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October 31, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-31

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness and
rising temperature today; to-
morrow cloudy.


Sfir i an

:43 tii

A Respected Opponent ...
Progress For The Negro.. .



Plans For
Pep_ Rally
Lawton To Give Principal
Address And Introduce
New 'Meechigan' Song
Meeting Scheduled
For 8 P.M. Friday

Slosson Says Joining League
Only SafePath For America

The League of Nations was pictured
as the only hope for the United States
to remain aloof from the diplomatic
entanglements arising out of the
Italo-Ethiopian war by Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department
last night before an overflow crowd
in Hutchins Hall Auditorium.
Declaring that such a thing as neu-
trality in foreign relations is no long-
er possible, Professor Slosson de-
scribed difficulties that may nullify
the effect of our recent neutrality
Congress' measures are directed
indiscriminately against all belliger-
ents, he said, but, because of the
peculiar conditions of the situation,
have amounted to a virtual support of
the League's coercion of Italy.
Yet, he explained, if the League
invokes a blockade against Italy, it
will, according to Mussolini's an-
nounced attitude, be tantamount to
an act of war.
Thus, according to our neutrality
policy, we would be obliged to sever
trade relations with all the members
of the League, he went on.
Recalling that this country had
become involved in the Napoleonic
Wars and in the World War in at-

tempts to protect our neutral rights,
Professor Slosson asserted that an
analagous situation may easily arise
unless we abandon our efforts to
cling to neutrality and join officially
and whole-heartedly in the League's
peace efforts.
He attributed the League's prompt-
ness in applying sanctions against
Italy partly to the clearness of the
case against her and partly to the
motives impelling individual mem-
bers of the League.
Great Britain, he said, is vitally
interested in the conflict because it
has two colonies and a dependency
adjoining Ethiopia and because of
the strategic position of the Suez
Canal, in which it holds a major
France is concerned chiefly because
it desires to keep both Great Britain
and Italy as potential allies in the
event of an attack by Germany, while
Russia's interest is due to a wish to
strengthen the League as a guaran-
tee against Japanese or German ag-
gression, Professor Slosson continued.
The readiness of the minor mem-
bers of the League to support sanc-
tions was attributed by the speaker
to a sincere backing of the League
as a future safeguard for themselves.

Charles Baird, Yost,
Keene Fitzpatrick
Speak AtGathering


The completed plans for "the big-
gest and best pep meeting we've had
in the last ten years" were announced
last night by Athletic Director Field-
ing H. Yost. chairman of the meeting.
Meeting in Hill Auditorium at 8
p.m. Friday, students and other sup-
porters of the Wolverines will hear J.
Fred Lawton, '11, composer of the
words to the march, "Varsity," in
the principal address. Mr. Lawton
will introduce his new song, "It's a
Great Big Meechigan Day," dedicated
to Mr. Yost and his pronunciation of
the word, which was heard for the
first time at the banquet of Detroit
alumni before the Michigan State
The music for the song was written
by Oswald Fluemer, of Pontiac, who
will be here as a member of the quar-
tet which sang the new march in De-
troit, and which will introduce it to
Ann Arbor -students Friday night.
Should the quartet need help, or
should it be unable to appear, the
glee club is ready to step in and in-
troduce the number, Prof. David
M attern of the School of Music said
Band To Appear
The Varsity R.O.T.C. Band, under
the direction of Prof. William D.
Revelih, will contribute the usual
Michigan marches to the program of
the pep-meeting, and the cheer-lead-
ing squad will be present to help the
students "lift the roof .bi," ,
"I think we're going to have the
biggest and pest pep-meeting we've
had in the last ten years," Mr. Yost
said in announcing the plans for the
meeting. "The spirit and enthusiasm
of the students and alumni is fine
and the members of the squad are
bound to absorb a lot of it."
"The pep-meeting's going to be a
big and enthusiastic one," he con-
tinued, "the place '11 be packed."
Baird To Speak
In addition to Mr. Lawton, Keene
Fitzpatrick, former track coach and
football trainer, Charles Baird, '95L,
the University's first athletic director,
and Mr. Yost will speak on the pro-i
gram. Mr. Yost spoke of the group
as having had "35 years of experience
in speaking at mass meetings."
Mr. Baird, whose life-size oil por-
trait will be hung in the lobby of the
Union Saturday morning as part of
the homecoming program, recently
gave the University the funds to build
the projected carillon here.
Mr. Fitzpatrick, long a track coach
here, who recently retired from his
post as trainer at Princeton, produced
two Olympic double winners- among
the many champions he produced
while at Michigan.
P.T.A. Institute
Opens Two-Day
Session Today
Sponsored by the University and
the Michigan Congress of Parents and
Teachers, the sixth annual Parent
EducationInstitute opens a two-day
meeting today in University High
A series of nine conferences will
be held this afternoon following a talk,
by Ralph Bridgman of the National
Council of Parent Education. These
conferences will cover such subjects
as the use of money -children's ex-
periences with money, how disci-
pline can be used to develop initiative
and independence in children, the
radio and the movies, feeding, menu
planning, clothing, recreational ac-
tivities of children in the home, hob-
bies for children, the contribution of
the P.T.A. toward parent education,
parents' responsibility in the choice
of vocation for children, and books
for the home library.
This afternoon's program opens at
1:30 p.m. and at 8 p.m. Dr. Conline
Tar . vr + . WIrma iThM ror4miokr,

40 Engineers
Pick Second
. Election Slate'
'United' Party Joins Fight
With Cox And Sherwood
Running For Posts
Forty engineering college juniors,
styling themselves the "United En-
gineers," met last night in the Union
to select an election slate which will
oppose the, Consolidated Engineers in
the junior class elections Nov. 13.
Benjamin Cox, Phi Kappa Psi was
chosen by the group to run for J-
Hop chairman. Other men on the
ticket include Miller Sherwood, Sig-
ma Phi, president; Cedric Sweet,
Independent, vice president; William
Sheehan, ThetaChiesecretary; ..Jack
Kasley, Independent, treasurer; John
Freese, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Gus
Collatz, Independent, J-Hop commit-
teemen; Jack Cooper, Trigon, dele-
gate to the Engineering Council; and
Burton Coffey, Phi Gamma Delta,
delegate to the Honor Council.
The Consolidated Engineers' slate,
as announced last Thursday, includes
George Malone, Independent, presi-
dent; Robert Dailey, Psi Upsilon, vice
president; Melville G. Hyatt, Tri-
angle, secretary; Carl Sherburne, Phi
Kappa Tau, treasurer; Jack Sinn,
Sigma Nu, Honory Council; Rush
Bowman, Delta Upsilon, J-Hop chair-
man; Carl S. Abbott, Theta Xi, and
Donald Hillier, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
J-Hop committeemen.
BOSTON, Oct. 30.-(P)-The
Traveler says Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jr., is being coached in the Masonic
ritual, and with his brother James
will be made a third degree Mason
by President Roosevelt, Nov. 7, in New.

Four Are Killed As
Airliner Explodes
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct. 30.- UP) -
Fotur persons were killed tonight
when a giant airliner of the United
Air Lines crashed and exploded on
a hill top six miles south of Chey-
The plane was a test ship which
the company sent on a circling tour
of the city a few minutes before it
The officials of the company were
informed a gasoline tank exploded
when the plane touched the hilltops.
The dead are:
M. C. Arnold, chief test pilot of
the United Air Lines, of Cheyenne,
formerly of Chicago.
Abe Cohen, veteran pilot of the
Wyoming Air Service, Cheyenne.
Edward Yantiss, of the United In-
strument Crew of Cheyenne.
Harold Kaufmann, of ,Cheyenne,
apprentice instrument man of the
UAL instrument shop here.
30 Hours Per Month
Is NYA Maximum
All University students working on
the NYA are forbidden to put in more
than 30 hours a month and eight
hours a day, the University Commit-
tee on the NYA warned in a state-
ment yesterday.
There have been cases of graduate
students, who are permitted to earn
more than $15 per month, the maxi-
mum for undergraduates, working
more than the limited number of
hours in a month or a day, the state-
ment said.
All hours exceeding the monthly
or daily quota will not count, the
committee emphasized.I
All hours must be in by the twenty-
sixth of each month, rather than the
last Saturlay of the month, as was
previously stated, the committee an-

One Killedln
Crack-Up Of
Mammoth Fighting Ship
Fails In Flight Tests By
Army Air Corps
Four More Injured
As Bomber Crashes
Two Engines Of Ill-Fated
Boeing 'Flying Fortress'
Falter At 200 Feet
DAYTON, O., Oct. 30. - () -
America's biggest bombing plane
crashed to earth and burst into
flames today, injuring fatally one of
the five men it carried.
The ship was the Boeing "flying
fortress," undergoing tests by the
Army Air Corps in preparations for
strengthening the Nation's air fleet.
The crash killed Maj. P. P. Hill,
chief of the flying branch at Wright
Field here, and official pilot for the
tests of three bombers undergoing
He and four others took the huge
bomber aloft today. Its four 700-
horse-power engines had barely pul-
led them 200 feet off the ground be-
fore, witnesses said, the two left
motors appeared to falter.
The two right motors pulled the big
ship around in a 180 degree turn, the
left wing dipped, and the bomber
crashed, still upright, but facing a
direction almost opposite to that in
which it had headed. A wall of
flames burst up as it crashed, and
then an explosion shattered the
But even before the Wright Field
ambulance, always ready for such
emergencies, had hurried up, Lieut.
L. F. Harmon and R. K. Giovannoli,
among the witnesses, had thrown
their coats over their heads, buried
their faces in their arms, and charged
into the flames to drag the bomber's
test crew to safety.
The injured were Lieut. Donald L.
Putt,. 30 years old. of Yakima, Wash.,
co-pilot in the tests; Leslie Tower,
chief Boeing test pilot; John Cutting,
28, Wright Field observer, and Mark
H. Koogler, 38, Wright Field em-
Though an investigation board be-
gan work immediately, it had not
been learned hours later who was at
the controls at the time of the crash,
and Wright Field officials said that
the reasons for the crash would not
be clarified until the injured are able
to give their testimony. Maj. Hill,
Putt, or Tower might have been pilot-
ing the ship, it was said.
immy Walker
Will Be Given
Warm Greeting
Large Crowd Will Meet
Ex-Mayor But Tammany
Officials Remain Aloof
NEW YORK, Oct. 30. - (P - Its
memory fleeting, its sympathies
quickly warmed, the big town
whipped up an enthusiastic greeting
tonight for James J. Walker on his
arrival home tomorrow.
Obscured by three years of self-
imposed exile in Europe, the person-
ality of "Goodtime" Jimmy Walker

was slowly emerging more and more
vividly in its old colors in New York's
mind with each mile the former
Mayor was brought nearer New York.
The liner Manhattan, bearing Wal-
ker and his wife, the former Betty
Compton, will reach quarantine some
time after noon tomorrow.
A flotilla of at least seven boats
will meet the Manhattan down the
bay, while a contingent of 2,000
brewers will be massed at the pier
to add to the general welcoming
But paradoxically, Tammany Hall,
the political organization which nur-
tured Walker's career, stood coolly
aloof from the reception plans. Po-
litical memories are long and while
many of the Wigwam planned to be
on hand to greet Walker, none court-
ed publicity as members of the official
Tammany roster.
Phi Eta Sigma To Hold
Smoker For Freshmen
Following its program of encour-

'Leage CommitteeMeets
To Plan When Economic
Seie On Italy Will Start

Detroit Woman
Believed Taken
By Kidnapers
Wife Of Windsor Doctor
Reported Missing After
Frantic Phone Call
DETROIT, Oct. 30. - () - Dr. J.
H. McGraw, Windsor, Ont., chiropo-
dist, asked police tonight to aid in
a search for his wife, Mrs. Dorothy
Hess McGraw, believed kidnaped.
McGraw told police he received a
telephone call from his wife at his
Windsor office about 5 p.m. and said
she told him "Honey, they've got me,"
before the connection was closed.
McGraw said he hurried to his De-
troit apartment, and found Mrs. Mc-
Graw absent. A search of the neigh-
borhood he said, revealed she had
visited a grocery about 1:30 p.m. He
said two street cleaners told him
they saw a woman seized and put in
a green coupe by two men near the
grocery, but did not obtain their
name. He said the worker told him
the car (a Cadillac) bore Florida li-
cense plates.
McGraw's wife's report was re-
ceived by police about 5 p.m. and the
Department of Justice investigators
were asked to aid in the case.
Mrs. McGraw, who is 53 years old,
formerly lived at Akron, O. They
have been married about a month,
her husband said.
McGraw told officers his wife wore
5 diamonds valued at $3,500.
Loan On Corn.
Crop Effective
December 1st
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. - UP) - A
loan of 45 cents a bushel on the 1935
corn crop was announced today by
the AAA.
Secretary Henry A. Wallace said
that the Commodity Credit Corp. had
approved recommendations of the
AAA for the loan to farmers who
signed adjustment contracts for
1935. The loan will become effec-
tive Dec. 1 and will mature July 1,
Loans will be made on No. 3 grade
corn which can be properly sealed
and stored on the farm.
Chester C. Davis, AAA administra-
tor, said that the Credit corporation
had asked the RFC for a maximum
of $150,000,000 to finance the loan.
Wallace added that he did not
think that more than 150,000,000
bushels would be pledged as security
for the loans.
The loanrate last year was 55
cents a bushel and approximately
$11,000,000 was advanced on 20,000,-
000 bushels.

Will Speak Tonight


* * *
Lecture Series
Will Be Opened
By W R. Castle
Positions Of United States
In World Affairs To Be
Discussed By Diplomat
The University Oratorical Asso-
ciation will open its 1935-36 lecture
course at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium with a speech by the
Hon. William R. Castle, noted diplo-
mat and chief of the division of
Western European affairs at Wash-
ington under four administrations.
Castle's lecture is on the subject
of "Our Relations with Other Na-
tions," and will include an analysis
of the positions the United States
has held in world affairs during past
periods in its history, during the
present era and what its position
should be in the future.
Particular attention will be devoted
by Castle to the policies of diplomacy
which express the best interests of
the people, and he plans to illustrate
these policies by reference to diplo-
matic negotiations now under way as
regards the Italo-Ethiopian situa-
tion, officials said.
Castle is coming to Ann Arbor from
an engagement yesterday in Detroit,
where he spoke before a meeting
of the Fisher Town Hall lecture ser-
ies. He plans to meet a group of stu-
dents interested in taking up the
diplomatic service at 4 p.m. today in
the office of the political science de-
Tickets for the lecture, priced at
75 and 50 cents, may be purchased
any time today at the Hill Audito-
rium box office. Special season ticket
prices are still available at $3.50 and
$2.75 for the eight lectures sched-
uled on the Oratorical Course. Sep-
arate tickets for the next lecture,
to be given by Rear Admiral Rich-
ard E. Byrd, will not be on sale until
tomorrow morning.

Nations Give
For Financial
And Boycott

Certain Sanctions
Are Now In Force
Countries Agree To Help
Those States Affected
By Proposals
GENEVA, Oct. 30. -P) -A plen-
ary committee of 52 members of the
League of Nations, with a clear ma-
jority of the states definitely en-
rolled in an economic and financial
siege on Italy, meets tomorrow to
decide when the seige will actually
Forty-one out of 56 nations have
officially announced their willingness
to begin a financial blockade. Thirty-
nine have enrolled in the "buy noth-
ing" boycott and "key products em-
bargo projects; 44 have accepted an
arms embargo against Italy.
Twenty-six states have agreed to
the proposal for mutual assistance
to nations hit by applying sanctions.
Sanctions in some form, said an
official report to be presented to the
committee of 18 tomorrow, have al-
ready been put into effect by 32
nations. All these have begun en-
forcing the arms embargo and 19
have put the financial blockade into
A survey disclosed that not only
a clear majority of League states,
but an overwhelming majority of the
League's purchasing power is en-
rolled in the "buy nothing" feature
of the drive to starve Italy's 'war.
Actually, there are 58 League mem-
bers since Germxany's withdrawal.
Two, however, Italy and Ethiopia, are
not counted in the sanctions roll
call since they are parties to the dis-
Four of the remaining 56 --El Sal-
vador, Guatemala, the Dominican
Republic, and Paraguay - did not
participate in this year's assembly
deliberations and thus are not repre-
sented on the plenary committee of
52 which meets tomorrow.
As to the states which have not
yet replied, League officials point out
that of the 19 who have not officially
accepted economic sanctions, 13 are
Latin-American states, most with
comparatively small purchasing
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. - (P)--
President Roosevelt warned Ameri-
can exporters today that the Gov-
ernment is keeping a careful check on
all shipments consigned to Italy and
The President's warning was made
in a formal statement after Secretary
of State Cordell Hull earlier in the
day reiterated forcefully that the pol-
icy of the United States was to "dis-
courage" business dealings with the
warring nations.
Declaring that, "this Government
s determined not to become involved
in the controversy, and is anxious for
the restoration and maintenance of
peace," the President said:
"However, in the course of war,
tempting trade opportunities may be
offered to our people to supply ma-
terials which would prolong the war.
"I do not believe that the American
people will wish for abnormally in-
creased profits that temporarily
might be secured by greatly extend-
ing our trade in such materials; nor
would they wish the struggles on the
battlefield to be prolonged because
of profits accruing to a comparatively
small number of American citizens."

York City.


System Of Deferred Rushing Is
Preferred By Freshman Women

Do the women who went through
the hectic rushing period this year
consider it pointless and unsatisfying
or are they satisfied with the present
To discover the attitude of fresh-
men women towards rushing, The
Daily has conducted a survey among
150 representative freshmen women,
90 of whom pledged sororities, and 60
of whom did not.
Although the present system of sor-
ority rushing has been increasingly
lroublesome during the past few
years, a proposal to defer women's
rushing for at least two weeks failed
last year, voted down by the repre-
sentatives of all the sororities repre-
sented in the Panhellenic Association,
However, this proposal was only
brought before the sorority women -
those who were doing the rushing,
and the only chance the freshmen
had to vote was in the meetings of
their individual sororities. They had
no chance to express their ideas as a
However, majorities of both groups
said that they would prefer a de-
.r- f -+sa mphn1 ~hAQ of e wnaraim

for deferment for two weeks. One'
woman said she wished rushing de-
ferred until the middle of the first
If the women voted for deferred
rushing in any form, they were asked
to indicate their reasons. Fifty-seven
of the group, 27 sorority pledges
and 30 unaffiliated women, and 19
independents, felt that rushing had
kept them so busy that they were
unable to make a good start with
their school work.
Other reasons given were that they
did not have time to get to know
the sorority women well enough
under the present system, that rush-
ing was "all too new and confusing,"
that it was "too exhausting," and
that it was "too hurried." Several
expressed the belief that rushing
should be more informal, saying that
"the rushees don't really get a chance
to know the sorority women when
the dates are so formal," while the
comment of a few was that they
would rather wait a semester in order
that "the rushee may find out which
group is most congenial." It was
the opinion of one woman that rush-
ing was a "necsesrv evil which

Use Of Poison Gas In Ethiopia
Impractical Says Prof, Hodges

During the last few weeks, men-
tion has several times been made in
the newspapers of the controversies
arising from the charges that Italy
has used gas in her present invasion
of Ethiopia.
Prof. James H. Hodges, in an in-
terview yesterday, stated that poison
gas would be impractical to use in
One of the points brought out by
Professor Hodges was that of all the
gases that have been used in war-
fare, the only one that might possibly
be effective under the unusual con-
ditions met with in the Ethiopian
campaign is mustard gas. "And it
is problematical if even this presents
any tactical value," he said.
Mustard gas is an oil substance
that vaporizes very slowly and when
shells containing it are dropped and
exnlnded the liuiid and its vanor

not be utilized in Ethiopia where
there are few cities and where the
people are scattered over large areas."
Another important reason for the
effectiveness of mustard gas is that it
cannot be combated by means of gas
masks because of its dual function, he
continued. "Not only is it poisonous to
inhale but it blisters the skin of
an individual to such a degree that
it often takes many weeks to recover
from the burning effects," he added,
"and that is why this chemical was
so destructive in the World War."
It is interesting to note how mus-
tard gas, or dichloroethyl sulphide,
if you are technically minded, ac-
complishes this task of blistering,
Professor Hddges explained. The
vapor of the mustard oil is soluble in
fat, enabling it to dissolve in the fatty
substances surrounding the indivi-
dual cells of the human skin, he
pointed out. "It is therefore pos-
ihla nr it. toen + ter then aoitsef 1



Arms Unearthed
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 30.-UP)-
Emperor Haile Selassie today ordered
all buried arms dating from the time
of his uncle, Emperor Menelik, un-
earthed for distribution to reserve
Thousands of American Winches-
ters are included in the caches.
Fearful that Ethiopia would at any
time be invaded, Menelik made a
regular practice of burving huge

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