Summer School in Geneva
(By Virginia Viauglhn Tryon) uates of all American and English which is attracting many hundreds of ternational relations by members of
Unusual educational facilities will universities and colleges. tourists and visitors from America university and college faculties.
be available at the summer session of The well-known 'Institut Jean- this summer.
the University-of Geneva, Switzerland, Jacques Rousseau," center of research These tours represent a new appli- "Modern French Stories" (Scrib-
this summer. This is due not only work in child study and experimental cation of the program which the In- ner's) is a volume compiled by Mar-
to the excellent character of the pedagogy will be open to students, of-, stitute of International Education has garet Watson. Such writers as Cop-
courses offered at this particular uni- fering to those intere ted the chance been carrying out in the matter of pee, Feydal, Bordeaux, Clemenceau,
versity but to the added advantages of getting acquainted with its meth- closer international understanding. and Le Braz are represented.
included in the course to be given ods. The program is the reflection of the _
this summer. Added interest has been given the spirit which is being manifested by Jack Crawford's first novel, "I
There has been an increasing inter- Geneva course by the fact that all stu- the international associations of learn- Walked in Arden," which has been
est in European travel and education dents will be offered the privileges of ing and science which have, their published by Knopf, is also to he pub-
among the students of American uni- membership in the International Stu- headquarters at Geneva and Brussels. lished immediately in England by
versities and colleges and the coming dents' Tours which have been organ- and which are doing great work in llia Heineman.
summer will probably see greater ized for the summer under the aus- makin i thereioinat rernat ionalsm i-
numbers of students than ever before pices of the Institute of International apparent in international relations.
sailing for Europe at th~e end of the Education. Since these tours are not All the students attending the sum- Harrison Rhodes' satirical novel
spring term. uc at grothn of inte Eorgaiedor innciats ptu are mer session at Geneva will sail July "High Life," which McBride's publish-
spring term. Such a growth of inter- organized for financial profit but are1 from New York on the steamship ed a year ago, will soon be produced
est in international learning can only run purely for their educational and "Saxonia" which has been reserved as a play, with Renry Miller, Blanche
result favorably and it is to be hoped international value, it has been pus- for the tour, and the party will re- Bates and Ruth Chatterton in the lead-
that in the future an equal interest in sible to ask and receive the aid and tur
American universities will bring num- patronage of the governments of all turn on the same ship. about Septem- ilg roles. The dramatic version of
bars of European students to. our 'the countries that will be visited dur-begvnn ngghstyaninThm.
baunrs foEuopen tuet toour the cou ntieshaewlsb.iste ur er L During the voyage courses will the story has been prepared by A. E.
country for summer tours and courses. ing the summer. The cooperation of be given in language, history and in- Thomas.
Geneva, the seat of the League of the foreign universities to be visited,
Nations, and of many other interna- and the interest and support of inter-
tional institutions, .is famous for its national and educational organizations
natural beauty and unusually delight- both in this country and in Europe
ful climate as well as for its extra- have also been secured.
ordinary intellectual and educational Permission has been given for stu-
opportunities. Its summer sessions dents to visit on the tours all public
are becoming famous on account of buildings and property that have any - A Place to bring your friends
these advantages, and students from historical or political interest. In ad-
America as well as other European dition the universities of these coun- Try Our SPECIAL STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE
countries are becoming more and more 'tries will offer their institutions for Nowhere is the food better
numerous each year. the investigation of the students who
The summer session will be held are interested in European educational Nowhere is the service more prompt
from July 17 to September 10, under methods and in the equipment of the
the direction of Mr. George Thudi- universities. The professors who con-
chum, lecturer at the university. The duct each group will hold classes on TU TTLES LUNCH ROOM
courses offered present fine opportuni- shipboard to prepare the travelers for , Maynard 'Street
ties for the study of modern French, a thorough understanding and inter-
and of contemporary international af- pretation of the historic background of
fairs. There will be lectures in the famous places to be visited.
French on matters of general interest, There will be five tours during the
continuous practical exercises, gram- summer, four of them to Great Britain, -
mar, composition, and French liter- France, Italy and Scandinavian coin- C)
ature in every phase. Special lec- . tries, respectively, and fifth a more
tures by leading officials of the League general tour of the principal Euro-
,of Nations, the International Labor of- pean countries.
fire, International Red Cross, on vari- One of the most interesting and
ous phases of their, particular activi- world famous events to be included in r
ties will also be a feature of the ses- the activities of the student tours will
sion. The majority of these courses be the Passion Play, which is being
are open to undergraduates and grad- given at Oberammergau, Bavaria, and!
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