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March 31, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-31

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E six



To Open Sale
Of Tickets For
Drama Season
Complete List Of Seven
Plays Announced By
Robert Henderson
Mail order sale of season tickets
for the Dramatic Season will open to-
day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
teir, Robert Henderson, director, an-
nounced yesterday upon the complet
announcement of the selection of sev-
en plays.
"Laburnum Grove," the light Eng-
lish comedy by J. B. Priestly, author
of "The Good Companions," now
playing in New York. will be brought
intact with all of its original stars,
including Edmund Gwenn and Mel-
ville Cooper, the British comedians
for whom it was written. "It would
be a sacrilege to present Laburnum
Grove without its superb original cast
. . . to present it without making it
one of the most delightful comedies
of the gala season," said Mr. Hender-
son last night, in announcing the
To Give "Ode To Liberty"
The closing play of the season will
be "Ode To Liberty" with Walter
Slezak, co-star of the current Broad-
way production. Written by the dis-
tinguished Sidney Howard, it satar-
izes Communism, feminine coquetry,
and problems in general. It romps
through the sophisticated world of
smart Paris and ends with a glowing
love story. It offers Mr. Slezak the
most appealing role of his whole
American career which has included
the continental success, "Meet My
Sister," in which he was also seen in
Ann Arbor last year, and "Music In
the Air" in which he was starred in
the original New York production.
Mr. Slezak will appear with Ilka
Chase, smart New York star who will
be remembered for her roles in
O'Neill's "Days Without End," "Small
Miracle" and with Tallulah Bankhead
in "Forsaking All Others." This sea-
son she has established herself as a
brilliant artist, in "Revenge With
Music" with Libby Holman.
This year the season tickets in-
elude a choice of six of the seven
plays to be presented. Again, tick-
ets can be bought for either the mat-
inee or evening performances. Sea-
son tickets for the nights are $6.00,
$4.50, and $3.50. For the matinees,
$3.50 and $3.00.
Mail Orders To Be Received
Mail orders will, be received imme-
diately and should be addressed to
The 1935 Dramatic Season at the
League. The opening productions
starring Ala Nazimova and Romney
Brent ii\ Shaw's "Simpleton of the
Unexpected I s 1 e s" and Ibsen's
"Ghosts." The second week of "La-'
burnum Grove" will be followed by
Noel Coward revue, "Up to the Stars"
with Walter Slezak, Ilka Chase, Olive
Olsen, the Rocky twins, Imogene
Coco, Felicia Sorel and Demetrios
Vilan, dancers, and Eddie Foy, Jr.
The fourth week will present the
important event of the entire season,
the world premiere of the play by
Robert Reynolds, "The Ugly Runts."
This continues the policy of intro-,
_ ducing one new play of especial sig-
nificance in each season. The play
ideals with four hundred Hungarian;
miners who went down this fall, into7
their mines to die, rather than com-
promise. It is a heroic story pro-
duced in a new dramatic form with
dance and music.7
"The Bishop Misbehaves" is sched-
uled for the fourth week. It is now
running in New York. "Ode to Lib-y
erty will close the season with the1
gala closing night.

To Appear Here In Latest Shavian Ceye y

Alla Nazimova and Romney Brent as Prola and the minister in
Bernard Shaw's latest. comedy, "The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles,"
which will open the Dramatic Season here May 20. The production
of this satire, given its premiere by,-the Theatre Guild will include the six
stars of the New York cast. Nazimova and Brent will also present Ibsen's
While They Were -Dancing

Despite the attraction provided by
engineers at their annual Slide Rule
function Friday night, many couples
with less technical inclinations gath-
ered at other points of interest.
The League Silver Grill was a pop-
ular rendezvous for a multitude of
celebrities. Claire Gorman, star of
this year's J.G.P., appeared in red'flat
crepe, and Jane Reed in blue. Hilda
Kirby, under the spring influence,
chose brown and yellow striped crepe.
and Mary Morrison a black and white
printed chiffon. Maxine Maynard
sprinted past in a red crepe picture
dress with drop-shoulders, and Jean
Seeley also appeared on the scene
momentarily in white crepe with a
collar of red flowers.
Phi Delts Popular
Among the throngs of guests and
gate-crashers at the Phi Delt party
were Jane Edmonson in a white crepe
gown, cut on princess lines, with a
black and white lei around the neck,
Florence Schenk in beige lace trimmed
in mink, and Mary Potter in flame-red
with cartridge pleating at the neck.
Mary Margaret Campbell wore ice-
blue satin and Joan Kimmel royal
blue skirt and lame blouse. Green
moire accented by a pink bow was se-
lected by Josephine Van Warmer.
At the Beta formal, Inez Stev-
ens appeared in red crepe, accented
at the neckline by a gold sequin scarf.
Rosanna Manchester chose black net,
the neck outlined in rose-colored
corded silk with a bow in front. Jane
Heath also wore black net, and Ber-
nice Andreae, a red tunic with jacket
to match.
Another chapter house, Theta Delt,
attracted numbers of bon vivants.
Virginia Eaglesfield wore royal blue,.
and Margaret Mustard black threaded
with gold. Hazel Winkelhaus danced
past in light blue crepe, and Barbara
Strand selected black crepe and net,
accented by a red flower at the neck.
Marilene Fingerle in yellow voile and
Mary Beth Tarbell in black and yellow
were also seen.
The Sorosis sisterhood attended the
Phi Psi party en masse. Mary Ellen
Menard in powder blue with short
puffed sleeves, Eleanor Wasey in an
all white tunic frock, and Betty Ann
Beebe in black tailored outfit with
Play To Be Given
V Toiedo Papersj
The Toledo Newspaper Guild, an
organization of the editorial workers
of Toledo's three daily papers, the
Blade, News-Bee and Times, is this
year producing a stage play, "Bles'ed
Event" for charity. Performances
will be given April 25, 26 and 27 in I
a downtown theatre.
Two years ago the editorial workers
of the three papers successfully pre-
sented "The Front Page." Three
nights' performances netted $4,100,
all of which was used to buy food and
clothing for needy Toledo children.
The cast for "Blessed Event" has
been selected entirely from the guild
membership, and rehearsals have
been under way for three weeks.
Jack O'Connell, Toledo theater man
who directed "Frcnt Page," is direet-
ing this year's play and also has
charge of production and staging.

white piqu collar and cuffs, were
among the contingent. Mary Neal
distinguished herself by a novel cha-
peau of black cellophane with a perky
At the Delt party Marie Metzger
appeared in a black formal with
starched organdy collar. Lola Camp-
bell wore a brown print, and Mary
Ferris powder blue trimmed in ,bril-
Chapter house activties yesterday,
in the most part, took the form of
initiation ceremonies. Three soror-
ity houses and one fraternity held
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity held
an Initiation and Fathers' Banquet
last night at which Douglas Stanley,
'3, presided as master of ceremonies.
Fred Metz gave a short address to
the group. Following the banquet
was an informal clsed dance with
George Wheeler's orchestra..
The following men were intiated.
Robert McKimben, '36; Edward
James, '37; William Strubie. '37;
Charles Barkdull, '38; Edward Foote,
'38; Edward Bruna, '38; Walter Truc,
'38 William. McLeod, '38.
The formal initiation of Kappa
Delta sorority was held at 3 p.m.
yesterday. The new members are:
Mary Evans, '37; Elizabeth Oberdier,
'37; Joy Snyder, '37; Virginia Wag-
ner, '35; Elma Foster, '36; and Edna
Neikerk, '38.
Elaine Cobo, '37, was toast mistress
at the initiation banquet in the eve-
ning. The speakers were Mrs. Wa-
ter Hunt representing the patrones-
ses; Helen Scott, the alumnae; Ella
May Brooke, '35, the seniors; Miss
Foster, the juniors; Miss Oberdier,
the sophomores; and Miss Neikerk,
the freshmen. Decorations were in
green and white, the sorority colors.
Delta Gamma pedges and initiates
entertained the actives of the sor-
ority at a formal dance in the chap-
ter house last evening. Marvin
Druckenbrod's orchestra played. Dor-
othy Corsien, '38, was in charge.
Alpha Delta Pi sorority will enter-
tain ten guests at dinner today. The
dining room will be decorated in sor-
crity symbols and colors, blue and
Alpha Xi Delta sorority entertained
with a rushing dinner yesterday.
Decorations were in green and white,
and spring flowers were used for cen-
terpieces. The rushing chairman,
Jean Friederici, '37, was in charge.
The members of the Theta Phi
Alpha sorority wish to announce the
initiation of Mary Esther Burns, '36,
which took place yesterday. Follow-
ing the initiation ceremony. there was
a formal dnner. Table decorations
consisted of white tapers and white
roses, arranged by Helen Foley, Grad.
-~ i

Initiation Held
Yesterday By
Two Sororities
Banquets Honor initiate
Of Delta Delta Delta And
Alpha Phi
Two sorcrities held initiation cere-
monies and banquets for new mem-
bers yesterday.
Delta Delta Delta sorority held its
annual initiation ceremony yester-
day afternoon followed at 6 p.m. by
a formal banquet for the initiates.
Those honred included Mary Andrus,
'38; Phyllis Brumm, '38; Marjory Coe,
'38; Margaret Forsythe, '38; Jean
Harrison, '37; Jane Higbie, '38; Mary
Ellen McCord, '38; Elizabeth Wood-
worth, '37: Dorothea Sprau, '36;
Louise Florez, '36; Dorothy Geldart,
'37; and Virginia Graham, '35.
The aim cf the sorority was taken
as the central theme for the banquet.
Miss Marion Stowe of the speech de-
partment of the Michigan State Nor-
mal College at Ypsilanti, Miss Betty
MacDowell King of Detroit, and
C a t h e r i n e Shannon, '35, gave
speeches building up this idea. The
pledge response was given by Miss
Plans for the banquet were made by
Katherine Marie Hall, '36. Bowls of
white carnations flanked by white
candles attached by long pearl strings
were used to decorate the tables.
Guests at the initiation and ban-
que included Mrs. William Bosse,
Mrs. George Genthe, Miss Helen Dol-
man, Miss Marion Stowe, Mrs. Horace
King, Mrs. John L. Brumnm, Miss
Betty MacDowell King, Mrs. Harold
Simms, Mrs. L. J. Young, Miss Elsa
Schuler, Miss Margaret Lewis, Miss
Avis Pitts, and Miss Ann Vardon.
Alpha Phi sorority held initiation
for eight yesterday afternoon. They
are: Nancy Cassidy, '38, Jean Coler,
'38, Katherine Loomis, '38, Miriam
Roberston, '38, Dorothy Roth, '36A,
Elizabeth Shierson, '38, and Elizabeth
Walsh, '37SM. Barbara Stewart,
'37, was in charge of the initiation.
Margareta Kollig, '36, was chair-
man of the banquet following the
ceremony. Silver and bordeaux rib-
bons and red roses decorated the
Chairmen Are
Appointed For
League Council
Three new appointments to League
committee chairmanships were' an-
nounced last night by Jean Seeley, '36,
president of the League. Virginia
Whitney, '36, and Rosanna Manches-
ter, '36, will act as co-chairmen for
the committee on faculty-student re-
lations, and Jane Kretschmer, '37,
chairman of the world fellowship
Miss Whitney and Miss Manchester
were members of the faculty-student
relations committee during the past
year, under Marie Murphy, '35, chair-
man. Miss Whitney, affiliated with
Gamma Phi Beta sorority, was also
on the League house committee, and
on the publicity committee for J.G.P.
She is treasurer at Martha Cook dor-
mitory. Miss Manchester, a member
of Delta Gamma sorority, has worked
on a number of committees, for Soph-
omore Cabaret, Penny Carnival, Pan-
hellenic banquet, and the League.
Miss Kretschmer, a member of
Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, has also
served on League committees. Pau-
line Woodward, '35, was chairman of
the world fellowship committee dur-
ing the past year.

Graduate Outing Club
Holds First Bird Hike
With the coming of spring, the
Graduate Outing Club begins its ac-
tivities again, Miss Celia Knight,
Grad., secretary ,of the club an-
M aur ic e Whittinghill, Grad.,
planned a bird walk held yesterday.
This was the first bird hike of the
season. It is customary for them to go
early in the morning, but due to wea-
ther conditions, this practice will not
be taken up until later in the sea-
Last week the Outing Club went on I
a picnic. Due to weather conditions,
however, the group was not able to
carry on all the nature study it had

In the comparatively few years that
foreign students have been enrolled
in the University, interest in their
native countries has increased tre-;
mendously. In the past few years
many of the foreign students have
been guest speakers at meetings of
various institutions and organiza-I
tions in and surrounding Ann Arbor.
Students Give Talks
Because of the demand of speak-l
ers acquainted with different foreign
countries, the foreign student office
has appointed groups of students to
cooperate with various organizations
desiring speakers on international+
subjects. One of the groups, consist-
ing of ten members, has been assigned
to give a series of weekly talks be-
fore the international relations class
at the Ann Arbor high school.
The subjects of the speakers in the
class, who represent ten different for-'
eign lands, consist of art, education,
politics, customs, history, geography,
interesting facts and prominent fig-
ures in the country. At times, under
the arrangements of Prof. J. Raleigh
Nelson, Counsellor to Foreign Stu-
dents. trips are planned to take the
foreign students to schools and towns
where the students do not frequently
come in contact with people from
other nations. Students in such
schools show a deep interest in see-+
ing the foreign students and hearing
the interesting facts they have to
tell of their cultures and customs.
A second group of the selected
speakers are giving a series of lec-
tures before the international rela-
tions class at Dearborn each week.
Aside from these groups, the offce has
also supplied an unusually large num-

Foreign Student Activities Show
Interest In Different Countries

ber of students to speak for clubs
and organizations such as Missionary
societies at the various churches, Ro-
tary Clubs, and Women's Clubs in
and around Ann Arbor.
In connection with these activties
in which the foreign students are
playing such an important part, the
office will send several speakers to
the State convention of the Y.W.C.A.
which will be held in Hillsdale the
latter part of April.
Military B a I.I
Tickets ToBe

Tickets for the Military Ball, an-
nual dance to be given by members of
the R.O.T.C. April 26 at the Union,
will go on sale tomorrow, it was an-
nounced yesterday. A limited num-
ber of tickets are on sale to the public
as half have been reserved for R.O.-
T.C. members.
Tickets will be priced at $3 and may
be obtained only from members of
the committee, which includes Franc-
is DuLuyn, '35E, Donald Norton, '35,
Dan Cook, '35, Kenneth Mosier, '36E,
Charles Framburg, '36E, John Heles,
'36, Paul Phillips, '36, Jack Sinn, '37E,
Rush Bowman, '37E, Kenneth Bovee,
'38E, and John Young, '38E. Delbert
Hesler, '35E and Don Lyon, '35A,
are co-chairmen of the event.
Announcement of the orchestra to
play at the Ball has not yet been
made, but the committee is consider-
ing a number of well-known bands
among them Red Nichols, Phil Harris,
Barney Rapp, D'Orsay Brothers, and
Gus Arnheim.


The appearance of the dresser top
is of the utmost importance to the
general effect of the room; it is also
a reflection of the owner's own orig-
inal personality. The first thing to
be considered in regard to fixing up an
attractive looking dresser is, of course,
the scarf.
If the room be simple in design -
that is, if it is fitted out in neutral
shades-then a rich cream strip of
linen is appropriate. If, on the other
hand, the room be done in a particular
color scheme, the dresser scarf should
tone into the general effect. To go
with chintz drapes and bedspread a
scarf of the same material is smart.
Matched Nick Nacks
As to other articles on the dresser,
there should be a mirror, comb, brush,
and any other pieces that happen to
go with the individual set. Whether
these sets are silver or enamel should
determine the composition of the
other nicks and nacks that are placed
near them. Of these there should be
a little container for powder of, per-
haps, silver or glass, accompanied by
a holder for individual powder puffs
or cottons, always so convenient for
guest use. Cut glass perfume bottles
always look well and are nice to have
At the center of the dresser toward
the back a jewelry case may be placed,
contributing an attractive finishing
touch to the effect. This is a fem-
inine bit of vanity which has existed
since Cleopatra's day, and is being
shown at present in leather, silver
plate, sterling silver, and wood. Pew-
ter, for the present at least, is out.
Here, again, the case should be chosen
with regard to the other articles on
the dresser.
Jewel Box Attractive
These jewelry boxes come in all
sizes, beautifully designed in appear-
ance both inside and out. Many of
them are nicely fitted up with trays
and, compartments to accommodate
all kinds of jewelry. If they are to
stand on top of the dresser, it is also
advisable that they have locks.
Another touch of originality may
be provided by a group of little china
dogs, cats, or what not, artfully ar-
ranged to one side of the jewel case.
Faculty Women's Club
Drama Seti on To Meet
The Monday evening drama sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow at the
home of Mrs. J. C. Bugher, 1403 Ced-
ar Bend Dr. Hostesses assisting Mrs.
Bugher will be Mrs. H. B. Rothbart,
Mrs. C. B. Pierce and Mrs. R. R.

Tryouts for Crop and Saddle, wo-
men's riding club, will be held at
3:30 p.m. Wednesday at the fair
grounds, Betty Greve, '36, president,
announced yesterday. All women
who are experienced riders and wish
to try ,out should call Miss Greve at
Crop and Saddle is a club for ex-
perienced riders only, and its activ-
ities consist of a series of weekly
rides, and a spring riding show. The
club was formed last year under the
drection of Jane Brucker, '35, and
Miss Hilda Burr of the women's phys-
ical education department. It is an
outgrowth of the old Pegasus club.
Membership in the club is restricted
to 21 women.

All members of the Michigan Dames
are urged to be present at a regular
meeting of the organization to be held
Tuesday night. A special program in
the form of a one-act play, "Rock-
ing-Chair Row," by Elizabeth Stev-
ens, will be presented. The members
taking part in the performance are:
Mrs. William Clay, Mrs. Marie Wil-
sie, Mrs. Leroy Jenkins, Mrs. Oscar
Peders, Mrs. Joseph Gast, and Mrs.
Llewllyn Leigh.
The play will followed by a short
business meeting and refreshments.

Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Rug-
gles of Red Gap" with Charles The
Laughton; Whitney, "Strange Wives"
with Esther Ralston, and "Death Flies ELIZABETH DILLON
East" with Ccnrad Nagle; Wuerth, GOWN SHOP
"Bright Eyes" with Shirley Temple; East William off State
Majestic, "Sweet Music" with Rudy E
Dancing: Chubbs, Hut Cellar.
_ - - -- ~

Seventeen Are

Initiated Into
Alpha Kappa Delta, nation honor-
ary sociological society, held initiation
ceremonies last Tuesday at the
League for Louis Alper, Grad., James
Browning, Grad., Ralph Danhof, '36,
Arthur Drew '36, George 'Frank, '37,
Harold Gibbard, Grad., Jean Gros-
berg, '36, Isabel Jackson, '35Ed., Mar-
garet Kasley, '35, Margaret La Tour-
ette, Grad., George Robinson, Grad.,
Willard Robinson, Grad., Adolph
Shapiro, '36, Carolyn Simcock, '35,
Russell Sloan, Grad., John Streiff,
Grad., and E. H. Yang, Grad.
Prof. Arthur E. Wood, faculty ad-
vised of the organization, presided at
the initiation ceremonies and was
toastmaster at the banquet which fol-
lowed, being introduced by Stuart
Lottier, Grad., president of Alpha
Kappa Delta
Pkof. Robert E. Park of the Univer-
sity of Chicago was the speaker at
the banquet discissing "Social
Change and Social Research." After
Professor Park's speech there was a
group discussion in which faculty and
student members took part.

7 1


I I1

\ /;
"' }

KELLOGG SHOP featitres-
Garments for the Juniors
as well as the Matrons.

New Spring Showpgi.g
Beautiful Line of New, Spring
t in LiviL Pastel-Prints >

$3.50 to




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