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January 27, 1924 - Image 5

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names wanders through every high- describes such minor academic souis
class mclodrama, go back to the desert" as Jean Huguenot's husband wit.
S to die, with many remarks anent the delicacy and sympathy. But Jean her-
13 G O K SThe cover of the volume forms a makes raer a fizzle of her. He knows
______________________pleasing contrast tn the sober, de- we ese pain ta it is honbu
situation: and Wallace Smith has cc- nmure editions of The American Poets h antfe t h eon si
D 'UST A NDASHES dared the trady to comic opera, or, whereof my library has hitherto been the sine fix. In each great crisis
wauraeyct, to musical comedy. We composed. The Wallace Smith who thttraestfrc ehrv
can ec he snorta horu inthedrew the illustrations is not the Wal- jcnl eprrl nfs-sei
lHELlTTIE TIGRlESS: TALES OU'T wings, ready to prance on as soon as ;lace Smith who helped Ben tHechst
OF THEl DUST OF MEXICO. By the moustachted, bemedalled comedy jack the price 4f Fantasius Mallace par'alyzed-and when this wears o...
Iiallatcry Smithi f. Y P i. unnis Seni. leaid shall slip ignominiously on a up to tswenty-five dollars. Oh, yes,; she continues to cxist as usual. Rea
lat~itits atuiieof itot toresbanana peel to thte acconmpaninment of the little tigress herself is a htigh-btorn people niay lbs stuntned once in a
1lrSniths olme f hot soresour national anthenm. I am nt ex- lady, kidnappedl'for unmentionabtle 'a-ite, bait'a-len they colie to, lheY
affordspeos opportuinity forar aggerating: that is precisely the in- purposes by one of Panchas aliete-hvsoeratn.W nhewite
oalish article in tite heat Jattnsnian ticeaion one gets from "Thes Little a nts,imucla to tier disgus. I. IeIr of death and it.slhorrittle effect on at
imsane oit The Scope and Function Tigress." The pity of it, Iago, when brother goe.s forth to avenge her. At- child's niother, not hasvinig the shilit:
of the Sitort Story, with a trticiular. the theme is trultiragic. tactiing htimiself to the rebtet army, its. is write a ccry like David's for Ab. a-
llctereitre to its Metaphysical anti There is of course the possitbility learns of Captaiti Santiago's ness- a-u int Mr. Beitet drops his curtain juta-
-that the autthor thsughat he asas thight- man, the little tigress. After the se- ciotusly asui hopes sisaltare all liae
RiticatlPrestiipositiiatis. Thterein iesin.; thette acgedvytsy tresenting, it duacer lisa pail with his life for lis. eniaughsexperiencetos sipltly lisin-t'
aight he assertedt saittisoiiiteshosw o as -ittator-atai~iaswith firscitl ipii- foul insult to btrotter's sister, out stufficicncy. And yet Jean, living nsa-
maeisttfitrtohercaus ea r lnitlra atoi ia tettds i a x pri gs a feniate fietnd-inctarnate 'atit siant by mtosaemnt, can onty develop
iaisniet tailer to rnie hat the tian ofi-s-in tse test sketches fseindts brotther to a btler lanai -anal"iby tufferiiag. This tiers; grtiuping of
lite tta iiits tatatit I tttt-att.ittiiprovs-,-La liii-- actii alu-ith traits whoii doyou sutptisacit is? ereiits arounauttcentral etmiicteerntis
tr ilieasis'itWaorldt-s'i-e sal iiiriffet? voiialuisicanal is srinteid in tat- -- --- --- rietothtitdtesnaloeda
ttiar{n' :>aetise itta le tat sirt. - itssi4a ipathetic, anal tmemab pihetealsneo elt
I shallt itetlat article-. In of atork-btau str Mr.Smithttidienitly JEAN'S IM~ARITAL Ait ieus itof rtis nue - i
tt i-sat-sil lie. don taow(oiht lboetsa'rsa t n troice DVENTURES tart, r1t. lieet i ta a goodid tea,s
iitesedpatceA'.Smt' little an little. It as sutptaosed tatsacthlire I tate reconstutcttedl Jean as I think
ala-ottrci-niita t-ai to, stat te-eve so i-ant- tattheti-re rkatn'autis futt JEAN UGUIENOT. by Stlphtn'ii- sue seas mantt to tbe: let tme present
imiha-li tasi-rai in. "Thitlei Ti- ofiiisliikyadjctjaitses anal sitlas a- ecros. cent Bet. cHenry Hoh llt2, $2.01). hter to youi, a fine, beautiful girt, 'ahio
gic s" i-;atat a'sirt bookas to retail of Wie serr the rebiels of Pancho 'avilsaciii- To be gin aeith a tratisma greatt.am- hit grown up in an old Georgia usan-
a Sndy mrnng;itfit i adirbl in mlodamticll frm . C Io.thor comtabines ai tiercingemndaiw'itha stoat with a naiatenaint as guaradiatn.
With tiln oala aressinag' goswn, bummaaed tat R. C. E~., glintitag villainaoasly fromi
Camels, anad Doras tBila-e:taut to tate tinder thae ariam.of wide somttbreros an tinder.stanatding heart. Frecutenty, Tlii ter site shanws both tetaderness and
at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~to latasattaisaamiatania-tta-rsan-iaay-ign La 'so he envelosaphis-ariatings 'aith 'toy aty, ualities fitted to des tro:
ality analtnataoretaltitiate satue thaaiscatraicha, apptaarntty a Mestxican "ty bevtysId sr-oe aig noa complnaina,,e tereus-ncanlessefcniaplea Jwit an
the Siinttayatitaang sosamsos. Tue bath Latintais Arcs.ite,'thioughI maiiy be isee o aeranttaoitli i esa n efcnrl et
is iiltitrtia aa eta iarstaia sitotiiaatotaatat ua. Aase i i -of style whaere there is tpognancy. mtagive, ft e r maternal nature
whtite life itstnar beamelodraasin latex-si-lvetisky tawinkl he 66i-awattias- "Thislo a.st Mc. Ienet lacks. Ileais not overflows awith pity and love. She
ten, t as nasaall maeodsranma. Tat sitsala als. ~Tiary'are adisatapearaing like a gretau thosr: lie is htotinsateademao-'itt-atsnotwa-at till her taopertoasts
seriouasy,'a-hat vils tie auathoar'asineealtor'aing slowely on ,a-let lion- Ity. Thattlie totatllyforgetstis.apatpeas , but aiarries the professoriat
-asoak as his-Ifaiure tat s-a-i-the iran, tai-rpet.'" Attic at tea'atare ajectivs. boundaatarytat lila in choosinag to aerate SbhawAshtley, 'citltnawing that Isavs
behind the taeodranas. If he hail seen "liareatain of ith- ewine faides fraisa that it a woaean's dev-elopmsent as the se-as atanting. After this, the stage is
thintlieetaight htive mtademus uniter- uslakaelet-.' Yes. Anal in liar last eesc riticism that can hb tuttle of sat fur trageady. Sbhaw is a ntitter
standthe liar rgedtytat life in contems- stoary, whlicta aithagreait rhttioric-al ef- his nra-el. There is sariety of expres-, failaire, hut her dtaughlter brings tier
porary Mexicao, torn switharevnolutions, festive-aissa(see B~ratnder Matthtewts sion, daaatic techntiquatte dsi at tuntas haispiness. Of coure the an utghter
letrayesd by her leadaaers sidally oilier for the princriple invtotvesd) iscoaat rhatrmting poetictal psosages, taut the sies. Tue security that Shatadai once
ntiosn, hee aristatcratcy-atnat her civil- "Oust of Nlexien Again,." the aithor core of livitag, tie it joy or sorroaw, represented tat Jean is all gone and
izatlinatatrade realyliensats: t hels taakes El bHatuirist10-a saradonic andl is netver retachead. hr. Betets Joy starehas lost everything.
city rabble. Thters is tragedy in that cytaicaliniidlthotauniter various ,anilsorrows are acadaemaic, and he While tie'aso recovering from the

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'llnesa folowing Eve's death, Shaw
Iwent abroad to study oldl manuscripts,
andasetvent along, There was ns
companionship. Shaws in his selfish
presccupation let her grow lunely and
therefore lest careful of her company.
He was hardly a man; in his 'work hue
- was an automaton with lasahea of
brilliance, with his wife a spoiled and
-sensual child.
Jean's radiance uf life 'aas dim. She
longedl unknowingly for an active,
free, careless hsappiness which she
found finally in I-ugues Parette. Shms
haud fear scruptles abount leaving her
hausand-sinre her daughters deatha
they had grown further apart than
,enenmies. Unfaithfualness. Breaking
of trust. Baitawhen there lout sue
trust? Words - dozens of theum -
aMeaningless as a awhisper heard ini
a"H-ere lies J. H.liac a couterfeit
'IShe kept her trust athen there
wasn't soy."
It 'aas Huigues who focused tier con-
e lusion for her.
They were happy. He took far
more than Shaw had ever done, but
he also gave nuch nones. IHe was in-
terested. She was friend, sweetheart,
'shafer, wife, nmother, everything. She
changed his ideass of life. lie believed
in her, wanted to marry her after her
husband gut his divorce. She wvas the
strongest humian factor in hit life.
Here her poawer glo'aed. But the 'aar
was stronger. It ended Hugues and
Jean. Hugues it merely killed, but
Jean was alone. This was -nre than
ever, this was 'worst, for she 'aspow
older and and had no plant of life. Her
1.spirit was no longer hers,' all she had
done was for Hugus. film had lost
h ter Self, and nothing really mattered
any more. She had lust identity and
the pageant of dust was over.
With this I end nmy story,. $et
continues his. But ftue rest is not



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