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April 01, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-04-01

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vo* CIN. 0 n Ar4 Miciga - Frdy-pi ,19 194Te i.ga a

WASHINGTON - President
Clinton sought to calm a jittery stock
Sarket yesterday, saying that "these
rrective things will happen from
time to time, but there's no reason to
Clinton's remarks were aimed at
preventing a panicked reaction by
small investors, many of whom have
little experience with the stock mar-
ket, and reflect concern among his
advisers that the recent decline could
et much worse if individuals who
ye invested in mutual funds over
the last two years begin to pull out in
large numbers.
"What I'm trying to do is to reas-
sure people so that we don't go be-
yond skittishness," Clinton told re-
porters after visiting an elementary
school in San Diego, where he is
vacationing. "No one believes that
there's a serious problem with the
1derlying economy. It is healthy,
nd it is sound."
The market, Clinton said, "is sub-
ject to movements which may some-
times be a little more than is war-
ranted by the economic circumstances
one way or the other."
Earlier in the day, Clinton received
a briefing on the market from his
economic advisers, who warned that
'he market's decline could last sev-
a1 more weeks, perhaps months,
before turning around.
After more than three years of
fairly steady increases, the Dow Jones
average has declined roughly nine
percent in the last two months as
interest rates have begun to climb.
SeSTOCK, Page 2
'M' coaches
A turbulent year for the Michigan
athletic department concluded yes-
terday in a fashion that can only be
rmed as fitting, as Athletic Director
Toe Roberson fired men's basketball
coach Steve Fisher and hockey coach
Red Berenson. Roberson announced
his decision at a hastily called press
conference at Crisler Arena.
Roberson, in his first year as ath-
letic director, cited numerous scan-
dals on-and-off the playing field as
paramount in his reasoning for drop-
ping the coaches.
S"This has been an embarrasing
year for Michigan athletics,"
Roberson said. "Certainly, we've had
many triumphs, but at Michigan, that
See FIRINGS, Page 12


South Arica
declares state

of the BFA Exhibition of "The Unbound Seven," at Rackham Gallery yesterday.

Students gather at a reception

SACU meber ure true i

- In a desperate bid to quell spiraling
pre-election violence, the government
declared a sweeping state of emer-
gency in Zulu-dominated Natal prov-
ince yesterday and ordered a signifi-
cant military force deployed to en-
sure balloting is possible in the strife-
torn region.
It is South Africa's first state of
emergency since President Frederik
W. de Klerk lifted far harsher nation-
wide emergency regulations in 1990
at the start of his campaign to end
apartheid and usher in parliamentary
democracy and Black majority rule.
But the crackdown makes a con-
frontation almost inevitable with de-
fiant Zulu Chief Mangosuthu G.
Buthelezi, the only Black homeland
leader who still opposes the first all-
race elections this month. His Zulu
nationalist Inkatha Freedom Party has
sworn to boycott the vote, ignore the
new constitution and resist the new
post-apartheid government.
Announcing the decision at a news
conference in Pretoria, de Kierk urged
the increasingly tense nation to "re-
main very, very calm."
He cited reports of panic buying
of food and gasoline in Johannesburg
and other cities "almost as if we were
going into a state of siege.The mili-
tary later announced that at least 500
paratroopers and infantry soldiers
would be deployed this weekend in
the embattled eastern province, in-
cuing the scatrdaea ihni


On May 1, the faculty government
will pass the torch to a new set of
members for the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA), and the "Cold War" with
the administration is likely to con-
Chemistry Prof. Thomas Dunn,
Engineering Prof. Ronald Lomax and
Art Prof. Alfredo Montalvo were
elected last week to the ten-member
faculty governance committee. The
following is a look at their goals for
the coming year.
* Thomas Dunn:
Dun lkest tink of th Univr

sity as one part of a complex chemical
"I think of the administration in
terms of the second law of thermal
dynamics," he said. "Reversible pro-
cesses are the most efficient. Things
that change things around them in a
brutal way are not efficient."
Dunn said the administration of-
ten fails to consult the faculty on
important decisions - frequently sac-
rificing sound decision-making for
"Making the wrong decision in a
hurry is not better than the right one
slowly," he added.
Dunn said the best way to combat
the corporate focus ofteadminita

tion is a vocal and organized faculty.
"The agenda, as I see it, is to get
the faculty more involved. The Uni-
versity is going towards a corporate
mentality. We are going a little over-
board in terms of money," he said.
He added that it is important for
SACUA members to stay in touch
with the faculty of their schools.
During his term on SACUA, Dunn
wants to institute many changes. He
wants to reform the grievance pro-
cess so a professor's appeal would be
heard by a group of faculty peers,
rather than the provost. He also sup-
ports regular meetings with the ex-
ecutive committees of each school,

Opnn daearkds ask
'Is there baseball in heaven?' M

The child sleeping with a glove becomes the
adolescent who lies awake before a big game. The
adult who keeps his big-league dreams alive in
Saturday softball games becomes the father who
plays catch with his son in the backyard.
And nearly from the moment children dis-
cover God, a question forms in the back of their
minds about the permanence of their love affair
with a bat and ball: Will there be baseball in
Stop worrying, say clergy, theologians, ex-
ballplayers and others interviewed as an Ameri-
can rite of spring - Opening Day - beckons
April 3.
Of course, the Scriptures do not discuss base-
ball, notes Ernie Harwell, longtime announcer for
the Detroit Tigers. "But they do tell us heaven will
be what we want it to be. So I think if you want
baseball to be there, it will be there," he says. "So,
bring your glove!"
In religious circles, no one will claim a defini-

tive knowledge of heaven. Eternal life is ac-
cepted as a matter of faith, and even theologians
trust in God to work out the details later.
But there is something about baseball, not
only America's favorite pastime but one of its
most joyous, that easily evokes images of eter-
nal bliss.
"Oh, I think absolutely there'll be baseball
in heaven or it wouldn't be heaven," says broad-
caster and former player Joe Garagiola.
Of all the nation's games, baseball is the
most timeless, says Roman Catholic theologian
Michael Novak. There are no clocks, and the
game could go on forever until 27 outs are
Think back to when you were a child, he
says, and you were almost unconscious of time
during an afternoon playing baseball.
"A baseball game, in principle, is infinite,"
says Novak, who in March won the $1 million
Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. "It's
one of our best images in life of eternity."

that form the self-governing tribal
homeland of KwaZulu. .
The emergency gives police en-
hanced power to ban rallies and pro-
tests, detain suspects without trial,
order curfews and seize weapons.
Political meetings or demonstrations
will only be allowed with permission
from a magistrate, and the KwaZulu
police controlled by Buthelezi will be
confined to barracks.
Buthelezi called the decree "hu-
miliating," and warned reporters that
the estimated seven million Zulus,
the country's largest ethnic group,
would "see it as an invasion," if South
African soldiers and tanks moved into
their trditiona stongod
opinions on
While political opponents sling
mud at the Clintons and reporters dig
for the latest scoop, University com-
munity members are making its own
judgements about the Whitewater
"They've blown the whole thing
way out of proportion," said LSA
sophomore Kristen Olsen, who shares
her belief with many students on cam-
pus. "Congress should be spending
our time and money on more impor-
tant things, like health care and wel-
fare reforms."
John Chamberlin, professor of
political science and public policy,
said much of the attention has been
generated by the media.
at the comparison some people were
making between Clinton's
Whitewater and Nixon's Watergate.
"Perhaps this investigation ought
to give us pause, but it is not nearly as
big a deal as Watergate," he said.
Barry Ambrose, a graduate stu-
dent and communication teaching
assistant, agreed the issue is not that

Luis Rivera of the Mets slides into second yesterday.

U.S. names 'hit list' of
.obstinate trade partners

Dirugs not just used at Hash Bash

Clinton administration took the first
step yesterday toward establishing a
"hit list" of countries judged to have
erected the most harmful trade barri-
prg tn Amwricznn nrnd11ete ne it cnntin-

The section of the report covering
Japan took up 44 pages. And the
report's harshest comments were re-
served for Japan, which it said had
import barriers that far exceeded those
nf Ather msiinr industriaI cnnntries

All names of drug users in this
story have been changed. - Ed.
With Hash Bash around the cor-
ner, the potheads on campus are gear-
ing up. You know the type - those
Inehaired. straiAlv hinnie leftovers

lazy people who don't get anything
done. ... But I think a person who is
Ike that would be like that anyway."
There are suspicions that pot is a
widely used drug on the University
campus. According to the spring 1993
University Survey Regarding Alco-
hol and Other Drugs. 23 nercent of

and happy and comfortable," said Bob,
who smokes every day. "It's almost
like a euphoria."
J.D. was a little more descriptive
of the buzz. "First thing that really
happens ... things start getting funny.
... It's a real mellow, laughing mood.
Time nasses. It has no meaning any-

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