0wn of one or two lhun- +buiisness guaranteeing 20 percent pro- Enovo Dhn tiipini(,w llap
redr thousand people maintains an fit from smuggling liquor into the tin-! , arfithe siMth concert of the ,.Chol -
011(jJan lMI opera company. But ited States. T~he matter was brought at Union series- at 8 o'clor k Mondta y
z~ cP to~' the population, thle lpeo- uIP in the house of commons. '- l. 11, in -Dill auditorium,.

: r. Dohnanyi has been eng
play in Ann Arbor several tit
each time the engagement hi
cancelled. Definite announce
his progr am will be made it
day's Daily.
SCoioria ux Falls, S. D., Jan.
Comeciland Savings b
Sioux Fal.ls, a state institutb
taken over by the state bant
par trnent this morning.
1D(trojt., ,Jan. 2G.--Stanley S,
last night was bvimned severe]
(cxp'osion at. his residence,
to have been caused by escap

_ . t ,


lq e

, .1, - . -"r-

prance, it was revealed,. has 86 ad-
mnirals, and only 7 first-class battle-
ships. This gives slightly over 12 ad-
mirals to a ship.
Diplomatic relations between France
and thle Pope, ruptured through the
severing of church and state In 1905,
will soon be resumed.
At least two shipments of arms area
known to have been sent from Qer-l
many to the Mexican rebels. <Germnany
is forbidident to export arms unider the
Versailles treaty.

NIJow Showing
Come Early.

t' '



From 2 to10

The city of Danzig, which b~ecam~e
a country all by Itself directly after
the wa r, is. offering a prize for a
national anthem.'
A triumvirate composed of Messrs.
Kanienev, Rykov and 'Tsu rupa will
rule Soviet Russia, succeeding' Len-'
i. They will be known as "joint
Taking the Anglo-American liquor
treaty as precedent, the Soviet wants
to establish, a 12 mile, limit inside o'
which foreign fishermen' shall not,
The national Liberals of Germany
are backing forlmer Crown Prince
Friedrich Wilhelmn for the. presidency
of the republic. It will be fough~t bit-4
terly by the Socialists and the Com-
Rumors of a possible revolution
are afloat in Cuba. "'
A measure was introduced into ;the
national assembly of Greece declaring
the rights of thle Glucksburg dynasty,.
the reigning house, to 'be forfeited.
Premier Venizelos says there is no
longer any need for a king in Greece.

Feodor Chaliapin is doubtless the I like it to stay here inl this towlit,"
most approachable of the ten\pera- lie continlued. "it is (fuiet; onfe can
mentalists; 'n the world of musc to- rest more than in a big city." Tlhe ar-,
day. ~~~ts oralehstis froshl from Chicago.
cler oa peasant, lehsthe muayuhcu-yssosragl
ner f abenignant king; atkn instinctively "u 01,cuir ss tayl
an actor on the stage, he isnatural cold. In Phil,:Aelphiia, it is June; in
and unassuming in personal conver- Ann Arbor it is Sibera. Yon know
sation. He speaks very little Engl'sh,' Sibera" And when challen ged ; as to
yet his hesitant words are carefully t he relat'ye cold of Ain ArIbor andi
chosen to fit his thoughts. When he , ibcra he declaredl that it. was not1
talks his hands and, highly animatedl colder there than here. "There it is--
face lend their charm to the quaint-; nothing," and he sought vainly for his
Mess. of his broken speech. Wvor~cl, "nothing up and nothing down.
When he cannot find a word, a help-' you know Ali, it is zero." And Mhen
less wave of the hand brings his man- 'he at last folinclIllhs word, his laughi




ager to the rescue, and the latter be-
ing a little ~ ore acquainted with the
E~nglish Ian guag e, supplies the elusive
expression, What are managers for?
"ut",- said Chaliapin, "thouhyh I
should like to speak the language
better, r cannot have the time to
l1earn It. I amy a vagabond, you see;
always on the train or at poor hotels.

was Jolly and merry as that of a hg r
"Russia has lost ai great man in
Lenin," he w ent on later. "Hle was
very brilliant:- there are not many
with so great a personality. Butl
then, it must comTae ,ometime to every-
one, this having to :,hake hands with
death." And when quest'oned on the


{ f

Always Satisfied

Cdabroken telephone call-the little thing that trns a vilage girl into a wvoman
of'Paris--the to of a rich bachelor_ in the norld's gayest city.


The Philippine legislature passed its
annual appropriation bill, but neglect-i
ed to make any provision for the go~~iv
einor-general's military aides. This
amounts $5,000 per diem. This ;sin mi
line with their anti-'Wood policy.

. ....


Tuttle's Lunch Room
338 Maynard St., South of Majestic


"Whes y M'Wander-


. ,
- r'
f e
L -1

ing boy

Wuerth ConertOrchestra,

This Evening?"


A ,

Special Music Score for



The quiet distinction of a
Hart Schaffner &c Marx tux-
edo, makes it t he choice o f
well dressed men everywhere



Prices : Adult ,, 4,P Ttax t~e!. .'iud 50c-iidd *o' 1C. Weekday ta~fl i vJ(


Others x$35 and $37.50


rs_ . - - A- - - - - . +.r Leo ".r+U

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