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January 23, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-23

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. d T a' Senior Comrlmittee. -4 B
____'ITle following are the committees to
Pubtlished Daily (Sundays exeepted) during for Settior Reception:
Ike Collegreyear, by Ret.Cl'1Tltt-M :1r. Fitzhugh lurns,
THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Chairman. Messrs. Lee E. Migliell,
C. C. IBenedict, W. C.'. icheror, W.S='
Subscription price F2.50 per year, invariably C.tal~e es; M1isses Gertrude S. Wade,
iadranee single e epier cntst.On aleat Pauline F. Wies, ilertha(W'olf, XMac-
"ten'sand Pentt Ofiennewsnstand at 1:'
"'clerk, noon. Subseriptiens may be left at tha F. Eddy. -=
Ike offie of the DAILY, Opera Houetbleek, at I Ni i' la'lll\ -.\l r. 1'. I. lassett,
%heehan's, at Slolet, or nubh nyoy f te ___
editors. .Chsairman1. MIessrs. E. O. Holtidn
Communicatiens shold~ reach the office by C .Brr isseeiv
o'cleek i uillfhe are So nppear tSb neat J ar \1ssGnvee1
lay. Address all matter inleaded fer publica- Sheeliaii, laulde M~cGregor.-
lien Se She Managing Editer. All blasness AooAJ.s'i TSirors r. I,. S. 'ay -
cemsaanieatiene should be entotSe 1 eiol
tent Mianager. liir, Chiairmian. M\essrs. 11. C
THE U. of X. DAILY, Buolhley, E. R. Sutton, H. . FL(-1nd
Ann Arbor, Mich. am
ler, Lewis C. Carsoni, XW. A. Cutler
EDITORS. BUSINESS LOCALS. $25S peersweek; stuf
S. Wr. CfU11T1St, '92, Managing Otditor. ___
fG.1I. CHatense, '52, Assist. Managitt"E' dicer. tNoicet inserted inS thin coltanaaltte rate
55.51 Mt liectnE, '9(1, Asst. Mattagitng Editor. oft 10lcents per liar. Special rale o ogrtmadetalne unsedb pftt ae'
J.. 'lt.ti, 'lit', Buttineas Manager. She DALoteoice.l '' r'O' n
V" . - l~t t'3 , 51Asist.Ilasines lltaner, Laties' Macokitttoshes inlbeatttifutt
c:. 5w. RIt'K 'ei-s. 'lid.Assist. Csines Mat'gr. varieties, jttot received attblack & S . M. S~TAFORD.
W. I.'.. P totit, '9t. J.R. Att OItI,. '01. Stclliil's.
F.t J.e 1t0'1 ,'95. lCtHAS. tARD 5. TeFt-AN lct FTUEItci'4. so e'ler oi f ttickets for AMeyantdei
t'.I1.l.tL~a:>cst ts: IssLuc sl'OvSalviti, wotalppealtsat theliGr(iIdlllii
P. E. ldcsts,t S, 'el. OpertaIlHstse, on hu'lrstday evetnitng IN
TE, Ana aus UBISHIG HUna iext, i Iin 'elThre'Guitardlsmn;ll
r tpfen 1111Tuesdaly lmtortnintgat the
'eEitotrs o tnSotitoldth iettselvoe et'onttttt'Post Office Nesss Standil. The prices
sible fttrtetopitittns ttr stateet'tIs ttf tt'res- will lte'$21111,-$1.511 tntt$1 .001. All 'Pe- (V'56
pondetl,tapteartttgiittthIe oAtLY. served seitattsstn t 501aiswill be $2111.00 '~ 1 ~'
___________________________________attilseaitstmaiy also be(t'reservedinittthe
Fitt sotie ear, soietes (acogallery at $1.511.
Fol soe yars soietes ave Allot litie of Neckwear jutst received
bieeit organized at relpcesenttliv eantd tto better styles will be founll U7U '
unieritisfo th prhoc flownt. Yott will say they are onte-hlalf
Ituterslie, fr te ptrlosi iithe price ypfay fitr thtetm eloewhiere.
stittyitig parliamtetacy lass'frtttt a Mock &s Schmtid.
tcactictl statntpoint. 'Te 1'.if\1. List'.-A. leather'bag conttainting a
silver wvatch with enlgravintg, WX. N., .,
has beets sloinittimitatitng sotie if1886.lind~itter will please leave att
the best featutres if otlhercouleges, Steswari's toice landl receive rewartd.
Rtoom-mltate wtantedl. 'all st 11 19 s. MAIN ST.,
and especially' of tbis tttetdepart- Thomnplsontat.
mtet. the t'ongcess fortited tost Ftull line nesw style collars, 4 ply, 15c ANN ARBOR. MIte.
weeck hotwes'er, twill lientotled or 2 for 25. Mack & Sechmid.
closely aftecrtose ttosw existing at Ladies (If the U. of M. waill finid it'
y ~greatly to teir adveantage to call on its "i^
('ornell, Harvard and Johnt Hopkins whtenl inineed of Cloaks, Dress Goods
university. 'fle tetudency bus beeti or Fantcy Dry Goods. Mack & Schm id.
$1.95-800 silk uanbrelltts worth $3.50
towards the formation of lois tmany to $4.50, marlked $1.95 at Mack &
societies, wvhich find bttt feeble su~p- Selimid's.
porl. 5Ve tulpe this tone twill mleet LoS'1'-tll miaint tall, Gold Scarf Pill. GRAITP O
Seeo herstwtpersadwith popular apiproval atnd receive pierced with small goldh fint. Libteral
shespor hichs it deserves. r ewvard if returnedl to F. S. Ptorter, Alh-et-PiHue
Soehn e:I h ieo TI he 'UT. Of XlM. tl.Yrecetntly de- of M. stationtery. It excels all its pre- Alexa nd
voted one issue to dliscussitng the deceeors in design. (Geo. L. Mottre,
bookseller, Maina St. --

i f!Islthe LEADlING SCHSOiSOSI "ot
E Fohin departments-Ccmrtt jitl txt lnt S
I caeausoeStiptik-gitt It 0tlltdtt I
tedalte, tfietlintictille NokelS Itt
oat-to t raliing calc tassetiniu~ly lost 10.25t
adent astitedSo apositens.
Farrrcatalegue, addrcts P. R.CLEAlt's President.

} (

.T. M. STrAFFsORDaso -

Cincinnati, Hamilton d& Dayton
The Loader IR. R
ill Fashions i iLv.Totledott.. tt IS10It 'I is *lI.o
M erchatnt Taill- IDeshlerr . . ..... 581011 . 35 4.46 1;_.'56
fit '1 '1' . . 935 121- 11.15
Olilig. l Fit e Silliy... liii1.4, 1.45 .111 1t
1P q a ... .. .1]13 '1 10 .45 d:.:a
line of lPiece SDayltn. 1 . .:3 113io ::t
Goods 1(o select AstnR1.E
Cincinnattiit.... 335 0.,0 1 05
fromc. ('all ftor ltlllt tAs.. i 2.5 122"'
hi finle fittinig ' uett Datlly. "ill
'Te ottic linle leavinToe'tledto in the evnig
suit.(Ivy twhichtyou ranSeottie Slepintg Co'me-
reaintg Cincinnati early fttloingstn cSiOtititO.
Pt'rlor Corn on fDay Espress 'rainst. Direct
your tickets reatd ole i'. iH. a 1., btwenTo
S. Miolt S~red ot, Cincolinti iand Indtianatpolis.
0. B. TRACY, N. P. A.,
155 d.,t.,,au An.., DETROIT
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Wr 9alvini! Michigan Railway.

lack of physical trainitng at wstern
colleges in getneral, atnd theUniver-
sity of \ichigant inl larticutlar, as
isontrasted swithi athletic facilities at
Eastern colleges. Vet, on the otlier
band, Eastern colleges hiave tess
stutdents whlo coulid wrestle withi a
Western antuagonist in decbate. It is
etncoutraging to remiimbier thast in' the
old days cot great debiates Browni
gloried in three loturishinig societies,
It is a stilt happier sign that thle
factiocis spirit wvhich led to their
decay is now lost its a desire for the
general good of thte tUniversity.
%Vith this unitedl sentimuenut for a
tmotor, the* latettlalent existing lhcre
cannot fail of soons raislig Brown
'U:-niversity 'to an honorable place in
tiental athsletics. - Browntu laily

Office Barber Shop.
Ny adBubnkBubnktoasiglat. Helena Modjeska /
Boelim & Scit are mokihtgthe fotloss-
intg styles in y'ellosw'a11111 tiloe butttons. tt~tti1~l ri
Ilaiit, SUc. a actually illeal' rightt in 1111' tiidst
('lass, +5c. " " in tiheat' futurle.
o SAI.VI NI is the greatest tactotr
" A 011 the Amierictan stiage to-tday
andll le will collie Ilele 011theI
Senit peatpaid 115 receipt of price. 121,
IDetroit;' Micht.
MOI)JESKA is oneC of, tlie best
. i- .LLER, 0actr'sses5 11w knodwnla1111shle
Repairing aspecialty. 4 SOTeHaIAR To. collieS here on February 1.

'limoefied innffact lDecemnber G, 1801.
Arrival oat reins aS AntitArbor only.
No. . Mail and Express....... 2-ita. Is
No.. 1 atogi', Ann Arbor Aecom...lt 0S test:
No. 5. Mail Passenger ................'Z p. w
Nit. 4. M~ail Exliress... 0 ........8401.0:.
No. f. Passenger, 'roledo Acelti.... 7(00a. 1m.
Trains 3ad crunbetween AlnnIArbotrnd
Ttoletdo only.
Ceotral Standalrd 'Time.
All Trains Doily rxcept Sauay.
Gen., Paso. Ageot. Local Agent

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