2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 1, 1993
Continued from page 1
The 12-year Democratic veteran
of the state Senate, who represents
Ann Arbor, has already raised more
than $300,000 in early fundraising
for the election, which is still about 11
months away.
Emily's List, which for endorse-
ment and funding informally requires
candidates to be pro-choice and gen-
erally in favor of women's rights, did
not endorse Christine Todd Whitman,
the GOP New Jersey governor-elect
who narrowly won an election last
month over Gov. Jim Florio.
Both the state boilermaker's union
and the carpenter's union have en-
dorsed Pollack's candidacy.
Pollack described one fundraising
event in her hometown of Ludington,
Mich., which featured a exhibition
tennis match that raised $17,000 from
a town of 8,000 people. Afterward,
Pollack's campaign had a celebrity
"It was so good, it should have
been illegal," she said.
Pollack has set up a campaign
office in Ann Arbor and has a campus
committee at the University. She plans
stops at most Michigan colleges and
has already spoken at Western Michi-
gan University.
Other candidates for the U.S. Sen-
ate include former Republican U.S.
Rep. Carl Pursell, GOP talk show
host Ronna Romney and U.S. Rep.
Dave Camp (R-Midland).
Earlier in the year, state Republi-
cans proposed legislation that would
have restricted matching campaign
funds to in-state money. That mea-
sure, still bogged down in committee,
would only apply to the gubernatorial
race, but is not expected to pass.
Continued from page 1
everyone else."
Tonight, SJMH will sponsor a
"Dawn to Dusk" remembrance cer-
emony for AIDS patients, their families
and staff members. At the ceremony, a
piece of the original AIDS quilt will be
on display and later will be joined with
a quilt made by the SJMH staff.
"We wanted to recognize (our pa-
tients) and others affected by the dis-
ease by making our own AIDS remem-
brance quilt," said Kathleen Lauwers,
SJMH staff member. Like the original
AIDS remembrance quilt, the staff of
SJMH has dedicated each square to a
particular patient who died of the dis-
Burrage added, "(This quilt) is dedi-
cated to the strength and courage of
these people."
Both University Health Services
(UHS) and the Public Health Students'
Association (PHSA) will focus on dis-
seminating information about AIDS
throughout the week.
Polly Paulson, UHS health educa-
tion coordinator, said, "(UHS) won'tbe
doing much (for WAD) because we've
already had AIDS Awareness Week,
and most of our energy went into that."
UHS will be sponsoring information
tables during dinner in the residence
halls for the next few days.
Although PHSA will sponsoranum-
ber of events, member Anne Young
admitted, "Most of our events are cen-
tered around Kristine Gebbie." Gebbie,
President Clinton's new National AIDS
Policy Coordinator and a University
graduate student, will be speaking to-
morrow night on the effect health care
reform will have on the care of AIDS
School of Music senior Romel Wil-
liams summed up his feelings about his
participation in WAD events.
"People need to get wise and learn
about the disease. It affects everybody
... I think AIDS is definitely an epi-
demic. It effects my age group the worst.
We are the fastest growing population
of people getting (AIDS), and I am
scared," said Williams, who has had
personal experience with AIDS patients.
But in the end, "It's important that
(young people) take the place of (the
AIDS activists) who have died, be-
cause you and your children will ulti-
mately suffer and die if AIDS is not
stopped," Maurer said.
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Continued from page 1
sual contact - still clouds the life of
many AIDS patients.
"People actually think that if
(AIDS patients) cough on them, within
the week they'll be sick and dead,"
Jim said as he strolled through the
empty streets, his words becoming
puffs of wintery smoke as he spoke.
"It took my family a long time to
realize touching me wasn't fatal to
their health. But now that they have
(gotten over the myths), they've be-
come my greatest support."
In truth, the AIDS virus can only
be contracted through contact with
infected body fluids (breast milk,
blood, semen or vaginal fluids). Two
of the most common forms of trans-
mission are sharing drug needles with
an infected person and having unpro-
tected sex with an infected partner.
As Jim strolls along, his steps lead
him to the neighborhood park. Tak-
ing a seat on the U-shaped rubber
swing, Jim softly pushes his feet
against the hard-packed ground,
launching the swing into a slow glide.
The swing is an artifact of his youth,
a time before infection. "I remember
the day I found out (I was HIV posi-
tive). I'd been sick for a couple of
weeks, maybe a little more. And the
doctor thought I had (mononucleo-
sis). I had all the symptoms."
Mononucleosis is a viral disease
characterized by a high count of white
blood cells, excessive tiredness and
swelling of the spleen.
"The doctor sent me in to have a
blood test. When the results came
back he sat me down and told me he
thought I should be tested (for HIV).
I did, and here I am today."
A cloud passed overhead causing
the moonlight to blink on and off like
the switch of Jim's attitude toward
life. "Now that I know I am infected
and one day will die from this, I live
each day to the fullest, like it was my
last. Making every day special."
But having a new attitude on life
doesn't erase the day-to-day fears Jim
must face. "Thedhardest part isn't
Continued from page 1
cent University graduate, sits up front
with me and takes notes and I take my
own notes," she said. "I hear pretty
well and it is just the little things I may
miss that I use Ashley's notes for and
that helps tremendously. All of my
other classes are small so I can wing
it on my own pretty well."
Because her parents are Univer-
sity alums, Christine said that she is
glad she ended up here and is ready to
face any obstacles that may arise from
her impairment.
"I have had some challenges ad-
justing to class sizes and the fact that
I have to look out for myself and the
professors won't care like high school
teachers would. But I suppose that
any college freshman has to get used
to that," she said.
A hearing-impaired second-year
School of Public Health graduate stu-
dent, Elizabeth Ralston is outspoken
about hearing-impaired students'
"I think it is extremely important
to be vocal about your needs, espe-
cially if you want to get the education
you deserve," she said.
Before coming to the University,
Elizabeth spent two years in Africa,
teaching in the Peace Corps. When
'This disease, it
doesn't care who it
kills or who it hurts, so
we've got to care
about each other,
because only then will
we stop the spread.'
HIV positive carrier
having the disease, it's the unknown.
The not knowing whether or not that
next cough isn't going to go away, or
the next time I get a (chest) cold if I'll
end up with pneumonia."
AIDS itself doesn't kill a person,
but wipes out the immune system,
leaving the body open to other oppor*
tunistic attacks, which, when added
up, eventually lead to death. Many
AIDS patients meet their end with a
rare but deadly strain of pneumonia
called Pneumocystis Carini or tuber-
Jim, who contracted the virus
through unsafe sex, sent a special
warning out to other African Ameri-
can youths."It is extremely importano
that (the African American) commu-
nity take the necessary steps in pre-
venting the spread of this disease in
our community. If we don't, we will
die out."
According to the National Com-
mission on AIDS, African and Latino
Americans account for 46 percent of
U.S. AIDS cases, but only 21 percent
of the population. Already, AIDS ha:
become the number one killer of Af
rican American women ages 15-44.
"The first thing I thought about
when I found out I was positive were
the women I could have infected and
in turn, who they could've infected,"
he said, dragging his feet across the
ground to slow the swing. Jumping
out of the seat, Jim headed back home,
and added, "This disease, it doesn't
care who it kills or who it hurts, sA
we've got to care about each other,
because only then will we stop the
she gets her graduate degree in April,
she plans to focus on women's health
and AIDS education, possibly on the
collegiate level.
Elizabeth has taken advantage of
University services in the past, but thisO
year she is incorporating new adaptive
technology into her notetaking routine.
"Last year Iused notetakersand oral
interpretersbut now I use what iscalled
real-time captioning' which is sort of
likecomputer-assisted notetaking,"she
said. "It is wonderful and allows me to
rest my eyes in a long class."
Elizabeth said she is challenged by
the attitudes of those around her toward
her impairment.
"I think one of the main obstacles I
face here is peoples' perceptions of
people with disabilities,"'sheexplained.
"People tend to assume too many things
about any disabled person. I'd rather
call them people with limitations, be-
cause being disabled sounds very harsh,
when in fact, people are able to do
anything they wantexcept forthat which
limits them."
She says that changing others' per-
ceptions of those limitations is a daily
process, but one of mutual growth.
"I find that I am constantly educat-
ing friends, colleagues and professors
on what it really means to be hearing-
impaired. And I learn from them just as
much as I hope they learn from me."
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Wednesday, December 8
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