Growing Flint Campus Doubles Capacity
Educators Join Industry
At 'U' Dearborn Branch
The Flint branch of the Univer-
sity has only one building-but
one huge. building. Constructed in
1957, the C. S. Mott building is
now undergoing expansion which,
when finished, will double the
campus' size. The entire student
body of nearly 1000-enrolled at
all four undergraduate levels--
attend classes here.
With the new addition to the
Mott building, a student body of
2000 can be accommodated. All
other facilities - library, swim-
ming pool, field house and audi-
torium among them-are shared
with the Flint Junior College.
Until the fall of 1965, only jun-
iors and' seniors attended the
branch. In 1965, the first fresh-
man class numbering 170 was
admitted, with a sophomore class
attending the following year.
Commenting on the success of
the four year program, David M.
French, dean of the Flint Cam-
pus, explains "a large percentage
of our 'first freshman class-the
one which entered in 1965-are
expected to return for the junior-
senior program.
"Previously, 70 per cent of our
students came from the junior
college, some were working men
who wanted to continue the
schooling they had never finished
and a few were housewives. How-
ever, the demand for a school
which provides only a junior and
senior levels was not large. That's,
why we were constantly function-
ing below capacity."
Semester Plan
A semester plan with a regular
summer s c h o o 1 is employed
rather than the trimester system
of the University. This summer,
446 students were enrolled in the
summer program. In addition to
those attending regular classes in
F 1 i n t, several summer study
abroad programs have been of-
fered. Eight to ten students each
year participating in individual
projects under a faculty adviser,
have studied in such places as
England and Mexico City. The
students receive regular college
credits for their work.
"One coed did a study concern-
ing an Irish poet during her stay
in England and actually went to
Ireland to do some field study,"
commented French.
During the regular school year,
courses are offered in liberal arts,
business administration, theatre
arts, and both secondary and ele-
mentary education. In addition to
regular classroom programs, sev-
eral special projects are available.
One rather unique program which
has been functioning as an intri-
cate part of the education depart-
ment is the "co-operative teacher
education program" in which
"Many schools around' the Flint
area are asking for 'teachers in
training.' They feel that when
these students complete the pro-
gram, they are far superior to
regularly trained teachers," coin-
mented William R. Davenport,
chairman of the Flint education
Research Institute
Another program, in, its final
planning stages, is a semester in
residence at the Merrill Palmer
Institute, a child psychology re-
search foundation in Detroit. Jun-
iors and seniors pursuing courses
of study in psychology, sociology
and education are eligible.
The branch has also contracted
this year for two apartment
buildings adjacent to the campus
where both males and females will
be housed. University officials will
act merely as a mediating agent
between the students and the
The expansion of the Flint
Campus from a senior college to a
full, four year program which took By MARCY ABRAMSON
place two years ago, met consider- The U n i v e r s i t y 's Dearborn
able opposition from both Gov. Campus has developed in only ten'
George Romney and the state years into a vital, rapidly expand-
Legislature at that time. ing senior college featuring a co-
"Te operative training program which
"The four year plan should wait allows 60 per cent of its students
until over-all policy for state edu- to earn an average of $6405 per
cation is developed," Romney year, while completing six months
said. "This must be studied by the of full time studies.
Blue Ribbon Citizen's Committee The highest-paid engineers in
and the State Board of Educa- the country are graduates of the
Finn hbfn,.c re, h ol ot rjnn- ti .1
1n1 Delvfe sucha ulerabions are '
At that time, Romney also said,
"If state colleges do not co-oper-
ate in the creation of a state plan
for expansion of higher education,
they may face a considerably
more centralized method of con-
trol in the future."
Legislative Sentiment
Some legislators also felt that
by expanding the Flint Campus,
the University was trying to gain
additional legislative votes-those
of the Flint area.
Because freshmen had already
been admitted to the new pro-
gram, before the budget dispute
arose, the Legislature decided to
provide the money with the stip-
ulation that research begin con-
cerning the possibility of making
the Flint Campus a four year
autonomous institution.
Possible competition with Flint
Junior College also located in
Flint was another objection rais-
ed. However, as French pointed
out, two years later, "the junior
college has a variety of programs
including various technical areas
and nursing. Many of their pro-
grams do not have comparable
counterparts at the Flint branch.
In other four year programs, the
demand has been more than suf-
ficient to fill both schools."
Commenting on the suggested
autonomy for the Flint Campus,
-Roberson says, "there has been no
additional discussion on conver-
sion to an autonomous University
since the summer of 1965 when
the disagreement arose."
Another accusation made by the
Legislature was that many of the
faculty members were commuting
to Flint from Ann Arbor. As a
result, it was felt that an inferior
grade of instruction was provided
since the best professors could
not afford to leave their work in
order to travel 50 miles twice or
three times a week. However,
Roberson said, "our faculty at
this time resides almost entirely
in Flint. Only occasionally, when
demands for a class exceed our
expectation, does a teacher com-
mute from Ann Arbor."
Dearborn Center, which also
houses schools of business admin-
istration and liberal arts on a
campus centered around Fair
Lane, former estate of Henry
Starting salaries for business
administration graduates average
$8256 a year with engineers aver-
aging slightly higher, according to
William E. Stirton, vice-president
and director of the Dearborn
He attributes the demand for
Dearborn graduates to the exper-
ience they acquire through the
co-operative training program.
Co-operative Program
Each student in business ad-
ministration and engineering is
required to alternate one term of
full study with one term spent
working for business or industry
in his field of specialization. Lib-
eral arts students may join the
program but are not required to
do so.
Only juniors, seniors and grad-
uate students attend Dearborn.
Entrance requirements are the
same as for the Ann Arbor cam-
To accommodate the co-opera-
tive program and facilitate trans-
fers from other educational in-
stitutions, Dearborn has three 15-
week trimesters which start in
February, June and October.
Some eight-week courses are
offered in concurrence with the
summer term for part-time grad-
uate students, primarily in educa-
tion and industry.
Dearborn recently has utilized
the co-operative setup to establish
an exchange program with Tuskel
gee Institute. Juniors who have
proven their academic ability at
Tuskegee can join the co-opera-
tive program which provides them
with a job, income and eventually
a degree. A few exchange stu-
dents have already entered Dear-
Because course work is at up-
perclass or graduate level, all in-
struction is conducted by specially
selected senior faculty with exper-
ience in teaching advanced
courses. Teaching loads are lighter
than at most colleges of the same
Enrollment Increases
The popularity of the co-opera-
tive and other programs increased
Dearborn's enrollment 80 per cent
during 1965-66, and a' total of
2,199 graduate, undergraduate,
extension and adult education
students are currently enrolled.,
Increasing enrollment has em-
phasized the campus' need for ex-
pansion. A new 300,000 volume li-
brary is planned.
"We would like to open the li-
brary in 1968, but no specific date
has been projected," Stirton ex-
"Only budgetary limitations
prevent the campus from increas-
ing the present rate of develop-
nent and expanding graduate as
well as undergraduate programs,"
he added.
Previously Dearborn had placed
top priority on plans to build
three new housing units, but ad-
ditional housing has become
available to students in the city of
Since many co-operative stu-
dents spend half their time work-
ing away from Dearborn, short
leases are necessary.
Stirton attributed the solution
of the housing problem to in-
creasing acceptance of the cam-
pus and required short leases by
the residents of Dearborn.
Housing Units
At the present time only one
University-owned housing unit is
functioning. The apartment struc-
ture accommodates only 106 stu-
dents, and first preference is
given to married couples. Three
similar units were planned until
the additional housing was made
A parking problem also caused
by increased enrollment has been
temporarily alleviated, Stirtori
said, by enlarging and lighting
existing facilities.
Operating funds for the campus
come from the University's gen-
eral budget, as do funds for all
The original four buildings and
land were donated in 1957 by
business and industries at a cost
of $10 million. Theprincipal con-
tributor was the Ford Motor Co.
EXPANSION OF MOTT Memorial Building at the University's Flint Campus will double the center's classroom capacity.
work and teaching experience is
The prqgram began in 1961
when it was taken over from Cen-
tral Michigan University and ex-
tensively modified. At present, the
program includes three years of
full time classroom experience
where students are under full con-
tract with the school system. The
academic program itself takes
five years to complete. Students
who have completed about half
of their junior year-or 75 hours
-are eligible..
realtor but will not handle any'
financial transactions.j
According to Marvin Roberson,
director in charge of student serv-
ices "the apartments w il1 be
supervised somewhat like dormi-
tories although the students will
live in small groupings. The selec-
tion for housing will be done on
a 'first come, first serve' basis."
Before this new arrangement
was transacted, no student hous-
ing was available in conjunction
with the University.I
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