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November 23, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-23

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rc U. of

A. Wlaii.

VoL. II.-No. 47.



A Splendid Rush Line, but Poor De-
fensive Piayingthe Cause.
there were about bso loyal Mich-
igan students who were not intimi-
dated by the damp weather on Sat-
urday. The special train consisted
of fourteen coaches well filled. One
of these coaches was reserved for the
"co-eds,'' and there were about
fifty of them who demonstrated their
patriotism by braving the storm.
Among the ladies and "co-eds"
were Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Dr. Tyler,
Mrs. Nightingale, of Chicago, Misses
Mills, Randolph, Dean, Dunster,
Bement, Study, and the Misses
Duffy, and the Misses Douglass.
Michigan was taken into Cornell's
camp to the tune of 58 to 12. The
grounds were favorable to rapid and
large scoring, the runner having a
decided advantage. The main
cause of Michigan's defeat was the
very ine blocking of Cornell's rush-
ers. Their line, when the backs
would turn the ends, was almost iso-
pregnable. Cornell foundit was
seless to buck Michigan' s centre,
aid abaudoned the attempt after a
fwi trials. When Michigan was
able to break through Cornell's line
of blockers, the runner had gained
the necessary five yards or more.
Cornell played a superb team game,
lining up, snapping-back, passing
and running like clock-work, and
they came down on Michigan's rush-
ers something like a whirlwind. The
game served as a valuable experience
to Michigan, as it revealed our weak
points, and gave us an object les-
son in eastern foot-ball. The finest
individual work for Cornell was
done by Osgood, whose end riu-
sing was always productive of large
gains. Johanson, the left tackle
and captain, also did effective work
in carrying the ball over the line.
Michigan's eleven hasgood reason
to congratulate itself upon scoring
twelve points. The touch-downs
were won on their merits, the first
by a brilliant individdal run, and the
second by superb rush line work.
Michigan is the only- team with the
exceptiponof ucknelland Princeton,
which has scored against Cornell
this year. Van Inwagen's -run of'
half the length of the field, through=
the whole Cornell eleven, was the
finest- play of the day. Dygert's
goal kicking was very fine, and Rit-

tenger's rushing runs very brilliant. son, passed the Cornell line, dodged OF YOUR
The best tackling was undoubtedly Horton and Bacon in succession, SoCIETY BADGE
done by Dygert, tie seeming to be out-sprinted his pursuers, and OURt-
the only one able to dosvn Osgood. touched the ball doswn beiid the "'1
Southworth, Pearson and Tupper line. The yelling and cheering con- Mailed to You -
also did good work in this line. tinued until Dygert had kicked a NEW - -:- Through Your
Sherman played a very cool game very pretty goal. 12 to 6.HAP TE Ip
and gave the signals with good judg- Osgood made io yards, Johanson
ment. But Michigan's strong point 5 and Horton 2, being beautifully
was in the rush line. Cornell was tackled by tygert. Barr advanced PRICE APLICATION.
utterly unable to withstand the 3 yards, Johanson no gain, Horton
sveclge rushes, ainc Michiiga canoe 6 yards aiicd. Joiansoii took the hall uIll ,1 'f
very near scoring a third touch- to the line. Cornell could not force I M & J
down. the ball over on two downs, and it LIST
rtanufacturers of Finest Plain
Pearson was the only player in- was given to Bacon, who was pushed an Jewelled society hadges.
jured, Michigan being deprived of over. No goal. 16 to 6. DETROIT, - - MICH.
his services about the middle of the Dygert kicked. Bacon caught
first half. Griffin, who was substi~ and started to run, buti was promptly
tuted in his place made some large downed by Pearson. Mowrey forced
gains in the second half. Osgood back for a loss. Rettinger
Messrs. N. G. Williams, Jr., and tackled Osgood twice. . Hayes
James Ht. McMillan officiated as ref- doswned Osgood, but Horton was
eree and umpire. They gave com~ not pulled to earth by Rittenger un-
Mlete satisfaction to both sides, their til he had made 5 yards. Osgood
a made a long run of o20 yards aroundI when youwanttheLatest Metropoiutai styies
giveiniths excellentijiileiiirIit Ithe left end to -yard line, being in shoes at ie tom a pair less tian A mi Arbor
is probable that they will act in the tackled by Van I nssagen, Johanson prices, sen forCatalogue to
same capacity at Chicago next Sat- ig pustid oser the hue. No
day. The game was devoid of slug- goal. 20 to 6. i H. FYF &F .&
Bing, both captains expressing theni
g at ears cimake i ,irds, was tacki- DET1111, MItIt.
seses as highly pleased witi the hiu
clean character of the playing. The ti y H ' d iijired so that
greatest good feeling prevailed be- he had to retire. The injury, a Chap. Spe]&er
tween the two elevens, and the most wrenched hip, is not a severe one. Uiversity Outfitters,
cordial relations existed between the Griffin was substituted. Michigau(201SOUTH STATEST., ANN ARBOR.
representatives of the two uiiversi- failed to gain on three downs, and
ties ii all the business arrangenents. Dygert punted. Bacon returned, Neckwear,
and when Rittenger fumbled Cor- Dress Shirts, Gloves,
r inell fell upon the ball. Rushes by
The game was commenced at 3:30 osgood, Johanson and Barr carried Underwear,
o'clock with the batl in Cornell's the ball over. Bacon kicked the GENTS' , sS
possession. Osgood made r5 yards goal. 36 to 6. _ _ s *
from the V. Southworth tackled Rittenger made a long run of 15 "OOT-BJILlbGOODS,"
Horton for no gain. Horton makes y t
yad, tcldb-tirr yards. Bhall went to Cornell on four__
15 yards, well tackled by Rittinger. downs, but it went back to Michigan English Macklintostles,
Osgood carried the ball to Michi on off-side play, and again went to Athletic and
gan's 5-yard line, being tackled by Cornell on four downs. Bacon . . Gymnasium Goods,
Van Inwagen. Johanson made a made the last touch-down of the OF EVERY DEscIUPTiON.
touch-down, from which Bacon first half, and kicked goal. 32 to 6.
From the centre of the field, Van Michigan failed to gain, and the
Inwagen nmade five yards. Oniithe Mcia aldt an n h ytuii -u
hball went to Cornell, then back to
next play the signal was misunder- Michigan on off-side play. Mowrey
stood. The ball was passed to Dy- made 3 yards, and Dygert kicked
gert, but hit Rittenger. Young out of bounds. The ball was at
picked it up and with a clear field Cornell's 20-yard line. Bacon of us while we are here.
scored Cornell's second touch-down. kicked and Dygert secured a fair
Bacon kicked goat. 2-o. catch. It was at this stage of the CALLAGI A N & CO..
When the. ball was put in play gaienthat ichigan's rush line forced
again it was passed to Van Inwagen, the ball steadily towards Cornell's PUBLIsHEEs
after the first, down. . e started-to goal. Rittenger- rade the .toch-
circle the left end,- but finding his down from the .o-yard line, sending x14 Monroe St., Chicago.
way blocked dodged back, darted two Cornell men sprawling, and go-
through the opening made by Pear- Continued on third Page. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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