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May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

…On rnities L. !"( SuI ,ons Placed soutI4 ssociated Press) pril 17.-Members of lature and delegates ica have appealed to Lie Viceroy, to induce of the Union of South e the disabilities and are imposed upon Thomas Arkle Clark, dean of men at the University of Illinois, has writ- ten an article entitled, "Shall I Join a Fraternity" which will appear in the June issue of the "American Boy." The article is the first of its kind that has been ...…

May 21, 1922 • Page Image 6

…s__ THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1922 MESRS:ANTPHIOSh~ii~ht[, HlIe iasily dpdolbyit Bite r ig- W o sAN) WIFFLE ou sect, which duirsit o ot ofat oo s and A uthors Aauoo hrwt aigf ison h ex o t andl~t aeohi (A IReiew by I I. .) with the mins'or l'-,over on eueiiseta- 'l'HIs IcN(,lNIcII .,ANI) JIll PRICE Sstemo" reprsents a well-warranted' feminine comelises anl an averoooi society, practically penniles While SYsIIP' criticismt of ...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 7

… nst the Sen- ed to send 1520 South ARBOR CHURCHES d sophomores who have or their posture exan- do so at their earliest ore women having sophomore movie are rn them in to -Marian ewberry residence im- .Three gout of town ministers will ,speak in Ann Arbor churches today. Special music is an added feature of the services at the Methodist church. At the morning worship of the Pres- byterian church Dr. Leonard A. Bar- rett will deliver the fir...…

May 21, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 f Actually is it an entire decadent creed, was published in 1904. This story in- Eagle's Heart" I chanced, one night My mind was busy with him when charmingly written, outr , sophisti- volved Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado, to visit the largest gambling saloon in in going down the valley a week or cated, brilliant, and abnormal. A great and was an attempt to define the ori- Cripple Creek, wh...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 8

…ETIN~ .urday.) Number 169 degrees or cer- that no degree immencement of r certificate fee isiness, 4 p. m., :TH, Secretary. ity of California, will lecture f Life," and Tuesday, May 23, .1 be at 4:15 p. m., in the Nat- F. E ROBBINS. of a local chapter of the Scabbard and Blade, is requested to commun- icate with Box S and B, 223 East -Ann street, The Varsity Glee club will hold a meet- ing at 7:15 o'clock Monday night in the reading room o...…

May 21, 1922 • Page Image 8

…8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNIJAY, MAY 21, V)22 what would his wealth do for her?" the martyred governor, John Altgeld, -"""""""" This was the starting point of and also for his deep feeling for Lin- "Money Magic." Bertha became "Mrs. coln. = s I Maney,' and the osey is anaattempt Although Vachel LiEdyay's homeca B a c to take up Mart Haney'a back trail jbalays teen in Sprinrglield, his edo Ency lopae ia rian ic and the way of his wife'...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 9

…A -l tu I'; " I -- 'I SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1922 REMINISCENCES By Hamlin Garland ceive a call (at our home in Ordway, With two hundred dollars in my little show of hunger as I could man- South Dakota) from a visiting Metho- pocket and the audacity of ignorance age. It was my first real meal in six dist clergyman named Bashford, a big, in my brain, I started for Boston to fit months, and as I was taking my ...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 10

…A Brief Talk With Amy Lowell (Py Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) champion of the free verse movement. a life of Keats, which will probably be "The Ann Arbor audience was dif- "I am not - especially the champion published next year. ferent from any other audience I have of free verse," Miss Lowell denied, "I What more might have been discov- had," said MissLowell, referring to her am the champion of all good poetry. ered by careful inquiry must remain...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 11

…kdfankly admit that the knowledge is turen; long freighit trains of steel cars ' etill so novel, so Im erfectly a imi- thunder across: continents; monsrous e in in 't M ak in g laed, so inadequately coordinated,and n.sss of wealth pile up, are rin- so feebly and ineffectively presented 1eted, an aplied to making the (Continued) to the great mass of men, that its whole system a ore and more incon- By James Harvey Robinson direct effects upon hu...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 12

…s 1-IL MiCiIV sAN LJAILY lMV1AUALMLNt. "The yind in the ly a gregarious animal who dislikes inmanufacture, trade, or finance, are coclusion that busine. as now con- Th Iy nd he solitude. ie is, moreover, given to"the leading figures of our age. They ducted is not merely unfair, exceed- f1aking" the most exaggerated estimate of his exercise a dominant influence in do- ingly wastefuil, and often highly mex- tribe; and on these ancient founda- me...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 13

…Summer School in Geneva (By Virginia Viauglhn Tryon) uates of all American and English which is attracting many hundreds of ternational relations by members of Unusual educational facilities will universities and colleges. tourists and visitors from America university and college faculties. be available at the summer session of The well-known 'Institut Jean- this summer. the University-of Geneva, Switzerland, Jacques Rousseau," center of resea...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 14

…NESSRS. ANTIPHILOI S, EG IOLIL, He is easily duped 1y a Lake religi A n dAND WHiIFFLE ous sect, which drains hian of most of ~U W 1 u h i e~b )S) with the member ver an n trp reta- __ ismnedoAuthorsh ts qel. A garrulous satyr, with an eye for tion of the text, and finally leaves their "TILE ENGINEERS AND THE PRICE System" represents a well-warranted' feminine comeliness and an aversion society, practically penniless. While SYSTEM" criticism of...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 15

…ten, orilisant ana anormal. A great any prominent artists are in the ok, others are thinly disguised-and ter, surely one of the oddest figures modern literature. But summaries e weak and inadequate. ,By all sans read "Peter Whiffle." It is one the outstanding books of the. year. "Kimono," by John Paris, is sup- sed to have created some kind of a nsation in England. A pruned edi- in. has recently been published in e United States by Boni and Li...…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 16

…addition to his poetical works include "The Congo," "General m Booth Enters Into Heaven," Chinese Nightingale," "The n Book of Springfield," and "The s Whales of California," he has n three volumes of prose, "Ad- res While Preaching the Gospel auty," "The Art of the 'Moving e," and "A Handy Guide ' for Vachel Lindsay is more than an a critic, a poet and a writer of e is entertainer extraordi- to the American public, for he e of the few poets w...…

May 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 162) • Page Image 1


May 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…THE CAN DAILY rirlYwiur 1 r. wrw.r w rr. r . rrw rrurw _. . . i UK * the use for r net otherwise therein. gan. as second Arbor, ding, Maynard Street. ia, 241.4 go words, if signed, the sig- Spilnt, but as an evidence of publ ied in The Daily at the or mailed to The Daily office. we no consideration. No man- 'riter incloses postage. y endorse the sentimentses- not be received after 8' o'clock DITOR ....... ..GORQE ®. BROPHY JR. ...... .....…

May 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…,....- " ,. : . ,. , _ . .. . .. ., ._ ,. . !, .. ".: ". .' 'e " , . . "' .t . . , . ._ ..... .. ' + r. .' f , .. , ,, . .e -'.- .!" " r LYERINES MEET9ON 09 ~AROON6 TA l'rchigan-Chicago Track Meet Begins at 2:0 O'clock This Afternoon on Ferry Field FARRETJNS OUTFIT FAVORED ' TO 1(E DECISIVE WINERS For the first and only time this year the F Wolverine track team As to be seen in action on Ferry field when, with the wearers of the Maroo...…

May 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC (IGAN DAILY Y MOLESKIN O D. and Riding Breeches FOR MEN AND WOMEN van and Wrap Puttees, Munson Army and Officers Shoes, O. D. and Khaki Shirts and Sport Suits REGULATION WALL AND PUP TENTS 1omen Baseball practice will be held as follows: Sophomores at 4 o'clock Monday; freshmen at 5 o'clock Mon- day. This will be the last practice before the teams are chosen. Girls who have taken the playground course and who have given their sc...…

May 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 162) • Page Image 5

…AN DA fYi%,44111Y 1 1 = .H1YU IYIN11i U nlif I TIN AND GREEK WORKS E UP COLLECTION IN ALUMNI HALL placed on exhibit in the upper gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. In one case there is an "Ancient Lectionary of the Greek Church" which was printed at Lemburg, Poland, in 1690. This book is in Greek, and in its original velvet binding with silv- er alloy ornaments which are engrav- ed with biblical settings. I I books, Latin and Greek man- an...…

May 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 162) • Page Image 6

…THE -IlGAN A * I PEICIAL BULLETIN I SATURDAY, MAY 21,1921. Number 162. D Professors and Instructors in the University: Following the custom of previous years academic costume is to be orn by all members of the faculty at the Baccalaureate Service, Sunday, ine 26, and at Commencement, Thurday, June 30. A gown of good material and in style correct to accord with your deJ -ee will be furnished at the University's expense provided your app...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…lI ; 'VP. Zrl 1zt ian t ~at DiAY AN)DNIHT SERVICE ANN ARBOR,. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920. PRICE THREE CE ..r. ... +,- - .I YI HYDEI larristers Take 10 Junior Laws Barristers, Senior law honorary so- ciety, initiated the following ien yes- terday: Willis Blakeslee, '21L, Alan W. Boyd, '21L, Thurman 'B. Doyle, '21L, Jean P. Freeman, '21L, Walter 0. Johnson, '21L, Raymond M. Lewis, '21L, Robert Mathews, 121L, Gerald F. Nye, '...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…the Univer- ATED PRESS entitled to the use fqr ed to it or not otherwise published therein. bor, Michigan, as second ard street. 3001 words, if signied, the sig- aprint, but as an evidence of published in The Daily, at the or mailed to The Daily office. ve no consideration. No man. writer incloses postage. y endorse the sentiments ex- not be received after 8 o'clock ..............:HARRY M. CAREY ilbert Joseph A. Bernstein bell Hugh Hitch...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

… :.:'tom ... .\ " : '- Um J i" TEAMS MUS - . . ~--- _ _ r w ST REPORT CLASS TRACK MEET TO BE HELD MAY 29 nois men at Madison last Saturday when they were conceded but slight chance for victory. The win of the Badgers makes them dangerous con- tenders for the title in the Conference meet to be held here on June 4 and 5. Everything for painting is carried U here in ample quantity to supply the demand. If it's for painting, it's h...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…V WE An effort is being made to increase QUALITY the number of city gardens throughout NDER the country. Mr. H. S. Osler,- County Agricultural Agent, in an interview with The Daily points out the neces- 'ess) sity of using every back yard and va- R. Howard, cant lot to ward off the coming food n Farm Bu- shortage'. d today that Mr. Osler says: "Today a home gar- the nation den is a defense against famine. The elow normal -shortage in farm lab...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 5

…The~ Other II P" U >4 G I ; 1 ,, .. M s _ From 5 p. m. to 7 p. m. POT OF HOT TEA AND A BOWL OF RICE WITH PLAIN CHOP SUEY 35c Chinese and American St' le Short Orders Rome'made and Bakery Rolls QUANG LUNG LO 613 East Liberty Street Phone'604-R J. rs - Perfumes denglo eam Toilet Water y Garden Perfume Djer Kiss Toilet Water Three Flowers Cornell. - The Athletic Association of Cornell has just tentatively accept- ed the invitation ...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…I - AW xomen t All ladies expecting to attend the! Spring Has COnic And with it spring wants. When you go to the woods or up the river something 11 is essential to your enjoy- (odaks and Films Aks are cpming in and our Stock is still com- s is THE place to find what you want. Kodak Finishing know that you get good results when we develop your film. D Brick Ice Cream be carried quite a distance before it melts. Ours are the bricks with no ...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 7

…_, r 4G the S Co. Appointments For Scholarship Jade Eight oriental women now in the Universtiy were reappointed to the Barbour scholarships for oriental wo- men for next year, at a meeting of the committee in charge, May 18. Five new apointments were made.,. It was possible to increase the num- ber of scholarships from 10 to 14 for the coming year, on account of the additional gifts recently made by the Hon. Levi L. Barbour. The committee ...…

May 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 167) • Page Image 8

…./A P)V c. U 5'ALU.'U )rop In .Prices L prevenl Ue of the Donors' varies Mr. George-Abel Schreiner will lee- ture on "The Pitfalls of Diplomacy" prac- at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Schwaben hall, 213 Ashley street. south Admission free. Tickets for the Dixie club dance to room be held at the Country club Satur- day night are on sale at the billiard les at room desk at the Union. front of . blouses. YESTERDAY'S GAMES dlerelass con- n ...…

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