12 .- F'\IV ISllY 0 111CIlIIGk-
LONDAY, '\I lI(1P23, 1 1)1. I'xc F,, lou ~tNi. t
unor Literary Student in
Newberry Hall.:
_____ \At thes chailel mieetinig ycsterdlac-,
fatldi Ncon etOtels Ir (enntings brieti c outliiied his
gar f")III Ypisilanti reached the head pla f1or raisin fun1~eds to ( 0111 lete
°f'llal shreet, H. 0W Booth.a1N~bryIaI bu >,o
itrarY studtentith i junlitor stantdin will be needdi of wh ichi suim there
Bntted into an altercation wtith Geo. is snhssribc h 2,00 itudntes
to1l tie electric miotor mlal n Ii i be i as 10d to l prod (he00 lis-
10e ea a asdSae tets11 his iiece5li'i for Ills all-
Vie 111
tllst III 10toot wisheil to g'et of hne ,01 ir il mps
'0151 Vgl he reel'ested te 111111r prited pld s ecruae
to1 baisk thecrt State te hs le'.U i te hcc(fec
1T5he 1 t lctma rs a i t wIIc ite Illsll-
1 0 1 h r p ti t e t o I ei t (h i t e re i% ell b ean iit l i t pn lie s
i cil~l oreuntesije and asty c o ieIeri ora.xiiie
th0dalvinn~ao ttrgg hic ttok cilcein tal aiin
~ItretBesde he arBooh the ntYre b luiril., Nodldessdb
101 hel aske ftor tlis niedhaet In'
revnolv eredosh th to wo PhesietAgl aothe ebr
WISnd weas not seriotus, tite hall onl but a large attendance is earnestly
ranl Ilesd ftt hoies desired, for, on tite eiithttsiasmt
patrlna1e ie es on thedca aid 11h01wn htere 1w111 depeini, to a great
IhtsstptlyarseBot anss lged extent, thte respotise of the alunini.
Bit.Dr. Kelly's Address.
tPhe tasty atnd tttwarranlteid colt
01 of thte conidtctor is its part ex- Y~esterdlay eveninig I~r We 11 . Kel-
tiled by the fact that the hoys on ly , of Birooklyn, N. V. 11e111eredl thte
the tirltai bseii tttistially boisteroos fourths adidress hefors tile Wesleyani
no seea timtes rung tite hell' Guili. is stuhlest wlas, 'ile
'hnn n ared to get off. Boiothi Spiritual Itvn" hr are twso
44 vrv (luick-tempilered yoong ntnm st ts*le iii hv oi
is saidl to htave been drinlkineg liead, thts othter the spiritial abiove
Iln Sauda ighlt, titoogit hte is tiot tmai's soot. Sonme persons take tio
iihittual drinker. nottce of the Distie Cottttatid'
eti tered tite Unisversity with ntents, as it is store conmfortahie to
te Cls of '92. Last year lie sliest ignsore titeni, titan to try to dlo thterm;
aitheUiversity of Minnesota, lint others htave 150 itnterest ini thieni;
rmured here this year. Ilie is a while a fesw are reluctast to ac-
teher of the Alpha TPati Oniega knoswledge tens, as they are vir-
raterlilty and conies froni Erie, Pa., tually antagonistic to thiem. TPhe
n president of the Pennsylvania natural sciences are all rightt in their
Whk Xlile lie has alsvays had aiij proper sphlere, hot are misleading
Cellnt reputation among his class- ss'hen applied to religions souijects.
aehe has on several occasions It is a necessity of man's natore to
ttknilested a very violent, qtick- depend oni a Supreme B~ein. 'Phe
,1lpered disposition. hasis of theological science is as
Tit 1Mooming Booth was charged good as that of the natural sciences
th asault with the intent to kill swhille its niethiod is sintilarly applied
dwith assault with intent to do arid is eqoal in efficiency. Is it not
nea1 bodily injory, there being twvo prohahle that the sttn of the spiritual
° b inl the charge. Ite appieared hseavens henefits nian's sotul, 115 the
a ore Justice Pond, this afternoon, stun of the visihle hteavens benefits
1r11 was releasedI on bail, the bond his hody? In considering tlte splirit-
Soto. HI iii preliminary ex- ual heaven see notice the uiiiversali-
njltiois will occorr Thursday ty of D~ivine Knoswtedge, of Divine
'rillS at 9 o'clock. Control, of Divine Providence, and
. .. .a .- - of Divine Grace. The greater part
B*Tarnard, of Lick Gbsera! of the lecture way devoted to hinus
% eth tAt ve e of Jsapit"e'g. tration whaiclI were wee. fort-ibte
td's o.Q: -ad egeolve;
-Death of' Fred Spencer of the Den-
tal Department
sdSedr,(if IDowsa'iiac,
par tmeist, died 'tt 7 N orth Ing'a lls
strsst ysedy mrig i
lt g'ritit.
I sillemainslwerIstate o els
n ti taeti the s'rneil tewill curto-
nlro a hslo ( isslitc . es ml
nietitherldIfhiseeiar tistit fo-a
ye asateoraciniagadinag had
ofth ItIs cl as noteRe resorrancve
hregmiestofnisenir meof his ci. ss.lt
yerestcth ehNcitlndwseash i e
studients is ws'll es-idenceslby hstte re-
tiark of one iif thtettt "'Tere wsas
til othter mtani intthe departenit of
-ho wetttse all thloughltso nmtcht 11
\X'INXG the expieienice if College
M ieti o kn ndksis apprl illeeiaste
the ca111eful11.scrut1 inof College.Sttu-
detits.hisin"g'a large corpl-s of skilledl
De'si'net''a11111 ewelers spiecially
Stri'ed for'illadge andlother Ill ill 11)1
NvokimportIing, a's Illill i osiclyi-
WrmPrish, nKnand & Ceran
Stne. P ein aIpos.1 ionWto.pro-
duce he'finet linsta1dlJweIlled
DB1ufctroilth i oiN.
Chap. speller & .
Uivhersity Outtitters,
01 Oil Soi111A1E11T.
Senior Law Oratorical Contest.
'Plile con~test toi select the orator of
the sentior tale class swill tie licid iii
tUniversity IHail, inext Saturdlay even-
inig, March 28. 'Te preliminary
contestsvas hteld iii the law lectore
rooni last Saturday and the follosw-
ing sesen out of seventeen candi-
dates were selected to enter the poli-
tic contest: Messrs. P. J. Halley, J.
A. Park, L. S. Baldwin, J. A. Lar-
gent, P. C. Gilbert, 1. R. Spotts
and F'. E. McMaster. As degree
men are not restricted in the class
contest every member was entitled
to compete and else seven selected
are acknowledged to be among the
best orators in the depsartmsent.
During the liast week Prof. D'Ooge
ideivered three lectures in Pittsburg
on the subjects, Ancient and
Modern Athens," A 'Prip'Phirough
the Pelopionnesus," and '"The Par-
thenon and Its IDecorations."Ilie
also lectured to the Shadyside Aca-
demy, a preparatory school con-
ducted ono the plan of the higher
English schools. Onie purpose of
his lectures was to attract the atten-
tion of Pittsburg citiize" (a 1e
TCLfl1 $-+ GQOD.
J1[ -T A1I1,111ED.
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quick delivery and beat work.
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