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October 31, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Increasing cloudiness and rising temperature today; to- morrow cloudy. L Sfir i an :43 tii Editorials A Respected Opponent ... Progress For The Negro.. . VOL. XLVI. No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935+ PRICE FIVE CENTS Complete Plans For Pep_ Rally Lawton To Give Principal Address And Introduce New 'Meechigan' Song Meeting Scheduled For 8 P.M. Friday Slosson Says Joining League Only SafePath For America ...…

October 31, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…'THE I M~xGN n1i L_ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 Rachmaninoff To Appear In Concert Series Distinguished Composer Will Be First Of Two Outstanding Pianists Announcement of the program which Sergei Rachmaninoff, dis- tinguished Russian piano virtuoso, will present next Wednesday in the second concert of the Choral Union series, was made yesterday by Pres- ident Charles A. Sink of the School of Music. The program is as follows: 32 Vari- ations ...…

October 31, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…%ATHE MICHIGAN DAILY Coach Kipke Shifts Lineup Again For Penn } I The HOT STOVE By BILL REED III I' i PERHAPS the biggest war news to come to Ann Arbor in more than a decade was uncovered yesterday by Fred Warner Neal, the editorial staff's keenest uncoverer. He reports that Mr. Kipke, Michigan's chief military strategist, has picked the Ethiopians over Italy in the intersectional game now being played in Africa. Mussolini is a shrewd c...…

October 31, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIAN ADAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER satitd folleatt rsg -"4 giafl 19 35 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all ne...…

October 31, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 28) • Page Image 5

…4 ,!. n 0 Q I T.Y PAm EFT -: sa : .aa- -a..aa -.. - ". 1 L .a .5. THfICTEA bAT L MAJLA L VT Art Is Subjeet Of onaldson's Freshman Tall Campus Exhibits, Course Described In Orientatio Speech Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, Chai man of the Department of Fine Art addressed a group of freshmen won en yesterday on the opportunities i art which are offered at Michigan h the fifth of the series of Orientatioi lectures at the Lydia Mendessob Theatre. He...…

October 31, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…TlHE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, Accidents Take Lives Of 25,000 In Nine Months One Per Cent Decrease Is Shown In Total For This Year Over 1934 CHICAGO, Oct. 30. - (/P) - Death came to 24,840 men, women and chil- dren in the twisted steel of wrecked automobiles during the first nine months of 1935, the National Safety Council reported today. The total was 1 per cent decrease from 1934 but more aged persons and more children up to fo...…

July 31, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Generally fair today and to- morrow; not much change in temperature. ~Art :3I1aitiu Editorials I Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XVI No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, July 31, 1935 .I3C1 ElYE CENTS Council Of League To MeetToda Future Of League Held At Stake In Settlement Of EthiopianQuestion War Preparations In Africa Continue England To Demand Full Investigation Of Border Disputes_ GENEVA, July 30.-(...…

July 31, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1935 but fair taskmaster who will brook no funny bus- iness but even so he loves his laborers. Evil agitators now and then enter the Orphan Annie strip. They are heavily mustached and bearded, and say things like "Curses! We are leaders with no one to lead!" or "There should be a law against industrial guards! Now we can't bomb Warbuck's plant!" Then there are sundry political agitators like Claude C...…

July 31, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

… T4JIE M J CCJ1AA.D AIL Y, PAGE THREE Every Marshall And Agent May Seek Hopson Committee Chairman Threatens Mass Action To Find Electric Head WASHINGTON, July 30. - (P) - The Senate lobby committee today threatened to arm every United States marshal and Federal agent with sub- penas for H. C. Hopson, dominant figure in the Associated Gas and Electric System. Earlier, the committee received evi- dence that the associated system had spent $79...…

July 31, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1935 Nazis Slacken Drive Against State Enemies Communism, Especially In The United States, Will Be Treated Next Press Slaps Others Say Other Nations Should Clean Their Own Houses Before Bothering Nazis BERLIN, July 30. - (-') - Naziism, paying heed to foreign opinion, slack- ened its campaign against "state enemies" today, and turned its at- tention instead to Communism-es- pecially in the United Stat...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

… The Weather L G Cloudy, snow flurries in north, snme snow in south por- tions today; cloudy tomorrow. AOF t.C czl iIait1ig In This Issue Timely news and comment about places that will attract travelers this summer ... See Pages 9, 10, and 11. VOL. XLV. No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Murderer Of Stang Identified Accused As Murderer Of Fireman In Argument At Jackson Yesterday Police Say Arrest Is Ex...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCi31, 1935 LATE WIRE NEWS French Hope To Stamp Out Algeria Discontent ALGIERS, March 30.-(VP)-French endeavors to stamp out seeds of riot- ing in Algeria, sprouting in a hot- )*d of religious, political and eco- nbmic struggles, are bringing Marcel Regnier French minister of interior, on a one-man pacification expedition. Measures to ease the heavy debt burden of natives, restless with the ds-ontent of depresi...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…r, MARCH 310 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~, MARCH 31, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hi. "ALL-APus MBOREE" BENEFIT, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FRESH-AIR CAMP! lI- TUESDuAY- SPDONSORED BY THE STUDENT CH RISTIAN ASSN. HILL AUDITORIUM, ®i" 2 I Biggest, Campus Entertainment Of the Year! Jc TONY WONS Outstanding N.B.C. Radio Star, Famous for his Humor and Philos- ophy in the "House by the Side of the Road" SYLVIA CLARK Guest Artist from N.B.C. Hoo...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…'70133 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY N I --U., The SOAP BOX Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors areaskedto be brief. the editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words. COLL...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... . ............ - --------- .............. Coach Hoyt Selects Track Squad For California Invasion All But One Of 22-Man Team Are Lettermen West Coast Representative Has Advantage Of Long Train ing Period ward In Four Events Nine So iomor'es Make U? Strog.s4 Second Yea Group In ili, :ory Coach Charlie Hoyt yesterday an- nounced the squad of 22 men which will meet the University of California ...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 6

…E six THE MICHIGAN DAILY s To Open Sale Of Tickets For Drama Season Complete List Of Seven Plays Announced By Robert Henderson Mail order sale of season tickets for the Dramatic Season will open to- day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- teir, Robert Henderson, director, an- nounced yesterday upon the complet announcement of the selection of sev- en plays. "Laburnum Grove," the light Eng- lish comedy by J. B. Priestly, author of "The Good Comp...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN wwww-lpwmft Church Groups elect Sub jects For Discussion Prof. Slosson To Speak At C ngregationaI Student FellowshipMeeting Very pertinent to modern student life are the subjects announced by the different church student groups for their weekly meetings tonight." "ShouldStudents Strike?" is he sub- ject upon which Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will lead a discussion at the meeting of the C...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 31. 1935 Announce Near What Is The National Student League? Ticket Sell-Out SsMs StatisticalAnalysts Makes A Reply For Jamboree By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. bers in 250 chapters on as many cam- 1tudent League has no connection Tony Wons, Sylvia Clark This school year has brought the puses. Each of these chapters has with any political party, it should TO Head Program iven Michigan chapter of the National fundamen...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 9

…31, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Approach Of Summer Brings Thoughts Of Foreign Travel To Mind Again Lines Provide Service To All Parts Of World College Students Receive Special Services From SteamshipCompanies One of the biggest problems of the prospective traveler and one closely allied with the choosing of his itinary is that of deciding what route to fol- low and which steamship line to use. He has, indeed, a large field from which to take h...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY No Matter Where Or How-A Travel Service Will Arrange It For SUNDlAY, M~ARCH1 31, 1935 lYou Many Festivals To Be Offered During European Season Dr. Baxter Shoots European eauty Spots 'ith Cameras Boatmen In Sngapore By LLOYD S. REICH (Continued From Page 9)I Field of Blackbirds"'; Switzerland will offer the Grand Prix of auto racing, the fencing championship of Europe, and the Bach Festival .at Zurich; Corpus Christi Da...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 11

…UNDAY, MiACRC 31, 1985 THE MICHIGAN DAILY From Country To Country, Exchange tes Will Furnish A Ticklish 1 PAGE ELEVEN Piroblem I i I Exchange Rates Are A Problem To AllTravelers Modern Marco Polos Are Hounded By Fluctuating Foreign Currencies By ARTHUR M. TAUB Marco Polo may not have had ocean greyhounds, luxury hotels, or consular offices to ease him on his voyages, but that paragon of travel at least was never plagued by that bogey of ...…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 12

…LVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 31, IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS Editors Qf Contemporary' Are, Doing Michigan A Real Service BLfIKE 'Riding The Mustang Trail' Is An Answer To Priestly . - .. 'The Barbarians Is A B ( )Ok Designed To Wrench Smiles April Issue of CONTEMPORARY. By PROF. WARNER G. RICE (Of The English Department) The editors of Contemporary have done Michigan a .real service, this year by establishing a magazine i...…

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