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August 29, 1967 - Image 55

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom









Students Must Request
. II-S Draft Deferments


By STEVE NISSEN a total of five years, including all local board request . a transcript
previous years .of graduate study, directly from the University, the
All University undergraduates to earn their doctorate or profes- board will be informed" of this
satisfactorily pursuing a full-time sional degree. policy.
college program and making pro- Michigan local boards have "The same procedure will apply
portionate progress toward a de- been instructed to allow college in the case of a request for any
ngree each academic year will be students to request, deferments up information other than that
granted student deferments, but until October. At that time all stu- which the student has already au-
only if they make a written re- dent classifications will be recon- thorized the University to send."
uest fhe one tr t sidered University's Obligation
Under the new Military Select-
ive Service Act passed by Congress Students may either write a let- The statement goes on to warn
in July, undergraduates must be ter or fill out Form 104, available that "when a student asks the
deferred until they receive their at draft boards, to request a de- University to furnish information
bachelor's degree, cease to per- ferment. to his local draft board concern-
form satisfactorily or attain the Registrants who do not request ing his status, he recognizes the
age of 24, whichever comes first. deferment in writing and who do obligation of the University to in-
However, in announcing detail- not obtain certification of their form the local board when he
ed instructions on college defer- student status by their colleges withdraws, is ineligible to contin-
ments, State Selective Service Di- will be subject to reclassification ue his course of study, or is grad-
rector Col. Arthur Holmes said into a class available for military uated."
service. The University notes for grad-
those requesting student deter- uate students that with a "wide
ments will no longer be eligible The Office of Academic Affairssh
for deferments as fathers. has issued a statement of Univer- variation of formal degree re-
+Graduate Requirements sity policy on draft records and quirements at the post-baccalau-
wgraduate requirement instructions on receiving and re- reate level, institutions have beenj
New graduate requirement will taining a student deferment. given considerable latitude in de-
be stiffer. After Oct. 1, of this =Frveloping their own criteria for
year, only graduate students in the Fill Out Form determining full-time enrollment,!
health sciences or other critical The University says that "if a subject to the limitation that a
1fields designated by the Director student wishes the University to student is expected to complete
of Selective Service may be de- furnish information to his local the requirements for a master'sI
ferred. board concerning his enrollment degree in two calendar years,"
Students entering graduate status he must complete a Selec- and a doctoral degree in five years
school for the first time by Octo- tive Service Card during registra- after receiving a bachelor's degree.
ber may be deferred for one year. tion and submit it to the regis- The new Selective Service Actt
Graduate students starting their trar." protects undergraduate students(
second or later year of graduate University policy, the statement from the draft unless the Prei-
study by October may be deferred says, is to send transcripts to the dent finds that the needs of the
for one more year to obtain their local board "only upon written re- armed forces require the tezimi- I
master's degree or not to exceed quest of the student. Should a nation or substantial restriction

Increase Student"
Aid by $650,000
All Non-Resident Hikes Set at $300;
Resident Undergraduate U by $72
The Regents, at fheir August meeting, approved a non-
resident tuition hike of $300 in all schools and a resident
tuition increase of $72 at the undergraduate level. In-state
law, medical, dental and public health school fees were
raised $100.
The fees at all levels are the highest among public col-
leges and universities in the state and the Big Ten.
A $500,000 portion of the additional revenue was routed
to increase student aid funds, and another $150,000 for aid
was provided from undesig-<f- ~
nated donations to the $55M
campaign. Dorm ae

PRESIDENT-DESIGNATE ROBBEN FLEMING, left, discusses the University's financial problems
with Regents Gertrude Heubner and William Cudlip at the Regents' July meeting. The Regents
were forced to delay a decision on the University budget and the tuition hike until after the Leg-
islature settled the state's budget. Fleming, who has now visited the campus several times, arrives
this fall to stay. He will officially take over for retiring President Harm Hatcher at the end of the
S mall State Appropriation Rise
Cuts 'U' Budget to Minmum

The rest of the fees will be
added to the general operating
funds. The gross total of student
fees this year will be $24.9 mil-
lion, which is $4.6 million more
than last year.
Any in-state undergraduate who
holds a scholarship equal to or
greater than term fees will have
his stipend adjusted by the
amount of the fee increase. All
other awards will be subject to
review on a need basis.
The tuition increase was ap-
proved unanimously several weeks


The Regents approved a gen-
eral fund (operating costs) bud-
get of $83.2 million for 1967-68,
after increasing student fees by
$4.6 million at their August meet-
This budget, up $5.3 million over
last year,'s, is just $100,000 over

"modest" improvement in staff
benefits at the expense of other
items, as it did last year.
"Because we have again given
top priority to wage and salary in-
creases, the University will again
have inadequate funds for equip-
ment, supplies, space rehabilita-
tion and other urgent funds,"

"This is significantly short of' after the state Legislature ap-
what we hoped to do when the proved the state budget. The
original request was made to the University was the last state-sup-
Legislature," Smith told the Re- ported institution to raise fees.;
gents. About $10.6 million had The Regents considered several
been asked to cover increases for different alternatives in setting
this area, which has suffered for the size of the fee hike. An abit-
the last five or six years from low ity-to-pay plan, similar to that
state appropriations, adopted at Michigan State Uni-

Completion of

of college determents.
No Lottery
Tie-ups Delay, The act. which extends the Se-
lective Service System until 1971,
specifically prohibits the Johnson
nproposed lottery system of "fair
Bursley Hal rand impartial random selectio "
The new law also requires that
Campus for lunch. However, due a claim for deferment on grounds
to expected crowding of Main of being a conscientious objector
Campus dining facilities, this be based on religious grounds.
privilege will be denied to resi- This is in contradiction to a re-
dents of Vera Baits cent Supreme Court decision that
such objections do not have to be
See BURSLEY, Page 5 on a strictly religious basis.


Despite construction delays thati
have placed nearly. 300 Bursley1
*Hall students on Central Campus,
close to 900 students are now liv-
ing at the new North Campus
The 300 students originally
scheduled to live at Bursley will
be spending the month of Sep-;
tember on Central Campus be-
cause of construction delays.
Director of University Housing
John Feldkamp said yesterday
about 15 of those 300 have been
able to move into Bursley already.
He said there are about 45 ad-
ditional unoccupied rooms at
#Bursley which may also be filled
by these students. The date for
moving the rest of the 300 stu-
dents to Bursley is the end of
September, but is being reviewed,
he added.
There are presently two uncom-
pleted houses at Bursley, which
#*will hold 1180 students when com-
Converted doubles are being
used to house the displaced stu-
dents. These rooms are doubles
which will have three people for
the next month.
The new Bursley complex will
ultimately consist of eight houses,
four for men and four for women,
and dining and recreational fa-
cilities for 2000. These facilities
will be available for the use of
residents of the Vera Baits Hous-
ing complex, located adjacent to

Funds, Needs Goveri


what the University considers its President Harlan Hatcher said. Smith mentioned that many'
minimum operating costs - the From the increased fees and other areas are again experienc-7
amount necessary to continue state appropriations, the Regents ing shortages. The library alloca-
present programs plus minimum allocated $3.6 million for salary tions, he noted, would be just suf-l
increased staff benefits. and wage increases and for the ficient to continue existing acqui-
The fee increase was necessita- employment of new staff to meet , sition programs and cover main-
ted by a much lower-than-expect- the anticipated enrollment rise. tenance costs of library buildings.
ed approapriation from the Legis- According to Allan F. Smith, New schedules for nonacademic
lature. The University had asked vice-president for academic af-
- staff increases - including serv-+
for $74.6 million, a $16.5 million fairs, new staff will account orIice, maintenance, office and craftt
increase over last year, but re- approximately $1.5 million and
ceived only $59.1 million. salaries and wages for $2.1 million merit bases and partly in an up-
The University will retain a of the increase. ward adjustment to bring wage
schedules in, line with those paid
+ f f3state civil service employes ini
13nildiiig P lais comparable classifications.
ry r [,n R The new schedules establish a
minimum rate of $1.82 per hour
By WALLACE IMMEN the University may not be awarded in an effort to bring the Univer-
Any attempt to list the new any state funds until it "omplies. sity minimum wage to $2 an hour +
building plans of the University Another official notes that al- for regular, full-time personnel as
in detail would be obsolete before though the University complies soon as possible.
it was printed. Not because the with all other requirements set Students and other temporary
administration doesn't know what by the state, working closely With j personnel will receive a minimum'
is needed, but because the Univer- the controller's office in deter-' rate of $1.55, up from $1.42 per
sity has not committed itself to , mining estimated costs, it must hour.
any rigid schedule for adding new continue to demand its autonomy. "In some areas we are barelyl
facilities, explains John McKevitt, covering losses in real purchasing
assistant to the vice president and power because of inflation. Some
chief financial officer. NEW ID CARDS unity will without doubt face loss-
Planners nave to be concerned es of staff before the year is out."
with long-range needs because so All University students will The general fund budget is the
many variables are subject to rivnewrstudentent- University's largest budget, .-over-
change before ground is broken dents in the literary college ing costs of instruction and stu-
for any building, he adds. But firm who have not pre-classified ent services. Three other maor
commitments must eventually be uso aiek otprecarsi , budgets were approved by the Re-
made and the University has ar- mth pick up the ads gents at the August meeting.
ranged its plans into priority lists, insthe basemen of team r Auxiliary activities, which are
The most important factor gov- itraty bldg. ther self-supporting, are budgeted in a.
erning speed of expansion, of all students in the other units fund totaling $45.6 million for the
course, is money, most of which ill receive their new cards year, compared with $39.4 million
must be received from state capital when they pick up their rei- ' for last year. This budget includes
outlay appropriations. The Ui- .whenteial University Hospital and the Uni-
versity submits its priority list to rain aera.versity-operated student residence
the state Legislature every year, halls.
but funds have recently been held Another financial threat has al- Another of the major budgets is'
up by legislative actions. ways been low funds in the state I the expendable restricted fund,
One of the stumbling blocks has treasury and University requests totaling $76.6 million for 1967-68,
been Public Act 124, a law which have always received drastic up from $67 million last year. Uses
.,- c _ elnoh 'rhc z P r yll~, nn4- ofn . 1.4A1 ., --- - ---4- cf-.. -4. ^^-f......L.-o

versity, was scrapped because the
Regents felt that the increased
student aid in their formula would
be just as equitable for students
in need and would avoid the extra
bookkeeping of the MSU plan,
which calls for students to pre-
sent a copy of their parents in-
come tax return as the basis of
their fee.
The Regents decided to main-
tain the existing ratio between
in-state and out-of-state fees at
1 to 3. The state Legislature's
budget bill had recommended that
only out-state fees be raised, to
lay 75 per cent of the cost of edu-
cation on non-resident students.
The size of the increase was
computed from this fall's planned
enrollment. The increase had to
make up the $4.5 million differ-
ence between the existing revenmes
and University's minimum needs
for the coming year. In-state fees
were based on a 22 per cent in-
crease over last year's fees and
the out-state increase made up
the difference.
"This is the most extraordinar-
ily delayed decision I have ever
encountered," noted University
President Harlan Hatcher. "i
think we have chosen the best
way out of our problem with the
least hardship and we hope that
such a painful decision will not
have to be made again in the
future," he said.
"This is still an austerity
budget," 'warned Regent Otis
Smith who said that larger in-
See REGENTS, Page 7

For Room,
Board Rise
Room and board rates fbr two
semesters have been raised $25 for
triples, $50 for doubles and triple
suites and $70 for singles.
The increases were announced
during the summer, and attribu-
ted to rising costs. Rates for Baits
houses and Fletcher Hall, which
offer rooms but no food service,
were increased $20.
An increase of $10 for all
Northwood and University Ter-
race married student apartments
has resulted in a protest and
threatened rent strike.
No increases were rhade for Ox-
ford Housing.
The increases bring the stud-
ent-assumed cost of residence hall
housing up to approximately $1,-
000, depending on the number of
students in a room.
Rising Costs
Director of University Housing
John Feldkamp says the residence
halls are facing a rising cost of
labor. Maid service is being cut
down, and the maids no longer
clean student rooms.
However, Feldkamp says the
impact of rising costs will not ef-
fect !food services, and that un-
limited fruit juice at breakfasts
and unlimited dinner deserts on
certain evenings will be offered
for the first time.
Another residence hall problem
is competition with local business-
es for student workers. Pay in-
creases of 15 cents per hour have
been introduced for student em-
This brings the student hourly
rate to $1.55.
One new manifestation of resi-
dence hall problems has emerged
this year. For the first time in
a number of years, the dormitories
are not faced with overcrowding.
In fact, Feldkamp notes, "un-
dercrowding" is expected, due to
the opening of 1800 new spaces
in the currently-under construc-
tion Bursley Hall.
The under-subscription antici-
pated for the fall will be further
extended by normal school-year

Following is the University's new yearly tuition schedule:

Increase over

.. . .



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