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January 23, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-23

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SIj e IL. of

lin. Wa41Ijj.

Vot.. IL.-No. 7J1.



Conducnt of Students at the U. of M.I The Congress of the U. of M. wihicil weliltdeserves the praise it is
+ure to receive. " TheXW icie''
Tile (;rand iRapidsiDenmocrast of-, Ilb y students, representlllo rc- Caldt~ron,"' iyr ltoVe A. iltiams,
last lCedesC5ityin an i ntiew sswitt, ltcllixtihe literary antI lw depart- l~l eeleI itsos l.1
on1e1 of 0111 promlinenlt irofessors, 1 mCnts, haIvC organized(Itlieniles
l~rolugli t lut tile folhciowi eg t 0rc-lintoI a society folr itieipurpolse If Cl ~ss~ll ~tCil II
'1011" gtil iers11CClty: studyi111g7partimelltarv la. wls t 51111workedout. \ l til-
*liiversitl (If N\iIi 10' 11111ien15as b e lle e 1IlaC. aspossiblic tic story,94It No. 7 (ollege S'treet,"
aclass aret.aIstitfIrespecting, dig-after tilt. house of rlteei ScItativ ' ifsCiertid11111til end of litile bo00k,
iev r Ie till I'llt earnlest ashd well I ilIIC)1spe cspee ~ lt 11111III ch ae-uo hm st 111e1and 1will pinlcal 111ctloC.
dispiosed. - I lrielyis 1111Iichad~eseThe I inc1111a1)71a11m11xwil l e t ill"l tits hd S 'I<rs illllrl~
(151Ill ws Ihcaped upon111them fo101rImembliers a11ll sight 1i1n1to l lt.erc-Skech," byill' is15Lois Ii. IJanes,I
1111 iac I''bell111l~~citO~ Il)tc 1 5 ~k I sofI 1 clit~l'l w 1 ilIlic prps as n1',iuch1111applreciated
111101171711illsollicun lac s11atfiCs, Iodi 5ie Ill Torlome imeIllin Ho1-1as lny ftutIreCf httie Oracle.:1B1o11
ii t atold-I ti t.pr111111c111s diei kins' 1 111 erility has hin 11organ-fresimnIa.ni i ~pcer-cIlassliCil iare dhi-
vt ery largelyI anditihe studeints izationll of thlis kindci, andliiiillhs bcc iy "ground.li"' 1'e1grindcs till lot tif-
I~~ stclt 770c1lIslc-t ~a~i~tatelil ~cei.fertmulcth il lit711y or qulantity froni
1111the 111111ofIthelc i tizenls. IIcy I lie Conlgress lof tlcthe I o iN thlose oifo111mcr Oracles. [lie Clii-
lil.1 intre trnta ciISetieard 100111il 2m.et1every Mondaynihil oasarsotadtohepn.
th ihe fotes ecief 'room17. asIfondt nigtlalon- .111 ~lTwenty iiages of advertisenments Ip-11
iito oftile average stuldent ituinand he ule tis andll IC1ll I earasaaiseghlster.Ts
to-ca is IStoI le Ia gentleman an1111a1latio~ns of tile ihouse, wteret.acdopted. speaks well for tile ensterp7rise hf tile
schlar God ianer an god t te nxtmeeing oficrs il bebinsless manallgem~enit.
sclarpihS11 5 ~t.111111aimIofeach. electedi, tile conlstitultion)ig I ned,'11111 As -a sslet.94's Iractc' is 11large-
1 5gratilfyil'Ill1~ 1 1 i 5 l~lIite 1inglcl Il i. iedc redcit tllthit. claiss. It Slught
kiiv (ll t.e historyI Illtiecoleg illsItIolnday ill tilesecondlise1mltertgaltwrdctann 1 It i
cla1ses forlon1111termlofIIearsltoll tillflrst mteetinlg of p1111b1icintecrest s fe ipue11upr lsie
iiiai-k 111111tile clf 11e 111ecliwe n till'15111 bie ieldi. AllI those int~erestedi I espeiiallr, 111111there il50 11rliliforll
1ci1izens and thIle stud~ents bcl sitnIIli.S III 11111wo11k are colrdialiv itled
enloughlinIIIsIIilIllclrc' classes Ill
Carl1. Atthie recleltI iress 11)111 cii '94's Oracle.SImile I reallhabile 11111d al 112111 1111.
ti Ill '11111:arborIC somel ne t. Is- - - -- _1
111111711 circullars advlocaltl ig thle b sis311Sam Small.
I , 'ie (asialiatiIor Palladiumliresemlli--j
iopliols of tht. ive - c XlivAltan'
a b wih t a popse o re illg tile sentior pullicatiosin tshIIape1, last eveninlg, inl Iniversitr -IHall,
cen~t thele lt of liqulors witthin at duality of p)aper, malirgini andi type. Sani Smlalldeliv-eredl Iis powrerfult
raiu o fvemiesofthI uivrsty In point of mnech~anical execu~tionl, it lectulre, ifrom lBar Roonm to P~ulpit.
It wa7s thloulght thvtie ng511717editors shows5' a great adivanlce uponl last Tile audlience, although~t not large,
wou111ld tke 110111 ofItilt m~atteranslI Year's numl~ber. lilt cover, tdesign~edwsappilreciative, and ifor 11111holurs
ind~orse the bil.1f1al1tgratified to by11 I-. . . yckoff, anti prinitedl i11were plea~sedl 10 listenIll tile wsoider-
Ib7roonv 011cream-l-th~e class colors- fill story- of hlis life, to laugh1 at hisi
tcstifv thlat tile shlame 1of intelliper-j
anc i a aminmu aio a isb11011 artistic anti effective. XXithl well-tu~rnedI stories anlti poiuiteld jests,
- commlnendable self -appireciations,''tile11r to feel their d~eep7est sense roulsed
versity mnlla1n11that its lpractice1
stigmtatizes its vicdm1 511 odious'loverworkeid editors, in chiniewor- by the bulrnlinigwocrdsin whic1111 lie
tht o tdet anafod o nuleiono lels illts, dedicate related his onexp~eriences.M1r.
il1 it. 1 aiii -lso gratifietd to remark t te rattle of '94 to themlselv-es."' 'Smiall is a man isf broatd culiture,
til i ilignt~in . Dli11)1 rl~ir'h'eir nianies appear 111 the 1011111- and his personlal experience gave
ciienis at 011ce expressed alt the 1111-n Iae. great weight to all his reniarks. lie'
nlecessary affront to the sensibilities 1fXXM. P. XX7.sso, I4auagillI hEitor. j seems to be entirely' devoiid of tile
of sudens Ivlici thepropsed _ sNI dl P. Iccot-s, Busincss Nl1171 fear which prevents niany- inlulen-
Ilealre 'ilIctSeSwee Mis XAiI.1,o.itsSe.. tal mein from expressin~g thleir feel-
iirs i es.ne h crulr ad Miss Florence Whoifendcn, Rohl. logs plainly on the subject. Nearly
to afir th (rnerl asteiou ' V. Friednian, XX'n. I11.Canhieldilalf of his lecture wvas des-otedl to
chaactr o th stdens aongDaniel B1. siten, Chas. XX Seinien-ihis opinions anid observations on the
the. rce ftl tlet mn baugh, Ceo. IH. Anglei, Hermnan 11. qulestionl of prohibitioii. His re-
- - - - . " +----- Sharpless. niarks were 'greeted by freqtient
Edward Kingof Harvard and An appreciative sketch of D~r. bursts of applause, sometimes in re-
UhnoeyIepew of Yale have been Fred Newton Scott, by Prof. Dewey, sponse to an amusing remark, often,
invited to respond to toasts at the openis the number. Then followvs too, one could read in its intensity
annual dinner of the New York the price poem by Rose Edith Mills, that there were manyilothe, udience
Princeton Club, Jan. 21. "A morning Fantasy,," in three who also thought and felt upon the
.T__.._-movements, andante, rondo and cause for which Mr. Small was so
Wye and Burbank tonight. allegro, an exquisite piece of work, earnestly pleading. K.

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