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November 01, 1993 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-11-01

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Cross Country teams
sweep conference
championship meets

differed vastly
from real life

Ws PORTS3onday


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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
val. C N 24 AmAbor Michigan - Moay, November 1 1993 1993 The Michigan Daily

mourn as
pass away
In two unrelated incidents, actor
River Phoenix and acclaimed Italian
film director Federico Fellini passed
away early yester-
day morning,
shocking millions
of fans around the
Phoenix col-
*apsed suddenly
after leaving a Los
Angeles night
club at 1 a.m. He
was pronounced
dead an hour later.
The exact cause of Phoenix
death has not been
determined, and likely won't be until
an autopsy is performed later this
week. Preliminary reports from
rends indicate that he had been "act-
ig strange."
Fellini, 73, who had been in a
coma following an Oct. 17 heart at-
tack, passed away only one day after
celebrating his 50th wedding anni-
versary with actress Giulietta Masina.
But Fellini's death, which had
become virtually inevitable, has been
overshadowed by Phoenix's unex-
*ected one.
Phoenix, 23, considered by many
as one of the better young actors in
Hollywood, first became familiar to
See OBITUARY, Page 2

Studenits stampe~deat Wisconsin
>:v . Postgame celebration leads to
r'sas m
t y *1:.xz injuries as fans storm the fileld

MADISON- While Wisconsin's
13-10 victory over Michigan Satur-
day was one of the more memorable
moments in recent Badger football
history, the celebration that followed
at Camp Randall Stadium turned ugly
when thousands of fans poured onto
the field, trampling many who fell in
their path.
Hundreds received cuts and
bruises and approximately 65 people,
a majority of whom were Wisconsin
students, were treated at three area
hospitals. One person remains in criti-
cal condition at the Wisconsin's Uni-
versity Hospital, while another stu-
dent remains in serious condition.
"It's just so sick," Wisconsin jun-
ior Dana Tzakis said. "It's such an
innocent thing and no one could stop
At a press conference following
the incident, Wisconsin campus Po-
lice Chief Sue Riseling said, "These
things are something we haven't seen
here in Madison before. We have to
find out what it was and what we can
do about it."
The melee began as joyful fans in
the north end zone rushed the field
following the Badgers' historical vic-
tory. Increased security and prepara-
tions were not enough to prevent in-
In anticipation of problems, secu-
rity was increased by 10 officers for
the game, and totalled more than 65.
They were instructed to use "passive
efforts" in trying to contain fence
jumpers within the stands.

Following the Badger's win over
the Wolverines Saturday
afternoon, thousands of
exuberant Wisconsin fans
stormed the field crushing
spectators in the rampage.
A 24-foot long section of a
steel fence collapsed under
the force of charging fans.
* Three area hospitals treated
about 65 spectators for broken
bones, cuts and bruises.
Half-a-dozen fans were given
* One fan remains in critical
As the surge toward the fence sur-
rounding the end zone increased in
intensity, security opened several
gates, allowing students to reach the
field with as little chance of injury as
"We directed security to step aside
and fall back to the goal posts,"
Riesling said. "We didn't want to stop
the surge. We were trying to avoid
people getting crushed."
However, one 24-foot long sec-
tion of fence adjacent to the tunnel
leading to the Michigan locker room
remained closed. Under:the-weight of
the thousands of students charging
the field, a portion of the fence col-
lapsed. Fans streamed forward, smoth-
ering all those that had fallen in their
Emergency medical technicans
See STAMPEDE, Page 5,


Wisconsin students comfort an injured classmate when 12,000 fans rushed the field after the Badgers' 13-10
victory over Michigan. The surge sent 65 people to area hospitals, seven of whom were listed in critical condition.
Rowdy celebration taints weekend road trip

MADISON, Wis. - Rear wind-
shields here this weekend displayed
more Michigan stickers than Wiscon-
sin ones.
The invasion of Madison by Uni-
versity students began Thursday as

they packed suitcases, loaded cars,
and headed west on Interstate 94.
Some went to visit friends and sib-
lings, others to see the Wolverines
play the Badgers.'
With midterms behind for many
of the road-trippers, anticipation for
the weekend was the talk Thursday

night at the Ann Arbor restaurant and
bar, Mitch's Place.
"Exams are done, and I'm just
looking to leave them all behind and
go and have a good time," said Busi-
ness School senior David Spingarn.
"We don't have tickets, but screw it,
See FANS, Page 2

Ann Arbor City Council Elections
* Tomorrow is election day in Ann Arbor. Each ward chooses one councilmember. Local r -
Republicans hope to regain seats lost in the April 1993 election.
Republcans seek to regain
.council majority in city vote

The balance of power on the Ann
Arbor City Council, which has swung
widely between Democrats and Re-
publicans in the past five years, may
again tilt to the GOP after tomorrow's
0 Democrats currently hold a 7-4
majority on the city's policy-making
Republicans are staking their
hopes of regaining a council majority
on two closely contested ward races.
In the 3rd Ward, two political new-
comers - Democrat Haldon Smith
and Republican David Blackman -
are vying for the council seat vacated
*by Democrat Bob Grady.
The 4th Ward race pits incumbent
Democrat Peter Nicolas against a vi-
able Republican challenger and an
independent candidate running on the
Green Party platform. If the liberal

vote is split between Nicolas and
Green candidate Brian Chambers, the
race would go to Republican Kathryn
Renken, conceded Ann Arbor Demo-
cratic Party leader Douglas Scott.
Whatever the outcome of
tomorrow's election, University stu-
dents are expected to play only a
marginal role. Overall turnout is fore-
casted at about 15 percent; among
students the prediction is much lower.
"I don't know what kind of impact
(students) will make," said Jeff
Gourdji, chair of the College Demo-
crats. "There is a very small percent-
age of students who are registered to
vote, but it could make a difference if
Republican turnout is low."
Students traditionally have cast
most of their ballots for Democrats.
Nicolas' reputation as a moderate
who often sides with the Republican
minority may undermine his chances
of election,. Scott said.

If Blackman and Renken win in
the two linchpin races and other wards
go as expected, Republicans will as-
semble a 6-5 council majority. But
winners in tomorrow's election won't
take office until next April, and even
then, no major policy shifts are antici-
"My expectation is that
councilmembers going into office will
be ready to address city issues and put
aside partisanship," said Republican
Mayor Ingrid Sheldon. "I think the
major differences (between Republi-
can and Democratic candidates) is
what level of financial risk they are
willing to put the city at."
Scott disagrees. The Democratic
leader said a Republican majority
would likely move to privatize city
programs and cut human services.
Republicans are fielding candi
See ELECTION, Page 2

Despite age,
students still
Eerie shadows from the light of
the full moon, along with chilly au-
tumn temperatures set a spooky tone
for a busy Halloween weekend. Al-
though a little too old to go trick-or-
treating for free candy and loose
change, students managed to get into
the spirit in other ways.
House and fraternity parties be-
came masquerade balls filled with
everything from celebrities to mon-
sters. Students were seen in disguise
around campus as early as Thursday
even though Halloween did not offi-
cially arrive until yesterday.
"We got most of our calls on Fri-
day for all kinds of things going on
around campus like the ROTC
Haunted House, the Band-O-Rama
party, the Halloween Concert, and
other University events. I think a lot
of people celebrated it early over the
weekend," said a busy campus infor-
mation desk worker in the Union.
Five presentations of "The Rocky
Horror Picture Show" at The State
Theatre were complete sell-outs,


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