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June 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 5) • Page Image 12

…I 1-- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, June 1, 1994 M LER Continued from page 11 Before Monday night, the perfor- mances put on by Miller this series had been less than exemplary: His charac- teristic enthusiasmwasn't showing, his shots weren't falling. Monday, though, Miller served notice to the Knicks that he was ready for anything. He scored 31 points, 13 in the last 7:17. He trash-talked. He drew 19 free throwsworthoffouls. Heevengrabbed ...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…IC p * an One hundred three years of editorial freedom Vo* CIN. 0 n Ar4 Miciga - Frdy-pi ,19 194Te a President reassures inervous investors THE WASHINGTON POST WASHINGTON - President Clinton sought to calm a jittery stock Sarket yesterday, saying that "these rrective things will happen from time to time, but there's no reason to overreact." Clinton's remarks were aimed at preventing a panicked reaction by small investors, many of whom...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 1, 1994 zSACUA "Continued from page 1. and periodic evaluations of deans. Currently, there is a experimental evaluation of deans in place. Alfredo Montalvo: Montalvo admits he is a novice to the faculty governance game, but he plans to study the issues before he takes his seat in May. "I feel it my responsibility now to steep myself in what is going on. Iam going to try to learn what are the issues on th...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…___The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 1, 1994 - 3 *A journey into the 21st cen with President .s uring the ill-advised 1988 presidential search that concluded with the selection of James J. Duderstadt, former Re- gent Thomas Roach (D-Ann Arbor) said he would like to see a president serve for at least 10 years. The fol- lowing is a reflection on Duderstadt's five-and-a-half years at the Univer- *sity and his vision for the future. Foremost...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…4 The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 1, 1994 (ibe £idpign 1ta1 'These attacks on Hillary Clinton have less to do with Whitewater ... and more to do with her effective advocacy of an issue this country cares about - health care.' --opined in a full-page ad in Tuesday's edition of the New York Times 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JESSIE HALLADAY Editor in Chief SAM GoODSTEIN FLINr...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - April 1, 1994 - .State fails to fund abortions DETROIT (AP) - Michigan is among dozens of states that were expected to miss yesterday's federal deadline to begin paying for the abortions of poor women who are victims or rape or incest. The Clinton administration notified states in December to start covering rape and incest abortions for poor women immediately and to bring their own rules into compliance by March 31. The ...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, ,April 1, 1994 I ""1 ifth.. Y -qw . .AA.J " $100 REWARD. Lost Citizen ladies watch. Lost Thurs. 3/24. 995-5101. 486-33 COLOR notebooks 126MB/fax $2085, 486SL-50notebooks 4RAM 1261D/fax $1395, 386Compaqconturan-book 4RAMtball $1095 386 ZENITIILITE N-BOOKS 4RAM 3lbs. $995, 486 DX-33 Intel MTowers 25OHD 4M $1055, 386-33 INTEL Towers l20HDIMBvideo $565, Factory warranty/Dealership 662-1847. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 1, 1994 - 7 SUB8ET FEMALE ROOMMATE to share spacious apartment on Church and Hill. From May- Aug. $250. Call 998-0509. FEMALE TO SHARE Ig. bdrm. in 2 bdrm. bi-level apt. Central cams. Must rent. $80 mo. May-Aug. Laura 662.9075. GREAT HOUSE 5 bdrm., furn., Idry., finished attic, walk to Cent. campus, pkg., May/June-Aug., $1100 neg., 995-1876. GREAT LOC! 1026 Church May-Aug. 2 bdrm. Avail, in house. I sgl...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 8

… Is 'Heidi' fulfills its potential By MELISSA ROSE BERNARDO Despite the fact that it won a Pulitzer prize, Wendy Wasserstein's "The Heidi Chronicles" is a poorly- written play. Not the dialogue, mind you - Wasserstein's prose bubbles The Heidi Chronicles Trueblood Theatre March 31, 1994 over with just the right combination of sarcasm, wit and intuition to be both humorous and heartfelt, emo- tional and provocative. But the char- acters are ...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, pril 1, 1994 - 9 Despite hurdles, Ferrick lives out fantasy By TOM ERLEWINE Considering the media's expansive recent cov- erage of female singer-songwriters, it's no won- der that some talented artists have gotten lost in the shuffle. Because female musicians are still treated as an anomaly, many artists aren't given the exposure they deserve and Melissa Ferrick is one of those artists. Her debut album, "Massive ...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 10

… Baseball vs. Michigan St. (DH) Sunday, 1 p.m. Fisher Stadium S Softball vs. Ohio State (DH) Today, 3 p.m. Alumni Field Wolverines do Tour-dc-Michigan 'M' plays at Spartans tomorrow, return to Fisher Stadium Sunday By SCOTT BURTON wreaked havoc on Michigan's prena- the collegiate Pla er f the Year-has The Wolverine nitchers chbold get i DAILY BASEBALL WRITER When Ernie Banks said "let's play two," he probably didn't have in mind battling ...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 1, 1994 - 11 .'M' Tennis heads to Southeast By MATT GOLDFINE 'FOR THE DAILY * The Michigan women's tennis team will attempt to ride the wave of its winning ways this weekend. The Wolverines will head down south for 'matches against North Carolina to- -day and William and Mary tomor- row. The Wolverines are playing great .tennis. Last weekend they won back to back conference road matches over Minnesota and Io...…

April 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 108) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 1, 1994 'M' rugby looks to send Nomads' packing By RAVI GOPAL DAILY SPORTS WRITER The Michigan men's rugby team will get a chance to see how they stack up against talent from "rugby coun- try" when they take on the Toronto Nomads tomorrow at 1 p.m. at Mitchell Field. The Nomads, a club team, are part of the Tranzac (Transplanted Austra- lians and New Zealanders) Sports Club of Toronto. The team sports ...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…~42 Otheaoan One hundred three years of editorial freedom Page 5 IIMP WA i NATO downs 4 Serbia planes Sn ar oeta icen fly over 1OO h Sand crrv more thn LOS ANGELES TIMES * BRUSSELS, Belgium - Adding a new dimension to the war in Bosnia- Herzegovina, U.S. Air Force planes early yesterday attacked six Serbian aircraft, shooting down four of them after they had reportedly bombed tar- gets in Muslim-controlled areas of the country. According to...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 1, 1994 Israel orders sweeping WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO RECYCLING?' *,curfew in LOS ANGELES TIMES JERUSALEM-Israeli military authorities, trying to curtail Palestin- ian protests over the massacre of Muslim worshipers in Hebron last week, yesterday ordered more than 1.25 million residents of the occu- pied West Bank and Gaza Strip to remain in their homes. But the sweeping curfew, im- posed on almost eve...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 1, 1994-3 .Women's History Month falls short of local expectations Ann Arbor campus participation lacking in planning of month's events By JUDITH KAFKA DAILY STAFF REPORTER Women's History Month begins today with barely a ripple at the Uni- versity, let alone a big splash. While various women's groups and organizations are sponsoring Residents . haggle over future of A2 airport By JAMES M. NASH DAILY STAFF ...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…4- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, Marchl, 1994 (ihl £irigan tui1g 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JESSIEHALLADAY Editor in Chief SAM GooDsmIN FLINT WAINESS Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 5

… RTS Strategy for understanding 'Cobra' * By CHRIS WYROD "The collaborative environment that I use for my work is areal American tradition that's ignored because the European aesthetic, the big Romantic myth, is sooriented toward ivory-towercomposers - the Beethovens, the Mahlers. It's bullshit; all those guys had collaborators." So say John Zorn, whose recent proliferation of revved-up movie scores and Naked City's post- modern pie fights ...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 1, 1994 IN 2 LARGE BDRMS. Newly furnished, new carpeting. Heat & water incl., ldry., prkg., N. Ingalls Area. Call 995-3503. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 1025 Packard (Just past East U.). $850 - 925. Quiet brick building. Unfumished, spacious & sunny. Paid heat & water. Laundry, parking. Also available, 915 S. Division (between Hill & Hoover). Working fireplaces, oversized balconies, furnished, security sy...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 1, 1994 - 7 * 0' In Wake of the NATO Attacks' NATO downing may change face of war U.N. commander says unprecedented move demonstrates that 'NATO has teeth' THE WASHINGTON POST SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina -NATO's downing yesterday offour Serb warplanes over Bosnia, like the deadly mortar attack on Sarajevo's marketplace three weeks ago, is amili- tary action that could alter the course of the war in this ...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 8

… 8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 1, 1994 'Much Ado' about this Hilberry pro duction By MELISSA ROSE BERNARDO With the overwhelming success of this summer's film adaptation of "Much Ado About Nothing," it is no surprise that community and repertory theaters across the country are rushing to do their own version of Shakespeare's saucy comedy. Much Ado About Nothing Hilberry Theatre February 19, 1994 Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson ...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 9

…A. , , . ; . ,a ;^,z r ;~ ' ° .g. i . .r.. f,:o- ; i , °.. n" % y r Hockey vs. Ferris State Saturday, 7 p.m. Yost Ice Arena Si Men's Basketball vs. Purdue Sunday, 2 p.m. (Ch. 7) Crisler Arena Baseball goes 3-5 in annual Florida trip Women's gymnastics falls to No. 7 UCLA By BRETT JOHNSON DAILY BASEBALL WRITER n The Michigan baseball team was . hitting on all cylinders during its spring break road trip. Unfortunately, the pitching and de...…

March 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 85) • Page Image 10

…10- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 1, 1994 Longhorns, Aggies whip men's tennis team By JOSH KAPLAN One bright spot on the day for the "Mark was just phenomenal," "They have the sa DAILY SPORTS WRITER ., - ., A T%-: r 4T 01 me players back The men's tennis team's spring vacation didn't turn out as hot as they had hoped. The team travelled to Texas, only to lose a pair of dual meets to Texas and Texas A&M, both by the score of 6-1. The ...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…WE V ,4 *t One hundred three years of editorial freedom Vol. CIV N $ 0AnAbr ihgn-Tedy ebur ,19 94TeMcia al Study shows drug use increase By HOPE CALATI DAILY STAFF REPORTER Despite the "Just say no!" campaign, high school students are saying yes to alcohol and drugs. According to the "Monitoring the Future" study produced by researchers at the University's Institute for Social Research, high school students are smoking more pot, dropping ...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 1, 1994 MONTH Continued from page 1 keynote speaker, Derrick Bell, a former Harvard Law School Prof will address the issue of equality. After leaving Harvard last year because the institution failed to hire a woman of color on the faculty, Bell authored "Faces at the Bottom of the Well," in which he writes, "(Blacks not attaining full equality) is. a hard- to-accept fact that all history verifies. We...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 1, 1994 -3 Homeless activists address YMCA's fate at City Council meeting By JAMES M. NASH DAILY STAFF REPORTER Mistakesby formercityleaders have come back to haunt the Ann Arbor City Council, homeless activists declared yesterday as they protested a city plan to bail out atroubled low-incomehous- ing project. The Ann Arbor YMCA, which runs °a 100-room low-income housing de- velopment at the corner of Fi...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 1, 1994 U~fje~d~imt~A96.6 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JEsSIE HALLADAY Editor in Chief SAM GOODSTEN FUNT WAIsss Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Mich...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…ARTS Concubines drink and kingdoms fall By STEVE BURTON "There's going to be a lot of noise up there," said Leslie Guinn, Director of the Division of Vocal Arts at the University School of Music and Baritone soloist in tonight's performance of William Walton's Oratorio "Belshazzar's Feast" to be given by the combined forces of the Univer- sity Choir, the University Chamber Choir, the University Symphony Orchestra and the University Philharmo...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, February 1, 1994 ". ;: Yt~il~lilill 486DX33 8/120. SB Pro & speakers, 24/96 modem, SVGA monitor, mouse, joystick, software. $1150. HP deskjet 500 $250. Both $1350. Must sell. 769-6253. 486SL NOTEBOOK 33MHZ 85 MB w/fax $1485, 386SL INTEL DELL NOTEBOOK 65MB $1095, 386 IBM Desktop 88MB 33MHZ SVGA $595, 386XX LEADING EDGE VGA LAPTOPS $790, 486DX DESKTOP 33MHZ 215MB 4RAM $1095, Factory warranty&software 313/662-1...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…1 The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 1, 1994-7 $JLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 DJ'S WANTED. No experience required. E.O.E. Only call bet. 2:00 & 5:00 p.m. Mon.- Thurs. 313/421-7952. GREAT TEACHING JOB Looking for medical students, PHD's or graduate students for teaching pre-med students. For info call 800-300-7737. GREENPEACE JOBS. Promote/educate global ecological sanity. Call 761-1996. 41KEL THY MEN & WOMEN Age 20-35, age height & weight, ...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 1, 1994 Ageless By NICOLE BAKER A children's play? They may be young adults, but they don't do kiddie plays. Vitality, enthusiasm and en- ergy are just some of the key elements in the Ann Arbor Young Actors Guild. This weekend at the Performance Network, the Guild tackles Peter Hall's adaptation of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" with a mixture of youthful talent, adult determination, discipline and p...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 9

…: Hockey vs. Kent State Friday, 7 p.m. Yost Ice Arena S Men's Basketball vs. Purdue Tonight, 7:30 p.m. (ESPN) West Lafayette Blue tries to put leash on 'Big Dawg' 4M' faces Robinson and No. 8 Purdue for first place in Big Ten By BRETT FORREST DAILY BASKETBALL WRITER When the No. 13 Michigan men's basketball team (5-2 Big Ten, 13-4 overall) faces No.8 Purdue (5-2, 17-2) tonight in West Lafayette (7:30 p.m., tSPN), the main point of conten...…

February 01, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 70) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 1, 1994 Fans, coach make Iowa Hawkeyes a class act By BRENT McINTOSH DAILY BASKETBALL WRITER IOWA CITY - This is women's basketball? That was the thought that wedged itself into my mind upon entering Carver-Hawkeye Arena Friday. The atmosphere for the Iowa-Michigan women's hoop matchup felt ... well, frankly, it felt like men's basketball. Don't call me a sexist; call me a realist. Women's basket...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

… Women's basketball opens with home victory . . - F i 4 k J'A Q 11e 4 toot ,: c} p.. Tz ]ail 93 ' f q } its 4 t y7 WEle itta at One hundred three years of editorial freedom Vo.CVN.4.AnAboMcign-Wensa 1'93 193TeMcia a I I Lcal olice investigate *rape behind South Quad FROM STAFF REPORTS An 18-year-old female Univer- sity student was attacked early yesterday morning on the 600 block of Monroe Street behind South Quad. * Ann Arbor Police ...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 1, 1993 POLLACK Continued from page 1 The 12-year Democratic veteran of the state Senate, who represents Ann Arbor, has already raised more than $300,000 in early fundraising for the election, which is still about 11 months away. Emily's List, which for endorse- ment and funding informally requires candidates to be pro-choice and gen- erally in favor of women's rights, did not endorse Christine Tod...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 1, 1993 - 3 .Women with AIDS virus share their stories By AMY MENSCH FOR THE DAILY The AIDS epidemic is very real for Helen Johnson and Evelyn Gonzalez, both of whom have AIDS. But after the initial shock, both women have reached a stage of acceptance. They shared their stories in the Union yesterday to help themselves and others cope with AIDS. Johnson and Gonzalez spoke about women and AIDS as part ...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…4 -- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 1, 1993 WbE £riiugn ?ailg 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH DUBOW Editor in Chief ANDREW LEvY Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. --,, -WOWr-wow- V...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 5

… RTS AN ANGEL OF A SHOW Limitations hinder 'M Butterfly' By MICHAEL THOMPSON In the early '90s, the big art house theme seemed to be writers. We had "Barton Fink," "Kafka" and David Cronenberg's "Naked Lunch." Now the tide has changed and the big thing is cross-dressing. "The Crying Game" has passed, but Cronenberg is still trying to ride out the guy as girl motif in his new film "M. Butterfly." M Butterfly Directed by David Cronenberg; wri...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, December 1, 1! 993 a FORRET AVAIL. JANUARY fum. 2 bedrooms- 2 left- 2 great locations! Call Varsity Manage- ment 668-1100 or after 5 pm. 668-0283. 486SL NOTEBOOK 33MHZ 120MB w/fax $1589, 386SL DELL NOTEBOOK 65MB Intel $1099, 386 IBM Desktop 88MB 33MHZ SVGA $599 MACINTOSH Powerbook-140 4MB 7.1 $1290, 486DX DESKTOP 33MHZ 215MB 4RAM $1099, Factory warranty&software 313/662-1847. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS:...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 1, 1993 - 7 i CLASSIFIED ADS 76441557 Court mandates jailing of Dr. Kevorkian FOD & NT FREE FREE FREE hot sauce and salsa taste testing at Tios. Come in and try some of the world's best and hottest sauces. Sunday Dec. 5 noon until 4 p.m. 333 E. Huron 761-6650. Features A1 Spck4For 1The Week At Your EstabIsment? Let the stvdents Know IA! Advertising U In this section produces the results youvq Been...…

December 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 44) • Page Image 8

… Men's and Women's Swimming Hosts US Open Thursday 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Canham Natatorium S Men's Basketball vs. Tulane Tonight 7:30 (ESPN) Crisler Arena Women cagers ground visiting Eagles, 76-62 :OURT CRESS Roberts captures first ever home victory as coach of Wolverines Icredible buttue, 'M stands undefeated By SCOTT BURTON DAILY BASKETBALL WRITER What was the strangest thing that happened last night in the Michigan- Eastern Michigan ga...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… Cross Country teams sweep conference championship meets Performance differed vastly from real life Ws PORTS3onday *12 t t .Aw 74PI 44&w One hundred three years of editorial freedom val. C N 24 AmAbor Michigan - Moay, November 1 1993 1993 The Michigan Daily Millions mourn as ilm1Icons pass away By JON ALTSHUL * lY FILM EDITOR In two unrelated incidents, actor River Phoenix and acclaimed Italian film director Federico Fellini passed away...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 1, 1993 OBITUARY Continued front page 1 film audiencesin 1986asChris Cham- bers, the cigarette-smoking adoles- cent in Rob Reiner's "Stand By Me." Since then, he has starred in such films as "The Mosquito Coast," "Sneakers" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." His controversial portrayal of Mike Waters, the narcoleptic young prostitute in Gus Vant Sant's criti- cally acclaimed 1991 picture "My Ow...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 1, 1993 - 3 .Cultural show promotes Indian unity, diversity By MONA QURESHI DAILY STAFF REPORTER Fourteen-hundred people clapped nd howled during the flashy tradi- tional and modern dances, vocals and skits that joined Indian and American culture during Saturdaynight'sDiwali Cultural Show at the Power Center. Diwali, the Hindu holiday which translates into "Festival of Lights", marks a lunarnew year, spe...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 1, 1993 Uljz e[difan&tdlg 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed - by students at the University of Michigan JOSH DuBow Editor in Chief ANDREW LEvY Editorial Page Editor AAL .. 4mo .. .r" : ; i f Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of ...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

… RTS 'Difference' quite different from life By JASON CARROLL The Purple Rose Theatre Company launched their season earlier this month with "The Vast Difference," a new comedy written by film actor Jeff Daniels. "The Vast Difference" takes a come- The Vast Difference Purple Rose Theatre Co. October 28, 1993 dic look at the changing roles of the American male in the '90s. George, a flight attendant for the fictitious Heartland Airlines (they f...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily -Monday, November 1, 1993 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 ........... .......... LOST A PEARL RING within the last month. If found please contact 996-0351. 386 IBM Desktop BOMB 33MHZ SVGA $599, 386SL Dell Notebook 60MB VGA 10" $1099, 486SL NOTEBOOK 33MHZ 80MB w/fax $1389, MACINTOSH Powerbook-140 4MB 7.1 $1490, 486DX DESKTOP 33MHZ 215MB 4RAM $1099, 286 IBM Desktop 40MB VGA 2FDD $299, Factory warranty&software 313/662-184...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 1, i993 - 7 .Wildfire cleanup continues, new wind LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Jack and Elaine Lund lost their home, clothing and 25 years of memo- Gries when a wildfire leveled theirhouse *near Emerald Bay. But when they went to church Sunday in newly purchased clothes, they volunteered one of their few re- maining possessions to help others left homeless in last week's firestorm. They offered the use o...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 8

…8- The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 1, 1993 The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra put on yet another spectacular performance at Hill Auditorium this past Friday night. National tour should. have been left alone By MELISSA ROSE BERNARDO Since it opened on Broadway in 1984, there have been no national tours of "Sunday in the Park with George." Perhaps they should have left it that way. The Stephen Sondheim-James Lapine musical presents many c...…

November 01, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 24) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 1, 1993 - 9 * Girls Against Boys Company fails fifth grade By KAREN LEE1 At the beginning of the second act of Comedy Company's "Enough With the Pleasantries" Friday night, director Rob Green stepped out onto the stage to introduce himself. He went on to explain that most of the sketches resulted from improvisations that the company did in rehearsals. "Our improv sketches have never failed to entertain ...…

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