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February 01, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-01

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vol. CIV N $ 0AnAbr ihgn-Tedy ebur ,19 94TeMcia al

Study shows drug use increase

Despite the "Just say no!" campaign, high
school students are saying yes to alcohol and
According to the "Monitoring the Future"
study produced by researchers at the
University's Institute for Social Research,
high school students are smoking more pot,
dropping more acid and using more stimu-
lants and inhalants than their counterparts last
year did.

Marijuana use has jumped almost 4 per-
cent from last year. Twenty-six percent of
high school seniors surveyed said they used
marijuana in the last year. In 1993, 9 percent
of eighth-graders and 19 percent of 10th-
graders said they smoked marijuana in 1993.
Cigarette smoking is also on the rise for
the first time in a decade.
"The stage is set for a potential resurgence
of cocaine and crackuse," said Lloyd Johnston,
the project director.
The increase in drug use was mirrored by

a decrease in the perceive
"These attitudes and be
the dangers believed to be a
use of these drugs ... play
deterring use," Johnston s
begin to soften, as they4
increase in use can be exp
Johnston was joined b
searchers Patrick O'Ma
Bachman in presenting the
vey at a Washington news c

among high sch
d harmfulness of day afternoon.
In general, Black students reported the
eliefs, specifically lowest rates of use for virtually all the drugs,
ssociated with the legal and illegal, and that this was true for all
a critical role in three grade levels.
said. "When they "This study also shows us that we have to
did last year, an increase our efforts to convince young people
ected." that drugs are dangerous," said Health and
y University re- Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala.
lley and Jerald Education Secretary Richard Riley said
results of the sur- President Clinton will include a $660 million
conference yester- request for safe and drug-free schools in the

iol students
budget he presents to Congress next week.
The government spent $491.6 million last
This is the 19th annual survey of Ameri-
can high school seniors and the third annual
survey of eighth- and tenth-graders.
The study surveyed 51,000 students in
more than 400 schools for a nationally repre-
sentative sample and was commissioned by
the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report

*'U' begins
of Black
It was more than 60 years after
African-Americans became recog-
nized citizens of the United States
that Carter Woodson, a historian and
scholar, launched Negro History
Week in 1926.
* The purpose of this week was to
acknowledge and celebrate the
achievements of African-Americans
who had been told that they were
insignificant throughout the entire
time they contributed to the building
of this country by force and without
pay. It was a time of self-reflection,
self-upliftment and self-pride.
The week-long celebration ex-
panded in 1976 to include the entire
month of February. This month was
chosen because the commemoration
would then coincide with the birth-
days of African-American scholar
Frederick Douglass and President
Abraham Lincoln.
Black History Month continues to
thrive as a national commemoration.
The University community is once
again coming together to celebrate
Black History Month through various.
programs that promote awareness of
the great and positive impact African-
Americans have made to this nation.
This year's events will be spon-
sored by many organizations includ-
ing the Center for Africa and African-
American Studies, Housing Special
Programming and Minority Student
Services (MSS). Many events will be
*broadcast on Housing's cable chan-
nels in an effort to pique student inter-
est in attending activities.
Although Blacks are not still de-
picted as they were in 1926, many
feel that African-Americans have yet
to attain full equality. This year's
See MONTH, Page 2


U.S. agrees
to possible
air strikes
in Bosnia
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Clinton administra-
tion endorsed a U.N. report yesterday threatening air
strikes against Bosnian Serbs while intelligence sources
reported 5,000 to 10,000 Croatian troops had crossed
into Bosnia.
Endorsement of the U.N. secretary-general's report
gives new impetus to the threat of air strikes if the Serbs
attack peacekeepers in two key towns.
U.S. intelligence estimated Croatia was pouring troops
into Bosnia-Herzegovina in an apparent attempt to off-
set gains by the Muslim-led government's army.
An administration official, insisting on anonymity,
said this could lead to U.S. moves in the United Nations
to impose the tough economic sanctions on Croatia of
the kind that has crippled Serbia's economy.
German Chancellor Helmut Kohl said he could not
substantiate reports of Croatian troops moving across
the border in large numbers. But he said if true he would
disapprove "very severely and find a way to pour my
disapproval into practice."
The statement indicates Germany would support the
United States in seeking sanctions in the U.N. Security
"We talked about a number of possibilities that I
wouldn't want to make public just yet," Kohl said later
at a news conference.
The White House had even less to say, just putting
out a written statement saying their talks "covered a
range of international and bilateral issues, including
developments in Russia, Ukraine, Central Europe, Bosnia
and the Middle East. They agreed on the need for
vigorous follow-up on NATO summit decisions." Clinton
plans to visit Germany in July after the economic sum-
mit in Italy, the White House statement said.
Lining up with the Clinton administration, Kohl said
he opposed any attempt to impose a settlement on the
warring parties in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He also regis-
tered Germany's opposition to NATO intervening with
ground troops.
That, he said, would result in a "blood bath" and be
"more traumatic and more tragic" than the current blood-
letting in the country.

Multiple mirrors in the Law Quad reflect the patterns of snow outside and the interior of the Law students-only study room yesterday.
Fedchair signals rise in interest rates

WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal Re-
serve Chairman Alan Greenspan said yester-
day it's a matter of when the central bank
raises short-term interest rates, and he warned
that waiting until inflation worsens would
only mean harsher rate increases later.
"Short-term interest rates are currently
abnormally low," he told Congress' Joint
Economic Committee. "At some point, ab-
sent an unexpected and prolonged weaken-
ing of economic activity, we will need to
move them."
He carefully avoided saying exactly when,
but private economists widely expect an in-
crease in the overnight rate for loans among
banks anytime between next month and the
end of spring.
It would be the first increase in this fed-
eral-funds rate in five years, when the rate
peaked at 9.75 percent, and the first change

of any kind since September 1992 when the
rate fell to a nearly 30-year low of 3 percent.
A rise in the rate engineered by the Fed
eventually could translate into increases in
consumer rates on auto loans, adjustable-rate
mortgages and bank deposits.
Long-term rates are set in financial mar-
kets and would not necessarily be affected by
a Fed move. At the White House, President
Clinton said "there's no evidence that infla-
tion is coming back," but he sounded almost
resigned to a modest increase in short-term
"What I hope is that it won't raise long-
term rates because there is no need to do it.
And I hope that the stock market won't take an
adverse view because we've still got good
strong growth in this economy," he said.
The Democratic chairs and vice chairs of
the joint committee - Rep. David Obey of

Wisconsin and Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Mary-
land -- urged Greenspan to postpone any
rate increase as long as possible
"I think the economic ship is on course. I
think steady as she goes is the lesson all of us
should draw from the current situation,"
Sarbanes said.
Greenspan acknowledged that many of
the forces that restrained inflation to 2.7
percent in 1993, the second best showing in
29 years, will work to hold down prices this
He noted "upward pressure on prices of a
number of industrial materials" and warned
it would be a mistake to delay raising rates
until after inflation clearly had gotten worse.
The Fed's key policy-making panel, the
Federal Open Market Committee, is sched-
uled to meet this Thursday and Friday to map
its monetary strategy for the next six months.

*New SACUA chair
wins by slim margin

City Council, First Centrum Corp.
dispute future of Ann Arbor Inn

Tension filled the air yesterday as
Othe nine members of the Senate Advi-
sory Committee on University Af-
fairs (SACUA) cast their vote not
only for their next leader but for the
future role the committee.
SACUA members elected Jean
Loup, who is the assistant to the dean
nfthe TTniversity ihrarv for M-Oual-

elections, expressed concern with the
outcome of the election.
"Today's vote is potentially un-
fortunate for faculty governance. Al-
though I hope that is not the case, the
new chair is virtually unknown to
SACUA ... only having just recently
been appointed to fill a vacancy."
Loup defended her record saying
that she served on SACUA for four
years in the 1980s. She admitted that
the members nf SACUA have differ-

The Ann Arbor Inn will fall into
city hands a few seconds before a
stroke of the pen transfers the down-
town monolith to an East Lansing
First Centrum Corp. and the City
Council appear close to an agreement
on transforming the inn to senior-
citizen housing.

At an informational meeting last
night, representatives of the city and
First Centrum signaled a willingness
to clear the remaining barriers to the
housing project. First Centrum's $4.6
million plan has been under negotia-
tion since November.
The inn, abandoned by its former
owners, has been a point of conten-
tion between the city and homeless-
rights activists for four years.

An agreement between First Cen-
trum and the City Council would de-
vote most of the building's 121 units
to low-income senior citizens. The
11-story building would shed its most
unsightly features - pillars and a
canopy facing Fourth Street.
Final agreement on First
Centrum's proposal is tied up by a
See COUNCIL, Page 2

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