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January 23, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-23

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- But ar onthe pice of Clothig, Hats, Cas, Underwear, Gloves, Mitten a, hlosiery,
NOTI E! TUWeS VALISES, ine Shirts, Collars, Cafs, Overalls and jackets.
---Weae gog to lte the publli loose amnsg thirty-eight tiosand dollars ($,oo.o)
r~ 0worth of merectacdinv for twetty clays, which will Ie till Fecrtary y, at one-cuate ()
AT2x r aFs ff mraced pie. We have et pieectot a few gaod, and mached them dow, burt ffer
Ot L IIte EVERY ARTICLE IN Il DOUBLE STORE !! tah;eeydla as c ah
fctttlt os theĀ£.aect CircStit W thIing inor IDoale Store. Ntone dla og o 15 ok; vr olr utb ah
- ~ ~ eoght to mae fINE THIOSAND) DOLLARS'F wcrtcat goods eerey cay actese
~y ,~()1cries. The J. T. Jacobs Company,
Headlqurartees for Iis seco ofcltie Stae of Mirrchrg
N. B.-Counoiy delersc will d swell tocreo e i, and asrrt rp teri stckes at tee cr ices.
A1111Arlior Seto u1I Ll'y. CO A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mm 'rtir. + +
WORK CALLED FOR ad DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Full Lire of alii Coler Tet Ioks, includng ccc ctanrMdicl lRoAccde, totrk
CAr,-ONr5Jcleps place fcor cclNo IrechBo oksci Funccainc Pecoi icthe ciy. Freslmecrrrsari. ICanercatom=c
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. I _ 2' ==c=, lfriens. Irowiccvewy entire slteSkanystreon No. 6 9.MAIN .9C
O fice, - 23 South Fourth A ve. i N cr. It W a-:vt W S HTN St 'n S I E n c ' 4 C 7 =_IUAR S B O S OE --.O W N T O W N ..GI Lccoivr
l YVEI, l s 5,1 t O L.Ic11N.
Evr Suen il av orYby buying Utiersity Text-Ilooko atIall supplies clitleadq aaters. We allow IOders dir aces ADir.BAGrrlGccc, e,
speeial cisecutsmlcrtLAW BOOKS, MEDICAL hOtOES, IENT'AIc IOOKS, il lrort, every Rook usedl in Lte IIch, cpIrop end a tor Ir
tmvcisty. 6iii 01Ill rk Beaks at loswest gpr ____ S cir t.cec Ic rer - .
C~r3E C1Il3EL :!-13 N I TIE - FXc:IItit4oI - IAUIrlRY
pare t tr outctit st class wrkc nh unt s nrolc-
LEADIlNG BOO0K STOIIE IN TEFIfETfY. rie. CUrreericc cortuIrnercdutcl rcc rriry
9)QehmoflG Straight Q :TH1E W L(,STERN MU-1IIIGAN CO L G - . M. MARTIN, _
CIGARETTES. I irrrr OdIlcotcrclcO loth Caskets, Metallic
tCigarete Smoer wcho G TAN1-D BA PJ lS, . T AND C IMtO1N COF11NS.
arse illing tocdacea ltitle O E r d-dl~ald iI ciS c rla-vsriridCcvc yrclg rrrcA F LHE
(Ncmore thn athe ride - iar sciccrolicclc-rcsr1IE 1tr'r 1(0'ir . Peaessuet 'o"tycteg rsin
chargedcothCc ieortr +l l i-rcit ICcLE(C.;E 1t IddlS. repars frrr1th-eeg rysandclicaa tled-iceccdvatC llrre add - I \ E R
1 -j traecCigarettes, will fned ther-mosrrc tcalad-dreuls.-I
tars tl'.' aeio oIspslllt~,Ad TAd~td'1LIiI dP~ilI~.beadraltenior lglen(ALO 'lITS HA K AND lAGOAt ItNK-
" RAJallIothers. torcrpreparatriondfor11c Ecctmst crtl antic tare St ee
ta Cdl rarete.8are arade from the hight- For IraslCMERC~ILAi..Ni) rIlfdlT1A ND l;)10i ljtMENf', 1e leading seholariof husirer.
elmanedelcately flasored and highet cest ir thr extremrtey rrrddcr-rtr-d-setcc vcdertsarttrnddtg.lThe -stpeneercun carci- a-- RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Gfold Lea f growneeIn Virginia. 5Thin sthe Old ured lawr-wcithc csctanrtira oth rr edcat-lraioral hdnStitrcias in the corntry, ad at te Ilrtr ridaeni
and Original lraed at Straight Ct Cigarettes, .netrelvnelinlcmotbe vrtigfrihd i ecaddaesi
and wanlrught ot by s ia he year t18M. - -rCrltr recci aIrcrcrrarr b-rtcceCrasrr
Bewreof miatons ad osevetha, heA . . Y lEX, Grgdn.Croeres, Prov10isionFIour and Feed,
Sar name nobelow is an every paknge. adiE.Wsi toS.
The ALLEN &GINTrEE IBranhb-Base-Ball-Fr
Of the Americn Tobaco noBaeBllPatice rgulations, bult Ithese I-tles .scre-p
[lie cacitticsstr- frirmClii t criversicy-iireri ith ~e light crfpast experiele, I. .SIKSON U& SOlNS,
o Ci cndiats fr te nlerstyThis fyear's teamnmust sork hard cnd State Seta ct G-ner.
Irtf$rk lko ak ase tall tessam ill Ibegitn prctie i sittentioushti)lly in orear to sstainlte Strrdlettsprcttccrge espceitllYsoliite.
Isitt Colod. .Sarp aPiccco l,(Ic e rnk ithis aftenoond commetiirtceputatioc mtte ~fby-last y eas ]tineO 4 S. vsiSSTEET.
Dores at gnecral Iankirg hbusice. Pays f tcg at 2z:o oclocrk. lie miaager dcll idioort pratieeis eesary i .._.-
lrest nrc Ssingoxseprsit. Hat afetrodrtogt h, emit hebs I P O S
lihrci tlra s CcRer. fmrakes fie frilowtsing announccerent: el t E rs .III- tCsir oritl torgetthe tctc s eashrSt (oPA1\'Ch
Iara1, neen Sntcraclat ereainc N rc-i-ccac h11rink still 1ce ropenc firerick still Iot Ie avsaialefriecc l ur11c-
An ro aig aktherise of thr(ecnidliates fccr the tiat ig cclmii crthe tafternoosra tc c rtI--
Ann Aror Michc.Capitl Stok,$,000t, c rsily tbas ball tiamlcill the lhftermrcccs tetprctd fo rpoafldssc.
Srplus,$100.000. frcct a2:1111cntil 5cc'lok.sub cItte enrne o te lxs~.tyhrITuesday E e.an. 2
Organizedt unrder theGencreal atcing Lawsc er terink is losedi to bsec-bll scni-'
ofis sbtnate Receives tDeposits burs and Icollwing condcitindts;ntcscclb:m etr i h
els exehange sri the prncipalciies of the L- iritticlttat Lseverrefrontir~e ciiclsisstl c isre icte IAITONS TN
(Tnatd Statas. ratsc-ashedIupoe Icproper c ge rccrdllt tcetDA itiI- I sY Mirul oted dupotheIli ioosoto ccl U bERMiiain. I CHes S~a.mnynogrhoevh Iadcmpldvilrternk ~ rrSrz
vicentctcsaottooherrOkwhicersl bI ,en anaamr
thecrrlcroftaeNrc-n Fcc-s (I -- to -s 11cc-- -l1dlaDF R7lItt tIScliiNOFTHE
U VOI ss itchequ i lires thatvrclis~y c -cilcati Thcre are one- lhundcredt andriti
- I mt Ilc 1e i mtemcberf ltce tirictie cllegid cpapers ccrllislrctccin tie fAnn Arbor Light Infantry
IAsttccia cr11 cc ccclsigldn 1-the ccla k cn-tc- i t-c ed Staes- -
cccthe atrn c - 1-c taililcfng-h1151ceC NG T NCA P
A N OLDUS,- . Tlce coclfcrccrcc iciry focriIic -efe,th11celeraedpitchecr, IA NG TI A P
' dir t tdrwh i crr c-rchwl be itrue-e l d ilary
icc maccr Sree. iln t1cc lildulg i-c prohibitefdianclida sill carc lie lHarv arc inicie- until r ccr rrrros EI'iilsc urgh, tan l,
Cy A N..D1 \A Lc tcaiciscid gi tc;~t eAprl rS; after tiliae aC IcL.rtaor, - tcricciaitira
A~<t-x I 1) detiecd the Cs dof theic din.rcocf Ioston, ill b he rceegrular cati -
body bsrbjccl r rcrrctc wll cc1eccfd rctir d o SE NTIIONS L I ES thcc rcb r,,cc
' --. -",r-.;lrr 1c tcdcldr/- -I drncrcrcrcdc tr carrc o frtcrr A l A rlc lt l-trrrrcsrc
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,. -r'tebctdrc. -r I rrgc.rslr id nter r ncn ne h n
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS Tirse Ws(silire tickes for the NiIIriiclo xveill ea rcrelcngrf I ItonorPorof ilangr _
pcarose o pracaticig for fIlstes 1511tie DILY oaIordltisievenirg at I
30 eat HcoStreectc sill ie exclici dl rim the rirk o'lok sharcp. lie sessionrNwill1ot'- REMEMBER THE DATE !
Thee recuton ar, ecssay ctlst methica tic inu ciite.
[ TAKE A Trs realli ,r idi~y toS. XW. (Cltor i.
SHORlTHAND iJCOIURSE. oriderto retinth ie aci.The Itantage- Manginage .citrr Pd cs, an5 d 8175 CS.
IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Setos, Net matsnit in 11 tfentionlof beintg ounie-a c 5,1- h- -l y.lr ', c
Burilding, 0 Soth State sreet. essaily icseser e itheicimpositioni if Nye and Bnrbau k tonight. , Icr~dlctr c yeSr ctand Ja. >.cl a

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