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March 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…'Ij e U'. of LU . Wiaip . ?or,..1.-No. 12. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WFA)NESI), ARCI 2:;, 1892. presidenlt McLaugliin's Message. secures corruption, and, whlile I free list. The tinie seenis to havis lieMok o'ies o sh Inies Sotis woiilvd not hy any word insinuate( conic for a much frer idimittanc e i'po yor asemlingin ece- that the present Congress tias so of mianufa ctuired woolenstint if the lat anmtedt o cran mn iuch as 'fl temp tatioii t...…

February 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…Ar. n ! 4 l .lh Jl :. t, i . r. , , :: VY lI. 1!. r UNJtVL1UiSITY O01!'/I IO10' AS ,~. T' SI)AY) 'ii1T 5~ 12 lntercolieciate Athletic Contes Mi chivan. Club Banquet. osj iih 'tlt11l1 Iitll (f O1( YOUR~i Record for1'e!) A '1mbii Ii ho ill 11 iheip in r [ h s h .ol911 ng tc i b m -I 1 1 as 1e i; ad h t a yin Inc l~rohalIn future poliy more, 1noted iei 1111 :,y ha l'l I' 1111 the niv rsit- tn ards intcIll- InI h i v devr>ea an i c i i ...…

January 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…SIj e IL. of lin. Wa41Ijj. Vot.. IL.-No. 7J1. UNIVERSITY OF' MICHGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2"), 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Conducnt of Students at the U. of M.I The Congress of the U. of M. wihicil weliltdeserves the praise it is +ure to receive. " TheXW icie'' Tile (;rand iRapidsiDenmocrast of-, Ilb y students, representlllo rc- Caldt~ron,"' iyr ltoVe A. iltiams, last lCedesC5ityin an i ntiew sswitt, ltcllixtihe literary antI lw depart- l~l ...…

November 23, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…rc U. of A. Wlaii. VoL. II.-No. 47. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. CORNELL, 58; MICHIGAN, 12. A Splendid Rush Line, but Poor De- fensive Piayingthe Cause. there were about bso loyal Mich- igan students who were not intimi- dated by the damp weather on Sat- urday. The special train consisted of fourteen coaches well filled. One of these coaches was reserved for the "co-eds,'' and there were about fif...…

October 23, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…~IjeIt.ofAlWajj AToL. I1.-No. 21. UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PRESIDENT ANGELL TO THE f cristion and lofty aims of the high1 REGENTS. schools. f The scope andf the variety of the 'Twenty Years Reviewed in an Inter-jiwiitss aehel ralyelre esting and Instructive Repor. isrcinhvbengatynlgd -- In 18711 there were 57 courses of (ContineifroteeTsterday.) iistiuctioii iven. Ilntile last cal- '-The collec...…

May 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…Of /* LU. WaiIp. VOL. I.--~ 1 G-1 UN\IVEIISI1Y OFI MICHIGAN, SATIUDAY, IA Y-i t IIimCsiaTtin vE NTS. l 'AVING the expseriencie of College Men who kow adate mrciie Toe Freshman Banquet. a leasi;pctrofyl 1ad Accordingi"to the tprecedlcnt of lic, rowis'sarlotrt ll prevs 5claisses the sclass of '94 held i ii1t its 1' reshmais Ianucut' last nigt lin , la stertis prosveu olefle Nickels' hall, and to say' that it W is a "lorious success is to give it...…

April 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of Alt. WI hlp. VOll. .- I ;)1,5 U-NIVE ILSITY OF M~IATHUI'RSDAY, -APRIIL 2,)', 18i91. PI'lCEi, TiuisrtCENTS. OH, HORRIBLE.' 1105rling Iron in Nearly Every Stu- dent's Room. are farniers' s01ns, 30 per cent. athtletes, 2 5 per Cent. Sobier, (illict anld studjo 1-., and nine-tenthis of the Senior Medics' Trip. lo-moirrow moI rningt, the Senlior1 MIedics, nider IDr. I lerdmia, iwill 'Ile Chicao is'Tritbitne puiiisited take. a speiaIl train f...…

March 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…12 .- F'\IV ISllY 0 111CIlIIGk- LONDAY, '\I lI(1P23, 1 1)1. I'xc F,, lou ~tNi. t \Al, unor Literary Student in Trouble. Newberry Hall.: _____ \At thes chailel mieetinig ycsterdlac-, fatldi Ncon etOtels Ir (enntings brieti c outliiied his gar f")III Ypisilanti reached the head pla f1or raisin fun1~eds to ( 0111 lete °f'llal shreet, H. 0W Booth.a1N~bryIaI bu >,o itrarY studtentith i junlitor stantdin will be needdi of wh ichi suim there Bntted i...…

January 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…~i'~IKOf AT. WaiIp. HE WILL OPEN THE SAFE. Oa Wht--Wil Perform This Won- detF eat Upon the Stage Saturday Night. Thie tet n e r n1 to be given to- ior night in the University Halal, Promilss to be one of unusual inter- esIn addtion to the good time ofredthin iole' all "oes to the aynkt ateli large number twill no d i atnd tltl'e dotor has een investigating rrietlods of 1. A. J ohstone for stie tm past aid has comie to the tuin th at there is n...…

October 23, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…'111^. VOL. I. No. 23. UNI THE CASTALIAN. '91's Board to be Organized. It has cole to the knowledge of the DAII.Y that the neeting of Independents to be held at Alpha 1u 'Jall next Saturday is for the purpose of organizing the Casta- lan Board of '91. The college annuals are an important feature of life at the (J. of M. The different publications, the Oracle' the Palladium and the Castalian hl1 the gap in college literature left by the DAILY a...…

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