SIj e IL. of lin. Wa41Ijj. Vot.. IL.-No. 7J1. UNIVERSITY OF' MICHGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2"), 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Conducnt of Students at the U. of M.I The Congress of the U. of M. wihicil weliltdeserves the praise it is +ure to receive. " TheXW icie'' Tile (;rand iRapidsiDenmocrast of-, Ilb y students, representlllo rc- Caldt~ron,"' iyr ltoVe A. iltiams, last lCedesC5ityin an i ntiew sswitt, ltcllixtihe literary antI lw depart- l~l eeleI itsos l.1 on1e1 of 0111 promlinenlt irofessors, 1 mCnts, haIvC organized(Itlieniles l~rolugli t lut tile folhciowi eg t 0rc-lintoI a society folr itieipurpolse If Cl ~ss~ll ~tCil II '1011" gtil iers11CClty: studyi111g7partimelltarv la. wls t 51111workedout. \ l til- *liiversitl (If N\iIi 10' 11111ien15as b e lle e 1IlaC. aspossiblic tic story,94It No. 7 (ollege S'treet," aclass aret.aIstitfIrespecting, dig-after tilt. house of rlteei ScItativ ' ifsCiertid11111til end of litile bo00k, iev r Ie till I'llt earnlest ashd well I ilIIC)1spe cspee ~ lt 11111III ch ae-uo hm st 111e1and 1will pinlcal 111ctloC. dispiosed. - I lrielyis 1111Iichad~eseThe I inc1111a1)71a11m11xwil l e t ill"l tits hd S 'I