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October 31, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-31

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
satitd folleatt rsg
-"4 giafl 19 35
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York, N.Y.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill,
Telephone 4925
," News Editor -........ .................... Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brcwn, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,
Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kasse, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W.KLittle,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shackle-
ton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaler,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Batrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, RosalieKanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovel, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swants, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron-
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Falender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones, William C.
Knecht, William C. McHenry, John F. McLean, Jr., Law-..
rence A. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky,
- Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret
Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord,
Helen Neberle, Dorothy Novy Adele Polier, Helen Purdy,
Virginia Snell.
Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.
A Respected
Opponent.. .
N OT ONLY BECAUSE it promises
to be one of the most interesting1
games of the year for the Michigan team and,
supporters, but because it also brings once more
to Ann Arbor a football opponent which is as
respected and welcome as any other in the coun-,
try, this Saturday's battle with Pennsylvania is a
fitting one for Homecoming.
Almost 20 years ago, when Michigan temporar-
ily left the Western Conference, the Wolverines
turned to the East for opponents and there began'
a series of games with Pennsylvania. Immediately
the Penn game became the most important one,
of the year for Michigan, and, more often than
not, for Penn, although the Quakers did play
the powers in their own sector. At times this
game was fought with the national championship
at stake.
Saturday will see a renewal of this relationship

-one of the most satisfying in the athletic his-
tories of both schools. There will be alumni
in the stands whose memory of great games of
their undergraduate days will again become a
reality. Because of this, Homecoming in the Sta-
dium can hardly fall short of success.
Progress For
The Negro ....-
T HE THREE-DAY economic confer-
ence on the Negro in Michigan,
held in Detroit Oct. 21-23 under the auspices of
the Detroit Civic Rights Committee, was a fine
achievement, and as a preparation for the national
conference, scheduled for February in Chicago,
should prove most valuable.
The conference brought to the front many
problems which are confronting the Negro people
of Detroit, as well as the whole country. We find

only one per cent of those with regular municipal
jobs! This situation, it was pointed out, makes
it clear that the Negro cannot hope for better-
ment of his condition through any alliance with
Amid proposals that Negro action should take
the form of unity at the polls as a bargaining im-
plement, or that Negroes should patronize only
Negro shops and hire only Negro workers, came
a much saner plan - let the Negro cooperate with
the white person who is facing the same problems
of injustice and economic insecurity. Through
such cooperation greater strength will come to
both in their efforts, and in thei united activity
they will find a basis for the extermination of
race prejudice.
Whatever the shortcomings of the Detroit
conference may have been, it set an admirable
precedent for similar conferences in other cities,
and furnished many valuable lessons and sug-
gestions for the national conference in February.
It is an important step in the awakening of the
American Negro and in his determination to
secure for himself a more happy life than he has
had in the past.
Letters published in this' column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Ridicule Effective
To the Editor:
Undoubtedly Professor O. J. Campbell was right
when he concluded his speech at the Panhellenic
Banquet with the statement that he could prob-
ably return twenty years from now and make
the same speech with exactly the same applica-
tion and as much effect. If sororities exist on
this campus twenty years from now, their in-
tellectual standards and aims will probably be
just as trivial as they are today. Still, if there is
anything capable of changing the goal of the
sorority women (in general) from social sophis-
tication to intellectual sophistication, it is cer-
tainly keen and capably handled ridicule.
Professor Campbell chose his weapon well and
used it skillfully. Perhaps if others follow his
lead, some mutation may ensue. At any rate, Pro-
fessor Campbell deserves a medal for having said
what he did.
As Others See It
That AAA Election
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
THAT BIG ELECTION came off Saturday, and
the corn-hog farmers voted overwhelmingly
against assassinating Santa Claus. In other
words, they are highly in favor of continuing not
to raise Poland Chinas, Duroc Jerseys, to say
nothing of just plain razorbacks, as long as the
government's checks rain down like the gentle dew
from heaven. Not that anyone anticipated a close
election, with check decliners and check re-
ceivers going neck and neck down the stretch.
Who wouldn't rather sit on a fence, chaw tobacco
and whittle, the approved technique, we suppose,
in the business of not raising hogs, than to look
after the pesky critters?
If Dr. Henry Wallace and Dr. Chester Davis
denounce this comment as being .hopelessly flip-
pant, the obvious retort is that to hold an election
under the circumstances and conditions surround-
ing that of last Saturday is to engage in a form
of opera bouffe. The only possible significance is
that some 50,000 farmers, whether because they
are not getting theirs or because they oppose AAA
policies from conviction, voted "No." If any real
plebiscite were held, to include all those who pay
the processing taxes and like to eat pork chops
the result would be worth something.

Meanwhile, the AAA reduction policies, designed
as an emergency measure, go on and on. And
not the least disconcerting thing about it is that
the Republicans, who are highly vocal on all
other phases of the administration, are strangely
reticent about this. Witness the proceedings at
the Grass Roots conference, where the G.O.P.
leaders approached the subject with the cautious
and ingratiating manner of a tramp wooing a
Great Dane. Witness Senator Capper's letter to
the "Lion of Idaho," pointing out the need of
drawing up a farm plan for the next G.O.P. plat-
form. In substance, Senator Borah replied: "You'
do it, Arthur." Edson Blair in Barron's, talking
about Senator Vandenberg's aspirations for the
presidency, says:
If Van went out now and started sounding of f,
he almost certainly would stick his foot into it.
Someone would ask him about AAA. Is he
for it? Fine position for the G.O.P. champion.
Is he against it? There goes the Farm Belt!
The best defense of the AAA reduction policies
is that they tend to equalize the prices of what
the farmers sell with the prices of the things they
buy, and that, since the latter are determined in
large degree by the country's high protective
tariff, benefits to farmers are only a necessary,
corollary. To put it more brutally, one subsidy is'
necessary to offset another. Through the tariff,
we pay, in effect, a huge yearly bonus to our man-
ufacturers and, through the AAA, we match that.
with a bonus to the farmers.
Who, the pork-chop eater may ask, is going to
pay a bonus to me? Who is going to subsidize
my meal ticket?
The subsidy is an evil that grows by what

The Conning Tower
(With apologies to the poet laureate)
I must go into town again, to a penthouse under
the sky,
All I ask is a moving van and a coon to steer
her by.
For the year's gone and summer's done and the
bright leaves are falling,
And the high price of a rustic life seems perfectly
I must go into town again, for the call of the
five and ten
Is a wild call and a clear call that gets me now
and then;
And all I ask is a pleasant day, and plenty of
room in the van
For the four-post bed and Dante's head, and the
step-on garbage can.
I must go into town again to the hectic city life-
With the dish pan and the sink pan and the
stainless carving knife-
And all I ask is an elegant coon who's a good
piano mover,
And quiet sleep and sheets on the bed when
the long trek's over.
In Philadelphia, on Sunday night, the orchestra
gave a concert for the benefit of its pension fund.
Mr. Stokowski, the story says, asked the audience
to join in boisterously. So they sang during the
playing of the "Marseillaise," "Columbia, the Gem
of the Ocean," and Schubert's "Serenade." Our
guess is that they all sang "La la la," or were pro-
vided with programs containing the words. Of
these the most familiar to any American public
would be "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean."
And ask the first person you meet to tell you
offhand what precedes "The Army and Navy
forever, Three cheers for the Red, White and
That reminds us that Nurblieh, despite the re-
sults of the Pennsylvania and Michigan games,
still, a loyal Columbia grad., shouts, "Three cheers
for the dead white and blue."
One day Michael was hurrying along the cor-
ridor to meet his group in the playground. In
passing he brushed none too gently against his
teacher, who was standing in the way.
"You unqualified pig," she hissed. - Angelo
Puite in the Post.
Teach us to hiss, Teacher.
Professional Bow by String Quartet.-Times
You don't mean four bows, do you?
Mr. Joseph Kraus, advertising manager of the
Paris Garter Company, told the Association of
National Advertisers that the nation's newspapers
offer the advertiser a most, powerful, effective,
and economic medium for reaching the families
of millions of buyers. Well, Col. McCormick,
and you other boys talking about the freedom
of the press, don't you think the papers will print
that? But the censored radio? Nope.
THE SYMPOSIUM, a club composed of ladies
and gentlemen, met Monday nights. That old
Symposium, you disrespectfully called it, which
sentiments were voicelessly shared by father and
the dog.
You disliked it first because it droned on after
a dull paper written by some exceedingly learned
lawyer or school teacher or "literary woman" into
an equally dull discussion. Second, because they
were not prettily dressed card-playing people.
Third, there never was a grand supper, only coffee
and doughnuts, which you loathed. Fourth, you
never knew when some of these literary people
would bring their children.
What mad elfin prank ever induced Mrs. Emma
Dreitzler to name her two little daughters Donna
and Bernita was one of the minor mysteries of
Hancock County. Donna and Bernita always

came Symposium Nights. Metta De Wolfe, large
and affable and Very Bright, also came with her
mother. There was a suspicion that her mother
did not Believe in God in which iconoclastic doubts
Metta might conceivably share. Very smugly you
pondered on your own thorough belief in God
and you disliked Metta, not only for being Bright
but for doubting the existence of your Most
Intimate Friend.
You sat disconsolately in the chair, landing
and stared at Donna and Bernita and Metta.
What to do with them? You wished you could
get up and slap them. They were so polite and
inoffensive and sat waiting for entertainment.
Entertainment, you thought with cold fury, when
nobody had invited them to come!
However often he was put out, some of the
arriving Symposium always let the dog in so after
awhile he was allowed to remain. He was so
big he occupied most of the stair landing and
sat down on everybody's feet. Once, he made
the Symposium night a memorable and delightful
occasion. For some reason, Mrs. Beecher W. Wal-
termire was to sing a solo. She loved to get a good
loud note and hold it, hold it long, 1-o-n-n-n-g-g-.
This night the dog sat up suddenly, raised his
beautiful long nose and let out a far, far better
and far, far louder note than Mrs. Beecher W.
Waltermire had ever heard before. There was a
terrible second of shock and then Donna and Ber-
nita and Metta went into fits of stifled laughter.
After he was quieted, you looked more kindly at
Donna and Bernita and Metta. Deeply and surely
you realized that they, too, in spite of their care-
ful manners, thoroughly hated Symposium Nights.

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. - Back in
those far-off times of May, 1933,
President Roosevelt signed the farm
bill with this statement to Congress:
"I tell you frankly it is a new and
untrod path; but I tell you with equal
frankness that an unprecedented'
condition calls for the trial of new
means to rescue agriculture.
"If a fair administrative trial of
it is made and it does not produce
the hoped-for results, I shall be the
first to acknowledge it and advise
Seventeen months later, in a 'state-
ment' to the country, Mr. Roosevelt,
speaking of this same act, advised:
"The adjustment act has served the
national welfare."
To that, he added notice that it
was the intention of the framers of'
the act -"as it is mine -to pass
from the purely emergency phases
necessitated by a grave national crisis
to a long time, more permanent plan1
for American agriculture."
*.1. * *
Ready To Fight It Out
THAT declaration was made in the
face of impending high court de-
cisions that might cut at the finan-
cial heart of the AAA -the proces-
sing tax. It was made regardless of
the attempt of Governor Talmadge
of Georgia to exercise the sover-
eignty of his state and challenge the,
constitutionality of the act through-
out. It indicates that Mr. Roosevelt
stands ready to fight it out politically
on the AAA line at the polls next
year, regardless of what the court
might do.
No doubt the presidential state-
ment so vigorously endorsing after
trial the AAA method, was timed for
such effect as it might have on the
corn-hog referendum, voted on by
some millions of corn or hog raisers
the following day. The administra-
tion was leading its ace of trumps.
Yet, both in the statement and in
his earlier western tour speech deal-
ing with AAA and the processing tax
suits, Mr. Roosevelt clearly indi-
cated his purpose to press on with the
agricultural program relentlessly. If
that should mean seeking constitu-
tional warrant for it via an amend-
ment, it is to be deduced that Mr.
Roosevelt might be much more in
the mood to make that his major
campaign issue next year than he
ever has been toward a similar at-
tempt to pave the way constitution-
ally for revival of NRA.
Real Issue For 1936
C0 here begins development of a
very real issue for 1936, whether
it is to go to the extent of a consti-
tutional amendment battle or not.
President Roosevelt has now mapped
his agricultural plank for next year,
a permanent, bigger, if simplified,
better AAA,geared to boost as well as
to cut production when the situation
Former President Hoover is repre-
sented as having a farm plan up his
sleeve to be revealed after the Su-
preme Court shall have acted in AAA
test cases. Almost everyone men-
tioned for the Republican nomination
has flirted with farm schemes to re-
place AAA. Even General Johnson
has taken something of a crack at the
business in recent "friendly" criti-
cisms of the "new deal" and almost
all "new dealers" except the Presi-

Double Feature
The show is concerned only with
the Solomon-like wisdom which is
exercised by the judge (Walter Kelly)
in administering the small affairs of
a small southern town. Since there
is very little to it, there is an equal
amount that can be said about it.
The judge takes his part well but
really doesn't have much of a story
with which to work. It opens with
the judge's stepson depicted as a
worthless, spoiled boy who is angry
because his mother married again
and won't have anything to do with
his father.
He and the rich boy of the neigh-
borhood are both in love with the
same 'irl, and their rivalry reaches
its height when the judge's son shoots
the other, accidentally. All is for-
given in the end, and the boy becomes
a good son. Stepin Fetchit is the best
part of the show.
Zazu Pitts and Jimmy Gleason in
a typical race track story, so stereo-
typed that it even contains the old
gag about the fellow having a winner
all picked that he doesn't bet on
because of gossip he hears just as he
is about to place his bet, and so
loses the hard-earned cash. The
show is saved from complete oblivion
by some good lines that Zazu and

VOL. XLVI No. 26
Faculty Meeting, College of Litera-
ture, Science and Arts: The regular
November meeting of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts will be held in Room
1025 Angell Hall Monday, November
4, beginning at 4:10 o'clock.
Report of Executive Committee,
Remer. Report of University Council,
Sellars. Report of Dean's Confer-
ence, Kraus. Report of Committee
on Class Schedules, LaRue. An-
Presidents of Fraternities and Sor-
orities are reminded that membership
lists and chaperon lists should be re-
turned to the Office of the Dean of
Students by November 1.
Oratorical Association Ushers: Re-
port to Hill Auditorium at 7:45 p.m.
tonight for the first lecture.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the
Women's Athletic Buildings are open
every afternoon, except Saturday,
from 4 to 5 (Saturday 3 to 5) and
in the evening from 7 to 9. Men ac-
companied by women may bowl dur-
ing these hours.
Reservation of the alleys by groups
may be made by calling Barbour
Gymnasium (Extension 721) a day
in advance.
Academic Notices
Geology II: Bluebook this Friday
at 9:00. A.L. (inclusive) please go to
the Science Auditorium, M-Z to the
West Gallery of Alumni Memorial
Hall. Please take alternate seats.
Economics 51: Rooms for examina-
tion Thursday, October 31, as fol-
lows: 25 A.H., Miller's and Hebbard's
sections. 251 A.H., Anderson's sec-
tions. 1035 A.H., Wier's sections. 103
R.L., Church's sections. N.S. Aud.,
French's and Danhof's sections.
Class in Esperanto meets every Fri-
day at 4 p.m., room 1020 A.H. All
interested are cordially invited.
Bus. Ad. 209 Tabulating Practice:
A talk will be given on "The History
of Tabulating Machines" by Mr.
Floyd Findley, Detroit Manager of
the International Business Machines
Corporation, in Room 209, Angell
Hall, at 2:00 p.m. today.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: The 1935-36 Lecture Course
will open tonight at 8:15 p.m. when
the Hon. William R. Castle speaks in
Hill Auditorium on the subject "Our
Relations with Other Nations."
The Hill Auditorium box office will
be open from 10-12 and from 2-8:15.
Patrons are urged to secure their
tickets early and avoid a last minute
rush at the box office.

Events Of Today
Applied Mechanics Colloquium will
be held at 4:00 p.m., Room 310 West
Engineering Annex. Professor R. H.
Sherlock will give a talk on "Recent
Studies of Wind-Gust in Relation to
Strength of Structures." There will
also be a discussion of recent litera-
ture. All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Law School Case Clubs: Freshmen
cases will be heard at 4:10 p.m. in
the following rooms in Hutchins Hall:
Cooley Club, Judge Quealy, Room 218.
Holmes Club, Judge Yoder, 116. Kent
Club, Judge Kightlinger, 150. Mar-
shall Club, Judge Barnako, 120. Story
Club, Judge Quaife, 220. The case
is a civil action for assault and bat-
Students from all department of
the University are invited to attend.
Other announcements will appear
from time to time in the Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin relative to the case
club docket.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Scabbard and Blade: Rushing
Smoker in Rooms 319-325 Michigan
Union, Uniforms required. Active
dues must be paid to be eligible to
Contemporary: Meeting of the
business staff at 4:00 p.m., Studnet
Publications Building.
Tea for graduate students in Math-
ematics, 4 p.m., 3201 A. H.
Freshmen Girls: Mrs. F. W. Peter-
son will speak to a meeting of Fresh-
men girls at Lane Hall, at 4 p.m. She
will describe her recent travels. This
is the first of a series of discuson
meetings which have been planned.
Interested upper-class women will al-
so be welcome.
Coming Events
At Stalker Hall, Friday, November
1, there will be a Hallowe'en party for
Methodist students and their friends,
Square dancing will be featured. Al-
so there will be games and refresh-
ments. A small charge will be made
to cover the cost of the refreshments.
Billiard Exhibition: Erwin Ru-
dolph, World's Pocket Billiard Cham-
pion, will give two exhibitions at the
Michigan Union, Monday, November
4, from 3:00 to 5:00 in the after-
noon and from 8:00 to 10:00in the
evening. Admission free.
All Freshmen Men Phi Eta Sigma
will give a smoker for all freshmen
men Monday, November 4, at 7:30,
Union ballroom. President Ruthven
will speak as the principal event. He
will be introduced by Dean Bursley.
Refreshments will be served and a
good time is planned. All freshmen
men are urged to attend.

The Youth Movement In Italy

This is the first in a series of articles
on Youth Movements in Europe writ-
ten particularly for The Daily and the
Associated Collegiate Press by Jona-
than B. Bingham, chairman of the
Yale Daily News, who has just returned
from an extensive tour of the Con-
tinent on an assignment from the
New York Herald-Tribune.
The Italian youth has but two ideas
in mind, to become a soldier and to
follow Mussolini. At least that is the
case with five million boys and girls
who belong to the great Fascist youth
movement, the National Balilla In-
stitution, for their mo{to is "Today
Balillas, tomorrow soldiers, always
Fascists." And there is ample evi-
dence that they believe heart and
soul in that motto.
There is nothing spontaneous about
the Italian youth movement, entire-
ly imposed from above as it is, and
with every other organization sup-
pressed. The control is in Rome,
ostensibly in an executive commit-
tee, but actually in the hands of one
Renato Ricci, a young man himself,
who is responsible only to Mussolini.
Regional and local committees carry
the orders down to the individual
groups of boys and girls, these being
organized into boys from ten to four-
teen and from fourteen to eighteen,
and girls of the same ages.
Although membership is not com-
pulsory, the privileges which accrue
to members and the social pressure
brought to bear on non-members and
their parents has made the growth
of the organization prodigious, a mil-
lion and a half in the last two years
to a total of over half the youth of the
country.. The Fascists claim a unit in
every village, no matter how small,
throughout Italy.
While the girls in the movement
are proud to consider themselves as
mothers of future soldiers, militarism
is already a reality to the boys. As
the visitor is shown through a "Balilla
House," or movement club-house, his
youthful guides will display the great-
est pride in the arsenal, a formidable
array of rifles and machineguns that

ment, as an essential, accepted part
of his existence without which life
would hardly be conceivable. The
teaching of discipline and unquest-
ioning obediences are an expressed
purpose of the Balilla organization
and contribute largely to this result.
However, it cannot be denied that
the young Fascists are offered num-
erous advantages. Besides the li-
braries and radios and occasional
movies in their clubhouses, every ef-
fort is made to provide equipment for
sports, even in the smallest towns,
where there is likely to be a combi-
nation club-room and gymnasium,
and some sort of athletic field.
The acme of this type of develop-
ment is found in the Foro Mussolini,
on the banks of the Tiber near Rome,
where three or four marble-lined
stadia, a similar number of huge
swimming pools, and gymnasiums
and tennis courts galore attract hun-
dreds of boys and girls every after-
noon. One receives the impression,
however here as in the camp present-
ly to be described, that too much ef-
fort was expended on the spectacular
and too little on the practical, there
being space for little but mass forma-
tion athletics.
Adjacent to the Foro Mussolini is
the Accademia Fascista, the training
school for leaders of the movement,
organizers of sport, and camp offic-
ers. They learn not only physical
training and drill, but the best ways
to instill the spirit of Fascism into
their charges, the latter being ad-
mittedly considered the most im-
portant of all.
Nearly all Balillas have the oppor-
tunity to attend a camp for a month
or so during the summer. Many of
these are not dissimilar to our simple
boys' camps, but the ideal towards
which the state is striving is totally
different. One of the best examples
of this type is to be found at Ostia,
where a magnificent, modernistic
building, with a stream-lined tower
and much chromium plate, is the

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