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August 29, 1967 - Image 72

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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Campus Religious Centers Provide
Students with Spiritual Guidance.


'U'Serves as Major Film Center
With Flair for New Techniques

Full Gospel Student Fellowship;
Programs of worship, Bible study,
recreation, and fellowship provided
by the Evangelical Temple of Ann
Bah'i World Faith S t u d e n t
Group Meets Friday evenings to
discuss relevance of Baha'u'llah's
teachings to problems of world
unity and peace.
American Baptist Campus Cen-
ter: Programs of study and fellow-
ship; worship with the First Bap-
tist Church. Campus Center facili-
ties open to students.
University Fellowship: Bible
study groups, socials; worship with
Huron Hills Baptist Church.
Baptist Student Union: Stu-
dent-led program of study and fel-
lowship. Worship, Sunday School,

and Training Union in Packard
Road Baptist Church.
Campus Chapel: Worship ser-
vices and study - social groups
planned especially for University
Student Guild: University Stu-
dents' Sunday School Class prior
to morning worship, m o n t h I y
meetings, and social events.
Christian Science Organization:
Weekly meetings with readings
and testimonies. Special lectures
presented periodically.
(See Guild House)
(See Guild House)
(Protestant Foundation for
International students)
Extensive program of discussion
groups, counseling, host - family,
and special lectures provided for
foreign students.

Seminars, lectures and discus-
sions on religion and medicine for
nursing and medical students.
Canterbury House: Traditional
a n d experimental programs in
arts, liturgy, communication, and
counseling, Weekend m e e t i n g
place with jazzand folk songs.
(See Guild House)
Young Friends: Sunday worship
and weekly discussion groups for
depth exploration of personal
concerns. Weekend retreats and
work camps.
Alpha Omega Fellowship: Inde-
pendent community church pro-
viding University Bible class, spec-
ial conferences.
S t u d e n t Society: Discussion
groups, social events, and special
lectures, sponsored by St. Nicholas
Eastern Orthodox Church. Sun-
days, Divine Liturgy.
United Campus Christian Fel-
lowship: Extensive programs are
given good publicity around cam-
pus. Luncheons with topical dis-
cussions are held every Monday
and Friday at noon.
(See Muslim Students

tion centering an Word and Sac-
raments, courses of study, private
instruction, counseling, S u n d a y
evening discussions. Center open
(Wisconsin Evangelical Synod)
Lutheran Collegians: Worship at
Darlington Lutheran C h u r c h,
transportation provided. Bi-weekly
studentmeetings for study and
Meeting places and dates an-
nounced. Programs include wor-
ship, discussions, fellowship meals
and recreation.
W e s 1 e y Student Fellowship:
Sunday evening Wesley Fellow-
ship, programs of study and action
for both the committed Christian
and inquirer. Special student re-
treats and conferences.
Regular Friday prayers a n d
special religious observances. Seeks
to promote understanding of Islam
among students of other faiths.
Presbyterian University Minis-
try: Features Sunday evening
Supper Program for all students.
Grad student Supper Discussion
on Friday evenings. Sunday morn-
ing Coffee Hour after worship.
Collegiate Club of University
Reformed Church: Morning and
evening Sunday worship. Sunday
evening student discussion and
weekly informal fellowship meet-

. . .

The "film people" of Ann Arbor
applaud this small midwestern
hamlet as one of the finest cinema
centers in the country. They run
their own film societies, conduct
classes on film techniques and
film history and even produce
their own films.
This elite group, composed of
both University professors and stu-
dents, actively profess the film
gospel; film is the potential multi-
directional art for which recog-
nition has finally come.
Ann Arbor's film people release
their energies in two directions.
The first is the actual showing of
commercial films -- an activity
shared by the general public. The
second is their own creation; the
making, experimenting, selection
and discussion of film.
Film Potentialities
The film elite is not guarding
this second area from the general
public. They attempt to make it
available to anyone who recog-
nizes the dimensions and potenti-
alities of the film. This anyone
is becoming an increasingly large
The concept of Ann Arbor as a
film center begins with the many
opportunities to see films here.
In the city there are four commer-
cial theaters-The State, Michi-
gan, Campus and Vth Forum.
But what distinguishes Ann Ar-
bor from the average city is the
wealth of opportunities to see pre-
1967 films. Newman Center and
the Presbyterian Center show for-
eign films on Friday and Saturday
nights. South Quad sporadically
offers its residents recent Ameri-
can films. Cinema II presents re-
cent popular films each weekend.
The Indian Students' Association
often has Indian language films-
from the country which now pro-
duces more films than Hollywood
did in its heyday.

Cinema Guild in cooperation with
the Dramatic Arts Center. The
Festival is a competition, with en-
trants from throughout the world.
Films are sent in, selected by a
special panel, and then screened at.
Cinema Guild over a five day per-
The Ann Arbor Film Festival is,
on a national level, crucially im-
portant to the growth of film. As
the largest festival of its kind in
the country, it presents the widest
spectrum of experimental films
-from the well known giants such
as Vanderbeek and Anger to un-
known film students and makers.
Besides the Film Festival, ex-
perimental film and film making
goes on in Ann Arbor in a manner
unknown or unacknowledged by
most of the city and the Univer-
Significant contributions come
from Milton Cohen, a professor in
the Architecture and Design
School. Cohen is nationally known
for his use of film in "space the-
atre", aiming to create a total
theatre, breaking down "the dis-
tance between spectator and spec-
tacle." The means is the use of
film as one tool in the total image

created by light, sound, mirrors,
prisms and live performers. Cohen
allows only a small audience, seat-
ed for multi-directional viewing.
The film is projected onto rotating
panels, with mirrors to increase
and change the projected images.
Music, dancers, and performers
add to the many mediumed per-
Space Theater
Cohen's space theatre represents.
a high level of sophistication in aa
trend which has currently been
widely popularized! by other ar-
tists. The "Exploding Plastic In-
evitable" of Andy Warhol is the1
most widely recognized examplel
of this trend to use film as onet
medium in a totality formed ofl
many arts.
Film making on another level "
is done by students in Prof.
George Manupelli's film course in{
the Architecture and Design
School. Sharing cameras, syn-
chronizers and other film equip-#
ment, the students produce theirl
own films.
The plight of film making inf
Ann Arbor and the futility of ther
film elite is best illustrated b thist
small film class. They are offered|

no equipment by the Art School,
which does not consider film an
art form to be taught. Their
equipment therefore is supplied by
students in the class or by Mau-
pelli. Maupelli often speaks of one
of his finest students, who has to
leave Ann Arbor for a school in
New York,because there are n0
facilities here,
The film elite's claim that Ann
Arbor is an important film center
does not apply if films cannot be
made here. Nor can it apply to a
University which as yet has no
film criticism course. (Prof. Ro-
bert Sklar of the history depart-
ment and Prof. Marvin Felheim
of the English department will
have such a course next winter).
Ann Arbor's potentialities as a
film center are numerous. At its
core, it has a wealth of oppor-
tunities to see films. It has the Ci-
nema Guild-which is more inter-
ested in the development of film
than the growth of profit. And it
has an interested alert film elite
of critics, professors, students and
film-goers, which is capable of
making films into something more
than Saturday afternoon enter-



16 aroc, ue nstruments


B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation::' ROMAN CATHOLIC
Regular and Holiday religious ser- St Mary's Student Chapel, Ga-
vices led by students and director. briel Richard Center, Newman
Classes in Jewish studies, music Student Association, Counseling
and drama workshops, lecture ser- for International students; Daily
ies, and Kosher meals. Facilities Masses, varied courses of study,


open to students.
The Mormon Church locally
provides an L.D.S. Institute of Re-
li for~ collrn LP-tudp.ntq and n.

lectures and social events. Numer-
ous services for foreign students.
Poor Richard's Cafeteria and
other facilities open daily.

gll lrulege s uem sl dY
University Sunday School class, UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST
in addition to regular church pro-

Classical, folk, electric instruinents, accessories, private instruction,
repairs, rentals, instruments from around the world

grams, .... wvva + y+grams to explore campus and com-
AmsNmunity issues in theology, philoso- Cinema Guild
LATTER DAY SAINTS ,phy, politics, and world religions. Cinema Guild, in the auditorium
(Reorganized). Sponsored by First Unitarian of the Architecture and Design
Liahona Fellowship: DiscussionGChurch. School, is one of the favorites of
groups for students, supplementing * the film elite. They cite it as "one
the regular worship and fellowship Office 'of Student Affairs: Stu- of the finest film societies in the
activities of the church. dent Activities Building can pro- country". They awe at its semes-
LUTHERAN vide further information about the terly schedules. They attend with
(Missouri Synod) location, staff, and program of all a regularity that could be consid-
University Lutheran Chapel and student religious groups. (Tele- ered nearly sponsorship. And they
Chapel: An all-student congrega- phone: 764-6442). think it frivolous that the major-
ity of the students at the Univer-
sity think Cinema Guild is the
.k. place that shows "funny old mov-

209 S. STATE ST.

665-8001 ext. I

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E:S":":'rtif£{"Ffi:":":"'"R :.}"sr:":."r rae" ..".w ".".^.v::-: r:r.": ".
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Hints from Collins

U of M shopper's guide!
Collins is aware of what U. of M. girls need for
their very special campus life. It's a life so special
that no hometown friends can fill you in on what's
"just right"! Thiry-nine years of experience and
awareness has proved you can rely on Collins for
the best in serving Ann Arbor's Coeds' needs.
don't get caught!. . . with all the
wrong things for classes, football games, teas,
and especially for dates. Clothes needs for dates
and dances are so different here, so .. .



'U' Honoraries Initiate Their Members
With Mud in Eye, Pride in Heart

Each year, less than 100 male
campus heroes crawl through the
mud, half undressed, then strut
through campus adorned in mul-
ti-colored paint and brick dust.
No, they are not practicing to be
totem poles or underwater fight-
ers; but rather they are "men of
This is part of a campus ritual
known as initiation into Univer-
sity honoraries. A neophyte is
tapped for the organization by
the old members in a night-time
raid. The honored individual gen-
erally finds himself pryed from
his bed chambers, immersed with
water and brick dust and told of
his selection. Public initiations
then follow on the Diag, where
the chosen people undergo tests
of virility to prove their worthi-
ness and self-dedication to the
Women's honoraries are more
sedate; they make traditional
nocturnal journeys serenading
their new members in the glow of

Most of the honorary societies
are strictly local in origin
Outstanding senior men in
every school (except engineering)
are eligible for Druids, which
chooses its initiates for achieve-
ments in athletics and activities.
"Saplings" (those tapped) be-
come mighty trees through plenty
of water and green dust. Duck-
citing Joyce Kilmer's "Trees" is
also a traditional branch of the
New members are given tree
names which are announced pub-
licly at initiation. Druids is named
after the forest priests of 'old
England and founded in 1909.
Hectorians, founded in 1953
recognizes and honors outstanding
fraternity men and meets to dis-
cuss fraternity problems.
Members are chosen from the
fraternity presidents, Interfrater-
nity Council officers and Frater-
nity Buyers' Association.
The tribe of Michigamua is an
all-campus senior men's honorary
for excellence in activities and
athletics. Members dress for "Rope
Day" (initiation day) in Indian
costumes and turn the chosen
palefaces into young braves by an
ordeal which takes the selected
ones on a duck-walk journey
"seven flights up and seven flights
down the Michigan Union."

Initiates are doused with brick
dust and water and are given sec-
ret names revealed only at the end
of the year at the next rope day.
Founded in 1901 to serve the
University, Michigamua is the old-
est existing campus honorary.
The national senior women's
honorary society, Mortarboard is
the first of the women's groups to
tap in the spring.
Members chosen for service;
leadership and scholarship must
have a 3.0 average. The girls tap
at midnight clad in caps and
gowns, singing their song, "Thy
Ideals." New members wear mor-
tarboards the next day.
The University chapter, Pi
Sigma Alpha, was one of the four
founding chapters in 1918. There
are now 95
Scabbard and Blade
Participants in either of the
three ROTC programs are selected
on the basis of leadership, pa-
triotism, efficiency, loyalty and
honor for Scabbard and Blade.
Initiates are tapped in the star-
light with sabers and during the
trial period must guard the lions
and defend the scabbard and blade
in front of the flagpole..
The group's purpose is to raise

women for leadership, character
and loyalty.
Its purpose is to promote cos
operation between alumnae and
students and to further interest
in campus actiivties.
Honor Society
Senior Society recognizes inde-
pendent women with high scho-
lastic averages who have actively
served the campus.
During the initiation ceremony,
each member's name is added to a
long ribbon with the names of all
members since the organization's
Red brick dust and water trans-
forms the neophytes into Egyp-
tians and then the initiates must
crawl on their stomachs looking
for the River Nile (otherwise
known as the League fountain).
They must prove their worth by a
final dip in that body of water.
Members are given secret Egyptian
Triangles, for junior engineers,
is also designed to recognize cam-
pus actiivties. Initiates are abduct-
ed to serve the night and must
find their way back to campus
from an isolated part of the coun-
try. The public initiation features
such stunts as a human pyramid
and cribbing the Engineering Arch
with a toothbrush.
The only mortal acceptable in
the eyes of the god Vulcan is a
senior engineer who has served
Ithe University in activities or
athletics. Neophytes are abducted
in the night and taken out of
town to find their way back to
Then they undergo a public in-
itiation by blacking themselves
with oil, chaining themselves to

The film culture of Ann Arbor
could be said to grow out of Cine-
ma Guild and its elitist sponsor-
ship. The annual March Ann Ar-
bor Film Festival is presented by

Film Fans Line Up for a Cinema Guild Showing






stop !

. . . buy in Ann Arbor!

bring your parents to get acquainted with our
store and to meet our welcoming committee of
personable salespeople, and to
open charge accounts. ,for you
before they leave for home. See these important


tion and spread information
military and service careers.

Another 1 o c a 1 organization,
Scroll honors senior affiliated







lines: Lanz - uc e - Jantzen - Counryv et - ,, , J


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