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August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 43

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Booked-to-Capacity Libraries Bound To Be H Ielpf By JENNIFER ANNE RHEA There is no more noble monu- ment that man may construct in his honor than that of a library system. Through this complex col- lection of books, periodicals, maps, records, tapes, microfilms, and other such recordings, humanity seeks to leave posterity a systema- k£ tized presentation of the expecta- tions, follies, and success...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 44

… PAGE SIX . THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST" 29. ISO PAGESiXTHE ICHGAN AIL__ Tv _AY _T _.. _ O .dV .i V JLJQJLlt7 1 1 n V iTi V rJ 1 iG a7 1.70 1 6 Faculty Assumes New Active Role in 'U Affairs By PAT O'DONOHUE Members of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA), the executive organ of the University faculty's Senate As- sembly, were quietly hopeful, last year at this time, about the pos- sibility of making ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 Affairs acuity Assumes New By PAT O'DONOHUE ribers of the Senate Advisory .ittee on University Affairs JA), the executive organ of niversity faculty's Senate As- y, were quietly hopeful, last it this time, about the pos- y of making their organ- a "a powerful weapon" with- e University community. to that point, apathy on art of a large majority of y members had made SACUA vely impotent considerin...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 45

… TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1967 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY I. Ma king the University Workable: Tips for the Incoming Freshman INITIATIVE NECESSARY: 'U'Academic Counseling Offes Variet of Specililzed Services Below are a number of informal tips to help you, the incom- ing student, make it through your four years at the University. Although you will probably pick them up along the way inde- pendently, The Daily hopes to save you a little time and pos- ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 45

…'I ESDAYf A GTJ.ST 29,1967' THE MICHIGAN DAILY' TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 mE MICUIGAN hA liv I. Making the University Workable: Tips for the Incoming Freshman INITIATIVE NECESSARY: U 'Academic Counseling Offei Below are a number of informal tips to help you, the incom- ing student, make it through your four years at the University. Although you will probably pick them up along the way inde- pendently, The Daily hopes to save you a little t...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…IPAGE FIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AtTGUST 29, Research Activities Bring Increased Know 'le e By ROBERT JOHNSTON and MARK LEVIN Research of all shapes and sizes has become an integral part of the educational process at almost all of America's colleges and uni- versities. Competition for the lim- ited supply of research funds pro- vided by the federal government and the huge private foundations is intense. Extensive staffs of highly s...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…EIT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU ?esearch Activities Bring Increased Knowl JESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 ? dge, By ROBERT JOHNSTON and MARK LEVIN esearch of all shapes and sizes become an integral part of educational process at almost of America's colleges and uni- ities. Competition for the lim- t supply of research funds pro- d by the federal government the huge private foundations intense. Extensive staffs of aly skilled technicians devoted rely to pr...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 47

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U SNew Bureaucracy 'U' Honors Program Encourages In-Depth Study, Critical Analysis fend itself against the "purists" across the street in Randall Lab, for instance, or in various literary college departments. The chemical and metallurgical engineering department, one of the very fine ones in the country, has numerous projects underway. Prof. Donald L...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 47

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICH116AN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY New Bureaucracy r .s. 5 ;t . {§ r y 'U' Honors Program Encourages In-Depth Study, Critical Analysis f end .itself against the "purists" across the street in Randall Lab, for instance, or in various literary college departments. The chemical and metallurgical engineering department, one of the very fine ones in the country, has numerous projects underway. Prof. Donald L. Katz...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 48

… PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY ',TESDAY. AUGUSTT 29.4987 AGITN OEMIHGN AL A Uk, :I "Z*WJL, ZMU" U 0 A A-7, LUU i 4s__ Initiation my foot! We're storming the bookstore to be sure we're not left without textbooks again this year. , -, 5: - . \ J " t "'''.Ac,..M ' /i"' jet ,P...rr1 -'' I, l + .I LL TT'S EE S I UD Ts' 4~ E UC 10 L COSTS These first few weeks in a new environment can be quite challenging to even the strongest of...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 2' 1 9 4i .../".e+Gw. ' -~/ "' . a 11\" -'" I, OOP 0 LL TT'S E S STUU E I 7 E CA 10 L COSTS These first few weeks in a new environment can be quite challenging to even the strongest of men. To many of you your whole life will change .. the strong may become weak, the weak many become strong. Only time will tell where and how you fit into this new spec- trum of life. But no matter the outcom...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 50

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY} AUGUST 1 7 Year Legacy of Editorial Freedom Contint tes Continued from Page 1) his brought intense criti- The Daily-from Regents, facultyhmembers and trators. The cr it ic is m tintense pressure on the n Control of StudentnPub- s to "do something" about ily. Board oversees all student! tions, including Gargoyle, tion and the Michiganen- well as The paily. An in- ent s t u d e n t association The Daily in 1890 ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 51

…Lut~u~U 31, 196 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY The Daily: From The By MICHAEL HEFFER City Editor From the midst of chaos, 10,000 copies of The Michigan Daily roll off the presses at 420 Maynard Street six times a week during the academic year. To some people The Daily, or any newspaper, is just a sheet of headlines to glance at. While some people read stories thoroughly, many just skim newspapers and a few actually see them as just the proverbial fi...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 52

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MERICAN BARREN: ie Sporting Life with Complete Coverage Notorious Daily Reviewing: A Cry in The Wilderness AEL HEFFER Daily sports staff (to the our knowledge) has never d an All-American athlete. 'en't the time. ugh we occasionally take it to play a game or two of . in The Daily's city room, side on the lawn of the n t Activities Building there are fewer breakable s), we find covering the )rld of Wolverine sports to 1 ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 53

…Y, AUGUST 31, 1967 TIRE MICHIGAN DAILY Y, AUGUST 31, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I-. STER-ARTS GENERATION: Forum for Artistic Expression Gargoyle Pounds the Funny Bo Into Reluctant Submission By AVIVA KEMPNER you might appreciate the type of But 5,000 readers probably can- President Harlan Hatcher He: "Do you believe in free humor offered in the Gargoyle, not be all wrong. Beside the usual on the history of the Great love?" the campus humor m...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 54

…THE_ MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSflAY, AUGUST I 6 .)400009 4,o 7S lctI FV CIO?0 p444 0 4 d "4' t ,co X00 44 w I 4 t For Every Course on the Michigan Cansu . - k: BOOK RACK Fhis beautiful piece is roomy enough to keep your favorite books easily aCCeS- sibte., Holds up to 35 books. 27"H x 20"W x 12"D 307 ' ' :> %', pi _ DESK ECOOK RA.CK Ohiqi 8 ,: . MICHIGAN Sweat Shirts. OVER STY LES-COLORS To...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 55

…FREE ISSUE Y A& A6V 4 - t, Aitr an 11a111i FREE ISSUE Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom I VOL. LXXVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 FIFTY-FOUR PAGES I I 1 ; I IN WRITING: Students Must Request . II-S Draft Deferments Ir 7 By STEVE NISSEN a total of five years, including all local board request . a transcript previous years .of graduate study, directly from the University, the All University u...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 56

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TWO THE MICHtGAN I)AII1Y ~4v __ __ ________________ S TUIDENT INNS, INC. J2He~en/J "EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATIONAL LIVING" at UNI'Elk I1IbY 'r OWERi ,II I ! F I¢ "! , ar " Reduced Damage Oepc. *'Immediate Damage Der Refund eaturrn9; AN 8-MONTH LEASE WITH NO INCREASE IN RATES 11 )sit posit * Subletting Unnecessary " Adjacent to Campus &Shopping *Singular Responsibilities " Completely Furnished "...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 57

…TUESDAY$ AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 TINE ~tICUU~AN IIAILY -I rt SHAW BECOMES LS&A DEAN: Robertson Departs to Residentia Hatcher ( r drl., l A& 1 commission Attempts .e Complex Mandate By DAVID KNOKE A changing of the guard has taken place in the literary college administration that ultimately affects the lives of most under- graduates who will pass through the college and the new Resi- dential College. ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 58

… Student Power: 'Commissioned' to Death? Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ;-- - a-i OPlfinol AeFre1e. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. utb Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ESDAY, JULY 18, 19...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 59

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,196' THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 196~ TIlE MiCHiGAN DAiLY rA a I Polls, Praise, Gripes Surround iT i rimester By WALTER SHAPIRO and ANN MUNSTER The "rushed trimester system" has been, ever since its inception, the cause of many bitter com- plaints by both students and fac- ulty as they lament their respec- tive lack of accomplishment at the end of each term. Under the discarded two-semes- ter system, which...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 60

… PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 PAGR SIX TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 29. 1987 _ .._.. __ , ... v..... . _ ..., .,,. , I Now Playing a Cinema Guild: Fundament als of By RON LANDSMAN The fundamental questions raised by the arrest of three stu- dents and a faculty member for the Cinema Guild showing of an "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy", motion picture are basic to the role of the university in modern soci...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 61

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE' A rtistic The California Case on which ducer of Elden based his decision was over- depicting turned early in July by the Cali- ious sexu fornia Supreme Court. too full Attorney W ill i a m Goodman uous to conceded that the decision "was images a bad loss for our side." Although childlike he declined to predict what might sentimen happen in another court if the Miss Kae film is ruled obscene...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 62

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, ' 967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29. 1967 aong-Range Needs, Financing Guide 0 U' Expansion BURSLEY HALL when fully open will ac commodate over 1200 students. tsaIo n ddija c i et v i~t cbtlno3pk e rr I in a uniqueatmoj hepe 213 S. State a NO 2-3413 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 A.M.-10 P.M. Sat. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. (Continued from Page 1) provided through the federal gov- ernment's college assistance acts and s...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 63

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUSA.. UGS 2,167T E IHIA _Al YA fL Phones: 668-9866 665-3679 HOURS: r iscou At records, n Mon.-Fri. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:30-6:00 ANN ARBOR'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE RECORD SHOPS WITH TWO CAMPUS LOCATIONS 1235 5. UNIVERSITY 300 5. STATE FOLK - ROCK - JAZZ SCLASSICS SPOKEN POP Thousands of L.P.'s and 45's to choose from-All your favorites in stock AND EVERY L.P AT DISCOUNT PRICE ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 64

… PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 29.1967 OVER 2,000 STUDENTS: Growing Flint Campus Doubles Capacity Educators Join Industry At 'U' Dearborn Branch 1I I By BETSY TURNER The Flint branch of the Univer- sity has only one building-but one huge. building. Constructed in 1957, the C. S. Mott building is now undergoing expansion which, when finished, will double the campus' siz...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 65

…TUEM'SDAT, AUGUST 9, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY CMPUS DISCOUTSOE City G( Makin SENSA INLFor 71 0 ~One of the pet peeve that students live a shel classes ndp osrw effect on heir communit Cq u a in teterim existence-partially Inte"cold, cruel world." - - There are, however,c t aean activepatns Celebrating our first year in Ann Arbor with AnncStuentsillmake upe REALDISC UNT RICE AnnArbor. City merchant REAL DIS OUN PRCESof goods. Councilmen In w dep...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 66

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29.1967 THE MICvGNmDILYTUsD A. "A %a&.J. T f ,&,U ..............-._ i H US a 0 f 4 Make the force in Students a powerful Affairs University 94 Quad Self-Government Educational Reform Student Rental Union Draft Counseling Service Student Consumers Union Student Housing Association Legal Aid Service Voter Registration Project I 11 Interested. in any of these? ou S t ee S ou V 4 ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 67

… Strtgan tii Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 STUDENT LIFE SECT S S " 0 11 Student Power Movement Fizzles S Former SGC President Ed Robinson on the Diag in November By HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director, 1966-67 THE SO-CALLED student power movement of November, 1966 began with a bang and ended with less than a whisper. To understand what seems to "bang" ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 68

… THE MICHIGAN nATi v Tall' Illt'afllEauti1 "lt~l V.5UJ TUESM, AY, AUGUST 29, 1967 dvisory Panels Facilitate 'U' Communication By BETSY TURNER n the interest of the Univer- community and supportive of general .educational goals of University to provide for an ange of informattion between nts 'and the executive officers e. University" five student ad- y boards to the Vice Presi- swere set up last April. e President for Student Af- Richar...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 69

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN'DAILY PAGE TUESDAY. AUGUST 29, 1967 TINE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SGC Seeks Greater Student Influence in ' P olic) By THOMAS R. COPI Student power, sit-in bans, non- student participation, judicial re- form, new services and new inter- est highlighted the busiest year in the history of the Student Gov- ernment Council. The beginning of the year was marked by the apathy which has always plagued student g...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 70

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY AU( "UST 29, 1967 INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS, 1967-1968 Special Pre-Season Concerts NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, LEONARD BERSTEIN, Conductor TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 and 13, 8:30 P.M. in Hill Auditorium.. TICKETS: $6.00-$5.50-$5.00-84.00-$3.00- $2.00 Fraternities Integrate Academic, Social Aspects of Student Life Choral Union Series (in Hitl Auditorium) CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA JEAN MARTINON, Conduct...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 71

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 106: - W. Maa .'"UT. E A :u 5FI.V a src a. iat1 #/aJ I How To Stretch Your Dollars In Ann Arbor By ELLEN FRANK Ann Arbor often seems like the only restaurant inside a crowded airport-prices can be high because it is the only thing that's there. Ann Arbor's theatres long ago gave into the price rise. Concerts at Hill Auditorium can cost as much as $6 for a single seat. Even the Union has given up the 10 cents cup of co...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 72

…PAGE SIX TUC MICUICALM UAIrIF.*Sr PAGE S~x. ~.A .Y~U.A. MRZM1V1U.' UP11 1' IFJ' .'D . 111 kLiX s4 U f s1~~T Nb£N~ TUESDAY, A Campus Religious Centers Provide Students with Spiritual Guidance. I MULTI-DIRECTIONAL ART: 'U'Serves as Major Film Center With Flair for New Techniques ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Full Gospel Student Fellowship; Programs of worship, Bible study, recreation, and fellowship provided by the Evangelical Temple of Ann Arbor. BA...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 73

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P" TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P pp Doc Losh+ gives last minute tips to "her" boys before the Big 10 game. HOME cc Competitive blood runs strong at the mudbowl with SAE's pitched against Phi Delts. IMING In lost year's original production "Out of Our Minds" the cast performed so realistically, we wonder whether life at the U hadn't driven them to identify with the title. M US...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 74

… PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN n A TT V 1 as L 1 ''1a.{ IUU1V.P LUlU ZNLi1.L. _ TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1 P'^t T' ::aP 1 ^' T Y'y'/'1 . .,_ E'V rv - . -+ ' rw-r a -rte . .+r. .. . ..,......... SPONSORS SPECIAL EVENTS: UAC Adds Excitement to Campus 89TH SEASON: A i World Artists Perform By ANN MUNSTER The catchy initials UAC stand for University Activities Center, an organization of the students, by the students, and for the stu- dents. It ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 75

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST ~9, 1967 TIlE MICUIGAN DAILY Theatre in Ann Arbor: An ExpandingRole ALL CAMPUS GROUP: Glee Club Opens 108th Season After Nine Week World Tour By LIZ WISSMAN Arts Editor, 1966-67 There are two theories most often cited to explain the appar- h ent health and dynamism of the theatre in Ann Arbor. One re- lates Ann Arbor to a general de- centralizing movement in the American Theatr...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 76

…PAGE T9M TliV MICHIGAN UAii.V Tv lRovAX, AvI 4rionn AA 1N&M PAGETE1~a.. AK <KA %I Kas ~AwK ik ~itr alU EP kL TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 r 0 Os lO' 0 0 0 0 '0 ust a t 0 0 I ~0V~XS5XC VXOt4 ~At100 flfltrnit~ Old CS~att , / / 7'F E W yQRK1'F1M1ESFRIDAY PER t 1AW I 'r r _ ,- PRO tn~ l (?so32t }Th' 1 R T S P A 1 E Ilzln e _ 1 iv 4nthefrw .e~ I a hoA zi - -la " Po 0 Itsei usStirred by Board sIa., ) IV. . :~rr- hej the 'f - P...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 77

…C, r Lwr~igx ~~Iait Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 SPORTS SECTION ,, C O W 0 S Teams Seek New Crowns Rosema downs Minnesota quarterback in 49-0 stomping. 0 L R N - A T H L T By JOHN SUTKUS SEARCHING backglance always brings out the philoso- pher in football coaches. Take Tony Mason, Wolverine offensive line coach,'for example. When asked about the 1...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 78

… TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 JI' Teams Ended Last Year Without One Title; Prospects Ii reprove (Continued from Page 1) In the weeks that followed, Clancy led the nation in pass re- ceiving. He was finally edged out of the national title on the last day of the season. .The Wolverine captain set the Big Ten records for passes caught (50) and yardage gained (698) on.lhis way to leading the confer- ence in pass receiving. ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 79

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,196' THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y' PAGE'] TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Roundballers Hope To Erase Recent Past By HOWARD KOHN Sometime toward the end of last season, coach Dave Strack sighed, "This is a five-man operation and we've been trying to run on three cylinders." And Michigan's basketball team, losing its last eight Big Ten games in a row, coughed and belched and wheezed its way to a 2-12 record and last p...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 80

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAIN DAILY TUESDAY, AU P4Gw FOU3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AK Icers Seek to Recoup Loss of Stars By DAVE WEIR At any rate, the puck simply Every sport has its own Big ! failed to bounce in Michigan's di- Play: that individual mark of ex- rection late last spring, and a citement which distinguishes it chance for extraordinary record from every other athletic event., dissolved into a mediocre 19-7-2 In hockey, the real...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 81

…TUESDA'Y', AUGUST 29, 1967 THE ICUIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY weather Plagues Nii ne; Takes Second Place By GRAYLE HOWLETT Executive Sports Editor "Take Juan Marichal and Willie Mays away from San Francisco and where would the Giants be?" This provocative question was posed by Moby Benedict, coach of the Michigan baseball team, the 1967 bridesmaids of the Big Ten Conference. It's a question Coach Benedict lik...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 82

…PAGE STXT THE MICHIGAN DAILY Swim Team Lacks Depth After Graduations By DOUG HELLER At the close of the 1966 swim- ming season, there was almost a feeling of an end of an era for Gus Stager's tankers. After maintaining consistent runners-up spots to seven straight Indiana swimming championships, one of the greatest senior crops in Wolverine history was graduat- ing. It, didn't look like there was much around to replace the men who had led M...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 83

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 196". rrHE MICHIGAN DAILY PA TUES.DAY, AUGUST 29, 1967cv v. .AIu .r l G O Golf Team Tries To Break Jinx (Continued from Page 4 Coach. Katzenmeyer predicts a strong team for next season, the' lineup depending upon how well the veterans and upcoming soph- omres do during fall and winter practice. "The final decision probably will not be made until the night before the first tournament," said Kat- zen meyer, now in his 2...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 84

… LEIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN BATTY TTTFSDAY. ATJETT~T ~ I qE~'7 vux3.vwa.y w.v uara:ra 16a q atrvo moommum Mat lIen Seek 'To Regain rni n 's I X,14 ff By BOB LEES April is normally a slow month for followers of winter sports. Basketball has had its finals, gymnastics is done, swimming and indoor track are finishing up, and sports editors are hard-pressed to find interesting tidbits to inform th...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 85

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY P) CLARK NORTON Track Boasts Returning Lettermen Multiversity Athletics: Bureaucracy on a Basketball Court As an out-of-state student, I'm often asked why I decided to attend the University of Michigan. Usually sticking to the insane stock reply "It's a good school," I find it's also helpful to acquire a puzzled expression like "You expected Harvard, maybe?" Actually it's the only place I applied, so what could I do.r Ho...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 86

… PAGE 'ice THE MICHIGAN HAILS TUESDAY, AUGUST 29;1967 PA!TN H IHIA ALYTEDY.AGIT 91W ... v..waw++aa .s i+VIVA7i M4 1 itlV# ! 0 I1 arriving on campus is more, than just getting there, ,r ,/N A I \n /3 Inciden tally, you'll mneet the nicest People at .HHS . .. and all these f amous nzames in menz's and wvomen's clothing, as well. As everyone knows, it's what you do, where you go, how you look. And to- this latter end, o...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 87

…ft tj:4 L Swd igan Daii4 Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom A" w~rTT I' VOL. LX Kviii. No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 ^"""""" ELATION SECTI( i1 Y9 V i S O U N I Fleming Replaces Hatcher v E . Fleming's Background in Labor Mediation is Seen as Vital in His Rise to 'U' President By DAVID BERSON THE University's new president Robben W. Fleming, is one of a new breed of men which has emerged to run ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 88

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY itate Board Maps Out Unified Educational TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 Plant By LAURENCE MEDOW Associate Managing Editor the Stat Board of Education, frequent target of criticism in two-and-a-half years of exist- e, is beginning to acquire a re defined role in Michigan's icational affairs. rhe board's authority is vested Article VIII, Section 3 of the 3 state constitution, which tes the board "shall serve as general planning a...…

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