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August 29, 1967 - Image 53

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Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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Y, AUGUST 31, 1967




Forum for Artistic Expression

Gargoyle Pounds the Funny Bo
Into Reluctant Submission
By AVIVA KEMPNER you might appreciate the type of But 5,000 readers probably can- President Harlan Hatcher
He: "Do you believe in free humor offered in the Gargoyle, not be all wrong. Beside the usual on the history of the Great
love?" the campus humor magazine pub- trash, it includes topical humor The Garg is given full f
She: "Did I ever send you a lished twice each semester, satirizing campus events and to write the captions for
bill?" If not don't worry. The contents 1 newsworthy happenings. vertisements that annear

Generation, the inter-arts mag-
azine, is more than a mere collec-
tion of photographs, p o e m s
stories and plays iut together in
an interesting format. It is a
group of highly talented individ-
uals seeking to improve and be-
come involved in the cultural life
of the Univetsity community.
Generation is an activity con-
cerned with stimulating artistic
dialogue throughout the campus,
aiming to make the arts and ar-
tistic expression an integral part
of our society. But at least in one
oi sense, this process paradoxically
results in a desire that Genera-
tion not be labeled "art;" that it
not receive the deadly blow of
"acceptance;" that it not receive
the castrated respectability of. a
Renoir print that, hangs in the
bedroom or of Beethoven at tea.
One of the commonest crimes
committed .against the individual
is the choking of his awareness
of his own potentialities. This is.
in part, a social crime. But it is,
unfortunately, too much of a sui-
cide. As a forum for artistic ex-
pression, Generation wishes to
stimulate an excited involvement
in human activity. It begins with
the optimistic belief that man is
more nearly capable of living well;
of being more nearly aware of the
dignity (and possible dignity) of
his existence.
One may doubt whether every-
thing in the immediate world is
discernible, but it is certainly
more available for those who are
willing to .discern it. The cultiva,-
tion of a desire to observe the na-
ture of man's existence with the
combined talents of "scientific
dissection" and "artistic diges-
tion" so that a wholeness of con-
sciousness is achieved seems im-

perative to the human process,
and should be one of the major
efforts of education.
Criticismbecomes both an in-
tellectual and emotional weapon
to combat those forces either ir-
relevant to or destructive to that
educational process. Generation
wishes to become involved in the
activity of learning, helping to
produce such critical facilities.
It is possible to construe the
above as hot pretentiousness. To

do so, however, would be a mis-
take. At most, it is optimistic
idealism. But that need not be a
derogatory label. If one is going
to make the claim for the impor-
tance of artistic expression, one
must also be willing to say why
he finds it important. And so, it
is with perhaps optimistic ideal-
ism, but also with an enthusiastic
sense of responsibility, that Gen-
eration begins its nineteenth year.

The staff of Generation is far
from being a "closed circle" of
friends. The interests are varied,
and positions are available to any-
one who shows enthusiasm, ex-
citement, and competence. For
anyone interested in the actual
editing of a small magazine,
Generation provides unlimited op-
portunities for learning the tech-
niques of layout composition,
proofreading, advertising, and cir-

Definition of a stuffed olive:
A pickle with a tail light
Ha! Ha! If you're laughing then

Michiganensian Presents Kaleidoscope
Of Year's Personalities, Happenings

The University presents the
image of an enormous, amorphous
lonely institution. There are the
drab, gray and white walls of
biulding after building, the grave,
carbon-copied faces that march
day in and day out across cement
"thoroughfares," the always-pres-
ent paper clip, notebook, "bic"
pen, Monarch "review" book, and
the monotonous drone of the ad-
ministration as it broadcasts its
favorite!i million-dollar tune: 'At-
tention! Student 770 9955, 'do not
bend, spindle, fold, or mutilate,'"
However, tere are times-rare
to be sure-when the University
drops its intellectualized defense
mechanisms and becomes, instead,
a warm, emotional, empathetic
"being." One of the finest of these
times is when, as the snows of
March recede, and the tiniest buds
of the maple trees appear, the
pages of the most humanized,
nostalgic volume on campus are
revealed. This is the occasion of
the Michiganensian yegrbook.
Breathes Life
Cutting through the milieu, the
Michiganensian personalizes that
"lonely institution," and breathes
life into those "carbon-copied"
faces. It moves across the spec-
trum of our lives as living, sensi-
tive students, faculty, and admin-
istrators to reveal the ties that
each of us has formed here during
our year.
Through this photographic, cap-
tioned kaleidoscope, we can turn
to any page and feel a wonder-
land of memories - some happy,
some sad--tingle in our minds.
There tare the pomp, color,
cheers, and fascination of the
Wolverines as they manipulate.
the pigskin to their own likingI
while chalking up another Big Ten
victory. There is the registration
line extending in its tradition past
the chemistry building on the last
day before classes. There are the
fun, excitement, and great ex-

pectations as men and women dent publications in the country.
from all over campus rush the There are all of these ways in
Greek system. There is the novel- which we. have expressed our emo-
ty, planning, and participation tions and our characters. ""hese
associated with the amazing Mich- are only a few of the aspects of
igan weekends - Homecoming, each of our lives which are so
Winter Weekend. vividly and meaningfully captured
There is the dedicated professor on the pages of Michigan's annual.
who passes months at a time test- Still, these are not what make
ing out a single hypothesis, blaz-
ing a path to the discovery of ,a the Michiganensian great. what
new medical cure, an outstanding make it the one book which is

historical finding, a new legal
perspective, or. an engineering
technique. There are the finest
of musical presentations by the
students and faculty which thou-
sands of admirers enthusiastically
attend. There are the dramatic
presentations that rival some of
the nation's best. There are the
vitalized and active political clubs
on campus.
There are the dormitory govern-
ments and campus organizations.
There are some of the finest stu-

never resold. The element which
has created this status is the
commonness, the empathy which
all feel expressed by the presenta-
tions on every page.
For no matter where we look,
we are reminded that regardless
of our individual differences, we
have all laughed, cried, cheered,
applauded, performed, w r i t t e n,
prayed, lost, and loved during this,
our year. Humanization - that's
why the Michiganensian is valued.


Keepingin Step with Science
By SHIRLEY NICKOVICH Technic is not completely tech- Practice of Student Power" April,
Although primarily oriented to- nical in nature. Some examples of 1967.
ward the engineering community, the diversity of the articles -that There is another side to the
the Michigan Technic serves as a appear in this journal prepared by Technic, and that is its role be-
valuable source of information on Michigan engineers include: yond the campus. Having been
the vital technological advances "A Discussion of Student-Fac- selected as the best engineering
reshaping our world. To the pro- ulty Interaction" October, 1966; college publication, the Technic is
fessor teaching Aristotle or to the "A Left-Handed Philosophy for sent to all parts of the world -
football star studying physical ed- Business Management" and "The South America, Europe and the
ucation, the Technic may not seem Psychology of Danger" February. Soviet Union.
immediately relevant, but with an 1967; and "The Theory and How should you as freshmen;
interesting format and a concern then, view the Technic? If you
that flows with the mainstream of w are an engineer, perhaps you will
campus life, the Technic is a pub- :-consider joining the staff. The
campun which should not be . Technic presents an opportunity
missed, for the engineer with a literary
Basically the Technic is a or artisically oriented miind to ex-
press himself and get some satis-
monthly digest of current happen- faction out of something besides
ings in the fields of science, math- just his academics.
ematics and engineering. But the If you are an engineer, but
working on the Technic is just not



Offset Offers Diverse Format
In New Perspectivev 'Arty Mag'

for you, perhaps you will at least
pick it up. It doesn't matter what
your field of specialization is, the
Technic covers them all. Besides,
today's engineer cannot afford to
be just an expert in his own field.
He needs some knowledge, if only
a familiarity, with the other disci-
plines that he doesn't study in
If you are not an engineer, pick
up a copy too. The editors have
always encouraged article submis-
sions and letters of opinion from
all students, not just engineers.


The cover is a hopscotch of
green and blue across half the
page. Above, the jet black words
The Offset Perspective penetrate
the stark white ground.
'Mmmmm," you say, "another
arty mag." Okay, but turn the
page, because inside is what's
really happening.'
You see, Offset Perspective
isn't just an "arty mag." Accord-
ing to Michael Handelman, Off-
set's editor from 1965-67, it is an
"opportunity for all the scholarly
and informative products.of the
University to present themselves
together to an unspecialized aud-
ience." .
That means simply that there
i' something for everyone ... the

engineer and the Anthro enthu-
siast as well as the major in Ele-
ments of Satire in Eighteenth
Century French Literature.
Poetry and original literary
works find their way into the
magazine often enough - tradi-
tional as well as avant garde. But
there are also things that are just
plain interesting. For example,
witty philosophizing abounds in a
recent article on ancient coins by
Theodore Buttrey, professor of
Greek and Latin.
Offset also includes articles on
current happeningsi n the Uni-
versity community. A history of
the activities of the University
Musical Society complete with
pictures started last year's issue
out on a colorful note.
In addition, Offset fills a unique
function not covered by' other
campus publications. Research is
a perpetual activity carried on at
the University. But too much of
the time, work done by researchers
is known only to their colleagues
or readers of professional maga-.
zines. The old dictum, "publish or
perish" is true enough, but only
professionals get to read the pub-
That was true until Offset, any-
way.' The staff seems to feel that
most of the work being done could
be interesting to everyone, if it
were prepared for an unspec'ial-
ized audience. We're not all so
single minded, right? So Offset is
not only a magazine, it's a unique
opportunity to broaden your hori-
The magazine is published every
October under the advisory capa-
city of the Honors Council. How-

ever, this doesn't mean that the
staff is restricted to Honor Stu-
dents. Everyone is welcome. Un-
solicited contributions are wel-
come, too. They in fact make up
a good percentage of the material
the magazine publishes. The rest'
consists of articles prepared espe-
cially for the magazine by stu-
dents, faculty, and staff, as well
as material soon to be published
in books and journals.
Any contributions--poetry, fic-
tion, essays, articles, or drama-
can be taken to 1210 Angell Hall
or room 2521 in the Student Ac-
tivities Building.
As Paul Louis Couries once said,
.. To speak is a good thing, to
write is better, to print is an ex-
cellent thing." So why not come
do an excellent thing?



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